Slandered Gaming
Slandered Gaming
Slandered Gaming
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WH40K: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows Review
12 часов назад
@granityseis104 49 минут назад
ahahhaha go cry... They killed dragon ago and you supported them
@alexandrewildfire6405 59 минут назад
Have not yet gotten to the dlc, but in having started a new playthrough the problems i had with it on first playthrough are back. The story feels way to shallow, the amount of maps they made one offs could have been made into more maps for the 3 main planets at least, we get very few npcs to get interested in, aside from footfall they are barely touched and revisited and by trying to tie it all together it just leads to the whole being an uncaracterized mess, there is no antagonists up until you get to the drukari, only a faceless mass of cultists and the occasional one off leader of the problems of the 3 planets. Its wrath of the righteous but without the multitude of things keeping you entertained, the companions are completly static since their questlines are quick to do and mostly are single objectives once per 1 to 2 acts. Then the ending comes out of left field and its done.
@mephisto279 Час назад
Ive been a DA player for well over 10 years. I dont even recognise what this is. Its a slap in the face. They had 10 years to make ALL of the choices matter, they chose to do this to long time fans.
@propanenightmare69 Час назад
After i heard this, i just won't buy the game honestly. I enjoyed having my decisions have some tiny impact on the world and i played through the entire DA trilogy last year to be ready for the new dragon age before seeing what a trainwreck it is. Just gonna pretend it ended at inquisition tbh I dont even care if it's a cameo, but id expect them to make mention of basic choices i made that had an impact (who's king etc), the bioware we love is dead. This is another saint's row arc
@jchan8539 2 часа назад
Spoiler warning. There is a Ulfar in space marine 2. It might be the same one from this game. Someone said he was voiced by the same voice actor.
@skelton4795 3 часа назад
Man i truely hope we will get more dlcs for rogue trader after the 2 that were already announced.
@Abyssbroker99 3 часа назад
Bioware can make all the excuses they want, but everything I've seen about this game tells me that the real reason we are getting such few choices is because this game used to be a live service multiplayer game. Think about it: if multiple players are going into a world state, you don't want someone whose world state was Divine Cassandra and Gaspard ruling suddenly hearing talks about Divine Leliana or how Celene still rules. Making a world that avoids mentioning previous choices would help players not get mad by realizing they aren't playing a game in their world state. Stuff like reputation system (which would require MP players to grind to get more levels), or the rarity system where your items upgrade to a higher rarity just for finding another copy of that weapon all point to how this game's live service past has completely fucked it. Hell, I'm pretty sure the only reason these 3 choices were picked were just so Solas romancers could get closure. That's definitely the impression the devs have given of.
@JohnathonHC 3 часа назад
Ta ta BioWare!
@LitMan-yg1mv 4 часа назад
14:20 had to replay this 5x laughing with him x-DDD Great moment :'-)
@AIRGEDOK 5 часов назад
I have no faith in Bioware Current Day, after the last two shit games. The more I hear about Veilguard the less confident I am in their ability to produce a good game.
@Kings_Gambit 5 часов назад
I don't think I'll be buying this one anyway, but to be honest, I think the carrying over of choices was always Mass Effect's thing. I don't think Dragon Age was ever meant to be a continuous adventure. Once DA2 came out with Hawke as the PC, with nothing to do with Origins, the old gods, the Grey Wardens, I realise Dragon Age was a different thing from Mass Effect and the continuation of choices. I appreciate the cameos, but I don't think they are significant (ie. they don't alter the story or experience). I didn't like Inquisition and I think this will be worse, even before one considers the wokeness that seems to be all over it. I'll keep an eye on reviews. But I think carrying over of choices is the least of Veilguard's challenges.
@bmardiney 5 часов назад
I'll be honest, I don't understand how some RPG RU-vidrs like Slandered and Mortismal are so slow to get how wokeness completely corrupts creative enterprises. If a company has gone woke, that's it. Game over. They will produce garbage until they are bought by Embracer Group or Microsoft and liquidated. There is no redemption. These activists would rather burn the building they work in down than surrender the power they've stolen. You'd think two of the biggest fans of Wrath of the Righteous would understand the evil of demonic corruption better than this. I'm an atheist and even I can understand that this woke cult is demonic.
@SlanderedGaming 5 часов назад
The problem with this perspective is that it requires you to believe mediocre games didn't start getting created until they become more inclusive. That is pretty obviously nonsense. Every year since I've been born we get one or two top tier quality titles, a bunch of just okay titles, and then the vast majority of them are crap. Nothing has changed now except the games which used to primarily highlight white men now, every so often, highlight women, black people, or pride content instead. That hasn't magically made games worse. Corporate greed destroying developers and preventing them from taking time to craft worthwhile experiences is the real issue but folks would rather talk about trans scars instead. The reason Morty and I don't get it is that it's not based in reality.
@bmardiney 4 часа назад
@@SlanderedGaming A square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn’t necessarily a square. You can have bad non-woke games and bad woke games. You can have good non-woke games but you cannot have good woke games. This is pretty easy logic to understand. And all you would have to do to prove your point is to list a single woke game (or a game made by woke activists) that is good. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, you will continue to be surprised over and over again by games that are obviously DOA. How can everyone else spot these patterns and make very good predictions while you can’t see it? Or in other words, just look at the scoreboard. Also, if you think woke equals benign inclusion, you haven’t been paying attention. You have to go a little bit deeper than the propaganda. Evil doesn’t dress itself in evil, that would be pretty stupid. no one in the 90s or early 2000s cared about the race or gender of anything in gaming. There was never a problem to fix. I’m actually Kind of amazed that you don’t understand all of this. It’s a shame.
@yang8244 6 часов назад
We dont find real time with pause intimidating, we find it to be a shit experience.
@SlanderedGaming 5 часов назад
Some people find it more fun but also more intimidating. Many people were disappointed BG3 is turn based only.
@necronHavoK 6 часов назад
I'm pretty certain Acrobatic Artistry is working as intended, its more down to how you read the description. You are meant to repeat the damage of your death from above's. It is meant as both an escape and damage skill in one. The reason you might not want to use it is because it pulls you away from a target your looking to attack/lockdown which is deeper into the enemy lines. Over all though I agree with you & feel it is strong enough to be worth using due to its shear amount of damage you can achieve if you have used death from above charges effectively.
@Kammereer 6 часов назад
I tried out a build focusing on Kibellah's blood effects, but found it a bit meh. The effects are _neat,_ but they are rarely the best thing I could be doing at any given time. Bladedancer already has potential for extreme DPS, and if I can kill enemies turn 1 - the terrain effects and slow debuffs just don't come into play.
@SlanderedGaming 6 часов назад
I love it for the buff on Kibellah moreso than the effect on enemies.
@phatymcdaddy 6 часов назад
18:05 the vitriol for this game is coming mostly from actual dragonage fans, and rightfully so with the more we learn about this dumpsterfire. And this isn't the bioware that made amazing games anymore. Bioware has been dead for a while, it's just a husk being used
@phatymcdaddy 7 часов назад
They also said veil guard is like a soft reboot, they didn't want DA1 and 2 decisions cuz they are gonna retcon the hell out of it
@davidecolucci6260 7 часов назад
Other atlus games include the digital devil saga series which is made of 2 games for the ps2/ps3 in which is another world and you transform into demons to fight. the Raido kuzunoha series in which you play a detective/exorcist in industrial revolution japan. The devil summoner/soul hackers series which is in between smt and persona gameplay and theme wise. as well as other one off games
@davidecolucci6260 7 часов назад
PERSONA PREMISE Born as a spin off of SMT, Persona(from the Latin persona meaning mask, like the individuality of the person or the "mask" we wear every day to interact with others). Are set in high school with the silent main character typically just having been transferred to the new place for whatever reason, and are set in a modern world. Something tragic happen which allows them to summon a "Persona" to fight shadows(basically demons) in various dungeons, while at the same time developing social interactions with other students and people, raising social stats all juggling the time that you have within a calendar period(usually around 1 school year). PARTY MEMBERS and ENEMIES in persona games party members are usually your classmates plus a mascot non human character which varies by game. The main protagonist is assigned the fool persona type which allows him to use any persona except those unique to your party members. Party members have a set persona which evolves once their social links are advanced enough, but they cannot change it. Personas are divided within the major arcana of the tarot, and each major character you can interact with(except enemies in most cases) has 1 assigned as well, each arcana contains multiple personas which you can acquire or fuse into and equip to your main protagonist. Interacting with characters outside of the dungeons, called social links, will increase your progress in the corrispective arcana, which can grant you buffs when using or creating personas from those arcana, as well as other bonuses which can varies depending on whether those social links are for a party member or another npc. THEMES Persona games are more psychological in nature and develop individual character much more deeply compared to smt, with each persona being an aspect of the person psychology. Persona games also tend to follows the fool's journey, with the fool representing the main protagonist, which start with knowing little to achieving wisdom by interacting and developing bonds with other people. While persona games are more relative to the real worlds you often reach near apocalyptic situations towards the end, also compared to smt where each ending is intended, persona has many bad ending if you fail to complete the current dungeon within the allotted time, or sometime for other reason as well.
@davidecolucci6260 7 часов назад
SMT PREMISE SMT or Shin Megami Tensei (apparently meaning true goddess metasympchosis/resurrection) games tend to be set in a post apocalyptic or in between the apocalypse Tokyo. you generally play a silent character who tends to obtain semi-demonic/divine powers and most party members are demons, with humans often being only temporary. PARTY MEMBERS Demons is a term that in the game refers to any mythological creature or god. You can negotiate with them when they are your enemies(except bosses) to have them join your team, afterward you can either fuse them together to create stronger ones or sacrifice them for various benefits that can vary game by game. By fusing them you can even get some bosses on your team. Demons are usually classified in races like fairy, vile , lady, megami, etc.. THEMES Generally smt games tend to revolve more around deciding the fate of the world, you always have at least 3 routes, often more, each following a specific "reason" or view on how the world should be. 1+ towards chaos(think anarchy, strongest rules) which is often under lucifer or satan(the 2 are separate in this games). 1+ towards law(basically order, think a dictatorship with very strict rules) often lead by YHMW . 1+ towards neutrality which often leads to returning towards the status original quo. It is generally more about macro version of morality or ideals. Also common in smt games is that human characters tends to be less developed on a personal level, and to split between the routes often causing you to end up having to fight and kill them if you chose a route they do not. These games also tend to be more on the difficult side combat wise compared to persona, but is still a game by game situations.
@paulcassidy2352 7 часов назад
LISTEN the reason there not gonna give us a game where we can make are own decisions is basically because 1' it's to much work for them that would take them to long to do 2' they have hardly any of the original team left 'so they don't even know how to go about doing it! And 3' which is the most important 'They want to get rid of the original 'MALE DOMINATED PLAYER FANS ,AND REPLACE WITH THERE 'MODERN GAMERS 'YOU KNOW THE ONES THAT KEEP 'NOT! TURNING UP FOR 'THE OTHER MODERN GAME'S LIKE KILL THE JUSTICE LEAGUE & SW OUTLAWS, FLINTLOCK, DUSTBORN ,FORSPOKEN, SAINTS ROW REBOOT! AND THE LIST GO'S ON AND ON! WITH MORE TO COME ALL WHICH WILL BURN 🔥 TO THE GROUND LIKE THERE PREDESSERS
@blackfistxu7953 7 часов назад
Great video!
@SlanderedGaming 7 часов назад
Glad you enjoyed it!
@ShulkerTheDev 8 часов назад
I agree with some points made, but I don't think its no longer a dragon age game. I feel like the settings and characters are what makes a dragon age game not just the choices. This game does feel more like a reset/reboot of the dragon age series. I do wish they had said that upfront rather than wait so long to disclose this information. I imagine they're probably gonna do the same with the next Mass Effect game kind resetting both of these games. I don't know if I'll stick around for this new arc or reboot of both of these series but it will probably depend on my experience with Veilguard when it drops.
@SlanderedGaming 7 часов назад
Hopefully once we play it, it will still feel like a DA game.
@blackfistxu7953 8 часов назад
@alucard8433 8 часов назад
I honestly am expecting to hear that Bioware is being shut down for good in mid November. Sadly they brought it upon themselves.
@blackfistxu7953 9 часов назад
@txflood2519 9 часов назад
This is why you don't preorder games.
@tyskbulle 11 часов назад
Three? Three!? ONLY THREE!!!??? Less then half of a half that'd hoped for...
@gamervox1707 11 часов назад
Why was I deletes for how suchy summoners are as summoners because they a two body magus-es.
@Swiftfire 11 часов назад
I was leaning toward a blade dancer/assassin because the executioner was STR-focused. I also didn't think Blade Dancer would be able to infect a lot of dot effects. This video makes me want to try this approach, but I would like to see gameplay of this combination before I make my choices.
@SlanderedGaming 11 часов назад
When I finish my run I'll definitely let everyone know how it goes and include gameplay footage.
@nicolaspetersen6847 11 часов назад
you look like biggie smalls got hit in the forehead with a baseball, and then ate about it. I roast every content creator i first watch, so hopefully you enjoy this one.
@vanillagorilla284 12 часов назад
Finally I was so looking forward to this video
@SlanderedGaming 11 часов назад
Hope you enjoyed it!
@obiegallion9984 12 часов назад
Fantastic take on the situation. Summed up how I've been feeling exactly. Subscribed. "You're talking to people who love Dragon Age."
@SlanderedGaming 12 часов назад
Thanks! Welcome to the channel!
@ChinnMan 14 часов назад
Abelard tell the dlc I think it’s amazing.
@SlanderedGaming 12 часов назад
It really is!
@METAL-ADDICT 14 часов назад
Finally the opinion of a REAL FAN. Even the developers don't have a clue about the lore and history. Big red flag for me. DAO was my favorite. DA2 was okay. Inky wasn't terrible. Veilguard looks like a completely new IP. It really is a slap in the face. I'm convinced they're making games for themselves.
@blackfistxu7953 14 часов назад
@blackfistxu7953 14 часов назад
@namelessone9941 14 часов назад
Ppl who're defending the game from critism basically got Mage-Treatment on Dragon Age 2 Remember that ending when u side with the mages against the templar after the chantry explosion? Yeah this is exactly that all over again...
@blackfistxu7953 14 часов назад
@Icipher353 14 часов назад
This was kind of hinted at back when Inquisition released. The devs talked about how difficult it was becoming to reconcile all the choices players had made over the course of the previous games and intimated that the move to northern Thedas was a deliberate choice to move away from from all the story baggage of the first three games, so this isn't entirely unexpected. That said, it's still very disappointing that so much of the story we had built up will just be left behind.
@LuluTheDuck33 14 часов назад
I don't get it. How does Warrior benefits from Executioner? Warrior is not a Damage over time archetype
@SlanderedGaming 12 часов назад
Warrior benefits specifically if you are a pyromancer setting yourself on fire.
@LuluTheDuck33 7 часов назад
@@SlanderedGaming So someone like Abelard won't benefit much as an Executioner?
@SnowyRains 15 часов назад
Man thats real disappointing, I remember when i first found dragon age origins. The decision making and knowing its going to impact the next game coming out was the most amazing thing to me. I thought the future of gaming was going to be incredible because of that and well i was a tad but wrong lol
@asydis7764 15 часов назад
They don't care about long time fans. It was pretty clear from quite some time. Just don't buy it and let it be a lesson to Bioware
@chrisspink8873 16 часов назад
Didn’t you know this is dragon age the Sims dating sim now. Who cares what you did in the earlier 3.
@TechnoEsoterica 17 часов назад
HSL had huge issues but at least what they showed look like a Bloodlines game.
@dimas128 17 часов назад
You guys in the West should fight for your views and values. 160 genders propaganda simply destroying good games.
@ReasonbyNight 18 часов назад
Being a hatetuber gives you easy clicks. But first complains were about it doesnt look finished and devs dont listen to fans. Now they get more time, more funds, more polish, more endings, the change stuff because of the fans and are so damn transparent in all Devb Diaries and in the video. You can see all the process and how hard they work. Making these thumbnails is just a sign for desperate attention and being delusional to what happens at TCR and PDX. Maybe people like you shouls actually start to dig into the matter and not spread opinions because of superficial knowledge. But the best thing will be how pathetic all these hatetuber vids will look like, when the game comes out.
@davidmg00 18 часов назад
I agree with everything in the video, the only way we can show our discontent is by not buying the game on day 1.
@BindingOmen 20 часов назад
Man I was so hyped for this game until I read about all this stuff. Very disappointing. Bait and switch.
@disableartists 20 часов назад
my view of the Dragon Age Keep was that the decisions will matter at some point, we we're creating slowly, a world that we can call our own kind of, i hope some Dev steals this idea because Bioware f it up. Great Video, 100% Agreement.