National Press Foundation
National Press Foundation
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@nidhavellir 24 минуты назад
Impressive how quickly all the Chinese bots arrived here. Very interesting talk.
@chincheong7341 3 часа назад
If XJP is mediocre, then China is also mediocre for selecting Xi as their leader. He also doesn't subscribe to The Asian Century for he thinks US is an Asian Power because of The Pacific Ocean. Definitely a very pro US geopolitical apologist... as against Kishore 's more China apologist take in geo-politics...
@Mic-x4n 4 часа назад
My take on this inhumane politician, Bilahari Kausikan, is that he does not mind people being denied democracy by western and NATO governments in the 21st century to feed their own resource geopolicies. To him, it's just a reality they should learn to deal with. And if they can't, tough!
@cedarcanyon1 4 часа назад
Brilliant guy. Funny and engaging.
@nizicike759 7 часов назад
You can feel his arrogance through his talking style
@leechangming700 8 часов назад
S'pore us one of the biggest investor in china with many big projects in china. Is he telling the world that sgp are being run by a bunch morons? Big mouth but with pea or pig brain?
@blittercopper 9 часов назад
ending 70% of a sentences with Right does not make it right
@petervote7914 12 часов назад
This guy's ultra hardcore sinophobia and anti Chinese sentiment reflects bigger problems within Singapore. Actually this problem is very deep and very old. It is systemic. It is not an issue of foreign policy. It is completely domestic. Only naive people will see this as foreign policy issue.
@lilavall4735 14 часов назад
US does not want more FTA it has hurt the American people for years. Also, Migration is a major problem. America is losing all are good paying jobs. India needs to start thinking of building their own country, if they want to become a big power.
@liewwilliam3305 15 часов назад
He should have a debate on this topic with Kishore, he will be put into Kishore's pocket in the first min
@liewwilliam3305 15 часов назад
Pro USA deplomat
@willsims6748 17 часов назад
How did he become perm sec?!?
@BamideleAdegoroye 20 часов назад
He is ignorant. China was pivotal in the freedom of some Asian countries. He should not be lecturing young students.
@BamideleAdegoroye 20 часов назад
Ignorance displayed publicly. America is a maritime power with a chaotic view of the world. The west and east Europeans have primordial sensitivity based on history of world domination. The world has changed and China epitomizes this change. Rich civilizations that were colonies are rising and cannot be contained. Or dominated. War and force of arms no longer serve European powers or America. The residual Churchill’s philosophy of conquest can no longer be imposed on the world. China on the other hand will grow to be a dominant world power with longevity. In the foreseeable future, China will continue on this trajectory. One China already exists because Taiwan being a democracy can easily be hedged into capitulation without the need for a war. I believe that this is the view of Xi and his team.
@dylanthomas12321 20 часов назад
An excellent presentation and Q&A session with a smart audience by a very wise man who fully understands Realpolitik in dangerous times. I highly recommend you listen or view if you are dispassionate and analytical.Having read the comments it's clear that most are from an ardently pro-CCP persuasion, but highly emotional and lacking strategic or geopolitical insight. However, professionals and graduate students involved in foreign affairs will find this session well-worth the time, no matter your international political persuasion.
@BamideleAdegoroye 20 часов назад
This is a funny but ignorant presentation. Power and control are the dicy base of growth and peace. Societies lose equilibrium easily. The western democracies are weakened by the loosened controls and power structure.
@KEVINLTINWAN 22 часа назад
Counter-intuitive, a truly non-diplomatic, no-holds-barrred presentation.
@exoticGlobalTravels День назад
Very insightful. much better than Kishore.
@johnchang1226 День назад
I always wonder why he could be a permanent secretary? the govt gave him a scholarship to study a PhD, but he failed half way.
@ICEMAN_GT День назад
Don't watch, waste of your time.
@whyjj1991 День назад
Always good to hear a bit sarcastic but defensible remark. 1) On China BRI and XI, he is entitled to have his perspective although I think BRI is a great strategy that benefits China and members short, medium and long term one way another in terms of export, resource, infrastructure, jobs and currency angles etc. 2) True, voluntary unification from Taiwan is almost nil as HK would be in a way too given the possibility, due to fear of unknown and long time brain washing, even Taiwan becomes very poor relatively (think Philipine wanting to be part of China or USA?). But 92 consensus is in a way is the status quo with Taiwan maintaining its constitution (of owning mainland too, as a result of one china but with diffierent interpretations), which I think will be adhered down the road to maintain peace across the strait. Short term wise, unification will happen by accident when a war is triggered (by US status quo change or Taiwan independence)
@r.a.h.175 День назад
Such strong disagreements with his views. Wow!
@kennethyeung7087 День назад
In this cloak n dagger geopolitics, kausikan is nominated to say pro US opinions. Those 'balancing' opinions are just it. Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry, "an opinion is like an A*hole, everyone has one". But kausikan, has privileges, he has multiple and thats it.
@petervote7914 День назад
PAP will use him to cater to West. While they will use George Yeo and Kishore to cater to China. But this guy's sinophobia is real.
@kennethyeung7087 День назад
Should Singapore policy makers heed this 'John Bolton of Singapore'? He thinks the US 7th Fleet in Asia is the most formidable armada in the world.
@petervote7914 День назад
This clown is living in which GRC? I think people should complain to their MP on his Sinophobic views. This is completely unacceptable. We are paying tax dollars to finance salaries of these anti China, anti chinese, sinophobic clowns. It is like picking up rock and smashing my own face. NO RESPECT at all.
@petervote7914 День назад
Bilahari Kausikan should watch his bloody mouth. Singapore is not a place where people can suka suka open their bloody mouth on all sorts of topics. You are courting big problems if you do that. Foreign policy is linked to domestic politics. Singapore is 80% chinese. No matter how much he hates China, hates chinese, harbour sinophobic views, Bilahari Kausikan should be mindful of his status as ex diplomat of Singapore. How come a sinophobic person can be diplomat of Singapore is another story. No other diplomat of Singapore goes around mouthing off anti this anti that statements around the world. George Yeo doesn't do this. Kishore Mahbubani doesn't do this. They practice self restraint. Bilahari Kausikan should learn to watch his mouth. I have been tracking this anti china clown for years already. Every single time he opens his mouth, anti China garbage comes out. Is he making money from these anti China speeches? He is backed by sinophobic forces in Singapore government also, otherwise he would DARE to mouth off like that? He wouldn't dare. Bilahari Kausikan, watch your mouth, watch your mouth, watch your mouth, watch your bloody mouth.
@raymondlee4408 День назад
This clown is simply too arrogant. He thinks he knows everything about the world but in reality he is also mediocre, period!
@petervote7914 День назад
He doesn't respect the chinese people of Singapore. You see George Yeo going around the world mouthing off anti India, anti Modi garbage? This bloody clown simply take things for granted with chinese Singaporeans. We are paying money to finance salaries of these anti China, anti chinese, sinophobic clowns in government. Ridiculous.
@cchui01 День назад
He wants war with Taiwanese blood. A dangerous clown.
@thedudeman8408 День назад
How can it be a "re-unification" when it was NEVER part of CHICOM rule. PRC came after the ROC. It can only re-unify when it was one piece together. IF CHICOM gives up it's rule, then the ROC can unify the Mainland which it had ruled. Not the other way around.
@petervote7914 День назад
I feel that everytime Bilahari Kausikan opens his mouth, SAI comes out.
@petervote7914 День назад
Bilahari Kausikan, you are Singaporean Indian ex diplomat going off to U.S. and mouthing off anti China, anti Xi Jinping garbage to ang moh. So, should George Yeo, a Singapore chinese ex diplomat go off to China and mouth off anti India, anti Modi garbage to the chinese there? What are your views on that Bilahari Kausikan?
@98zing 10 часов назад
Actually..he is mixed. Half Chinese - Half Indian
@WowLuvya День назад
Wow well diversified viewpoints unlike the usual pro motherland talk from Singaporeans even Indian Singaporeans. He makes very good points about NOT being wholly vested in other countries power struggles. Apparently, Singapore took his advice to stay neutral and not join BRICS. Some ASEAN countries need money and development badly so they get caught up in this game. Singapore perhaps could step up to invest in ASEAN without the debt diplomacy issue and keep the peace and no WARS. ASEAN needs more Diplomats like him who are straight forward in offering observations and opinions based on his knowledge in the diplomatic corps and governmental circles. There are plenty of well aware ASEAN folks who simply look the other way. Glad to see and hear his take on ASEAN affairs and keeping eyes wide open on all the happenings in the world of geopolitics. Of course there is the MASTER, Dr. Jaishankar whose diplomatic observances of duplicitous behaviour of the WEST and CNY is nothing short of brilliant, in unpacking decades of lies!
@petervote7914 День назад
Singapore is neutral? Then how come Singapore sanctioned Russia over Ukraine war? How is that neutral? Bilahari Kausikan is not a neutral guy also. He is ultra hardcore anti ChIna, anti chinese, sinophobe for years. He is always mouthing off anti China garbage. Everytime he opens his mouth, anti China SAI comes out. How to be neutral? lol. Don't be clown lah.
@stupodest День назад
…unification, without doubt….but at what and whose cost?…..can we say the same for the PRK and ROK?….
@Fr.VeniceLAI День назад
..i don't know about much ordinary Singaporeans' opinions about this man, Bilahari, but according to me, he is one of the bravest/smartest of man among Singaporeans, who openly dares challenged the Chinese Communist Party's United Front Work Dept. narratives permeated among Singaporeans and importantly properly able to assess/analyse about the state of affairs betw. Taiwan ROC/PRChina and others, also most critically pointed out that Paramount Leader Xi Jinping, is in fact, a mediocre performer leading & managing PRChina. It is no wonder, that despite Singapore Island small land size and small population of some ca. 5.0 millions, the island state is so prominently noticed and recognized in the World.
@petervote7914 День назад
He is also completely unknown in Singapore. No one in Singapore knows about this guy. Only ang mohs are interested in his anti China views. If he goes in front of majority of Singapore public and gives his anti China views, he will be laughed off the stage and dismissed as some sort of Sinophobic clown.
@Fr.VeniceLAI День назад
@@petervote7914 Where have had you been living ?? or are you really a Singaporean born and raised in Singapore ?? or instead a "naturalized Singaporean" born in PRChina previously a Chinese National, now granted Singapore Citizenship and Singapore Passport ?? Are you still a member of the Chinese Communist Party and still pledge your allegiance to the CCP-Org ??. Taken from Wiki WHO IS HE ?? : Bilahari Kausikan was appointed as Singapore's Ambassador to Russia in 1994, with concurrent accreditation as Ambassador to Finland. Kausikan served as Singapore's Permanent Representative to the United Nations between 1995 and 1998, with concurrent accreditation as Singapore's High Commissioner to Canada and Ambassador to Mexico. In 1998, Kausikan was appointed as Deputy Secretary (Foreign Affairs) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed as Second Permanent Secretary in 2001, and was promoted to Permanent Secretary on 1 September 2010. He is currently serving as Chairman of the Middle East Institute at the National University of Singapore and is a Senior Fellow at the SMU School of Social Sciences.
@johnchang1226 21 час назад
he failed his PhD studies
@98zing 10 часов назад
@@Fr.VeniceLAI there are alot of "Singaporeans" like this...with suspect allegiances....have encountered wayyyyyyy too many in personal and professional life..to the extent i wonder...do ICA even do any background checks?!?!
@Fr.VeniceLAI 6 часов назад
@@98zing ..what can i say or do .. except .."God Almighty ..Protect and Bless the Republic of Singapore and All TRUE Singaporeans, whatever their origins !!
@petervote7914 День назад
This forum is like blind leading blind. All the people there are clueless about China. Just talking amongst themselves propagating China ignorance and Sinophobia.
@petervote7914 День назад
George Yeo is a chinese Singapore diplomat. Can you imagine George Yeo going around the world, going to China, mouthing off on anti India, anti Indian, anti Modi garbage? This Bilahari Kausikan has ZERO respect for China and chinese. A complete disgrace to Singapore. Such a shameless sinophobe and U.S. toady and lackey, this Bilahari Kausikan.
@charliecheng3340 День назад
This guy does not have a freakin clue about China and Taiwan .
@petervote7914 День назад
Bilahari Kausikan, the chinese and Malays in Singapore are not anti India. We are not anti Modi. We don't go around mouthing off anti Indian, anti Modi garbage. I support India. I support Modi. In the recent Indian elections, I wanted BJP to win big and gain majority seats. I want India GDP to overtake Germany and Japan and become third in the world as quickly as possible and eventually even the largest in the world. See? I am chinese. I am not anti India. I don't take sides in India-China border disputes. You are an Indian living in Singapore, you are completely clueless about China and chinese, you are a sinophobe, you are anti China, anti chinese. No chinese respects you in Singapore. You take sides. You support all the anti China forces to fight China. You want Singapore to take sides in South China disputes and fight China. Only ang mohs want to hear your anti China drivel. Your views on China are a complete joke. Why like that? Why did things turn out this way? Why?
@jmjt3709 День назад
I'm always telling myself to be open to different opinions, so I have been trying very hard to appreciate the provocative tone he takes. Granted, he can be a non-Chinese Singaporean voice which is valuable, but he just comes across as way too cynical. When I scrolled to see how others felt about this, I'm glad to realize I'm not the only one that felt he comes across as a little "off".
@petervote7914 День назад
Not a "little" off. Completely and totally off. He is a sinophobe. Not only anti China but anti CHINESE. I have been tracking this clown for years already. He is very striking. Singapore is 80% chinese, but he is so brazen in his anti chinese, anti China views. There is nothing valuable about his views. Nothing but ignorance about China, pro Western drivel and the usual pro West propaganda. Actually his Sinophobia, anti China and pro U.S. views are very dangerous for Singapore. We already paid a price for that in 2016 when China seized SAF assets in HK when Singapore acted as U.S proxy in ASEAN. George Yeo himself already said that Singapore was burned by that incident and that it was mistake. This type of thing happened due to influence of the Sinophobes in Singapore government, people like Bilahari Kausikan. Very dangerous guy. All of them must be purged from Singapore government.
@JIANGTG День назад
China will continue different ways to ensure reunification of Taiwan. China has strong determination and its overall strengths will accomplish this sacred objective...
@petervote7914 День назад
The ang mohs cannot tell the differences between yellow people. Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, chinese Singaporeans are all the same to them. We cannot tell the difference between the white people also. They see the chinese and Singapore chinese as same people. If the prestige of China rises, the prestige of Singapore also rises. If China is defeated by ang mohs and its prestige sinks, Singapore prestige also drops. Same logic applies to the white countries. That is why they stick together with U.S. This is basic logic and common sense. It serves no purpose for Singapore to ally with ang moh to fight China. None at all. But Bilahari Kausikan doesn't care about that at all. He is anti chinese. He is anti China. He is a sinophobe. Why on earth should he care about rise of chinese prestige? That would be insane for a sinophobe like him. Bilahari Kausikan is really not qualified to represent Singapore as diplomat. Singapore is 80% CHINESE. we should not be having a sinophobe going around the globe mouthing off anti China, anti chinese garbage like what Bilahari Kausikan is doing. Bilahari Kausikan can be a great diplomat for anti China countries. But not Singapore. He was borned in wrong place. Actually, what is his story? He is citizen of a country with 80% chinese and yet he is employed as a diplomat pursing anti China, anti chinese policies? He is a joker lah. A clown. How to gain respect in Singapore like that? He can only cater to the ang mohs. Singaporeans will laugh at him for his ignorance of China and anti China, anti chinese views. A total joke.
@petervote7914 День назад
Strange that this type of lan jiao garbage can also become Singapore diplomat. This Bilahari Kausikan is very dangerous for Singapore. I don't think he is qualified to be diplomat. There is something very wrong with Singapore foreign ministry also for employing this type of Sinophobe and anti China, anti chinese people like Bilahari Kausikan. These anti China and Sinophobe people are the ones that got Singapore into fight over South China Sea in 2016 when Singapore acted as a proxy for U.S. to screw with China. China retaliated by withholding some SAF assets in HK. Lee Hsien Loong already mentioned that was not prudent move by Singapore, George Yeo also said in a recent video that Singapore was burned over that episode. Singapore is 80% chinese, I really wonder why there are so many of these sinophobes working in government. Bilahari Kausikan doesn't care at all if Singapore acts as U.S. proxy and fight with China. He is a sinophobe, he is anti China. He doesn't know anything about China or chinese. He is an Indian. He is a lackey of the U.S. That is why ang moh invites him to talk anti China drivel. Singapore is forming new government soon, I hope that the anti China faction inside Singapore foreign ministry can be removed. Singapore-China relations must be handled by chinese, not by Sinophobes and anti chinese people like Bilahari Kausikan. This type of people are eager to act as U.S. proxies and instigate conflicts with China like Marcos in Philippines. The world is changing. U.S. global hegemony is dying. But these old Sinophobes like Bilahari Kausikan is still day dreaming like we are in 1994. We are on losing side. Singapore is not on winning side at all due to these U.S. lackeys and sinophobes like Bilahari Kausikan.
@richardtang5561 День назад
Is he on something?
@sophiemariekung5086 День назад
@kccmd9096 День назад
@Gemini73883 День назад
As the old communists would say, "running dog" is barking!
@haolanzhang4665 День назад
Hitler was elected by German people and Germany during WWII was a democratic country. Extremeness usually happens in "democratic" countries like WWII Germany, current Iran, Putin's Russia (Russia became an authoritarian country since it converts to democratic system). BTW, the smile of this guy is very strange, like a mummy.
@mingkao1 День назад
Your daddy, Russia has been an authoritarian country for more than one hundred years.
@r.a.h.175 День назад
Imagine a mafia-like team, sitting somewhere now and enjoying themselves, routinely planning their next move. They examine every situation, their interests are spread in every nook and corner of the world, expediently stirring turmoil to create a state of disorder anywhere as suits them, planning the removal of those leaders that are obstacles to their plans, never losing sight of any situation as all must be in tune with their projection to dominate and control the world, to be completely in control of all aspects of businesses from a pin to a bomb, and woe betides those who dare cross their path. They use all the tools of the media to confuse and convince, they keep their puppets happy and that is easy for them, and these puppets will do their bidding with just one phone call, they make a mockery of morality and integrity, they set the standards for you to follow, it’s one big game and everyone else doesn’t count, the rest fight and die and they shall wine and dine and get their women. It’s a satanic world we are living in, they are enjoying their stimulating games. Meantime thousands of conferences, meetings, articles, books, commentaries, forums, demonstrations, interviews, and they wine and dine in the poshest places. Behind the scenes the final decisions were made. To do this and that, drag this fella down, get rid of this fella, and they sit somewhere and enjoy the show. And inconsequential speakers or do-gooders aplenty bursting their lungs, yelling or squeaking away here and there, addressing small or big groups, expressing their views on issues, just hot air as that doesn’t count to the mafia as their minds are already set. They don’t care how many will suffer and die. Their satanic minds are ceaselessly planning to ensure their control and domination over anything and everything. Their interests come first. The small guys merely suck in and prostitute themselves to these characters. That’s the situation and position and reality to accept.
@watchman835 День назад
2 Iraq wars and an Afghan war does not look like “off shore balancing” to any observant eyes.
@watchman835 День назад
Why did he keep grinding his tongue ? Did he just eat a rat or something? 😂