Connor W Goode
Connor W Goode
Connor W Goode
A leftist channel that discusses things related to leftism... like the hidden gem game Fallout New Vegas.
@FoksHound 9 дней назад
what kind of idiot thinks fallout nv is a hidden gem like saying the Beatles is a hidden gem
@thathistoryguy3201 Месяц назад
Ulysses by far for me personally is the single most insufferable and aggravating boss character in any fallout game. he NEVER shuts up, your forced to combat corridor to even get to him in the 1st place and he's like 'You courier are the monster here, for doing your job, having zero clue what the package was or could do, destroying what i saw as humanity's best hope, whilst me, Ulysses, the legion servant, who helped genocide New Canaan and trained and equipped the tribe who did it for Caesar and I'm planning to launch nuclear missiles out of spite, am the righteous one'
@thathistoryguy3201 Месяц назад
Its like really my dude? you are in no position to be shit talking anyone else for their decisions when your arguably the single worst one to do that, i just personally find Ulysses pretentious and massively hypocritical, great video my guy, just hate this particular character.
@cyborjin Месяц назад
Woah, thank you for this amazing essay
@user-xi2om4hf1c Месяц назад
Meanwhile at Bethesda: *Blasting old songs from 60s radio* Today is a good day to eat butt and chew ammo And we are all ran out of ammo
@colonel1003 2 месяца назад
Mr House plan isn’t to be a totalitarian oligarch for the rest of time. What you said about him might describe him pre war, but not post war. Him accumulating wealth is part of his plan. Wanting to create spacefaring technology to colonize another planet. The Earth is practically dead with radioactive water and soil, bickering nations, humans are no longer on the top of the food chain and no resources. Only problem with House’s plan is that all relies with the Courier to side with him.
@thisguynamedmatt12 2 месяца назад
This is… profound. I believe in the Bear, for the Bear will weigh my ideas in equal value to my fellows, the Bull eradicates and salts the garden of future possibility.
@grapesoder1301 2 месяца назад
Big fan of this video until 0:04
@ethantaylor9613 2 месяца назад
I like how they never actually describe what sort of government the divide had because if you knew you could immediately tie it to a pre-existing thing and Ulysses’ entire weird, poorly written, complicated, confused backstory and motivation completely fall apart.
@user-uz5ec5go4o 2 месяца назад
Улисс обучил белоногих, дал им оружие и отправил уничтожить новый ханаан. Раговаривая с ним, я всегда вспоминаю рассказ Дэниела о том, какой геноцид устроили белоногие в новом ханаане. Я заставил Улисса отказаться от своей идеи, отправил ракеты на некогда родное племя Улисса, а самого его сбросил в каньон, перед которым он сидит.
@nkosig4995 2 месяца назад
As i said to arcade "Hes a madman what did you expect?"
@chrisbj5251 2 месяца назад
A lot of "Fallout Fans" fail to understand Ulysses is a tribal, that's why all the hate towards him, the way he speaks. For me he is one of the best written characters of all times.
@kuman0110 22 дня назад
he's just a pretentious idiot
@jupitergaming5146 2 месяца назад
The politics of Ulysses: shoot the messenger
@KaijuSC 2 месяца назад
The legion isn't Fascist. Not even close. It's literally Caesarism
@gizzmohunter6906 2 месяца назад
Bear bull bear bull bear bull bear bull divide bear bull
@Randomusername56782 2 месяца назад
Isn’t neo liberalism based on a mixed market with government regulation?
@mbrushwood5350 2 месяца назад
love all your analysis videos :) hope to see more sometime!
@jimhemmelgarn5841 2 месяца назад
The ending is such an incredible edit, my eyes widened the first time I watched it.
@user-yy9vr3sh8j 3 месяца назад
Wow. What a bunch of snowflakes in these comments. Now I remember why I don't talk to Fallout fans. On a separate note: As much as I dislike Mr House I go with him because: - The NCR will not be able to manage and control the Mojave. Whatever humanitarian assistance they give to the Mojave(based on your choices) will eventually stop due to their limited funds and constant expansion. No. The Mojave will become like NCR territory minus the rights that NCR citizens have. - NCR will harm itself from being stretched, and soon its citizens in New California will become as destitute as the people in the Mojave. - The Legion may have its "synthesis" when it absorbs the Strip and Mojave. Perhaps it can maintain peace in the Mojave as they do in Arizona. It's cannon that Legion citizens(including women) live peaceful lives. However, as Ulysses and even Lanius know, the Legion cannot maintain both New California and Arizona. And there is no option for the Legion to stop their expansion at the Mojave. - No matter who's in charge, they will invade New California and either lose, or have a fruitless victory that results in Arizona loosing order. Resulting in Legion citizens suffering. - YesMan? Give me a break. As much as I like the idea we KNOW its not going to work. He will betray Courier-6 and wont be able to keep NCR out - the Legion will come back thanks to him being distracted by the NCR. And they'll enslave the Mojave as the NCR occupies New Vegas in a more aggressive manner. - this results in both nations continuing to expand, continuing to drain their resources, and the citizens of both nations will suffer. - Mr House is the only one with the intellect and strategy to use the technology and Security on Army of New Vegas. He knows his own tech. He knows how to build and expand. - He can keep both NCR and Legion out of the Mojave • my hope, is the Legion will be forced to grow within its already established and secure territory. To adapt and change for it's own good and the good of its citizens • my hope, is that NCR citizens will be outraged by the loss of life and tax money on their government's imperialism. That NCR will focus on it's own land and fix its issue within that they've ignored - Ad for the Mojave, Mr. House doesn't really do much to harm them. If you at least get the Kings to fight NCR, Mr. House will leave them be. He monitors the Mojave but so do the other factions. I go with Mr. House not for his sake, but for the civilians of NCR and Legion.
@user-ns9cf8mf1j 3 месяца назад
As soon as you started rambling on about how the government was influenced by corporate interference, I stopped watching because I'm not going to bother listening to your anti-semitic drivel
@kuman0110 22 дня назад
HOW IS THIS ANTISEMITIC 😭 saying that "corporate interests = jews" is the antisemitic take here dude lol
@user-ns9cf8mf1j 3 дня назад
@@kuman0110 it paints it in a negative light while jews influencing corporate interest is actually incredibly beneficial
@Thagomizer 3 месяца назад
Have you played Fallout 1 and 2? You'd get a lot out of them, especially 2. It's about as political as New Vegas.
@lucutes2936 4 месяца назад
@OhNoTheFace 4 месяца назад
Ah the "I am 14 and this is deep" character
@LongTran-kp3kz 4 месяца назад
...Um, are we sure we're 'just' talking about speculative fiction here? Cuz this sounds an awful too similar to present day 2024. Damn. I know it's a pure coincidence (or is it?), but holy crap did New Vegas hit awfully close to home with its commentary and narratives....
@L_H_Bruh 5 месяцев назад
Ppl call him a yapper or make fun of the bear bull stuff, but hes still well written, the real reason why ppl hate him is because he accuses you of wiping out a whole nation, heavily blames you for everything happening to him. Of course gamers ate gonna take it to heart lol
@arlosmith2784 5 месяцев назад
Orwell's 1984 is basically a Trotskyist critique of Stalin's Soviet Union. Although Trotskyism was never a major political movement, smarter conservatives such as Herbert Hoover welcomed such critiques. Orwell himself worked with the CIA in attacking the Soviet Union. The US Government also exploited social democratic critiques of the Soviet Union when it suited Cold War purposes.
@ashtondislikesyou 6 месяцев назад
Ulysess is a professional yapper never spammed left click so hard just let me get my sniper rifle so I can fuck off
@AskTorin 6 месяцев назад
Maybe he just wants to break the cycle? He saw the apocalypse firsthand. Not the first apocalypse, And not the last If he can help it.
@joaocarvalho6336 6 месяцев назад
I'm so fucking tired of hearing people say Mr House selfishly chose to protect Vegas and let the rest of the world burn during the great war. Just the fact that he went out of his way to save Vegas was a good selfless deed since he could have just ignored it and chosen to protect himself. He chose Vegas because it was his home and where it was raised. Even if he wanted to save the rest of the world from the bombs he couldn't, the most powerful man has only so much resources. To the people who use this argument to say Mr House doesn't care about humanity, I ask them to search up his last words before the Courier kills him
@TheWunderWaffelShow 5 месяцев назад
He chose to save himself and hoped to become a dictator
@joaocarvalho6336 5 месяцев назад
@@TheWunderWaffelShow Autocrat. There is a subtle but important difference. Would you not save yourself from the Apocalypse if you could? He Also saved Vegas, an entire city
@kuman0110 22 дня назад
​@@joaocarvalho6336 the difference between autocrat and dictator is just the word itself. pure semantics to sidestep the charges with "but akshually"
@AbdulRahman-bi1nu 6 месяцев назад
I as a Bedouin actually understood Ulysses without THAT much research about him other than his culture obviously and I always related to his ideas and thoughts
@kuman0110 22 дня назад
@pyropussquantscalethewell-6472 7 месяцев назад
I have mixed feelings about Ulysses. Playing Lonesome Road was awesome and gave me the impression that he was a really deep thinker and compelling character, but this video actually points out some of the flaws in his writing IMO. He can be very hard to understand/interpret, seems kinda inconsistent, his loyalty to the faction who obliterated his tribe is never really explained, and after deciding that the Legion and NCR are both flawed, he decided that the corrupt but democratic republic that he had no personal experience with was the one to nuke rather than the hyper-fascist band of raiders who, again, destroyed his people and their history. My overall impression of New Vegas as a whole is that it's a 6/10 that could've been a 10/10, and that applies doubly so for Lonesome Road.
@mrtollin4943 7 месяцев назад
The end you refer to Ulysses as a "Based". I've never heard of the and I can't find anything on google that talks about it. Where did you hear of this?
@gregoryjones7712 7 месяцев назад
its sad how Bot people are around "fascism" the Enclave is the series fascism i.e Nazism The Legionary is literally a Guy who wants to build a new Rome
@nagger8216 7 месяцев назад
Oh wait, is this the video that tries to call the Divide before it was a destroyed a communist community? And by association, Ulysses a communist? You do realize what the Divide was is purposefully vague to make players draw their own conclusions from it, right? It's no different than making our own character and backstory, or whatever happens to Vegas after the Yes Man ending. It's all up to you because it's directly associated with *your* character. It may not flat out ask you what you think in some dialogue box, but it's not any different than the choices you make throughout the entire game. Hell, you don't even need to have a political interpretation, you could remain clueless and call Ulysses a fucking nutjob because he thinks a place you've been to a couple times was somehow your home. If you want it to be communist then that's cool, but don't try to pass that shit off as some objective truth. That's no different than me saying "My Mr. House aligned Courier is the canonical one."
@rolfsonofrolf9286 7 месяцев назад
@joshvolk5832 8 месяцев назад
Such a great video! I’m not sure if this channel is dead or slumbering, but I love its content
@michaelbonner5604 8 месяцев назад
well written DLC
@michaelbonner5604 8 месяцев назад
And Ulyses heard a whisper of the Great Green Jewel of the Commonwealth, with not hint of the Bull and the Bear There He would find a semblance of the old, post institute
@adankpancake 8 месяцев назад
Such an incredible character.
@fenrir5361 9 месяцев назад
Nothing about your description of the legion describes fascism. So what, Every single nation or army that militantly tried to expand since people could hold spears is fascist then? Thats what happens, basically because that is what humans do,fucking retarded use of the word, just an easy pejoritive to compensate for lack of intelligence, i dont even side with the legion, im just so sick of seeing that word used as an umbrella term for "i dont agree with this" or "it doesn't fit the narrative of modern society" are the legion tyrannical? sure, authoritarian? Sure, but again, the words in your description of them as a faction do not implicate fascism.
@nagger8216 7 месяцев назад
"Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy." - Wikipedia "It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogenous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. Long-term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production." - Caesar when literally explaining what the Legion is. Continue to stay mad at nothing and cope harder though
@HKIHNDKNSI 4 месяца назад
​@@nagger8216Hmm... Sounds a bit like every nation currently on the planet
@nagger8216 4 месяца назад
@@HKIHNDKNSI That's such a reductive blanket statement that doesn't say or mean anything. *Every* nation? Really? What are you, 15? That also has absolutely nothing to do with my original comment.
@HKIHNDKNSI 4 месяца назад
@@nagger8216 The only reason you don't see it that way is because you buy into state propaganda, or you just really love the idea of government in it's current form
@nagger8216 4 месяца назад
@@HKIHNDKNSI Again, just more broad, sweeping statements that don't mean anything because of how vague they are. Seriously, just who the fuck are we talking about here? What's the state propaganda that's being pushed and why is it bad?
@therealchillman 9 месяцев назад
Legion being awesome
@ThatTravGuy 9 месяцев назад
Very good video!
@rvh1702 10 месяцев назад
The sound quality of your video is bad, I can't listen to it correctly
@the_zerokai7329 10 месяцев назад
Socialism is fascism
@alt-monarchist 10 месяцев назад
Democracy was always meant to fail.
@fleetstreet11 10 месяцев назад
My favorite SW episode.
@concept5631 10 месяцев назад
@sisyphus7931 10 месяцев назад
I'm trying to role play a legion character and as a socialist, getting into the facist mindset is pretty hard. This video is a great help for getting into the legion mindset for a new playthrough <3
@absenteechild8542 10 месяцев назад
It’s always insane whenever I notice another complicated topic demonstrated perfectly by new Vegas. Like with cultural appropriation. It’s not some trivial nonsense people use to police the people around them. At least it shouldn’t be. It’s the desecration of history and culture. Hearing Ulysses describe the agony he felt seeing imitations of his braids, seeking cultural meaning where there was only imitation and mockery, that’s what cultural appropriation is and it’s harm. Or with Caesar’s fascist rule. It’s easy for anyone to say “yeah I think fascist dictatorships are bad”. But showing why someone might fight and die for such an obviously bad cause is fascinating. There are legitimate benefits to Caesar’s rule. But do those outweigh the harms? Are the alternatives even viable? And suddenly you realize how someone could get swept up in Mussolini’s Italy or something. TLDR; Fallout new Vegas is legitimately an associate level political science degree disguised as a video game
@concept5631 10 месяцев назад
7:26 21:02 .
@kalimatronix 11 месяцев назад
"Sorry, libertarians. Your favorite game is COMMUNIST" - Soup Emporium.
@kuman0110 22 дня назад
every single time lol