Avant Studio
Avant Studio
Avant Studio
Welcome to my channel. This is one stop shop to learn new soap techniques, understand how to launch and market your own soap business and hear reviews on products, suppliers and soap tools.

I post new content and tutorials twice a week (Mon/Fri) on soap design techniques, starting a soap business and reviews of soap making products, suppliers and equipment.

Based in San Diego, CA, my design aesthetic tends to focus on small batches that have a simplicity and unique color palette. I see soapmaking as a combination of my former background in culinary, chemistry and art. To be 'avant" is to be original and innovative and that is my goal - to create avant-garde soap. I hope you enjoy, follow and subscribe. Please comment and ask any questions - always looking to assist and learn from others.

Find me on Instagram @avantsoap
and purchase at www.avantsoap.com

3 года назад