The Spudknocker RU-vid Channel is the Definitive Channel for highly detailed and in depth DCS World Content.

I specialize in curating large and complex multiplayer missions and campaigns nearly every Sunday for my Discord Community to participate in, and my viewers to enjoy watching! I also specialize in creating in depth tutorial videos explaining the why not just the how to my viewers to allow them to understand not just which buttons and switches to press or flip, by why we do so giving them the knowledge and confidence to troubleshoot problems when things go wrong.

I also love to show off new DCS World products for Developers to share with the community what new and exciting things are in store for the future of DCS World!

As a Perk of Supporting the channel on Patreon I provide community members with in depth 1 on 1 Training in their chosen module, and you can see many recordings of these sessions to learn from on the channel as well!
DCS F-16C Viper | Basic Training for Beginners!
2 месяца назад
@gastonkincaid9760 День назад
Great instruction, sir. Very well articulated and patient, which can be really important for a novice learner in a complex situation like this. I am going to be watching more of your videos to learn about flying the Falcon. Cheers!
@automaton450 День назад
Updated DCS to the latest stable version yesterday, now every time I start DCS I get a popup message stating the F15E module is no longer authorized. It still shows as installed, but no longer is an available aircraft. Anyone else had their F15E disabled?
@tripodcatz5532 День назад
Why are DCS still selling this then?????????????
@TomP-148 День назад
There is a dcs livery discord group that has talented people making skins for free or super cheap.
@dsc_dominic 2 дня назад
Great Video! You can also set the processor affinity with windows cmd. If you need more Process Lasso is a good tool. All the best!
@kellywalker9268 2 дня назад
As usual very overly dramatic Spud. I do wonder why anyone takes you seriously.
@NefDarknight 2 дня назад
Well it is the most moded module... So, no more F22?
@alheeley 3 дня назад
"Crazy FPS boost"...I think you may be overselling it, it certainly helps with stutters & pauses but fps boost was modest but worth having. Not such a dynamic strapline that though, that's why I never wet into journalism :D
@fanboyfast6073 3 дня назад
This is pretty much impossible when flying with arrow keys right?
@puertoricantrunkmonkey42 3 дня назад
Tha ks this helped out a lot
@xcifer 3 дня назад
One of the best explained videos i've ever seen in DCS! every new DCS F-16 player should seriously see this video. Thanks Spudknocker!
@TheEaglePilot 4 дня назад
Hey spud! Can you please to a tutorial for the RIO? My buddy hates piloting and we’re gonna be a duo in a single phantom and we can only find stuff for cold start and radar tutorials
@angryginger791 4 дня назад
First, my sincere appreciation for taking the time to make this video. I'm just starting in DCS and this was very helpful. I have a couple questions for VR users. 1) Resolution: I've always been told that for VR, we should set this as low as possible because it only affects the monitor image that is mirrored from the headset. I've been running mine at the lowest setting and it certainly doesn't look bad in my Quest 3. So is VR an exception or am I doing this wrong? Also, if I am supposed to set it to my headset resolution, should I set it to the per eye res or the total across both? 2) Max FPS: I've always thought we should set that to a little above the refresh rate of the headset, not lower. I would think that being locked lower than the headset refresh rate would cause issues but maybe I'm misunderstanding something.
@lewisbaxter9338 5 дней назад
This is amazing for newer players, thanks for the video!
@SSJ4Brohan 5 дней назад
Oh dam, I thought this was a Growling Sidewinder video at a glance. Lol Same color scheme and everything except the font. 😂😂😂
@DarKFrenzy108 5 дней назад
Wait.. you can just go to IFA on INS alignment? Thought you had to set to CV or Ground and wait for the OK on the HSI page...? Is it not fully implemented?
@Spudknocker 5 дней назад
It is fully implemented, IFA does a continuous alignment via coupling the INS to GPS systems. If you do not have GPS available align the INS as you said
@usesrnaiyme 5 дней назад
womp womp you were wrong buddy razbam said they know how to fix it and it wasnt because of compatibility
@AnthonyAdrianAcker 6 дней назад
I'm definitely giving this a try! It's a little intimidating flying so fast and employing Mavericks, as I have really only been successful with them in the A-10A so far, but the autopilot attitude hold seems like a great method to keep the target in sight! Thanks for the tutorial!
@XxDroxzxX 6 дней назад
I totaly agree with you that there is allways 2 sides. My experience with razbam is that they make incredible modules yes BUT as people they are not worth my time and money. Im really sad that those poeple created these wonderfull aircraft and none of use is able to have fun with them anymore.. But im 100% sure that ED is better without razbam due to there unprofessional behavior towards costumers.
@CJR505 6 дней назад
This is ridiculous
@Marcin79W 7 дней назад
I've heard it's a good idea also to exclude 0 core what is most often used by Windows and system - I'm not sure if I'm right about that but could be worth trying. Thanks for the video.
@iain8837 7 дней назад
I tried to enjoy the Strike Eagle but felt the flight model (especially on takeoff) was a bit off, same with the M2000 and the Harrier. Tried and tried but wasn’t to be. Other modules are better, and DCS home modules are perfect.
@mosquito.j.785 7 дней назад
Looks good. It's a buy from me.
@schorschgaggo1601 7 дней назад
The voice quality is simply unbearable!
@nimitzg 7 дней назад
Great tutorial. Saved me quite a frustration after trying to set all by just self learning and instructions.
@patrickmoon857 7 дней назад
Wasn't this supposed to already be optimized in Windows 11? Either there's a missing tutorial or Intel/Microsoft dropped the ball
@ryansta 7 дней назад
You'd think the first thing they should is take it off sale, which they haven't as of yet. The answers people are getting re refunds is basically fobbing people off referring them to Steam, where as ED customers are getting refunded from information posted by people - apparently. Really wish there was more competition within the genre, as this is increasingly appearing to be a ponzi scheme wholly reliant on the churning out the latest and greatest, where the previous latest and greatest is left with minimal updates and improvements.
@Jack-qx1ld 7 дней назад
I always knew there was something off about Eagle Dynamics and their diehard bootlickers.
@zbeen-ah-lah 7 дней назад
so when I try to access the site, I get this screen from wix that says “this domain isn’t connected to a website” what do
@larryleach9540 8 дней назад
Has no one heard of escrow? If source code really is the issue, then the source should be placed in escrow. If the third-party vendor flops, ED gets the source. Otherwise, ED has no right to sift through the vendors code.
@glowheat4469 8 дней назад
Interesting, learning the flying basics in an F-16.
@WanderfalkeAT 8 дней назад
You want to play WW3 Spud? Just wait a few weeks and you can play it without a computer! The "Game Over" will be sudden and without warning!
@JPsTechReviews 9 дней назад
Spud, What did you use to get the 5:4 or 1.25 aspect ratio. There are online apps that bring it close, but not exactly. Any help would be great.
@cloudreaper_6583 9 дней назад
jesus fuck that nailed it! Thanks!
@encryptedaviation1452 9 дней назад
Lmao, and the music and the violins, its not dead lmao, its development is delayed due to a legal fued between razbam, and ED, Eagle Dynamics nor razbam ever mentioned or stated the death of one of their modules.
@HABITZER 9 дней назад
We shouldn't have to pay $80 and worry if what you paid for will stop working.
@AvrilToxic 9 дней назад
This is awesome! Thanks to the developer and to your Spud for the video!
@thesaucefather6682 9 дней назад
Wow thanks so much. 13900k, 4090 here as well. This has completely changed the game for me. Literally 0 stutters now.
@jaybird5299 9 дней назад
Only Ed that you need to be worried about is your erectile dysfunction. Can you shut the f****** you don't even make sense
@171-OC 10 дней назад
Having been a Huge Fan of DCS and the F15E, I am utterly disgusted at this situation. I am about to remove all RAZBAM Modules and the SA map from my Servers and encourage everyone I know to get a Refund from them ED... Its sad that both parties have descended into this, Farewell F15E and Farewell to Razbam.
@SpearHead1011 10 дней назад
So what type of increase did you get?
@thestatpow5 11 дней назад
Thank you!
@BushmasterKaiser 11 дней назад
VEAO Hawk ...... Again?
@SuperCookiemonser 11 дней назад
For 15 dollars you get a low quality livery that looks like shit. This is not democratising, this is a scam, a con. You get livery artists that pour their heart into their work. And then you get this and spit the actual artists in the face. But that's what the people want, low quality stuff with their name on it to go: "wow, look how cool I am". It's like people using AI prompts to draw and call themselves "artists".
@SteveSmith-bs2co 10 дней назад
lol this will not replace fully customized skins and you know it.
@Fox3Hammy 10 дней назад
8.99* We’re not taking away from any of the great livery artists out there we’re just offering our services to the folks who don’t want a fleshed out and super detailed livery for 25 bucks. Instead of name calling you could peacefully ask questions, but you didn’t take that route nor attempt to. Hope you have a great Monday my man.
@SuperCookiemonser 10 дней назад
@@Fox3Hammy That is still too much for a glorified decal positioner without preview.
@wiggles7172 11 дней назад
Honestly, I think it's time to go back to and support BMS. I'm over the BS at ED
@ParkJMin-ey4xh 11 дней назад
This is fucking pathetic from both parties. The game will die soon.
@flashrufa6306 11 дней назад
Aracus finds and marks. No one can hot. Aracus says forget it I will clean them all out myself 😆 Nice
@paulg7002 11 дней назад
On the web page, I don't like how I am asked for credit card information before telling me the price.
@awacsbandog8914 11 дней назад
This looks like an out-of-season april fools joke
@cirrusimages 11 дней назад
Also I find it hilariously ironic that he's putting some kind of restriction on uploading them or using them. LOL. Kind of like how he's using the original textures from the templates?