Tori and Chad Masters
Tori and Chad Masters
Tori and Chad Masters
Hi! Were Tori, Chad & Micah! A family following their faith and sharing some of it online in hopes of encouraging you!
PLOT TWIST... major life change (again)
14 дней назад
Our Full Home Tour
21 день назад
opening up about recent struggles
21 день назад
baby names we love but won't be using
2 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
it's time we address this in our lives
3 месяца назад
a day in the life in our new home!
4 месяца назад
5 месяцев назад
6 месяцев назад
we need help
7 месяцев назад
1st Trimester Recap w/ Baby #2
7 месяцев назад
@Linda-ot3pj 11 часов назад
I like that advice about. Kissing. A SHORT AND SWEET KISS UNTIL YOU GET MARRIED. There is a real danger with. DEEP and WILD KISSING can get a wild FIRE going in your bodies that you both can’t put out 🔥🔥💋. FIRING UP YOUR FLESH WONT LEAD TO GOOD THINGS
@elli3693 2 дня назад
Biogaia ! Highly recommend for your baby
@bolivia.j 2 дня назад
Your back yard looks beautiful 😭. My husband and I have been renting the past couple of years because this economy is so crazy and houses are just way too expensive for what they’re worth rn. We have a little one making their arrival in December so that also pushes off us buying a house for now but I just miss having a backyard so much. I miss having my own space. I miss gardening and having animals outside and hearing the trees blow in the wind. I’m so so happy for you guys to have this blessing and for your kiddos to have so much fun in your new home as it’s renovating. I wish nothing but the best for yall 🫶🏻
@loveeveryone-nq1hx 2 дня назад
I’m putting this out there for those who are interested in what the word of God says I’d like to ask you all a question and reconsider what this couple is saying about the Lord. is house debt a blessing?? Proverbs 22:7 The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender
@helenzaharco2584 3 дня назад
Asta-i cintarea cintarilor DIN Biblie într-un nou format ! ,
@loveeveryone-nq1hx 3 дня назад
hi tori & chad fans, followers and enablers! if you’re a Christian better help is not a Christian therapy option for you. I tried better help personally and their customer service several times they did not match their clients to christian therapists. They do not meet with their therapists to find out if they’re Christian. They don’t know what their therapist believe what their doctoral, theological, beliefs, or backgrounds are. they cannot verify if a therapist believes or has faith in God or Jesus. I took there “ pair me with a therapist “ quiz. I ticked all the chrisitan, prayer etc boxes and I was not matched to chrisitan therapist. when I reached out to better help, they told me they actually don’t pair you with a Christian therapist when you go through the quiz. when i complained that there are advertising was “ deceitful and misleading “ they did try to find me a Christian therapist. after I booked my session with the “Chrisitan therapist “I realized that they were not in fact, living for the Lord, or offering prayer or offering godly advice based on the word of God. Again they were not leading in prayer or godly therapy in the session. I tried a two week free trial, which you can find by googling it which is much better than 10% off tori and Chad are offering so they can get paid to fund their lavish lifestyle off of your hard money by buying products and clicking on links. (this reminds me of the days of snake oil salesman where they tell you that something will make you feel better live better or heal you and they walk away with percentage and payment and you walk away with empty pockets.) As daughters of the king as Christians we know that the Lord’s name is counsellor and the Bible tells us to seek people in community to mentor and guide us along with the Holy Spirit. There is nowhere in the Bible. It tells us to seek out “professional worldly knowledge based help “ . I’m not sure if Tori and Chad know about this if they do that should ring an alarm bell for you from taking advice of buying products or clicking on links from them as any godly person would not recommend you for advice from someone who is not walking with the Lord yourself with the Lord. May God bless you and lead you to counsel more closer to home in the Christian community. Try different churches reach out to different churches, called different churches offices and ask to meet with the pastor or female member staff girls. someone who can meet with you and council you. an older woman or man who can help you walk more intimately with the Lord God. God‘s plan was never for us to buy products or by time with people in order to find wise counsel. All these gimmicks online or to find peoples lifestyles. Get into a local church these online so-called influencers are not the church and they’re not godly influence they’re trying to make money so they can make six figures and buy their lifestyle. Nothing will ever be good enough for them. No house will be good enough. They’ll always want to renovate. no car will be good enough to always want a better version last year so they can be recognized as successful and they feel like that. They have nice things. what they forget is everything they have is given to them by the Lord God. And when God gives gifts, He hopes that they will use it for His glory and His kingdom. The problem is the more money we have the more money we want to spend on ourselves, not the kingdom of God. We see the gift from God as an opportunity to lavish on ourselves instead of spending Gods gifts on those in need. We will be accountable one day to the Lord. , these unsatisfied people, they are not grateful for the things they have and are influencing you to do the same. they will surround themselves with like-minded people who when they go to “godly counsel“ they will hear exactly what they want to hear.the Bible calls this itching ears present to the Lord girls and find the secret place of God like Psalm 91 tells us and He will provide you with everything you need and the community you need in person the way that God designed us to live. The Bible tells us : 1 Corinthians 15:33 “Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character” Proverbs 13:20 “ Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm ” 1 Corinthians 5:11 “ I meant that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or is abusive, or is a drunkard, or cheats people. Don’t even eat with such people “
@RTL4960 4 дня назад
Here I'm weeping over this beautiful story, God is with us even in our bad moments! Praise Him for His love poured towards you! So happy for you
@asiaisabellaa 5 дней назад
@debbyemison9812 5 дней назад
That was beautiful Tori. God bless you!❤
@aliceteta905 6 дней назад
You’re coming to visit us!
@tamaratekena5169 7 дней назад
this was super encouraging and fun to watch. loved it, thanks guys! <3 also really felt challenged by the distinction between hearing and listening! like in 1 Samuel, where Samuel says 'Master speak, your servant is listening'. definitely going to make time to intentionally listen out for God's voice!
@amymacquarrie6966 7 дней назад
I actually love the light green cardigan you’re wearing at the end. Have searched the sight linked but can’t find it. Where did you get it?!
@lennyboyko 4 дня назад
it's mentioned earlier in the video, from thred up
@amymacquarrie6966 3 дня назад
Yeah I searched thred up, but couldn’t find it. That’s why I was asking. Unless I missed it somehow.
@lennyboyko 2 дня назад
@@amymacquarrie6966 it's like a thrift store, so that could have been the only one (or only one in that size). you could also search other secondhand apps and sites to see if anyone else is selling one
@sarahkessler2456 7 дней назад
Question. Are your curtains burgundy or brown?
@shaniacockerham3563 8 дней назад
That’s my realtors wife’s hat she just came out with so cute!!!
@TryingtolivefortheLord 8 дней назад
We got rid of wifi and put our tv in the basement so we only watch a movie once in a while but i love not having it as the center of our living space and being able to concentrate on more important things versus bingeing on tv just because it is there in front of me
@JonathanKrech 8 дней назад
@sammimata 8 дней назад
We started giving our son a probiotic and it helped!
@lenaor6364 8 дней назад
One thing, which I don't understand, is the coffee you are drinking - without caffeine? Both of children have problems with sleep, and often in the videos appear drinks like coffee, matcha, sugary drinks.. In Europe breastfeeding mothers know it and don't drink such drinks while breastfeeding or at least after 3 hours after a cup of coffee... Otherwise it's causing a vicious circle: caffeine - into milk - into baby- baby's acid reflux/uncalm sleep - whole family sleep-deprived- coffee again....
@asdfghjklasskdfghjkl 7 дней назад
This is a great point and something to be considered
@kortneyrowsell3140 8 дней назад
The old house 😢😢
@Linalinalane 8 дней назад
Did they feed you the bowling with bumpers line to say?? Just out of curiosity…. I’m super curious how influencer marketing works
@ivette4mk 8 дней назад
Where can I get that hat? Love it!
@karlivaught2056 9 дней назад
@lczi38 9 дней назад
Have you checked him for laryngomalacia? He sounds exactly like it. Ent can confirm!
@user-ss2vw7gy2v 9 дней назад
More videos like this pleaseee
@ElahnaHudson 8 дней назад
I second this❤
@faith-uk4xs 9 дней назад
i always feel comfort and inspiration watching the videos.
@CoachAudradavis 9 дней назад
My first had silent reflux. Try Nat Phos 6x Cell Salt- give before each feed. It’s a life saver and safe for baby. No side effects like pharmaceutical medication.
@cmconcon 9 дней назад
Baby probiotics for reflux
@AlexanderHamilton-he3rj 9 дней назад
Hallelujah!!! I’m the favorite, $60,000 every week! Now I can afford anything and also support the work of God and the church.
@ThomasJeff-yn1gp 9 дней назад
Oh really? Tell me more!
@AlexanderHamilton-he3rj 9 дней назад
This is what Ana Graciela Blackwelder does, she has changed my life.
@PatriciaHenderson-ry7qb 9 дней назад
I know Ana Graciela Blackwelder, and I have also had success...
@PatriciaHenderson-ry7qb 9 дней назад
Absolutely! I have heard stories of people who started with little or no knowledge but managed to emerge victorious thanks to Ana Graciela Blackwelder.
@VictoriaKim-yr6ro 9 дней назад
Same here I’m celebrating a $30k stock portfolio today. started this journey with 6k. I have invested on time and also with the right terms now I have time for my family and the life ahead of me
@jacquelynnjones3335 9 дней назад
could the sound be a sing song sound and have something to do with breathing? I heard sometimes this can mean they have gunk in their lungs or are sick. My babies were born at 37 weeks by c-section and because they didn’t go through the birth canal they had fluid in their lungs. my daughter sounded just like Noah. It just has me a little concerned.
@EmilyCyr 9 дней назад
loved this vlog ! super fun style to watch. enjoying the mommy content :))
@neelyfreel8002 9 дней назад
Hey Tori! My first baby had silent reflex. He cried all the time. I didn’t want to put him on medicine, but I was desperate to help him. We put him on reflex medicine when he was 8 weeks old and he was a different baby and finally started smiling cause he wasn’t in pain anymore! So much less crying and slept much better
@G1rl4G0d 9 дней назад
Love the video and the house!! Micah is so cute, and Revelation Culture looks amazingggg 🤩🤩
@danielle9927 9 дней назад
My baby is exactly the same! I have to hold her all the time for naps. I find as soon as I put her down she starts squirming and grunting and she just looks so uncomfortable 🥺 thank God for the baby carrier it helps a lot with 2 under 2 💖
@annlavine3576 9 дней назад
I am a mom of 4 amazing cats
@annlavine3576 9 дней назад
Cats make a house a home too
@annlavine3576 9 дней назад
Love thread up
@annlavine3576 9 дней назад
Can you please link the office chair you got from Wayfare Does it come assembled?
@orlandopetroni5790 9 дней назад
A Family Of Gods Joy And Amazing Grace ✅ Jesus Christ Our Savior 👑 Hallelujah Amen 🙏🏽 From Italy 🇮🇹
@dakotadupee2176 9 дней назад
I reallly needed to hear this! Thank you Tori!
@kristenbeaty1835 9 дней назад
@jennifergonzales8124 9 дней назад
Completely Agree ❤ There is something about a creek or a river that soothes & quiets the soul. You are blessed to live close to one. Always nice to journal by the water and "listen" 🌿🌼🪻
@taylorkaufman4574 9 дней назад
I have 3 kids and my 2 youngest boys were loud sleepers and I had them in a bassinet next to my side of the bed for nursing easy at night but I actually transferred them into a crib in the corner of our room and it helped alot so I didn't hear their every move/ noise. Hope that helps if you can do that! After about 3 weeks I did that for them both and It definitely helped me. Also, they say babies smell their mom so maybe that will help!
@brookenicoley90 9 дней назад
A tongue tie can mimick silent reflux. The only thing I found to finally give him relief was starting purees/cereals at 4 months, which normally I wouldn't do that early but it helped keep any liquid/milk from coming up.
@Dana-mb1hd 9 дней назад
Oh Tori❤ you are such a beautiful mama! You’re doing a great job! Thanks for always encouraging me❤❤❤❤
@KileyBratton-dq4qq 9 дней назад
love you guyssss! Thanks for the video even when you're busy with 2 under 2! Praying for you guys ❤❤❤❤
@tldawns 9 дней назад
God Willing, May you guys bring back the verse or Encouragement Word typed at the end of videos? I Love those, & Love you!!!
@oceaneyeye 9 дней назад
If Noah is not uncomfortable or crying, I'm not sure it is silent reflux. It is normal for babies to be loud sleepers and to move a lot in their sleep!
@ToriAndChad 9 дней назад
It’s just that everytime I get him settled & transferred 5 to 10 minutes later he is wide awake and crying 😢
@erb611 9 дней назад
@ToriAndChad my 5 month old does this and I have no idea why. Anyone know??
@joseerose 9 дней назад
I don't have an answer but just here to say my 6 week old is exactly the same! So incredibly loud and he scoots himself around the bassinet making grunting sounds 😂 I also just thought it was typical newborn stuff.
@angelamaisch1 9 дней назад
@@ToriAndChadmy daughter doesn’t sleep well unless she is next to me in bed or on my chest, could just be that he misses his mama
@oceaneyeye 9 дней назад
@@angelamaisch1 I agree 🥰 Newborns are designed to make sure they are not left alone, so it is very typical for them to wake up very often if they were put down during nap time! Usually they sleep longer streches in a baby carrier
@juliamarcy487 9 дней назад
I love seeing the new house!! I can see the character that you both were talking about in your previous video and I’m super excited for this chapter for you!! Character really makes a house a home and I’m just so excited to see it come along! You are both an encouragement to me and you are both so wise! ❤️
@unapologeticallyromel7096 9 дней назад
Love your channel ❤
@meganpritt6836 9 дней назад
Our pediatrician prescribed Lansoprazole for silent reflux! My daughter had a baddd case of it. It was giving “colic”. The Lansoprazole was like a miracle for us! Prayers 🩷