Baha'i Association at Stanford
Baha'i Association at Stanford
Baha'i Association at Stanford
@robertharte4 Год назад
Man this talk took a lot of brainpower to get through, even the q&a, but worth a rewatch.
@simka321 2 года назад
The whole non-problem of spirit-matter dualism is ill-conceived, arising from our grammatical brainwashing in the subject-predicate patterns of language hardwired into the Indo-European mind, which we then project as the inherent dualism of our syntax onto the observed world of things. The truth is that there is nothing outside experience, and so the "fact" of the material world is always already enclosed within the epistemological brackets of consciousness. I would recommend checking out the work of Donald Hoffman and Bernardo Kastrup for a more comprehensive explanation of this view. Spirit and matter are not two non-overlapping magisteria, as the mental trompe l'oeil of Cartesianism would have us believe, but the non-dual ontological modality of measuring-measured, observing-observed, thinking-thought. Understood in this way, the whole "hard problem of consciousness," and other pseudo-controversies in philosophy, simply evaporate in the pure light of a non-dual wisdom that is not beholden to grammar. Non-duality reveals the observer and the world observed as a seamless whole that is utterly embraced by the hypokeimenon of consciousness, which admits of the singular, non-dual property of transjectivity (the ontological non-duality of active and passive valences of being).
@TheVafa95 3 года назад
Thanks for uploading this talk? Where can we find these talks in sequence?
@MeroFromVero 2 года назад
There's a playlist of Stephen Phelp's talks, including this sequence of talks, here ru-vid.com/group/PLwJTBENQQHAIrQYATetbBvFyajHBDIlv2
@hillarychapman1 4 года назад
I learned a lot and have listened multiple times
@laurengarcia1023 4 года назад
Thank you very much for posting these talks. They are very interesting and helpful.
@Therealskxlls 4 года назад
Is this a post-modernist giving a lecture about prophets? How ironic is that. It baffles me that one get a PhD in philosophy or theology and still know nothing of God or the nature of reality.
@exoticredtadpole2713 Год назад
He is a Bahai and they believe that there is objective truth, so you missed the entire point. This is not postmodernism at all.
@bobpercy 5 лет назад
have these talks been turned into or will they be turned into a book?
@OskarHope 6 лет назад
Deepening !
@persalba 7 лет назад
brilliant talk!
@persalba 7 лет назад
Thank you for making these wonderful talks available!
@sidraa5327 7 лет назад
amazing talk,thanks for putting up this series of talks.
@Hiitsmeurlocalno 7 лет назад
very deep, masterful and insightful delivery. Would highly recommend this talk to anyone seeking to resolve the essential spiritual questions...
@KevinOMalleyisonlysmallreally 8 лет назад
Can we get talk Number 1? If possible to get either the text or the video would be amazing to hear his founding context for this.
@artindustry 8 лет назад
@susanbensch1981 8 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this valuable talk on youtube.
@clex19 8 лет назад
Just curious, which specific passage from the Seven Valleys or the Four Valleys is Dr. Phelps referring to at 1:21:37, about the seekers of one valley viewing those of the previous as idolaters or impious? Thanks.
@StevenPhelps 8 лет назад
+clex19 It's in Gems of Divine Mysteries, para. 87
@OurBestVoice 6 лет назад
Dr Phillips email me aml.elderkin@gmail.com
@clex19 8 лет назад
Alláh-u-Abhá! Thanks so much for sharing this talk. Would love to see/hear more!