Silicon Curtain
Silicon Curtain
Silicon Curtain
A channel about propaganda, digital disinformation, politics, corruption, hybrid warfare, weaponised conspiracy theories, social echo chambers and digital dystopias.
@1952bane 12 секунд назад
British fairy tales...
@PlanetFrosty 9 минут назад
Excellent interview and understanding of Russian USSR foolishness.
@JingleJangleJam 21 минуту назад
People have just begun to realise that Julian Assange's idea that a government with too much access to their user's data and political private opinions is able to control people's minds to brainwash them into believing in government deception and lies by the government being able to tailor disinformation to the private opinions accessible through third parties selling it directly to the government to analyze and know people's private political opinions outside their direct knowledge. No Chat-GPT stalinism without first Google and Facebook to facilitate it through its technologies of unmasking the private opinions of people's politics to manipulation of democratic processes toward authoritarianism.
@vonries 40 минут назад
I wonder what her opinion is about all of the minority groups who will return from the war battle trained. Will they want to free themselves from Russia dominance? Are most already dead?
@nadenek 48 минут назад
This lady is spilling all the tea. Another great guest!
@SilvanMarty 49 минут назад
Putin its stalin 2.0 and western are scared thinking saving him its good! Ohhh putler clown its a helpfully terrorist grounding way for ccp real stalinism followers!
@pcopeland15 52 минуты назад
Excellent guest. Shall we revisit the "Great Patriotic War"? Very well, let's do so.
@TKMcClone Час назад
Wonderful conversation! Political apathy is the perfect climate for a society to absolve itself of responsibility for the action of the state. I shiver to think what our favourite Russian pundits will be saying about responsibility when Putin goes.
@pcopeland15 Час назад
A history of "The Pale" it is called for. That history exists, but is not currently integrated into the current discussion.
@sammacfarlane8037 Час назад
Thanks. Interesting and relevant interview
@pcopeland15 Час назад
Stephen Bandera died in 1959. This lets one know how intellectually in touch Putin is. And average Russians nod and follow.
@pasiyensajonasi-lt5lf Час назад
Jake you are so right. Russia is going to lose completely.
@pcopeland15 Час назад
Thank you
@Donovanwashere Час назад
@mickelodiansurname9578 2 часа назад
I'd be fairly sure that Putin is well aware now that however this Ukraine fiasco pans out, likely it will not be ending for him, instead HE will be ending. Macron of all the wests politicians was likely the only one powerful enough, and open to discussion enough, to try salvage some sort of win he can present at home. Macron however is no longer listening and instead is now leading the charge. Putin knows now its for keeps... he's probably not going to survive now. He knows that the odds of any diplomacy, or off ramps, or discussion, or communication... are all gone. There were only a few doors slightly ajar... but now even those doors all shut in one deafening thud recently as Macron walked the corridor shutting them all and throwing away the keys. Putin also knows this is not a good place to be!
@garyoksanen7988 2 часа назад
That was a fascinating interview. I believe Galina Ackerman is correct in that there is no future for Russia. Fascism is the natural condition for most Russians--characterized by embittered self-pity, racial hatred, militarism, propaganda and violence. It reminds one of Germany in the 1920s and 1930s. I believe it was President Chirac who gave the Légion d'honneur to Putin! Putin brought in his own film team to video-tape the unpleasantly bizarre occasion. Putin was getting a handle on the importance of public relations and image. Jean-François Revel wrote some scathing accounts on how French presidents were trying to ingratiate themselves with Soviet leaders even if it meant being humiliated by Soviet boorishness. The Gulag has been resurrected and Putin admires the founder of the chekha, the ghoulish mass murderer Dzherzhinsky. There will not be an examination of past horrors that has taken place in modern Germany (after a few generations died off). With gratitude and admiration--Gary Oksanen, Toronto
@Baschn66 2 часа назад
If China drops Russia it will be completely isolated. Until now China has no reason to do that.
@anastasiaserwaczek204 2 часа назад
The Russian Federation, just like the Soviet Union & Czarist Russia before it, is s forced and artificial construct. As Galina says, the ethnic groups forced to live within it need to express themselves more fully & freely. Only then will Russia free itself from illusions of grandeur.
@RobHo-yo8qs 3 часа назад
Thank the Lord that beings of real humanity recognize in Tribe (sic) and Sonnenfeld actual malign agents who represent international genocidal ideology .
@dwarftomatoproject 3 часа назад
Another insightful guest and interview! It is clear that the “Russian identity” is little more than a montage of wishful thinking, a danger we should try to avoid.
@chrisryan8810 3 часа назад
Thank you for the unbiased and up to date information. Much appreciated.
@Grahamgusbull 3 часа назад
@CollectiveWest1 3 часа назад
What an excellent and interesting guest! From what Ms Ackerman says, it sounds as if some French diplomats are deluding themselves that the priority should be to maintain good relations with the gangster regime in the Kremlin and look to some kind of cordial postwar future after the current unpleasantness. As Ms Ackerman said, it is pointless to talk with Putin because he does not listen.
@khantroll7351 3 часа назад
He is just going to keep a lid on his army. Not to execute strategic plans.
@lucysteiner4556 3 часа назад
You talk about corruption and embezzlement! Ukraine has the most corrupt government in Europe. The elite and politicians are embezzling millions possibly billions from the funds provided by the US and NATO! Are you naive or disingenuous to your viewers. Shame
@lucysteiner4556 3 часа назад
What do you mean Russians losing? They beat Napoleon. The beat the Brits in the Crimean war. They Bolshevik’s beat the foreign fighters who entered the civil war. They beat Hitler. Etc…
@cheryldavis7813 3 часа назад
Thank you Galina. So many good people speaking up. It is so necessary in the face of Russian propaganda and Western hesitancy.
@brendanc5519 4 часа назад
You are an I'll informed poor creature. The us started this war and is continuing to feed it. This is around 20 years of a build up pushing NATO closer to Russia. Overthrowing a pro Russian leader for a pro western one calling elections and not including the people from east Ukraine to participate, when they started to protest they were violently shut down which made things worse, rebel armies started to try and have self rule that was rejected and the Ukrainian army started shelling and here we are today Russia stepped in to stop it, but Russia is the aggressor. Russia is demilitarising Ukraine, Ukrainian military is falling apart they should of negotiated in march 22 but the yanks stopped that. But Russia is the aggressor. Grow up and tell the true history of this conflict.
@Save_UA 4 часа назад
She’s on point with everything - you found a treasure, Jonathan 👏
@colinbeck1285 4 часа назад
If America had put in place a win strategy with the Ukraine instead of a stalemate strategy, and if America had seriously degraded Iran and its proxy states the Democracies would be in a safer position today. __ America should have occupied Lebanon during the Eisenhower administration. __ The United Nations and the League of nations are revised editions of Nimrod's Tower of Babel 5,000 years ago. Nimrod was an African and the South Africans are his descendants. Do they support America or Israel? No!
@colinbeck1285 4 часа назад
If Russia is defeated every KGB agent will probably lose his life. __ I don't believe that after Putin there will be a liberal - minded Russian dictator who the West can work with. ___ The BRICK nations want to replace the American dollar with the Euro. ___ America is getting too bogged down in endless wars and Empire overreach.
@joanofarc6402 5 часов назад
“ The Rotting West! “ ~ Comrade Stalin 😂😂😂😂😂 Now Putler is a symbol of good ! Oh brother. I hope NO ONE believes this.
@danielmcinnes20 5 часов назад
@skippy9659 5 часов назад
Thank you for just allowing her to talk freely. That was real helpful information from a beautiful woman
@user-im3ln3lr1l 5 часов назад
Brilliant questions Jonathan. Thank you.