the sun is shining
the sun is shining
the sun is shining
I've been dealing with anxiety for some time now, so I've decided to share my tips and tricks for those of you with an anxious mind!
Social Anxiety (party scenario)
7 лет назад
Tackling Agoraphobia
8 лет назад
Overcoming My Fear of Flying
8 лет назад
Your Truth
8 лет назад
My Experience at CAMHS
9 лет назад
Exams and Anxiety
9 лет назад
Dealing with Crowd Anxiety
9 лет назад
Dealing with Hair Loss
9 лет назад
Stopping Anxious Habits
9 лет назад
methods to deal with anxiety
9 лет назад
@kalaseth454 День назад
thank you for your tips, i have to fly tomrrow and this helps listening to someone who has similar problems❤
@Lelestudio-le8mi 2 месяца назад
Thank you for telling me I have scared and panic at night at people sleepover I feel scared and I cry it actually makes me feel bad😢
@samibeachboysandfullhousef8765 2 месяца назад
Im going to one tonight im really scared
@AubsWyattChicken 6 дней назад
I hope you’re ok 🙏🙏
@hayleyxjules 8 месяцев назад
For me I always get homesick, and i feel bad for my friend when i wanna go home and start crying...
@DWNNOXY24 Год назад
Hey thanks for the vid only just watched it but yeh I'm worried that something will happen to my parents
@simonemorrison2549 Год назад
I’m struggling with the same thing. I used to love sleepovers but now I’m terrified. I get super nervous and I never end up going. It makes me less close to my friends. I am invited to a sleepover this weekend and I’m terrified. I really don’t want to go. But I haven’t been to a sleepover in so long and I feel like I’m overthinking bc I actually have forgotten how fun they can be. I want to get better but I’m to scared to try. Just reading the comments and watching the video I know I’m not alone. I think I’m going to go this weekend and start to concore my fears.
@clodaghos4603 Год назад
I had a sleepover last year and that night I was terrified but I stayed anyway and that night I was petrified and had a panic attack while my friend was asleep. I was scared all the way up to April of this year. I've been asked to go on Friday for a sleepover and I'm not too scared but idk what's gonna happen I feel like I'm going to panic.
@rileylouise1613 Год назад
Oh my goodness thank you so much for this. I am in the same situation as you. Today is my first sleepover, I'm about to leave soon. I'm in my teens and feel like I am too old to have my first one or even be anxious about this. I have butterflies in my tummy and my fingers are numb I feel like I'm having trouble typing this. I feel better knowing that there are other people that struggle with this. I'm just nervous and don't know what I'm getting myself into, but I'm just gonna do it. It may be fun, right?? I feel like I haven't really committed. It's really just the thought of not having my family and dog around but I feel too old to be that dependent on them. But I just gotta keep telling myself it'll be fun and they're my two best friends that I've know since my first year of school so deep breath, thanks for this video even though it was uploaded years ago!!! I hope your anxiety has gotten better!!!! 💗💕
@kermie6833 Год назад
I hate sleeping over at other peoples houses because I'm afriad I will have a panic attack and start crying. I wish I wouldnt have this issue but I do :(
@umbrella71342 Год назад
I have the same problem I used to be fine. I am having a sleepover today, and I am very late on this vid, 8 years ago this was made lol. But I am going to one tonight and it popped out of nowhere, I start off so excited and then nerves come in. It’s hard to explain, and you can’t explain it. It’s not that you’re scared, it’s that the situation is scary. The mind is so strong that it tricks you, and it trick me into the situation I was in. It’s hard to get out of that situation, especially when you’re young. I had a panic attack and was worried. But I know it’s going to be fine. I’ll be fine I know I will, I’m going to have fun, btw I am busy in the morning so wish me luck! It feels good to say that, I’m now no longer terrified!!! Thank you girl, addios (i spelt that wrong)
@Chesy_bessy Год назад
Not her discribling my life
@amyhouston87 Год назад
I am going to a sleep over on 5th I am to sceard I think I will cry
@amelialentern Год назад
Ok, can somebody help me? I have a video call appointment on Monday (4 days) and I honestly don't know why. I've struggled with my mental health before (a few months ago) but I'm fine now, so why are they wasting resources on me if so many other people need it so badly? I'm on the waiting list for an Autism assessment if that could be why. Does anybody have an opinion on this because both me and my family can't figure it out.
@tunnelvision2011 Год назад
I year ago I had a sleepover and got sick and threw up and had to go to home ever since I’ve been so scared of getting sick that I get sick and go home I’ve had 3 sleepovers since and I keep having to go home :(
@Jesus_521 Год назад
Thank you very much I watched this video before I had a sleepover which was yesterday. I was able to make it all night in the sleepover, My forts sleepover was 2 years ago and at around 2:30 am I felt like I was panicking and was crying I was so scared to tell my friend I wanted to go home. I ended up calling my parents and they brought me home after that sleepover I never wanted to do one again Ik so happy this video catches my eye on my sleepover from yesterday I felt the same as 2 years ago but I remembered this video and I managed to pull it off
@Jesus_521 Год назад
Sorry about the grammar issues and the misspelling I was rushing 😂
@symthyix8354 2 года назад
I currently go to CAMHS and the first time I went for therapy, I went there twice but then the therapy sessions just stopped for a year. We got compensation for this and I am now having therapy there with no problem. So I guess it was fine??? - Some random teen
@kiona2858 2 года назад
I’m worried to sleep over at people houses I have always had it
@Bleh702 2 года назад
I’m having a sleepover in a few days and I’m kids stressed Edit: I’ve been sleeping on my couch and even my floor to get into a habit of sleeping in different environments
@someidiot5229 2 года назад
I always blamed myself getting sick on motion sickness but i realised i dont get motion sickness in buses and vr but only in a car and i also noticed i feel very nervous in a car leading me to belive it is anxiety not motion sickness but i could be wrong
@Robby334 2 года назад
I have that terrible agoraphobia
@justsomeone2436 2 года назад
Im going on a class trip for 5 days on Monday and I'm super anxious and scared and I feel like throwing up every time i think about it
@Starlight_isfloofy12 2 года назад
Yeah see this but I feel trapped like I want to go and do it and I just can’t I think have a problem with being alone with no family it’s just dosen’t work for me
@kiddominous 2 года назад
Hello there... 🙂
@PreppyEmmaKate 2 года назад
I'm going to a sleepover tomorrow and I'm scared
@dancedoctor17 2 года назад
Last time I had to go home at 2 in the morning because I missed my mum
@duffsquad2712 2 года назад
I have an appointment for the 28th this month. I’m quite nervous I’m going there because I have recently lost quite a bit of weight and I’m at the point of ive been at school 9 times in the past month due to my emetophobia and I have tried many things to stop this but it hasn’t worked I’m at the point where I cant sleep later last year I got diagnosed with anxiety and have been to quite a few doctors appointments but what I’m really saying is thank you for sharing your experience.
@ElizabethOtis2011 2 года назад
I have a sleepover Friday night..I don’t know what to do..I have had this fear or like a year and a half I think! I’m scared what do I do….
@popodood 2 года назад
I do not like people looking at me. I want a bag over my head but that would draw more attention to me. I idealize the idea of having a box in a corner of the room. Also by the time I am thinking about what I'm thinking about and how things are ok, I imagine I look like a madman already and have let out a few words of talking to myself as well. That just builds up more anxiety...
@efg_9361 2 года назад
Sweet, sencere and very helpful 😊
@cadencewalkerow4738 2 года назад
My problem is that I get homesick at sleepovers but I have a sleepover tomorrow so yeah pray for me lol
@laurieferland4277 2 года назад
i can actually relate to this. i am going to a sleepover in a week and i'm really anxious about it. i am going to a friend's house where things didn't go so well at first when i was with my whole group of friends (i puked) and a bit later i tried to sleep at the same house but only with 1 friend and things actually went pretty great. i am now going to sleep again to this house but we are going to be three which is half of the friend group and i am scared to go, but i spoke with a specialist and she told me that when people have this kind of problem, the worse thing to do it to stop going because we are scared. the best thing to do it to go often and every time you go, it will get better and better until you don't have any anxiety no more. she used as an example a little guy in our brain that presses a button when he feels like there's a dangerous situation. when we leave the sleepover he then thinks "great job, i helped the situation!" which is not the case, cuz it will make it worse. if you go, there isn't any signs that you will stop puking at first or stop having anxiety, but you've got to continue going to help yourself. sometimes it is only 1 person who makes you feel bad in sleepovers but sometimes it can also be that you are scared of your friends judging you if you feel anxious. you've got to tell yourself that you are as normal as everyone else and that they aren't gonna judge you if you feel good around them most of the time. they are actually going to understand and support you through this problem. every day at school, i try to find causes for my behavior during sleepovers and then try to find solutions. for example, i found out that i was scared of what the "leader" of my gang would think. i then found out as a solution that she wouldn't judge me because she never did before with anything else. if anybody has questions i can answer you :)
@lux6015 2 года назад
Omg 😳 I get this only at one of my friends house
@narni8427 3 года назад
I’m going to camp next week and my anxiety has been making me crazy and I’ve been really scared and worried and frustrated and having meltdowns because I need six camp I went to the same place and ended up going home and crying for the entire week so I am really worried about going to a camp again
@georgia3762 3 года назад
i’m going for a sleepover tomorrow then going out the next day, i’ve been excited all week but now i’m packing my bag i’m getting anxious. i’m going straight from school to my friends house then coming home sometime saturday. my parents weren’t too sure about letting me go because i’ve gone home early at sleepovers multiple times, and they have said they can’t pick me up this time because they’ll be busy. how can i stop this?
@ilanalesh7348 3 года назад
I have to go to a sleepover today and I’m really anxious about it but this video literally helped so much, thank you so much for this <3
@aremfollevag5826 3 года назад
I am also terrified to sleepover, but i have no time to prepare my self because we are going 6 hours away from home on a camp
@giauscaesar8047 3 года назад
Always remember you have control over your own mind.
@karlee2998 3 года назад
I love spending time with my friends and i love sleeping over but thes new years was the only time i actually did it. i’m currently sitting on the couch at my friends house at 6am waiting for my mom because i can’t breath and i feel like throwing up. and i don’t even know how or why this happens.
@livieloeffler9651 3 года назад
@kxrxmjit_kxur6068 3 года назад
I am going to my friends hours tomorrow for a sleep over and I go an dall I think about is my mum won’t let me go to a sleepover if I keep coming home at night so sometimes I just stay up all night and force myself to sleep
@sunshine6868 4 года назад
I’m glad I’m not the only one, it makes you the anxiety of it a bit smaller
@jessalyn818 4 года назад
I just overthink idk about it
@Loui_Bart 4 года назад
These videos helped me get thought the time at others thankyou
@ellasammy8474 4 года назад
Camhs in uk is shit and doesn’t help I’ve been in the past and it was shit so I didn’t go again and I was made to go again recently. My school got me to go to camhs and I just hate camhs they don’t help at all they make it worse (that’s my opinion others might think differently)
@oliviacarnevale8487 4 года назад
I have the same thing! Sometimes I don’t even want to try to get better because I’m scared and I don’t want to even be put in that position ever again. I’m just stuck right now.
@Fooslifts 4 года назад
U good?
@LightningConejo 4 года назад
I went to the dartford branch, and overall I have had a good experience, my doctor lady who prescribed the medicine wasn’t great, as she said stuff that my therapist didn’t agree with, and the fact she left soon before our final appointment but she couldn’t help that, so yeah I’d recommend it :)
@vaehjoy184 4 года назад
I always get homesick and it just really sucks especially at my cousin's house which is weird
@fallon1015 4 года назад
Same girl!!
@kaylee7422 4 года назад
Usually when I have a sleepover I get home sick so I go home... Then I cry Because I wanted to be hanging out with my
@lilahnatalie5917 4 года назад
I am the exact same. I really love hanging out with my friends but im too nervous to tell them i dont like sleeping over. Usually i cry there or get so scared that im going to be sick that i actually do get sick.