Michał Majerski
Michał Majerski
Michał Majerski
Tajny Ośrodek dla dzieci w Płakowicach
4 месяца назад
Marian Lubina / Katowice, historia
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Timm Stuetz
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Stanislaw Lagun
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Czas pokoju
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Wielka wedrowka
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Rudolf von Thadden und Pommern
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Once It Was A Land Called Pomerania
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Reportage und Stettiner Gesichter
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Meines Vaters Haus / Dom mojego ojca
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Meiner Mutter Land / I was once a German
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Było sobie Pomorze - Trailer
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@susannee.7781 4 часа назад
Mein Großvater wurde in Königsberg geboren und flüchtete mit einigen verwandten Familien in Etappen bis in die Pfalz. Manche blieben. Viel erzählte er nicht.. aber das, was er erzählte, war schlimm. Was die Frauen erlebt haben müssen, kann man sich nicht ausmalen. Danke für diesen Beitrag.
@MsKleinlaut 8 часов назад
My family on my father's side left that area more than 100 years ago. They moved to Rostock and eventually Hamburg. I have friends who went to visit their ancestor's birth place. I never did. This document is very interesting. Thank you for sharing. Greetings from Canada.
@thomasmayer9392 10 часов назад
Meine Oma kam aus Breslau
@thomasmayer9392 10 часов назад
Ich bin Schlesier zur Hälfte U Allgäuer u ich bin stolz drauf Schlesien wird immer bis in alle Ewigkeit deutsch sein
@r.mariareinhold6093 19 часов назад
Eine wunderbare Dokumentation. Wann wurden die Frauen denn befragt ?
@katarzynadzierzanowska7773 20 часов назад
I fuehle mich als ob ich meine Oma hoerte, ich umarme alle die ihre Mutteeland verloren haben. Solche die gebliben sind und weggehen muessten.
@robertpvp2311 День назад
Man hätte es auch etwas positiver berichten können und nicht so düster! Aus Deutschland wird durch die illegale Einwanderung; ein Alemanistan…. und viele Deutsche verlassen das Land …
@piotr5338 День назад
Very interesting story .We can see what able to happen if we will belive our politicians which lead as to catastrophe again .😮😢😢
@anitakoch День назад
Und wem haben wir das alles zu verdanken! Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? Wie wurde das beantwortet?
@Rikard_A 3 дня назад
Återställadet av Polen efter att landet delats av Preussen, Ryssland och Österrike vR väldigt viktigt och Polacker lever fortfarande under ryskt förtryck.
@kennethhowarth7169 4 дня назад
I wish the US spent more time getting these displaced European people to the USA after the war, maybe we wouldn’t have the issues we have today with things. Now we spend all our Money on people who only are a drain on our economy and welfare system. The west is lost.
@tatumergo3931 3 дня назад
There's only so much that the USA can do, and could do after the war. It a perfect world soviet communism would not have taken over half of Europe, but we don't live in a perfect world. It is up to you europeans to resolve your own issues.
@donsheehan5144 4 дня назад
Very moving, theres no real point to war
@tamara3984 4 дня назад
Sehr gute Doku. Danke für's hochladen.
@lmaoyourekiddingme 4 дня назад
Donauschwaben descendant here. We were just outright ethnic cleansed, brutally. The lucky ones ran with the retreating German military.
@thewolfpack5290 5 дней назад
Wenn sie mich fragen würden: selbstverständlcih sind sie Deutsche! Es blutet einem das Herz.
@Pommerellen 5 дней назад
was für ein Schmerz
@Pommerellen 5 дней назад
das war gar nicht mehr mein Papa
@Pommerellen 5 дней назад
Ich hab sehr gut laufen können😢
@Pommerellen 5 дней назад
So traurig . Bin Halbkroatin und habe 2004 meinem Mann geheiratet . Er ist Pole. Meine Oma ist von Russen vergewaltigt worden. Ihr Mann ist mit 42 im Jahre 1939 gefallen. Meine Oma floh mit drei kleinen Kindern .
@babsnewsum7963 5 дней назад
Nie wieder krieg !! Papa kam auch aus pommern ❤
@zs5002 5 дней назад
These ancestral lands must be returned to Germany
@tatumergo3931 3 дня назад
For what? It doesn't matter anymore, what was done has been done. There's is no point in starting things again, it will only create more pain. All that is left now is for it to be acknowledged and people to make the greatest effort to not let it happen again!
@zs5002 2 дня назад
@@tatumergo3931 with the addition of Alsace and Lorraine. These have been German lands for 1000 years
@tatumergo3931 2 дня назад
@@zs5002 . Yes I agree but so has been every part of the world or another. Borders change over the transcourse of time, trying to bring them back to their original historical demarcations, just because is not only illogical but also a provocation that could lead to unnecessary animosity. Basically, do you really want to start a War over a piece of land that no longer matters or is necessary? Think of the human cost that a conflict would create. Just look at what happened to Argentina over some islands in the south Atlantic Ocean. A territory that they could neither manage nor is essential to their economy. All the human loss over prideful resentment.
@dirksijbesma7118 6 дней назад
I do not have a pitty for these people. Empires rise and fall. So did the horrible 3th reich. These are the consequence. Normal in European history.
@tatumergo3931 3 дня назад
If the people of the world continue living in an eye for and eye, eventually everyone is going to end up blind.
@normancameron6165 6 дней назад
Well you supported Hitler brainwashed
@tatumergo3931 3 дня назад
Did they really? Or where they doing just a million of other Russians had no other choice but to support Stalin?
@IQIkar 7 дней назад
Gott sei Dank ist es so. Die Deutsche Regierung kann dort keine Scheiße tun und Moslems einsiedeln.Ein sauberes Land ist es geblieben.
@jaimeisraelrosenberg9332 7 дней назад
@tatumergo3931 3 дня назад
What kind of nonsense is that? What about all the jewish people who only speak German or german Yiddish ? Specially when Germany today is the best ally of Israel....
@jaimeisraelrosenberg9332 2 дня назад
@gancarzpl 7 дней назад
The Polish government in London never agreed to the border change. In response, allays of Poland devolved that government by recognizing the communist government imposed on Poland by Russia. Many Poles transferred from territories annexed by Russia never unpacked their suitcases, hoping for the return to their houses in the east.
@meckel734 7 дней назад
Tolle Dokumentation und Zeitzeugnis. Vielen Dank dafür.
@PeoplesChoiceofficial 7 дней назад
Immer Russkie ! Maaaan
@drzeworyj 8 дней назад
super, bardzo interesujący dokument. dzięki
@MuttShnutt 8 дней назад
@lukaszkulig6275 8 дней назад
@waynearbogast6877 8 дней назад
Meine Eltern mussten im Krieg fliehen und ihrer Elternhaus Bauern Hof wurde alles von den Polen weg genommen.
@MHZ901 9 дней назад
Congratulations, you're no longer german
@gancarzpl 7 дней назад
You are very naive.
@MHZ901 7 дней назад
@@gancarzpl What's good about being a racist nazi self centred piece of human?
@elzbietapanasiuk7410 9 дней назад
No proszę, kto chciał tej wojny.Pozostala nienawisc!
@nsz-lf6yk 10 дней назад
Niemcy dokonali tak strasznych zbrodni na Narodzie Polskim,ze nie maja prawa płakać nad wypedzeniem z ziemi skąpanej we krwi POLAKÓW.
@jossip1171 10 дней назад
The hate was created by Austrtaians and Prussians who stole Silesia and other western Polish provinces in the late 18th century. The stupid German policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II enforced that hate and the Nazis made it even stronger. 1918, 1945 are the results of German imperialism and germanization of Slavonic peoples. History stroke back completely in 1945. It´s to be blamed on Germany itself !!!
@IgbertNigbert 10 дней назад
"After WW II, the German region of Pomerania became Polish. The formerly German area was then repopulated by Poles, many of whom had been expelled from eastern Polish areas taken by the Soviet Union. " - only 10% are from the former eastern areas. and you omit that Germans were mostly expelled.
@StukaSwazi 10 дней назад
You were the good guys. Stop being guilted into lies.
@kirstenmoseley9560 10 дней назад
Meine Grossmutter izt mit 3 Kindern und meinem Grossvater aus Ostpreussen, Koslau in Mauren, gefluechtet. Smein Grossvater wurde auf der Flucht erschossen. Sie sind ueber das Danziger Watt mit Pferdewagen gefluechtet. In Ostpreussen hatten sie ein grosses Gut mit Trakenerzucht. Meine Grossmutter hat uns Kindern viel von der alten Heimat erzaehlt. Aber auch nach ueber 20 Jahren in Bayern ist sie nie ueber den Verlust der Heimat gekommen.❤
@LETMino85 11 дней назад
The Erzählungen über die Russen sind jedes mal die Gleichen... Alle waren froh, wenn es US Soldaten (oder einfach nur nicht Russen) waren, und in Angst, wenn es Russen waren.
@EPICFAILKING1 11 дней назад
this is such a difficult watch. people forget the price paid on all sides of the war, not jus the combatants either. these women and their families were treated like scum, like dogs, by an appalling enemy with no regard for human life. what a horrible experience they all mutually shared, in their own unique, but similar ways. god bless them all, and god rest their souls.
@SandraPrice-c5g 11 дней назад
The only way you can answer this is … don’t start Wars then. You would still be a flourishing, wealthy Country and still have all your lands in the East. Germany started the worst War in the history of the world, lost millions of their young men and let the Russians in. Old women talking here and making the best of things - where are the old men ? I lived in Germany twice in the sixties and NEVER once saw an old man.
@elapaszczynski495 11 дней назад
War took everything from people not only Germans ,from polish too
@nobullshoot 11 дней назад
well i guess i can say the same for small town NC america. Now i have a Columbian neighbor, one from China, one from Thailand, one from Vietnam, many others from NY and NJ. Only 50 years ago we were all Southerners. House prices so high both my sons moved far way. ,
@SvartVargSkog 11 дней назад
remember: the good guys lost this war. you live in the hell now that the victors wanted for you
@HealthySkepticism1775 11 дней назад
The ethnic cleansing of Germans after World War is one of the saddest chapters of the war and probably the least talked about.
@philipnestor5034 11 дней назад
English subtitles please.
@sireckalot 12 дней назад
Bricht einen das herz danke für den upload. Wichtiges Dokument besonders aktuell
@pierpaoloparisi2049 12 дней назад
By the end, it was clear that they had as much in common, with their Polish neighbours, as with their German family, elsewhere. It shows that what makes us similar is more than what makes us different. Germans and Poles claim Copernicus as theirs. He was instead, a Renaissance man, of learning, tied more to his land, rather than any State.
@liambyrne591 12 дней назад
This is now happening in Ireland