The Researcher
The Researcher
The Researcher
Hey, educational videos here. You can both watch same old RU-vid and learn something new! This channel is the offshoot of the Russian one. Some information may be based on the Russian logic, so you will be able to find out what and how slavs from Mother Russia think about.
How China Outplayed Russia in Gas Negotiations
5 месяцев назад
The Shocking Truth Behind the Gender Pay Gap
8 месяцев назад
The Western Oil Deals Fueling Putin's War
9 месяцев назад
NASA's Controversial Plan to Mine Asteroids
10 месяцев назад
@OneGordoNation 23 часа назад
Thanks for your awesome video.
@DavidCooper-bn6te День назад
Housing debt crisis??? Why doesn't China face the fact that it has too much inventory. Supply and demand dictates that prices fall when there is an oversupply. Central planning can not create demand when people are unsure of their jobs. The only thing left to do is get creative when it comes to revenue streams. Retractive taxes, claw-backs, increased traffic tickets and confiscation of e-bikes. I have to wonder just how stupid xjp and the ccp are.
@DavidCooper-bn6te День назад
Market socialism worked when allowed to benefit from unlimited foreign direct investment. The ccp and xjp have decided that they want socialism with unique Chinese characteristics. Doesn't seem to be working out so well. Perhaps more "government intervention" will help. The ccp's days are numbered. Welcome to West Taiwan.
@MrK-js3it День назад
is a stated controlled economy...if the leader is good, then the econ will be good, but if he is sucks..then they will doom...
@x.grover.x9786 2 дня назад
This info srams a bit outdated reguarding security fo your own research people.
@RoddHarding 2 дня назад
Russias GDP, recently, is based on building weapons. This is government spending with no returns. This is unsustainable
@dougspray7160 2 дня назад
Some thing went wrong. Sanctions came along on Chinese goods. This guy appears to blame Xi for this. Mao increased longevity from 41 years to over 70 years on his watch, also abolished illiteracy and emphasized education to create a highly educated work force, after disastrous start made China self sufficient in food avoiding famines, opium addiction from British trade in the drug on an enormous scale Mao successfully abolished, established a basic health system, infant mortality lifted to Western standards, an incredible achievement over about 40 years for 1.4 billion people. China mostly views Mao has 20 per cent negative and 80 per cent positive. I am surprised that what China needs is the West's ideas of Democracy and a complete free market economy to solve their economic woes is not suggested. Although as we all know the West doesn't believe this anymore unless sanctions are also associated with it.
@IndependentPrettyGirlis 3 дня назад
It's a Kitty!! 🐈❤
@srinivasanrengarajan3911 3 дня назад
Very well done
@srinivasanrengarajan3911 3 дня назад
Xi went all out in BRI, Real Estate, Annexing land from other countries, military build-up. Winnie the poo does not understand that he needs products and markets. Phones and Tik-Tok gone from India. Huawei troubles in the US. Unoccupied buildings in Malaysia.. Miracle or fooling people
@user-gp9mk7wm1s 3 дня назад
Exorbitant health care cost in US ballooned US GDP. Exorbitant residential rents do same.
@szymonbaranowski8184 3 дня назад
so 27/9 3 They grew only 3 times versus average and because of scale it was much less than 3 for majority of Chinese while doing it on credit so overheating and wasting everything the cost needed to be repayed back and impossible to do so when trend of growing would stop if you are a Chinese emperor you stop caring about repaying any debt but keeping what was already tool in and achieved hahahaha simple
@daviddavis6876 3 дня назад
Most of the data is fraudulent
@anoitedfighter 3 дня назад
I don't understand why USSR is somehow equated to the russian nation or to the modern russian state. Russian nationalism was as persecuted in the USSR as everywhere else. Yes the USSR was a brutal imperialist state that used the russian lanague for administrative purpouses, so what? It is like the Irish should stop useing English or something.
@PravdaSeed 3 дня назад
@tas1624 4 дня назад
1) CO2 heat absorption is game of diminishing returns. Half the total heat possible is trapped by the first 20 ppm. 2) The models can only get temperature rises by assuming a feedback mechanism with water vapor. 3) This require a increase in water level in the troposphere. Which has not been found. 4) Even with massive tinkering the models can only approximate curve of the temperature increase over the last hundred years, actual temperature predictions are way off. 5) It's scam, but if you want grant money or tenure you better go along.
@cicaizrogace8054 4 дня назад
Zanimljiv video. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@j.k.1239 4 дня назад
India doesn't have the required infrastructure, Trained workforce or Government making easy to do business to be able to replace China.
@j.k.1239 4 дня назад
Most of Chinese growth in past was low end economy based but now they are shifting to a high end economy which is resulting in growth slowdown.They are now focusing on EV, Renewable energy, Chips, Automation and Robotics, AI, 5G than only providing cheap labor services like in the past.
@LH1xx 4 дня назад
The Chinese economy is slowing down because China's leaders don't want real estate to drive the economy up, they want pure technology to push the economy not real estate or the financial bubble, that's why they don't pour money to save their real estate market, THEY ARE REFORMING THEIR ECONOMIC STRUCTURE. The economy will bounce back but this time technology will be the main engine, then China will have solid growth in the future, not depending on housing or the financial bubble anymore.
@realaa2990 4 дня назад
정말 좋은 영상입니다
@kubapuchar7069 4 дня назад
It is kind of strange to call China "socialist" country. It is communist for sure, and there is lack of strong protection laws of private property. But on economic level, China is most cutthroat capitalist country with giant bag of corruption and nepotism thrown into the mix.
@coujo65 4 дня назад
I think the CCP is not able to steel intellectual property as easily as in the past. This “well” of other countries “stuff” is exactly how they got rich. Free China!
@LH1xx 4 дня назад
I don't think you know China well, China's technology is way better than before, from cars to chips, from planes to ships, everything is high tech, China doesn't need the US technology anymore. The Chinese economy is slowing down because China's leaders don't want real estate to drive the economy up, they want pure technology to push the economy not real estate or the financial bubble, that's why they don't pour money to save their real estate market, THEY ARE REFORMING THEIR ECONOMIC STRUCTURE. The economy will bounce back but this time technology will be the main engine, then China will have solid growth in the future, not depending on housing or the financial bubble anymore.
@coujo65 3 дня назад
@@LH1xx if only the Dutch company ASMR would sell their chip fabricators to China… Btw you sound like a CCP shill.
@THE16THPHANTOM 5 дней назад
i liked that 150 dollar GDP analogy. going to use that at parties. slightly modified but it will work.
@jljl5449 5 дней назад
"Started from the bottom and now we're... headed back to the bottom." - china
@tshavfengvang7831 5 дней назад
A great slowdown with the world's 2nd largest economy.
@jobturkey7418 5 дней назад
It’s a bit scary all this wealth is tied up in crumbling buildings too many to live in. What happens when simply they realize they don’t need 3 apartments per person
@ryuhayabusa5935 5 дней назад
Don't mess with us🎉
@olderchin1558 5 дней назад
I think you left out the part where China became the world's biggest manufacturer of cars and EVs, ocean going ships, nuclear reactors, industrial robots, machinery, drugs ...... and the second most powerful nation on earth under Xi. China transitioned from low tech to high tech under Xi. Xi made the China that the US fears so much today.
@pennyshi6474 5 дней назад
You can’t expect 18trillion dollars of gdp to grow 8% as before. Developed countries usually only have 1-2% growth of their gdp.
@raymonddon8875 5 дней назад
mr. musky (prez SpaceX) said... china is the future & even a dumb person can see, this is china's century!
@josephmendez6297 5 дней назад
Why!? The west is pulling out of chineze because the west realizes the chineze are doing the same thing what the Japanese are doing before WW2 DE JA VU! The west basically realizes the chineze are preparing to dig the west grave again 😅😂
@qake2021 5 дней назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣 GARBAGE info 😝😝😝😝
@torstenpersson2058 5 дней назад
A very interesting presentation.
@KaylaGill-en8gf 5 дней назад
That's not true. I started a country and grew even quicker than China. Just take a look at my figures. They're as reliable as China's, after all.
@isendel333 6 дней назад
10% increase per year is an amount that they may have made up. A communist regime cannot be trusted with numbers if a "democraZy" like the USA cannot be trusted neither.. we as a population or mere peasants cannot trust any official numbers. Even if we have a 1% intellect compared to the rest of the world.
@thevains 6 дней назад
crazy good vid
@ttemp2631 6 дней назад
what a shitload of nonsense
@mentalstatement 6 дней назад
China’s GDP is not real. building ghost cities and roads/ bridges to no where is not real GDP
@charleswomack2166 6 дней назад
The numbers that the CCP are unreliable. The economy has actually been contracting for the last 4 years. I expect China will collapse within the next 5 years. The affect on the US economy will be positive if anything.
@user-ls2eu4bd2h 6 дней назад
China`s rise was thanks to Western investments and support on all fronts. Jinping is a loser. He is messing it up due to his ego, pride and greed,
@porlae 7 дней назад
but it was all false.
@wordscapes5690 7 дней назад
Everything Xi touches turns to kaka
@AmineFF-h3g 8 дней назад
can a wallet be made on phone?
@markbernados7945 8 дней назад
include the effect of trade war by the US and by not allowing allied countries to sell chips to China. A very incompetent strategy by a weaker nation
@Clam-ne5cg 8 дней назад
everyone leaves me.
@druyoutoo 8 дней назад
I cannot believe you have less than fifty thousand subscribers👏👏👏👏 love the format i will share your channel🤝
@Ashlynn-y9c 8 дней назад
Great analysis, thank you! Could you help me with something unrelated: I'm using a SafePal wallet with USDT and I have the seed phrase. (air carpet target dish off jeans toilet sweet piano spoil fruit essay). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
@PaWLyS2win3ester 8 дней назад
Baltics have a bunch of russian colonizers who came after WW2 in place of lithuanians exiled to Siberia to dilute the nation and make it easier to control. Apparently even during the occupation life in Baltics was better than the russia itself and now these soviet migrants, who, despite everything, are still loyal to russia, are making claims where they shouldn't.
@pauljacobs346 8 дней назад
great video