What s in the Box?  Mirror
10 лет назад
Tribute to Christopher Hitchens
12 лет назад
Ultimate Hitch Slap  (MUSIC REMOVED)
12 лет назад
@LocomotiveComp 13 часов назад
What is Ben Stein doing here as a moderator? He's a hack and an ignoramus.
@skygazer8711 15 часов назад
That gleeful smile on Hitch's face when Metzger Sr says at 26:23 that "the Aryan developed from Cro-magnon man" is everything.
@nightoftheworld День назад
26:07 _”’Iconography thus becomes blasphemy,’_ Neil Postman wrote, _’so that a new kind of God could enter culture.’”_
@MattMerdok 2 дня назад
Remember how this total retard thought we could derive oughts from an is LOL any serious thinker knows Sam is out of his mind thinking he can derive ethical standards from the scientific method
@sammie2285 2 дня назад
God is basically a cope out for people, like a mediator between themselves. If god can forgive/love me I can forgive/love me. For people who don't believe in god, they wouldn't need that mediator they can forgive/love themselves with mind, matter and reason. If a person like Charles Darwin who grew up with the idea of God is the creator and my shepherd... than finding out science exists they will have this kind of reaction. It's always a balance people need in life. The truth of the world and the mind of the heart. Believe in your God but don't let it control you, let it give you options and directions. It's your choice if you follow or stray, forgive yourself if you trip up along the way.
@bradleynichols4909 3 дня назад
I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you.
@jimhamilton5782 3 дня назад
Like many of our endeavours it's like a tangled web. One thing though I believe Mr. Hitchins likes the sound of his own voice. Mother Teresa to me is all but an unknown. Maybe the question should be raised would the world be a better place if Mother Teresa had not existed? Were those needing palliative care sheltered from the elements? I would also ask what good her most ardent critics have done in their lives realising that this is an academic question but one of some interest? Would however suggest that those interested in Mother Teresa's career might look into what services have been rendered by graduates of her various projects.
@finowa 3 дня назад
Here's a fun game, turn it into a drinking one if it please you: note every time D'Souza says "the point I'm trying to make is..." which is a TERRIBLE sign of bad arguments.
@mickus_73 4 дня назад
That rabbi is an idiot and in total denial. Hitchens is logical and makes sense. Miss that man.
@Alexander-Kurtz 4 дня назад
Although I had a Jewish grandmother, I don't identify as Jew, because I am atheist, and contrary to the ludicrous hype, there is no Jewishness without Judaism, but at least with individuals like the Metzgers, you know exactly how they feel about Jews, they are brutally honest about their resentment. I am extremely suspicious of non Jews, who cannot stop at pretending how much they care about Jews. History tells us that more than often, the most public philosemites, are secretly deeply antisemitic, Christian Zionists are the best examples....
@Alexander-Kurtz 4 дня назад
Sam Harris, "Some beliefs are so dangerous that it may be ethical to kill people for believing them.....". I have zero sympathy for race hustling BLM, but Harris is a bona fide Nazi...
@finowa 4 дня назад
49:15 I've never seen him express that much frustration in a debate. Oh come on, indeed.
@nightoftheworld 4 дня назад
26:08 *Xtian Atheism* “Those who deform faith into creeds, who use it as a litmus test for institutional fidelity, root religion in a profane, rather than a sacred context. They seek, like all who worship idols, to give the world a unity and coherence it does not posses. They ossify the message, and once ossified it can never reach an existential level, never rise to ethical freedom, to faith.“
@nightoftheworld 4 дня назад
25:39 *post post cynical engaged detachment* “Beckett, like the author of Ecclesiastes, was a realist. He saw the pathetic empty monuments we spend a lifetime building to ourselves. He knew, as we read in Ecclesiastes, that nothing is certain or permanent, real or unreal, and that the secret of wisdom is detachment without withdrawal.“
@m.4983 4 дня назад
Gezz, Def just doesn't stop ranting.
@prashants5071 4 дня назад
Shashi Tharoor is a people pleasing politician. Don't know why Hitchens wasted his time with him. He really doesn't believe anything, just regurgitates things he believes might help him succeed in his career
@gabrielmcbreen5548 5 дней назад
How stupid can Christians be. They miss the point from the word go 😂😂
@paulscullion9942 5 дней назад
Talk is cheap....we could talk forever. Let God turn up or shut up. bty Hitch killed him...
@Tamlinearthly 5 дней назад
Stop. Shouting.
@nightoftheworld 5 дней назад
1:19:30 Sam Harris quote not aging so well in regards to US foreign policy. Both D/R mainstream monetarily and militarily support “Israel’s right to defend itself”. While Netanyahu is harkening back to biblical genocide stories- Netanyahu, Oct. 28, 2023: “In the last couple of days, I have met with our soldiers in the bases, in the field, in the north and in the south. Remember what Amalek has done to you. We remember, and we are fighting. […] You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible, and we do remember.” IDF making rubble bounce in Gaza-hospitals, schools, refugee camps. Blocking aid, killing aid convoys and those gathered for aid, killing so many journalists… Crazy times. The world witnessing US superpower giving their drunk friend more alcohol.. Arming IDF to murder civilians in the spirit of Amalek is morally reprehensible-but the deluge of pro-Israel/barbaric Palestinians mainstream narratives helps us cover up the gut truth that we see/hear of the indiscriminate overkill of civilians.
@Cherryblossm628 5 дней назад
Hitchslaping of the highest degree
@LethalBubbles 5 дней назад
there probably is a good but religions are about as far from him as you can get
@nightoftheworld 5 дней назад
33:10 Hedges and Zizek should be best friends
@MrOzzy281 5 дней назад
You should cover Jews
@Whatsnormal637 5 дней назад
Male ♂️ 🤺💐
@refresco 6 дней назад
Not everybody deserves a public opinion. Mos Def is one of those people. Homie got his education from the park benches of Brooklyn. Never read a proper book or scientific journal in his life but he wants to give his opinion to everyone. That’s the danger in America, false prophets in the form of celebrity. Homie got caught like a deer in the headlights. Absolutely embarrassed by real thinkers.
@FaradayStanford-y4m 6 дней назад
Johnson Barbara Martinez Jose Young Gary
@chxwv 6 дней назад
Harris is so ignorant I can’t believe this guy is able to fool people into thinking like he is some kind of a sage. He has not heard of defense mechanisms. Janes could have never freed the US from UK . When Washington fights that freedom fight , when Palestinians fight against injustice that’s terrorism
@chxwv 6 дней назад
Omg the more I hear this the more I realize Sam Harris is a hateful bigot and has no desire to consider what Zionists have been doing for 100 years. Again , a guy who has not lived under the oppression of the Zionists thinks he has the understanding to judge people
@chxwv 6 дней назад
Ok Harris , if you don’t want to be called a racist , how about bigot . He is so clueless about the torture that Palestinians have suffered from 1948, he does not know that violence is legal under international law to free land from illegal occupiers .
@chxwv 6 дней назад
Harris has shown his deranged mind more clearly in 2024. The hate he has is towards the reaction of some people , not the cause of that reaction oozes out of every pore of his body , while he sits comfortably in California.
@RnD-u9n 6 дней назад
Smiley’s an entitled ignorant little bidtchch. How tf can a “rabbi” miss such an important part of wwii re: the Roman Catholic Church, including the fact that pope ratzinger was a fkn nazi youth. And, no, Judaism isn’t the originator of monotheism. Shmuley is nothing more than mansplaining rote memorization of an idiotic ancient magic evil sky daddy cult. After Hitchend schooled that little boy about only a few of the Catholic church’s actions, presences and roles in wwii, schmuley would’ve immediately apologized, stood and left if he was a decent person. I am SO over adults justifying their professed and portrayed connnection to a collective imaginary friend as their reciept of knowledge exclusive only to them about absolutely anything. Wtf kind of adult in 2024 talks like that and can expect to be taken seriously?
@JenkinsTim-h2y 6 дней назад
Wilson Angela Clark Timothy Jones Laura
@bobbobertson7568 7 дней назад
This was a pretty humorous video all around no matter what bent you're from.
@adrianc1264 7 дней назад
Fake English, fake intellectual, fake raconteur. A joke of a man who was wrong about absolutely everything. He sums up his generation better than almost any I know
@Delos_Shoe 16 часов назад
He wasn't a joke. Keep being in denial, I need something to laugh at.
@freequark 8 дней назад
The Metzgers had a lot of abhorrent views, but they were right about immigration. The open borders policies of Western countries over the last 50 years amount to an invasion of the first world by the third world, and the ultimate end of this invasion will be the disappearance of people of European descent.
@Tamlinearthly 4 дня назад
Ten prominent members of the political and military leadership of Nazi Germany were executed by hanging: Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Alfred Jodl, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Wilhelm Keitel, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Alfred Rosenberg, Fritz Sauckel, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, and Julius Streicher. Hermann Göring was also scheduled to be hanged on that day but committed suicide using a potassium cyanide capsule the night before. Martin Bormann was also sentenced to death in absentia; at the time his whereabouts were unknown, but it has since been confirmed that he died while attempting to escape Berlin on May 2nd, 1945. The sentences were carried out in the gymnasium of Nuremberg Prison by the United States Army using the standard drop method instead of long drop.[1] The executioners were Master Sergeant John C. Woods and his assistant, military policeman Joseph Malta. Woods's use of standard drops for the executions meant that some of the men did not die quickly of an intended broken neck but instead strangled to death slowly.[2][3][4] Some reports indicated some executions took from 14 to 28 minutes.[5][6] The Army denied claims that the drop length was too short or that the condemned died from strangulation instead of a broken neck.[7] Additionally, the trapdoor was too small, such that several of the condemned suffered bleeding head injuries when they hit the sides of the trapdoor while dropping through.[8] The bodies were rumored to have been taken to Dachau for cremation, but were in fact incinerated in a crematorium in Munich and the ashes scattered over the river Isar.[9] Kingsbury Smith of the International News Service wrote an eyewitness account of the hangings. His account appeared with photos in newspapers.[10]
@sandrachisholm2310 8 дней назад
We can praise his intellect, brilliance and accent, and at the same time be cognizant of the fact that he gave none of these things to himself. He used his great intelligence and brilliance to destroy those who have faith, who have belief in something greater, who hope in something larger than themselves. He was the greatest thing in his own life. I admire his intellect and brilliance too, but wish that he had used them more positively.
@stevenblack7928 8 дней назад
Privileged white male is mansplaining. Chris had probably never ever visited India. Chris was your typical couch warrior.
@seikiro3462 5 дней назад
Nobody in India talks about that old hag anymore
@philmurphy5584 8 дней назад
@LethalBubbles 8 дней назад
If only the great pagan skeptics like Celsus could rise and debate alongside Hitchens. Thomas Aquinas stole it all from the pagans anyway. He took the science of Aristotle and valued his myths over the science they originally contained!
@donmadziva1689 8 дней назад
Is it only me or these people who debate The 4 Horse Men make religion more ridiculous by the minute?
@donmadziva1689 8 дней назад
You can believe anything you want Christian guy, doesn't make it any true.😢
@bobbobertson7568 9 дней назад
If Hitchens were alive today his views would be closer to Metzgers than that of Kamala and DNC. Not that he wouldve shifted but instead the left has gone insane. He wouldve been cancelled and instead he'd be doing regular podcasts with Metzger. Seriously
@freequark 8 дней назад
I doubt it. He was a Marxist through and through. He would not support the nationalist-populist movements that have arisen in response to mass immigration. He would view Keir Starmer as a hero of socialism and Donald Trump as a supervillain.
@bobbobertson7568 6 дней назад
@@freequark You made me rack my brain for examples. Was going to say Bill Maher. But I got a much better one. Stephen Patrick Morrissey of the Smiths and solo fame. He's a vegan asexual(likely homosexual). He's in the UK but same difference. Any rate he was a hard lefter but in recent years he's become a pariah due to his common sense views on mass migration (disaster in UK). Been called a "racists" and "xenophobe" and the like.
@DaddyLongDyck 9 дней назад
Deepak sounds like every drunk girls I have met at the bar claiming to be " spirituals". Bunch of word salad and zero common sense.
@tomwalling5796 9 дней назад
So, according to the guy on the right, God should never intervene for any amount of evil because it will cut off someone’s freedom. Then why did he cause the flood supposedly? Per the Bible, he saw that the people of the world were wicked and so he destroyed them all. So he intervened and took away their freedom. The Bible is full of these inconsistencies.
@NicS_313 9 дней назад
1:15:32 😊
@robertopettyo 9 дней назад
If Sharpton is a reverend then I am the Queen of Sheba.
@robertopettyo 9 дней назад
The race hustler Sharpton did better than I thought he would. Considering he really isn't intelligent and is only a con man.
@jimbean6350 9 дней назад
I want to believe in God or a god, but the atheists won this hands down! They have all the best arguments 😭😭😭 Lane’s argument “for evil to exist, there must be good, therefore there must be a divine source for this good!!?” What bunkem! How about the fact it is not socially beneficial to rape and kill my neighbour? Therefore despite my deepest desire to do so (he has the best soil and he’s very handsome) I must suppress my urges or face exile or worse. This is just one point that undermines Craig’s facile argument. There are hundreds more.
@Juanita-gf4te 9 дней назад
Mother Theresa had a 15 year old boy in her establishment who had a kidney problem that could have been cured with surgery. But she would not let him be taken to any hospital as she didn't want to pay for the surgery.......the boy was suffering and left to die when he could have been cured. I have suffered the pain of kidney problems and I was in agony, but I was given Fentanyl and morphine for the pain and I had ex rays and scans in the hospital, It was kidney stones and I passed them after 4 days and the pain ended.