Orthodox Witness
Orthodox Witness
Orthodox Witness
Orthodox Witness is a dedicated to Orthodox evangelism. Our goal is to bring together Orthodox clergy and laity from all Orthodox jurisdictions into a unified and coordinated effort to spread the truth of Orthodoxy, its mindset and way of life to all people in their locality, through modern media, for the glory of the triune God and the exaltation of His Holy Orthodox Church.

Visit www.overtherooftops.net to read articles that address issues impacting the Church, Christian life, ecumenism, faith, Christology and more.
@debbiesittard7653 24 дня назад
What year was this recorded?
@swavvy1 Месяц назад
Such a beautiful and wise video. May God bless you for posting this.
@AntonKingg Месяц назад
I could fall asleep to his voice. I never thought i could hear Orthodox theology be spoken in such a way in English.
@Loved291 Месяц назад
We Georgians 🇬🇪love father seraphim ☦️💗
@TW-fs3fj Месяц назад
May Fr Seraphim's memory be eternal ☦️
@peterberesi1421 2 месяца назад
A homoaexual that was never baptized Orthodox can only be in spirit of satan. This is what rose is, a deceiver and servant of the devil. If we want to learn about Orthodox faith, we have our Saints, not this heretic garbage
@SunshineCarpetCleaning 2 месяца назад
Father Seraphim, please pray for us. Our priests are now preaching evolution and that Adam and Eve are not real people, but just allegorical.
@philotheasbliss 2 месяца назад
@kaylacarter6817 2 месяца назад
Lol is there a cat in the background meowing?
@tracetemple7492 2 месяца назад
Who is the metropolitian he mentioned at 16:20?
@Zzzz-h1r 3 месяца назад
Love will always win 🥇
@weemouse1959 3 месяца назад
Can someone please let me know what translation of the Bible Fr Seraphim Rose is using. Thank you. 💖🕊️😇
@NicholasMGlasson 3 месяца назад
For those interested, this talk is now corrected without the background noise on my channel for you to also hear. Please let me know if you would like a new copy to upload here. A.Solzhenitsyn's Harvard Address mentioned here is also on my channel. Blessings and Glory to God. Christ will come again.
@frederickanderson1860 3 месяца назад
16:26 we are energised by the woman. Man born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. Jesus life became same.
@frederickanderson1860 3 месяца назад
0:33 the logos is our paradise regained. He is our bread of life, the logos is not energies,but the mediator between our heavenly creator and he is the potter,we are the clay. Jesus was the clay of the logos and our Only mediator between our true father of lights our father of our salvation.
@Boricode 3 месяца назад
His humility is so admirable and humbling. What a person. All the best to monk innocent.
@NightShade671 4 месяца назад
It shocks me that Orthodox people are indiscriminately uploading Fr. Seraphim's lectures, with no qualms about it, and the fact they are copyrighted, and belong to the Platina monastery. You are taking money from this monastery.
@birdlynn417 4 месяца назад
It is feeding the public, and nourishing souls spiritually.
@NightShade671 4 месяца назад
@@birdlynn417 It doesn't matter; it's illegal because it is copyrighted, and selfish, since it takes money away from the copyright owner, the monastery that produced it.
@DavidGreen-n1s 4 месяца назад
Be YOU. THAT is why "YOU" have shown up😊
@MariaMaria-op3ju 4 месяца назад
I suffer from perverse thoughts I’m am truly the worlds worst sinner that has ever existed please 🙏🏻 truly pray for my soul please
@NightShade671 4 месяца назад
This is a copyrighted lecture and shouldn't be here. Ask the Platina monastery. It's selfish and illegal to post it here. You are taking money away from their monastery. You shouldn't be Communing at this time until you repent from your breaking the law and your selfishness, by removing this copyrighted material.
@kevinswitzer7612 4 месяца назад
Lord Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on us all 🙏❤️☦️
@SSSFanBoy11 4 месяца назад
32:50 - Does anyone know where I can find this book? No luck in my search as of yet
@williamlarochelle6833 5 месяцев назад
There was no historical Adam and Eve.
@Unseen_warfare. 5 месяцев назад
For the listeners of Father Seraphim Rose… Look into the History of Rocor and who they were in communion with. Look into what “True Orthodoxy” is. Don’t allow the conservative New Calendarist to convince you that was his position. It wasn’t. No matter how many books they censor or how much history they try to revise… Father Seraphim Rose was a True Orthodox Christian. He viewed the True Orthodox Christians of Greece and the Catacomb Church of Russia as True confessors of Orthodoxy. Not schismatic! They call us schismatics and steal our Saints and revise Patristic texts to hide this truth.
THE LORD'S PRAYER Father you who where are and will be in our innermost being may your name be glorified and praised in Us may your kingdom grow in our deeds and in most lives may we perform your Will as you Father lay it down in our innermost being you give us spiritual nourishment the bread of life super abundantly in all the changing conditions of our lives let our mercy towards others make up the sins done to our being you do not allow the tempter to work in us beyond the capacity of our strength for no temptation can live in your being Father and the temperature is only appearance and delusion from which you lead us Father through the light of knowledge may your power and glory work in us through all periods and ages of time. Amen
@Spookyjordan 6 месяцев назад
What book about music is he talking about? It seems like he said it was written by Frankenstein???
@emmaschauer5409 6 месяцев назад
Just finished reading Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future. This talk was referenced in the Epilogue. I'm so thankful to have found it. Thank you for making this talk available.
@Athanasius1975 6 месяцев назад
Did anyone catch that name, st john dyo something? Hard to understand him on this audio in some spots
@intherightlight 4 месяца назад
St John Chrystostom
@rippedgoat3587 4 месяца назад
he mentions st john chrysostom and st john damascene/ damascus
@soghadarawsheh3024 7 месяцев назад
Spiritually hymn, thank you Father.
@user-xd4rs6vr4n 8 месяцев назад
Orthodoxy allowed the Bolshevik Revolution by acepting the false Roman Doctrine that "Yahweh" is the Father of Jesus. "Yahweh" is Satan, this was taught by Jesus, and no amount of calling people names or worshipping your church fathers can change that.
@Abs22415 8 месяцев назад
I love this God bless you ☦️
@danielgaley9676 8 месяцев назад
My wife Cathy is anti Orthodoxy. Please pray for us. Thank you in advance.
@evkoum 8 месяцев назад
Patience and love!
@godrilla5549 9 месяцев назад
I hope there are lots of spiders and pigeons.
@kikuyuorthodoxchants9525 9 месяцев назад
And it's happening!
@fawamahdi 9 месяцев назад
назв.: «Западное образование и латинское влияние на Церковь». опис.: «Чем изучение по западным учебникам отличается от божественного знания? Отец Серафим Роуз рассказывает о богословии святого Иоанна Шанхайского и Сан-Францисского». 00:18 Богословие архиепископа Иоанна Максимовича • Архиепископ Иоанн Максимович был великим богословом, который не просто изучал богословие, но и жил им. • Он был вдохновлен митрополитом Антонием Краповицким и святыми отцами церкви. 09:06 Богословские труды архиепископа Иоанна • Архиепископ Иоанн написал много богословских трудов, включая статьи, проповеди и книги. • Он подчеркивал важность свободы в богословии, не поддаваясь внешним влияниям и противоречиям. • Он писал о различных темах, включая иконографию, святую Русь, новомучеников, церковь как тело Христово, православную монархию и молитву Христа в Гефсиманском саду. 13:29 Западное влияние и образование • Архиепископ Иоанн и митрополит Питер Макгилл были уравновешенными и уравновешенными людьми, которые не перегибали палку в отношении западного влияния. • В 15 веке в Греции и России возникла проблема западного влияния, когда латиняне пытались соблазнить людей стать частью римско-католической церкви. 19:24 Ренессанс и образование • Ренессанс был движением в области образования, возрождением древних идей и наук. • В 20 веке это движение охватило весь мир, и каждый, кто приходит в православие, вовлечен в вопрос знания о спасении души. 21:58 Опасность западного образования • Простой человек, который верит в православие, не способен получить ответ на сложные вопросы, если сталкивается с искушенным человеком. • Необходимо понимать, для чего людям нужно западное образование, чтобы ответить на их аргументы и объяснить, что происходит. 24:46 Влияние Запада на православие • В 17 веке митрополит Петр Могила организовал латинскую школу в Киеве, чтобы ответить на вопросы западных людей. • В 19 веке митрополит Платон и другие православные иерархи начали изучать богословие на русском языке, чтобы не зависеть от западного обучения. 31:04 Влияние Запада на духовную литературу • В 18 веке святой Никодим из Греции адаптировал западные книги для православных людей, которые были испорчены западным образованием. • Святой Макарий Коринфский написал книгу о частом причащении, чтобы помочь людям вернуться к своим истокам и сбалансировать влияние Запада. 35:13 Архиепископ Иоанн и его богословские труды • Архиепископ Иоанн не имел серьезных предубеждений против западных источников, он полностью придерживался традиций православия. • Он использовал слова и учения, которые были приняты в западной традиции, но не принимал их философию. • Архиепископ Иоанн был выше мелких деталей и споров, он показывал истинное учение церкви, не вступая в полемику. 41:04 Богословие и свобода духа архиепископа Иоанна • Богословие для архиепископа Иоанна было на первом месте, он был выше мелких вопросов и споров. • Он подчеркивал, что богословие исходит от Бога, и это делает его вдохновляющим для современных богословов. • Архиепископ Иоанн использовал церковные службы как основной источник богословия, цитируя их в своих трудах. • Его позиция противоречия и полемики отсутствует в его работах, он всегда показывал истинное учение церкви.
@franciscafazzo3460 9 месяцев назад
Which Bible verse says you're supposed to look like a desert. Wild dog with United hair looks like rat's nest. Tell me, tell me how that's possible. How is that the glory of the Lord? The image of Christ green reflected in this man whose name is not father. Sarah from rose what superstition surrounds him that you all. Think this is spirituality in the true church delusional
@SSSFanBoy11 4 месяца назад
So if he wore a mask of vanity you’d respect him?
@valerieprice1745 9 месяцев назад
All the "crises" listed are actually Communist political propaganda. They have been recycling these narratives for decades now, to alarm people, to frighten them into submission. People get worried and they look for saviors in politics. Keep your eyes on Jesus Christ. Don't be deceived by wolves in sheep's clothing.
@Christianity_and_Perennialism 7 месяцев назад
Western normieconservatives, operating off a perverted interpretation of Genesis 1:26 and refusing to acknowledge that the rape of the natural environment is, in fact, a bad thing and not a 'divine right', are the dialectical and materialist counterpart of the communists that they are locked into a death embrace with.
@electromusings3823 9 месяцев назад
Down-vote for the English subtitles being impossible to read. Can they not be re-done in black?
@jacksocks6946 9 месяцев назад
go outside
@BenjaminOrthodox 9 месяцев назад
300 years of luciferian revolutions (modern western civilisation = antichrist NWO)
@alexandrasymeon5893 9 месяцев назад
This is so relevant as I let the devil destroy me.
@MarcusBarnabassisSystersSonne 9 месяцев назад
@chrisrobinson34 10 месяцев назад
Thank you.
@ninokhandolishvili8247 10 месяцев назад
@BrandNewStandard 10 месяцев назад
Anybody know what the song @ 1:21:05 is called?
@know_not_wickedness 11 месяцев назад
The questions he had to take were really stupid. Fr Seraphim is a modern era Saint.
@lazarus3798 6 месяцев назад
Watch that
@TheFlyingsky 11 месяцев назад
@thattimestampguy Год назад
*Where is Paradise?* 0:17 Any questions about what we covered last time? 0:43 Can anyone give a resume about what Paradise is or was? 0:48 "In The Noetic Realm." "Elevated above here [here = Earth]." 1:13 "It's in our hearts more or less." 1:24 Has anybody been there? 1:30 The Thief on The Cross, but he didn't come back to tell us. 1:34 St Andrew, who talked about the plants and beautiful garden. 1:38 St. Euphrosynos, The Cook. (A Man of Inner Virtue which pleased The Lord, a man of Patience who endured reproach and complaint of others and every unpleasantness.) 2:58 The Original Earth fell into corruption. *Hell wasn't really created.* 3:12 Hell wasn't really created. Hell was made by those who fell. 3:45 We aren't told in details about the angels falls. *The Future Realm* 4:15 The bodies will be spiritual. 4:52 The Resurrected Body of Christ. 5:21 Adam was created in The Image and Likeness of God. 5:49 Christ was perfect man. 6:00 In The Beginning, Adam was in a peculiar state of being capable of immortality or not depending on how he used his freedom. 6:32 7:55 The Tree of The Knowledge. 9:32 The Two Trees. 10:30 The Choice. Conscious willing. 11:21 The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is Something only for Mature People. 11:27 "Because we have freedom, it cannot be that we will not have knowledge of Evil. The only choice is whether we have knowledge of evil..." Knowledge of Evil through the mistakes of others Knowledge of Evil through ourselves overcoming Evil. 11:41 + To be established in the way of good, a Christian has to know about evil, what it is he chooses not to do. 11:57 Examples of others, or see when someone else makes a tremendous sin and the horrible consequences of that. 12:13 If Adam had resisted this serpent's temptation, he would have seen this serpent is out to make him fall. He would have learned evil wants Adam to lose this Paradise. 13:08 Each person is free. 16:41 “It is not good that man should be alone.” 18:48 The Naming of The Animals. Man and Animals lived in Love and Peace. 20:55 Animal Irrational Sense of Man. 21:17 Beasts and Animals represent the diverse Passions of the body. *The Creation of Eve* 21:40 The Creation of Eve, Man ❤️ Woman 22:33 Believing in The Evolutionary View makes The Creation of Eve seem nonsensical. 22:49 Woman was made after Man; out of Man’s Rib, from “bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh.” 23:22 He did not take a part from Adam's Soul but from Adam's Body. 35:53 26:34 On The 6th Day, God made Man and Woman. 27:02 Genesis 2:22-2:23 27:43 St Ephraim explains Genesis 2:22-2:23 *Man Before The Fall* 33:02 Adorned with every virtue. 34:37 One Man and One Woman. From them comes the whole rest of Mankind. 35:13 God Created Eve out of Adam. Did he take the woman-kind qualities from Adam? "Well, we aren't told. He gave her whatever quality He needed to give her." 36:35 "We aren't told details like that." *Christ is The Second Adam* 36:46 Adam ruined the whole plan, but God already prepared for that. 37:02 All men come from The One Man, Adam. Adam is like Humanity. 37:19 The Second Adam restored Man. 37:31 Death came from One Man, The First Man. Life came from one man, The Second Man. *Roman Catholic "Man was made Natural." Conception* 37:53 Roman Catholic conception of Adam - Man was natural - Man had "extra grace" which made Man Supernatural *The State of Mind of Adam before The Fall: Sobriety, Nepsis* 38:41 We as Christians are striving to be in the state Adam was meant to be in. 39:37 "Imagination is a part of fallen nature." 39:47 Sober Life "He looked at the things, and saw them the way they were." *Language Roots* 41:27 *The Fall, Genesis 3. How did Adam Fall?* 42:02 42:21 How do The Church Fathers understand The Fall? Allegory? Literal History? 43:09 Genesis 3:14 43:40 Friendship by natural movements. The Serpent was a creature who enjoyed great closeness to Man. The Seprent seemed to The Devil to be a convenient tool for deception. _How did the Serpent speak? How did Eve understand?_ 44:06 St. John Chrysostom tells us 44:36 The Warfare In Heaven, described in The Apocalypse. 44:55 By The Envy of The Devil, Death came into The World, wrote St. Ambrose. 45:33 Genesis 3:1-6. 46:01 Eve and Adam ate from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil too soon. 46:15 The Childlikeness of this dialogue. The ease at which our parents fell into this deception. 46:26 Everything had been given them, by God's Grace, but they were not yet skilled at tilling and their inner state. 47:20 They had Dispassion. Adam heard The Commandment from God directly, Eve heard it Indirectly, thereby, considered more likely to disobey it. God spoke to The Man, who then must have spoke to The Woman. *Just After Adam and Eve ate from The Tree of The Knowledge of Good and Evil* 49:32 "They ate and their eyes were opened." 50:45 God does not walk in Paradise. What does it mean? God felt close to Adam and Eve and they felt uneasy. *God comes to Adam to bring Adam to his [Adam's God-Bestowed] senses* 51:29 God did not delay. He hastened with a treatment. 53:12 "The serpent beguiled me and I did eat." 53:22 God did not ask because he did not know, God asks to condescend to Adam and Eve's weakness. 53:46 St. Ephraim comments on this. 54:35 Adam and Eve were given a chance to repent. They could have, but they did not. 55:27 Adam and Eve did not show humility. "There was no repentance but the complete opposite." *God Punishes* 56:58 1st, the literal animal, and The Devil whom used this serpent. 57:59 The Serpent before and after The Curse put upon him by God for his trangression. 59:06 Enmity between Man and The Devil. 1:00:53 Multiplied Pains. Genesis 3:16 1:01:10 God had hoped Adam and Eve would become terrified seeing the serpent cursed, but unfortunately it didn't produce a desire for repentance in Adam and Eve. *Eve's Punishment* 1:01:38 St John Chrysostom on Eve's Punishment. 1:02:26 Subjecting you to your husband. Learn to be a good subject. "Become Saints, your problem ends." *Beginning Again* 1:05:24 Lower and Higher Levels. 1:06:17 Where are The Righteous Martyrs who died? In Paradise, you see green growing things St. Andrew saw people in white. 1:07:07 Canonization simply acknowledges where they are. God already knows, we know on Earth later on. *Enmity of The Devil towards Adam* 1:07:21 The Devil is forever envious. 1:07:39 The Devil is not subject to having a mortal body. 1:07:57 The Devil is terribly envious that Adam is promised something The Devil cannot have, despite The Devil being more powerful than Adam. 1:08:18 The Devil doesn't have power to do much. 1:09:00 If we don't cooperate with The Devil, he cannot do much to us. 1:09:28 Snake Charmers in India. 1:10:13 1:11:04 The Russian Revolution, God brings Good out of those whose will want Good. The Devil is independent, The Devil means evil towards men, but he can only do what God allows. 1:12:41 God brings Goodness out of good. 1:12:56 Eve means Life. 1:13:33 Behold The Man has become One of Us, Knowing Good and Evil. 1:13:51 God cast Adam and Eve out of Paradise. *The Feast of The Cross* 1:14:48 September 14th, The Feast of The Exaltation of The Cross. *The Beginning of All Things.* 1:17:14 That is briefly the Theology of The Beginning of All Things. 1:17:49 Interpretation by simple Allegory. 1:18:55 Interpretation from Evolution From lower creatures. 1:19:42 Christ really died on The Cross. Adam really tasted of The Tree. *Joy of All Those Who Sorrow* 1:21:05 *Essence of God in The Flesh* 1:23:01 Essence Energies Distinction of St. Gregory Palamas. The Life of Fr Seraphim Rose (1934-1982) is narrated in the book Not of This World (1993) by Monk Damascene Christiensen
@ciprianvirjan Год назад
Stalin decapitated the Russian church and made it just an extension of NKVD/KGB, Stalin killed so many priests and Stalin made from Lenin the Atheist holly relics and many Russian are visiting them to this days, Stalin statues are rising brand new in Russia of today but now Russia is claiming that it will save the world from atheists of the "decadent west" in the same time their main ally are the very atheistic China and North Korea ... wow ... fake Apostol's are today living and possibly destroying all the word in the name of truth and justice ... Some priests from Russia are still able to have the eyes and soul open to the truth but they are ignored and not promoted at the head of Russian Church ... since their moral beliefs are against violence/war even against the lost son ...
@fred68109 Год назад
Amazing. Thank you for posting this!
@helperofman Год назад
Does anyone know where to find the other parts of this lecture?