CLEA, Free University of Brussels (VUB)
CLEA, Free University of Brussels (VUB)
CLEA, Free University of Brussels (VUB)
Transdisciplinary research seminars organised by Center Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies (CLEA): a research centre at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), which focuses on bringing together the different scientific, social and cultural disciplines. CLEA was founded in 1995, under the impetus of the Belgian philosopher Leo Apostel. CLEA is internationally recognised as a unique, transdisciplinary research centre with a steady output of high-quality innovative publications. The main focus of CLEA research programme is transitions between ‘different layers of reality’ (e.g., quantum, physical, chemical, biological to cognitive and social), general metasystem transitions, creative processes, processes of self-organization and emergence.
3 месяца назад
Dirk Van Helder: The School of Thinking VUB
6 месяцев назад
Martine Brisse: The School of Thinking VUB
6 месяцев назад
Gihan Abouzeid: Unveiling the Layers of Oppression
6 месяцев назад
Thomas Johannsen: Singing as a swarm
9 месяцев назад
Federico Alvarez Igarzábal: The Playing Mind
11 месяцев назад
Artificial Intuition / Session 1
11 месяцев назад
Artificial Intuition / Session 2
11 месяцев назад
@mazharali4163 Месяц назад
@spiralsun1 2 месяца назад
If you’re addicted to donuts, you are probably a bacterium. 😂
@junemoonz 2 месяца назад
@davidinspace 2 месяца назад
Is there any better audio?
@TheThirdAttractor 2 месяца назад
it's a shame that VUB consistently release really bad audio and video
@MattGray_Chelsoph 4 месяца назад
love it thank you very much!
@CenterLeoApostel 3 месяца назад
Thank you too!
@capgains 4 месяца назад
Anyone have an opinion on Dr Jack kruse ?
@nestor.valentino 4 месяца назад
Shes hot
@rxs5160 5 месяцев назад
nice talk! wish there was more time spent on open-ended intelligence and generative AI connection to Simondon
@scottjackson163 6 месяцев назад
If “highly sensitive” means easily moved to tears or prone to world weariness then not all highly gifted people are sensitive.
@JohannesObers 6 месяцев назад
17:41 i am tracking.... Also helped make the Lula Brazilian momentum a reality.
@JohannesObers 6 месяцев назад
hey , he understanding the front nationale voters ..... because they are stupid..... is not a " aristocratic thing" rly. lots of interesting things in your presentation but themes like entropy are clearly not your favorite .... its pretty much how the universe could physically end~ you guys maybe need more science .. and other things are not so well explained , i would like to hear a full presentation its a pity they asked you to rush in 15 min ~30 min. your model answer feels simondonian haha, but if the guy is talking about LLMs....then you given an answer during your presentation already thats better and shorter with the perspective shared while the pic of the google team was on or around that point. your "the internet is good" is weak :/
@JohannesObers 6 месяцев назад
curious to watch
@flipmcdonought5835 7 месяцев назад
Usefully demystifying - thanks.
@CenterLeoApostel 3 месяца назад
Glad it was helpful!
@PhilosophyPortal 8 месяцев назад
This is a really interesting and provocative thinking through the conditions of possibility of UBI. Thank you very much.
@CenterLeoApostel 3 месяца назад
Glad it was helpful!
@CaptScrotes 8 месяцев назад
What is the process for liberating the skin cells from their bioelectrical blocks?
@debbiejordan3955 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely beautiful! My feelings are the same. Shed the old skin of things that bound us and dance and move with the energies on astronomical levels. Connecting the dots!
@Zarathustran 8 месяцев назад
IQ instruments returning unreliable non-standardized results(>@135IMO) are almost all pediatric because the g(r)ifted kids racket is largely an exploitation of dependent minor children. Think about it - - any adult with an IQ over 130 can figure out higher less-standardized scores become false equivalencies, so a type of charlatanry. So we may be surprised by a 130+ result but only wouldn't be satisfied with it for some reason other than not being smart enough to figure that out. IDK if I'd have gotten a 145+ on the Wechsler before I even knew the difference, but I was good with it then and I'm not really interested in chasing diminishing returns now. I like not knowing, frankly and don't want to deprive myself of that freedom for a less-credible actual number. The experience has made it obvious to me IQ tests are for people with something to prove and not smart people anyway. Well, that and finding a linguistic usage error on Mensa's homepage. Yup, turns out I was diagnosed around age 10 (empirically/dialectically hyperlexic asperger w/IG) but left to (not) figure it out on my own...which I did last year at 52. There's no giftedness without autism, and furthermore it's very obviously exploitative parents who think it's a gift and not something acquired at the high price of suffering parents like them. Autistic naivete / gullibility is adaptive to surviving betraying parents, and the inevitable bidirectional inability to establish accurate theory of mind between individuals separated by more than two standard deviations of IQ is the neurological result of that grooming. No money to be made or childish fantasy to be indulged in telling people that though, so autism's "genetic" and somebody's going to find the "cure"🙄. The increasing prevalences of narcissism and autism are directly correlated, but narcissistic mothers don't make mistakes so can't be treated. Or at least put on notice. Refrigerator mother "hypothesis" was abandoned because people stopped bringing their kids in... as if the kind of mother who doesn't want to know if she accidentally created her child's distress doesn't put her child in unending distress. Screamingly obvious the mechanism of behavioral heritability from autistic mother to autistic child is induced BPD as sequelae of alexithymic untreated postpartum psychosis (unavoidable because we developmentally delayed are unprepared for parenthood as young adults). Predation is endemic to humanity because it begins as hubris. When gifted people get "caught" shit like Einstein being tricked into the Manhattan project happens. So it's not just stupidity that's dominant. Insanity is too. And the link between them is irrationality. Reason dictates the VAST majority of autism is undiagnosed, unaware, and intellectually compensating. MDs with their average IQ of 125 should be able to figure this out, too. It's an evolutionarily adaptive strategy for surviving parents who don't tolerate the emergence of a child's autonomy. It probably goes badly more often than it goes well because the desperate measure of postponing ego development (autistic regression, when it happens that way) sets us up to be the most vulnerable imaginable adults (with undefended egos). And that's the connection between projective splitting of the persecuted self onto a scapegoat child and proxied Munchausen. Those of us who don't necessarily seem autistic are still absolutely as disabled by the same attachment trauma as others who are too infantilized to leave home. Keep undiagnosed autism in mind in case you find yourself misdiagnosed with early-onset dementia for pulling a Howard Hughes or a hermits of Harlem (Collyer brothers) and can't figure out why. Because the quack telling you it's dementia won't have figured out why either. Diogenes syndrome is autistic catatonia in undiagnosed autism. All sorts of misdiagnoses out there for undiagnosed autistic burnout, but catatonia is fear, not psychosis...... and autistics (undx and otherwise) are well-justified in having it. Nietzsche's sister even sold tickets to his. Autism's dementing stage is in childhood though, and if there's an early-onset dementia that would be schizophrenia anyway. Schizophreniform decompensation is basically Stockholm syndrome in reverse, and this is why the first schizophrenic prodrome usually happens in young adults who have just left home. Conversely, this is the first point at which individuation can be ego-enhancing in autism. Schizophrenics only aren't autistic because they're not as bright, and fitting-in better socially early-on demonstrates as much. Schizophrenia is only psychosis though because nonindividuation from a psychotic mother as her scapegoat is ENTIRELY different from psychopathic or narcissistic nonindividuation. It's mistreating the scapegoat that regulates a narcissistic or psychopathic parent's emotional state for their other kids and enables them to maintain their "mask of sanity" out in the world. So it really is a society that resorts to propping itself up at the expense of autistics and schizophrenics it forces into The Truman Show that's more cuckoo. Antipsychotics are contraindicated in catatonia but are surely misprescribed to treat misdiagnosed early-onset dementia in people who have no idea they're autistic--hastening decline which is then undoubtedly mistaken as confirmation of misdiagnoses. Hopefully achieving level 5 positive disintegration is inversely correlated with IQ somewhere over 130 just like it is under 130 because I can't help thinking admitting psychiatrists diagnosing early-onset dementia must be stupid and lazy to not think early onset is unusual enough to justify spending 20 minutes differentiating catatonia by lorazepam challenge. The geriatric dementias are quite clearly end-stage egodecompensatory regressions (to incontinence, dependency, and preverbal inability to encode and contextualize new memories) in previously undiagnosed psychotic illness. 80 percent of Alzheimer's patients being female and 75 percent of schizophrenic and autistic patients being male is not an accident - - it's natural selection's prioritization of the primary attachment figure's (relative) mental health during her childbearing years. Autism gets diagnosed more than narcissism and psychopathy because it's less adaptive / has less in common with normal-range personalities. Autistic people don't see manipulation, strategic accommodation, and enlightened self-interest as social skill, so are misperceived as lacking in social skill by those who do. We just lack theory of mind for unaware stupid people so they constantly manage to surprise us with that shit. Little doubt where I am on Dubrovsky's (sp?) scale huh 😏? High sensitivity without shyness sounds TOTALLY BOGUS, BTW because shyness is hesitation...and sensitive extraversion could not persist without acquiring that reluctance. IQ is only positively correlated with extraversion below the mean because extraversion is the solicitation of unknown information... so in other words so-called "highly sensitive extroverts" are just too stupid and insensitive to know that they're not highly sensitive. It's their very insensitivity which needs the stimulation of extraversion🙄. Presenter should be able to figure that out too if it's her field of expertise. The autistic preference for external sameness / intolerance for unpredictability is a posttraumatic trait groomed by bad surprises. Almost certainly our tendency to be alexithymic is the result of our emotional needs having been diminished or disregarded. So high external sensitivity probably doesn't necessarily come at the expense of low internal attunement, but it's a combination definitely caused by the capricious duplicity of "highly sensitive extroverts" aka narcissists and primary psychopaths. The kind who still can't figure out echolalia is perseveration of failure to flatter mothers into dialogue (any better than they did when they missed it the first time), though we hyperlexics are probably more inclined to palilalia. Further, oddly specific interests are so very clearly the result of underexposure to more typical ones. But autism (and giftedness) are here to stay because parents who wish their children would become "unborn" aren't going anywhere. Explains why autism is most frequent in eldests and last-minute children of older parents, too. See the abrahamic filicidal impulse (that would've NEVER killed Isaac, the favorite LMFAO) which was psychosis reframed as heroic obedience deserving favor from it's own made-up god on Sinai. No mention of whichever (likely autistic) kid he REALLY wanted to kill. Animal sacrifice didn't end filicidal psychopathology and I daresay child sacrifice is still alive and well in autistic suicidality. Just is what it is.
@aristocraticnietzschean-ma1023 9 месяцев назад
this is very interesting theory, thanks
@gospelofchange 10 месяцев назад
I want to play!
@lindadouglas9734 10 месяцев назад
@BradKittelTTH 10 месяцев назад
I love the synthesist mind for it is the assembly, articulation of the acculmination of the interdisciplinary study that allows us to see the bigger picture, but time and maturity of the vessel, seeing the bigger pictures based on experience and knowledge gained over time. Great models for a perspective of the physical world.
@BradKittelTTH 10 месяцев назад
Bahktin leads us to dialogue as the radical agent, the narrative at constant risk of being revised, even destroyed when a dialogue, the utterance of one to another that alters their course in life. It the radical agent, the genius that passes through and tells the story the gets retold that actually adds a magical element of quantum entanglement into a vision or dream of another who can articulate, communicate their ideas.
@BradKittelTTH 10 месяцев назад
A Quantum Story, just being studied at last, proves that the story can become a reality, world-building through viral communication that can finally be implanted, seeded with base words that will fly without resistance to create Wubbers. A fantasy story is harmless, nothing to see here, but an earthly worm and child of the world gifted with what appears to be a cursed life. Wii pick our lives and Wub becomes incarnate, a vessel that gives us an experience Wii call life in a physical sense. Thanks for your perspectives on how many ways time is pliable... a future is manifestable from thoughts assembled and kept intact for decades so as to form the part into a plan that would be seen by others too. Instincts, and even isolation in order to integrate the story into the society... can it be? I say it can... if you get to the kids at the right time so as to change their future perception, their perspicuity, so as to have the empathetic leaders in the future to create solutions based on common benefit but not eliminating the right to be different, for most of sentient life is indeed, different from humans in form, but not in spiritual life. Communication is the key to see past the normal reality, time/space continuum is not the only one, but the holographic version Wii, all the "I"s fabricate daily. Sieze the dayz and make it your reality tomorrow. Kudos to your analysis. Its true.
@BradKittelTTH 10 месяцев назад
Time perceptions, beliefs, and proofs that it is relevant but not a means of measuring thought or perception due to our ability to view remotely and to travel astrally, a known truth but not a scientifically accepted activity that humans can do. Common mindedness, or effectively human consciousness hinge on our ability to understand communication on the many levels.
@MałgorzataJerz 11 месяцев назад
Suffering has many faces: trauma, violent, war. The main cause of mental disorders is not the Christian choice to suffer - but human, intentional evil. Then internal conflicts. Instead of believing in an easy life, it is better to look at the statistics of rapes, murders, molestation, violence and abuse. The vision of a just world and people is falling apart. The person becomes unconsciously reflective because begins to question everything. How to heal yourself? The goal is a cure, and the development is completely free. I would advise Dąbrowski to compare with Jung (from shadow to self, unity of opposites - internal conflicts), Gnosticism (suffering of a substance undergoing transformation, dead and reborn) and Kundalini (real human development begins with the heart chakra) - emotional hyperactivity. One suffers from ignorance and lack of understanding, because people have not woken up, they live with a false identity that has been behaviorally imprinted on them - de Mello. All these development concepts, headed by Maslow, end with a mystical experience. Spirituality is about subtracting and removing a person's false cultural identity (conformist ego), not about living easily in illusion. The mystic goes through the dark night of the soul, strips himself of everything he is not, and dies. How can you be born again at stage 5? Only spiritually and only with true identity. For gifted people Positive desintegration is a solve, but for the rest may negative desintegraton ruin the live - no ability to transform big "crisis" and disaster (shadow) into awareness and wisdom. Greetings Link to interview with Dąbrowski, there is about transformation of personality in spiritual form. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lbqLIFuk-VI.htmlsi=M-MuMmpjPRSfbK38
@claudiamanta1943 11 месяцев назад
10:02 Sorry to ask- is this a grotesque comedy show I’ve never heard of? 😃🤨 I fucking dare you to put me in one of your little or big boxes. It is RUDE. Yes, I am rude, not because I’m overly sensitive, but due to sheer exasperation with the chronic exposure to overwhelming callous stupidity. 😩🤬
@Luizdigital549 11 месяцев назад
@emrysmcwryn7902 Год назад
If we re-evaluate the way we think about time, we may be able to more correctly underatand the apparent goal directed behavior of biology. It is convenient to image that time as a one-way street and matter as billiards. But there are plenty of experiments that disprove this view. My favorite are the double slit experiment and the presentment experiments. Both prove that inorfamtion moves backwards in time. I think the way to understand this is to think about higher dimensional geometry. Think of time as a spacial dimension and decisions as angles on the side of a higher dimensional object. As you navigate the choices of your life you are defining the shape of your higher dimensional self. Central here is the idea of time as a spacial dimension and consciousness as an embodied awareness of this invisible higher dimension.
@emrysmcwryn7902 Год назад
@rubyglasspool2155 Год назад
Whichever way you look at it, if you have high sensitivities, or you have over excitability’s it’s a special need, and, by the sounds of it, hugely similar special needs, so why is it so relevant to ask if gifted people are highly sensitive or if hsp’s are gifted?
@rubyglasspool2155 Год назад
Until a few months ago, I was that person that wouldn’t even pick up a Gifted book. I only discovered it because of the suggestion of a friend that launched me into researching it and, astoundingly seeing myself in it. I was always ‘stupid’ at school, or so I thought, but now I think it was giving up due to boredom. I decided to investigate further and take a formal IQ test. I chuckled as I did it, thinking of course it’d come out as pretty average. It came back as 135. I still do not believe it and at age 40, I’m having to integrate this whole new discovery about who I am into someone who has supposedly never been ‘Gifted’!
@alexsullivan2765 Год назад
This loosely reminds me of one of The Mystical Sayings of Yesu (Jesus), particularly in regard to the post talk discussions around 'slipping into this other thinking'. I'll share it here as food for thought. With particular focus on 'New wine is not poured into aged wineskins, for the skins may break, and aged wine is not poured into new wineskins, for the wine may spoil'...Transformation...Keeping in mind the mystical nature of the saying -- maybe in the terms of a reaction network, we can consider how its product (meaning) is dependant on its interacteration with the reactants (the context perhaps?). The following saying is extracted from The Eastern Bible (2012 Version): [Saying 47] Yesu said, "A person cannot mount two horses or bend two bows, and a servant cannot serve two lords. That servant would respect one and offend the other. No person drinks aged wine and immediately wants to drink new wine. New wine is not poured into aged wineskins, for the skins may break, and aged wine is not poured into new wineskins, for the wine may spoil. An old patch is not sewn onto a new piece of clothing, for there would be a rip." Thank you for your leadership in thought and the sharing of these wonderful explorations!
@Luizdigital549 Год назад
@SRDCRA Год назад
Harry's criticism seems so good and enlightening while I wish he voiced it to the living Bernard rather than now. I have seen that Bernard had named Harry many times in his lectures, and now Harry is questioning everything that Bernard had done in his later life. This just makes me sad and very disappointed. I hope Harry had enough time to criticize when he was around Bernard. And I wish also that Harry will soon surpass the ideas and concepts that Bernard produced in his entire life. Good luck!
@harryhalpin176 Год назад
I did indeed discuss my critiques with Bernard while he was alive, and last saw him right before COVID prevented us from seeing each other again. Overall, I think the ambition and scope of Bernard's philosophical programme is to be vastly admired, even if we may quibble on the details.
@theodoreverhaegen7511 Год назад
Thoughts must never submit.... nice program in favour of the advancement of humanity!
@RottenTrashBoy Год назад
the tools of cybernetics are so powerful; sad to see activists such as this man use these tools through this superficial lens, go a little deeper instead of trying to control people towards your personal morals. the trap of cybernetics of the personal and boomers with crystallized minds.
@RottenTrashBoy Год назад
his goal is paradoxical, he argues for systems to achieve sustainability, but the system he wants to implement is a top down enforcement of arbitrary goals
@chickenkorma3163 Год назад
​@@RottenTrashBoyi also feel that there is some irony to the AI suggested at the end of the talk
@RottenTrashBoy Год назад
this man has been socialised. he doesnt like gatekeeping language while arguing for the gatekeeping of language. (rightwingers are extremists and china is not actually communist) political opinions weaved inbetween intellectual talk without questioning and just feels like he's just signalling his morals
@RottenTrashBoy Год назад
I tried using cybernetics in my bachelor paper to argue my case for individuation on social media when i was a student of the social sciences in its first iterations. The system at play at VUB favored coming up with BULLSHIT as long as it sounded nice, rather than trying to understand how a self organizing system such as a person can search for agency online. Was left with such a bad taste in my mouth when professors and assistants rejected it because it didn't cater to their biases and conclusions.
@paradigmnnf Год назад
What kind of messy presentation is this? Double slides and the main one is hiding. I bet the presenter is NOT even aware of this! Highly irresponsible!!
@projectmalus Год назад
Fascinating! Great talk and Q + A, thanks.
@マイケル-v8t Год назад
She's describing me and I could cry 😭 I appreciate this angel and this being here for me to have discovered. Thank you!! Bless all you academics!
@projectmalus Год назад
excellent presentation, thanks!
@マイケル-v8t Год назад
Thank you for uploading and sharing this! It was very helpful and informative, and it was put into simplified terms which helped me to put it all together. Very professional and brilliantly presented. Bless you!
@Carl-Ernst-Otto-Kunze Год назад
Infinite pittconn modding?
@Carl-Ernst-Otto-Kunze Год назад
41-14 years of resussing and resorting my phyle - Thanks
@Carl-Ernst-Otto-Kunze Год назад
@Carl-Ernst-Otto-Kunze Год назад
@woodpigeon7776 Год назад
Big brains 🧠
@angielskawyspa Год назад
What a coincidence!!! It's your birthday today!...I just realized it now! Wow! Beyond belief! Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin!:) To niesamowite!:) Zorientowałam się dopiero po poprzednim wpisie - Ale zbieg okoliczności! Dzisiaj własnie jest 10.stycznia...:) Jeszcze raz WSZYSTKIEGO NAJLEPSZEGO !:)