What is the validity of history found in the Bible? Is it fact or fiction? What does the hard evidence really have to say about the foundational story of the Old Testament: the Exodus out of Egypt? An in-depth investigation by documentary filmmaker Timothy P. Mahoney searches for answers to these questions amid startling new finds that may change traditional views of history and the Bible.
The Ark and the Darkness (Episode 1 of 2)
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Ephesus: The 7 Churches of Revelation
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Are You Ready for the End Times?
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A Holy Presence in the Room
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Did Wind Part the Red Sea?
4 месяца назад
Jericho: Did the Walls Come Tumbling Down?
4 месяца назад
Genesis Impact with Dr. Dan Biddle
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NEW Patterns Film Pending: Israel!
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How to have Visionary Family - Dr. Rob Reinow
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@mydogsbutler 14 часов назад
There is mountains of archeological evidence beforce 700BCE Jews were polytheists. It's really annoying how some try to ridiuclously match the religious mythology peddled in the Torah and Bible to actual history.
@Powerful9315 День назад
This is awesome!
@NeptunesLagoon День назад
This was debunked long ago… SMH why are their still vids coming out on this farce…the old bibles never said Red Sea/ it says sea of reeds… check it 😮
@Peachy08 День назад
Why do people...non believers, find it so difficult to admit that the Israelites were in Egypt? One thing that is not spoken of much, is the boundaries of countries were not where they are today. Egypt at one time was much larger and went farther north.
@Gr4vemo55 2 дня назад
I don't understand why people are making such an issue of their being black Jews for African Jews. The Ark of the Covenant is stored in Ethiopia. You don't think people have darker skin that come from ethiopia? Have you ever been to Ethiopia?
@michelg.rabbat2267 2 дня назад
Israelites like Egyptians were paid for work and could leave any time like those who followed Moses Exodus
@swnerd-2320 3 дня назад
Egypt had been ruled by the Hyksos for over a century, and later came to view them as enemies. It’s possible that the Egyptians turned against Semitic peoples as a result, which included the Israelites.
@tranceman8692 3 дня назад
Is this gonna be available on RU-vid to buy at least coz im in perth Australia and i cant find the movie at any cinema
@evcrawfish 4 дня назад
love the conversation, the music is distracting to me :(
@hib32 4 дня назад
If what they find don't fit with their interpretations and dates they invent explanations that make them fits somehow...then they call it science!
@guydellagi4372 4 дня назад
Palestine????? Why do they call Caanan Palestine? The word didnt even exist in the time of Moses and why not call it Israel.
@userone6672 4 дня назад
This is great!
@gregsayles9253 4 дня назад
Other television-shows, have, over-time, shown how even the Greek's reported an Earthquake at the exact-time of the Exodus & the crossing, along with a reported Tsunami, which would have let the water "part" briefly, possibly exposing the sea bed, before crashing-in again on the Pharaoh's chariots...
@violetmullikin1725 5 дней назад
The Bible says the Israelites walked across on dry land! Nothing is too hard for God❤❤❤
@chaishalom8701 5 дней назад
My comments were deleted so I will be unsubscribing if I had indeed subscribed. Creators of videos need to fix this.
@mrbaab5932 5 дней назад
That time horses were too small to be rode and were used to pull chariots and wagons.
@PearlmanYeC 5 дней назад
David Rohl is an important early mentor for the Moshe Emes series. In Pearlman YeC alignment of Torah testimony, science and ancient civ. and Seder Olam Rabbah 5784 anno-mundi to date start year one on day 6. In particular anchoring the EA letter span ending early King David (2854 birth-2924 anno-mundi). We help corroborate David Rohl ID of Ramses II being an aka of Shishak. While we find the sojourn of Israel during the old kingdom great pyramid span, it does not contradict the evidence of the mid kingdom. How so? we find consensus Egyptology inflated by 1400 years. With Mizraim and sons founding Egypt in 2006 anno-mundi. When Abraham already age 58. Still that is relatively earlier than consensus in relation to the passing of genetic bottleneck Adam (Noach and, The ice ages (1657-1996) defined by materially lower ocean levels). Then inflated by 'just' 455 years by the EA letter span. So 1400-455 = 945 years of fudge in Egyptology from mid Abraham until King David . So crammed into 2854- 2006= 848 years. That makes for a lot of unaccounted for overlap and repetitions. Thus evidence for our 210 years sojourn is spread over 500+/- years. 2024 Abraham at age 76 goes down to the fledging Mizraim founded but 18 years prior. See Abraham until The Exodus on the 400 / 430-year span w/ covenant between the parts. 2229 Joseph elevated to viceroy by 3rd dynasty Djoser - start great pyramid span. Joseph aka Imhotep. see Pearlman on the Great Pyramid span, and on 'Diary of Meror'. 2448 The Exodus w/in a few years of the passing of Pepi II 2556-2664 108-year Hyksos occupation ends mid Devorah and Barak 2556-2956 Ramses II anniversary Stele year 32 his famous son in Law King Solomon (2924-2964 2969 Merneptah stele (united) Kingdom of Israel is no more. Reference/ follow Pearlman YeC Torah Chronology on ResearchGate, academia and amazon.
@stur.7502 5 дней назад
God is by Himself. Does man's forensic opinions concern His interests? Did not God speak of Job who speaks with dark counsel? in other words Job had no clue as to what he was speaking about concerning life or God? and now this? all the leading experts denying once again who God is or what he is even capable of doing? Go back to Job when God cared to share somethings about Himself, asking Job where was he when God was creating this world. Science = Speculation = Dark Counsel. Life is always changing. The world is not what it was 4000 years ago and there is no climate change, it is securing job entitlement as in fear, the enemy of faith, not trusting God for one iota. As Christians we walk by faith and not by sight, so who cares who found what, God has already spoken to man through His Son Jesus, His living word. Modern Israel is 30 feet above old Israel. No one knows where Jesus was tried, crucified or even buried. Respectfully, but who cares only in the sense it is all pure guessing speculation. The Angels at Jesus' empty tomb said He is not here , He is Risen!!! As Christians we walk by faith and not by sight. Jesus has already told us so!!!! He is alive and well seated at the right hand of His Father in heaven, not in some empty tomb that man can speculate or question Him. An ossuary found with the possible bones of Jesus, science does not read God's word do they, so why even seek dark council, those who blaspheme Jesus' Holiness concerning Mary Magdalene. rubbish, all of it. For some this life is as close to heaven as they will ever experience. They have no respect for God, which would include themselves. Salvation is the free eternal gift of God lest any man boast that he has done a single thing to earn what Jesus already provided them at the cross.
@acts2-17ministries7 5 дней назад
Watch RON WYATT DISCOVERIES He found that first with Sodom and Gomorrah, mount siani, Noah's Ark, And the Ark of the covant.
@savedbygrace6853 6 дней назад
Mount Sinai is is Saudi Arabia. The Saudis know it, Bedouin know it , and locals know it- as well as the Red Sea Crossing
@user-fl4nw3ub7b 6 дней назад
There is no evidence of Pharaoh ruling Egypt. There is not trace of archeological proof that Israelites have been in Egypt. Egypt has never been called Egypt. I think you should look for the Israelites in the Arab peninsula! And stories from religious books are no proofs.
@bigrich6750 6 дней назад
As a long time diver, and someone’s who has lived on the Gulf Coast all my life, and has been interested in shipwrecks for decades, subsistence into the sand is something you must take into account. Even fairly recent wrecks sink into sandy bottoms. Everyone who goes to the beach, and stands at the waters edge, experiences this as their feet sink into the sand as the water laps over them. For instance, the Atocha, the 1600s ear Spanish Galleon, famously found by Mel Fisher, was under 10-20 feet of sand. It took massive vacuums to suck away the sand and sift out any artifacts that might have gotten dislodged. If this site is the location of the crossing, the coral you’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. It will will go deep into the sand. It’s called, “concretion,” as the corals forms, gets covered by sand and dies, it forms concrete like out croppings, but continues to grow upward toward the sun. I once found an 1800s ear anchor. It had concretions on it going three feet into the sand. Recovering it was like pulling out the roots of a stump. The only way to know what’s down there is to excavate the sand.
@oneofthechosen874 6 дней назад
It's just proof noone likes them throughout history. when multiple nations hate and prosecute them, it's evident that the problem isn't the country. It's the same people that were prosecuted. you act like a vermin, you get treated like a vermin.
@RonHudgens-ck5qe 7 дней назад
@paulo4735 7 дней назад
They've never been able to find evidence of the exodus because with conventional wisdom erroneously placing the Exodus during the reign of Ramses the II they've always been looking at the wrong timeline as the film Exodus Decoded shows us. In it working with archeologists, Egyptologists, geologists and theologians, award winning investigative journalist, filmmaker and NYT bestselling author Simcha Jacobovici shows us when you move that timeline 500 yrs you find conclusive and irrefutable evidence of the Exodus story including the tomb of Pharaoh's son(who having died young never got to reign) along with a hand written Egyptian account of the story(dated back to the time of the actual events) Fascinating movie with filmmaker James Cameron making the intros. Like anything depends where you look
@sheephills510 7 дней назад
The real issue here is your use of AI to produce your video format. Seriously son, did you even listen to this video before you posted it? And better yet, don't you think using ai to promote your message instead of personal effort is as leaven to your bread? Hypocrisy goes deep when mammon is on the table. It is written...🙏🔑✌️🇮🇱
@sheephills510 7 дней назад
It's hard to focus on the message with your neighbors radio blaring in the background. Surely you didn't insert that noise in post production. 🙏🔑✌️🇮🇱
@christinewilde110 7 дней назад
I believe that the translation of the crossing was missing quoted. It is now believed that the translation should have been The Sea of Reeds. A shorter crossing and more likely....
@cdc3 7 дней назад
Which makes it a far greater miracle! Pharaoh's chariots essentially being drowned in bathtub deep water when they could have just gone around on dry land! Reeds don't grow in deep water...
@Outrjs 7 дней назад
Plain and simple
@spidermine6999 7 дней назад
At one point will you people realize no one is saying humans evolved from apes lol. Jeez. Here I’ll try and break it down. In nature, we observe the following things: 1.) animals reproduce, but they do not reproduce exact copies. children look like their parents, but not exactly. (there is variation ) 2.) these differences between generations tend to be small, but also unpredictable in the near term. So a child is taller or has an extra finger, but they're not taller or extra-fingered because their parents needed to reach high things or play extra piano keys. (so the variation is random, rather than being a direct response to the environment) 3.) animals often have more kids than the environment can support and animals that are BEST SUITED to the environment tend to survive and reproduce. So if there is a drought, for instance, and there is not enough water, offspring that need less water---or that are slightly smaller and so can get in faster to get more water---will survive and reproduce. (there is a process of natural selection which preserves some changes between generations in a non-random way) As a result, over time, the proportion of traits (what we would now refer to as the frequency of genes in a population) will change, in keeping with natural selection. This is evolution. But keep believing in something some random person wrote down 2000 years ago instead of this mountain of evidence you can touch and feel and see with your own eyes.
@sandraswift3489 7 дней назад
They make bricks in pakistan
@jamescassel9615 7 дней назад
Our Creator’s hand in our individual lives is clear, clear to each as we I witness things He does which otherwise would be impossible to understand. I too have had numerous experiences where He has caused things which otherwise would be unexplainable. Most notably is when thinking that somewhere in His word was the phrase, I AM the light of the world, when I then reached for my bible, the bible my parents had given to me, one they brought from Israel, upon opening the book I looked directly at the verse, not scanning for the verse but looking directly at it. This is an individual act where only I was present, a time where it is overwhelmingly obvious that He caused it directly, moments after my thinking it, a time for me to know He heard my very thought and with my opening His word to the exact page He revealed the location, a location that I had never as yet been, neither searched !
@joanhamilton2651 7 дней назад
The importance of laying out finds by longitude and latitude. Always
@StanGraham1 8 дней назад
Great interview Tim! Scott is the best! And I was so glad to hear that he has collaborated with Aaron Lipkkn. Aaron (whom I haven't met in person) and his father, Avi (whom Ihavemet in person), are great men.
@joelmarks2257 8 дней назад
They’re never going to find it in the Red Sea because the original Hebrew translation says the sea of reeds. Until they discover where the sea of reeds is they are wasting their time.
@galexartist6845 8 дней назад
*D E B U N K E D*
@AlbertK-eq5gd 8 дней назад
He searching for something based off a misinterpreted translation it was the reed sea which is now dried up.
@ka-sekham2439 8 дней назад
No Israelites are Hyskos Egyptians called them Aamu. That means Aramean Asiatic 😂 Genesis 24,25,26..and Deuteronomy 26 proves Israel are the Arameans in scriptures Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. ... Contemporary Egyptians during the Hyksos invasion designated them as hikau khausut, which meant "rulers of foreign countries", a term that originally only referred to the ruling caste of the invaders. Aamu was the contemporary term used to distinguish the people of Avaris, the Hyksos capital in Egypt, from Egyptians. Egyptologists conventionally translate aamu as "asiatics" The Jewish historian, Josephus, in his Contra Apionem, claims that Manetho was the first to use the Greek term, Hyksos, incorrectly translated as "shepherd-kings However, today the term Hyksos has come to refer to the whole of these people who ruled Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt's ancient history, and had to be driven out of the land by the last ruler of the 17th Dynasty and the earliest ruler of Egypt's New Kingdom. Josephus claims to quote directly from Manetho, who's original history is lost to us, when he describes the conquest and occupation of Egypt by the Hyksos: "By main force they easily seized it without striking a blow; and having overpowered the rulers of the land, they hen burned our cities ruthlessly, razed to the ground the temples of gods...Finally, they appointed as king one of their number whose name was Salitis." Some of this rings true, while other parts seem not to be. It appears that the Hyksos left much of Egypt alone. It is clear that Avaris (Tell el-Dab'a) was occupied by a people who exhibited specifically non-Egyptian cultural traits. We find this in the layout of the town itself, the houses, and particularly the burials, which were intermixed with the living community, unlike those of the Egyptians. While we know that the Hyksos established centers, as their influenced gradually moved towards Memphis along the eastern edge of the Delta, at Farasha, Tell el-Sahaba, Bubastis, Inshas and Tell el-Yahudiyas, very little of this particular culture has been found at other Egyptian sites. At the same time, the Hyksos living in Egypt have been described as "Peculiarly Egyptian".
@jeffsharp8228 8 дней назад
Israelite flag while Hebrews were enslaved in pharaoh dracvla's Egypt is Jewish👫👶👪Gaddafi's graffiti free Green one which was replaced 13 years ago by the zionist red black👹wolfgirl*s🌙wiccA libyA🐺✌
@johnnyparker9928 8 дней назад
The water isn't the only place evidence could be found. There would be many camps along the way.
@MrSuccessful76 8 дней назад
Instead of keeping it real and saying it’s because the Israelites are Blk so that’s why they leave out the Brooklyn papyrus 🤷🏽‍♂️. Classical trying to white wash history!
@Romans10.8-9 8 дней назад
"Bless" occurs 463 times and "curse" 169 times in the KJV. A father can be just that "a blessing or a curse" Our Creator and Heavenly Father will bless those who worship Him, with eternal life. Those who follow the father of lies on earth are cursed to eternal suffering.
@abigailfoster2467 8 дней назад
I expect everything is well and truly buried under the sand by now.
@lw2281 9 дней назад
God can do anything! ❤
@petestorz172 9 дней назад
Moses and Israel could not possibly be literate, because I believe they weren't. Writers never vary in style, even when the type of literature they are writing is different, because I believe that. There had to have been multiple writers even though there is no evidence of this, because I want to believe that. The Torah had to have been written after the Babylonian Captivity, because I want that to be true. The Documentary Hypothesis could be summarized: Moses didn't write the Torah in the 15th Century BC because propounders of the Hypothesis want to believe it, with zero evidence.
@petestorz172 9 дней назад
JEDP must be because Moses CANNOT be!
@hib32 9 дней назад
Egyptologists and astronomers nowaday are the priests defending the dogma and condemning the revisionist Galileos. Things have not changed that much in the world.
@hib32 9 дней назад
Thanks to the Egyptian chronology we still find in history books how there were 500 years of obscurity in the mediterranean world, for God's sake! 500 years without literature, history or nothing, isn't it that notion barabaric??? They better believe in black holes, black matter or periods of obscurity than accepting they are wrong! Egyptplogists like astronomers resent Velikovsky for put them in ridicule. Velikovsky wasn't perfect, but the majority of his assertions were right and still being proven right.
@BeverlyFore-jq1uk 9 дней назад
Thank you Dr.Stripling and patterns of evidence.
@Morewecanthink 9 дней назад
Exodus 1606 BC
@johnnyverano1373 9 дней назад