Axolotl Archives
Axolotl Archives
Axolotl Archives
Mixed-race human being living in Sydney, Australia!

I post content relevant to being queer and mentally thrill. Talking life experiences as someone with ASD, DID, BPD, Bipolar type 2, and Fibromyalgia. Not a lottery I wanted to win but it's what I got.

Sometimes I play games, other times I film my cats
@the_ferris_system8333 2 месяца назад
Your posts about therapy and how it works for all parts of you are so helpful to us. If you choose not to continue with that content, we completely understand. We appreciate and love all of your content. You're doing amazing 💜
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 2 месяца назад
Thank you ferris for the sweet and supportive comment :) We are actually looking at doing EMDR around our previous 'community' experiences soon, which I hope will also assist with my lack of direction advocacy wise
@covenofthehydra 2 месяца назад
Love your content, have for years. Struggle with some of what you mention with my own content. I realized sometime last year that lived experience is just that. No amount of hateful, misinformed, or misunderstanding types of comments change that. So while I also continue too in hopes that it helps others…I also choose to make content for my own healing and documentation of that process. It is what it is. Totally support what you’re saying here. Keep up the awesome work, it matters!
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 2 месяца назад
Grateful for your comment mentioning your experience making similar content, it helps me feel a bit more at ease :)
@evamarie2247 2 месяца назад
The fact that you talk about therapy and the honesty in great detail of your journey, it's pretty obvious you're not faking. I love ur content. Proud of you😊
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 2 месяца назад
Thank you for your kindness 😊 The internalising of other's negative opinions can be quite strong at times.
@evamarie2247 3 месяца назад
Excellent video, sorry I missed this but got no notification. 😊 love ur vids.
@Dreamkeeper_101 4 месяца назад
Thankyou. Ive just started the process and WHOA! FULL ON so far. I have help but still confused.
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 4 месяца назад
I'm planning on making a newer version of this video within the next few weeks, so definitely keep an eye out ☺️ it can be quite confusing to navigate at first but it gets a bit easier as time goes on
@maatirah6530 4 месяца назад
***screams*** I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I saw the notification. 🥰. I love seeing you and looking forward to catch up
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 4 месяца назад
that's too sweet! tysm 🥰
@evamarie2247 4 месяца назад
Isnt it something how when you attempt an alternative state takes over to stop it. Then there is the fight of did we fail or did we want to live faze.. my inpatient stay was awful, but my therapist said it was probably the best outcome to finally have a final diagnosis, because the stress and the lack of sleep showed the alternative states more cleary. I will say every therapist or dr should have to have a visit on an inpatient ward before helping clients so they understand the difficulty of being in inpatient. Great video.
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 4 месяца назад
I admire a lot of new generation dr's and psychs that have lived experience of inpatient stays. I've read a few articles here and there by those going into the field with a desire to help others the ways in which they were perhaps not helped themselves.
@evamarie2247 4 месяца назад
As someone with so many issues caused by my PCOS and the cysts on my overies, I have been told that maybe a hysterectomy would help. You are so brave to be able to do this. I am still struggling to have this done, as am so petrified to be put under or have surgery and some alternative states fear being touched under sleep. Growing up with severe acne and facial hair growth and pain and such has been such a hard decision on what to do? I dont mind identifying as female, even though I have had male alternative states. I have been married for 15 yrs, but am A sexual and dont find intimacy to be enjoyable at all. My husband respects that as best he can. Its such a struggle and trying to cope with even slight medical procedures. My oldest daughter now too is finding simular issues at 21 yrs of age but they refuse to give her a hysterectomy. She wants it done so badly as she too is A sexual and her menstruations are beyond painful. But the hospital refuses to do this for her. In some ways I wish I could help her somehow but hospital baleifs and guildlines are ridiculous. She doesnt want children and is very firm on that. This was a very good video and glad they where willing to do the procedure. Some people say they feel so much better having this done and hope my oldest can someday have it done. I think it would make her life so much better as she states some days she cant even leave her bed when those monthys arrive.
@evamarie2247 4 месяца назад
This was so good, thank you! I think a lot of the issue is beleif and religious background beliefs. I was severely abused by a white nun and it's hard not to see all nuns as abusive. It's odd how people see color and what is valued more or less. I always tell people I see the janitor just as important as the president. They may not have the same stance in the world or even have more power then another. But we all live, we all die, we all eat, sleep the same. Its like even animals or butterflies are all different sizes, colors, etc. But they are the same just have different colors or size. Iv never seen anyone otherwise. I find most if not all that use race as a tool to hurt is based on some belief or religious hold. It's come to a point now where people are being hurt over words and beliefs based on followers and power. When in reality it's there heart and there truths or lies I see. And all I see is a honest heart and caring heart in this video. Someone who doesn't judge by looks or by power, but by your heart and honesty. Well stated and so well done. 😊
@lexiisgay 4 месяца назад
I had a similar situation with my family. My family, more specifically my parents refuse to not invite my abuser and just say I shouldn't come if I'm not comfortable. After speaking with my therapist I have realized that they aren't doing that because they don't care about me feeling safe and accepted, they just don't want to do anything. One of my parents is also a victim of my abuser so it is easier for them to not disrupt the status quo and extended family dynamic by telling them about the abuse and then confronting the abuser which will not go over well. I want them to choose me, but I have realized they aren't denying me, they are denying themselves so they can stay safe. It still breaks my heart, but I now understand that for my situation specifically, it isn't my parents choosing not to care for me, it is them not making any choices.
@evamarie2247 5 месяцев назад
I also love how you talk about eft techniques as well. The tapping on the knees and what not. Your therapist is amazing and sounds so well educated. So proud of the work your doing!❤
@evamarie2247 5 месяцев назад
Very educational video and very very well done! Loved it!😊
@ruthminkov 6 месяцев назад
This is an incredibly well-made video! So helpful! Also your makeup is 🔥🔥🔥
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 5 месяцев назад
Thank you 🥰
@evamarie2247 6 месяцев назад
We also have our sessions recorded to help us as well know our alters and hear the process. You and your therapist are doing an amazing job, she sounds a lot like my own therapist. Im so proud of you!😊
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 6 месяцев назад
Thank you 🥰 I think we have done maybe 2 EMDR sessions since this audio was recorded last May I think. But from what I recall it's definitely one of my favorite methods implemented into my therapy tool belt so far! 😊I'm proud of you too! ✨
@evamarie2247 6 месяцев назад
I love Emdr. Especially since she adjusts it to each alters need with cbt dbt and eft. For disabled alters she uses bilateral stimulation with hand stimulators and music. It takes time to adjust to it and alters kinda are leary but once they get used to it,it goes so well.😊
@alloftheabove202 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this, it was very helpful
@khaosfrgmntarium 6 месяцев назад
This is a very informative, helpful and personal video. Thank you for this insight. You're doing a great job for facing all this stuff. Sending love n light. Fuckin' great opportunity to grow. ❤
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the encouragement 🥰 I'm really excited to keep working on this project and continue sharing my journey and things I learn along the way
@DIDmyOSDDshine-oq3cg 6 месяцев назад
We are glad you are excited about the journey. It's really hard to share, also people doesn't seem to find what they need to, the more healing projects the better.
@AshtenChambliss 6 месяцев назад
This is a great idea. Esp edited on your terms.
@evamarie2247 6 месяцев назад
You speak beautifully. Knowledge is power. 😊
@drewharris7785 6 месяцев назад
So glad to see you! I'm moving to a different state in a few days so this year has had an interesting start but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat 6 месяцев назад
It's great to be back. I hope your move went smoothly ☺️
@mosaic2476 6 месяцев назад
so glad to hear from you!
@cassietate3214 6 месяцев назад
Lovely to see you xxx
@autiejedi5857 6 месяцев назад
So nice to hear from you and things are going well! Happy nre year 💜 (your necklace is so cute btw)
@evamarie2247 6 месяцев назад
This is wonderful! Thank you so much for keeping it so real and honest! Love it!😊
@joasama9763 9 месяцев назад
@PrincessMoonrat 11 месяцев назад
I'm 41. Trauma may very well follow you throughout the rest of your life, and that doesn't need to be frightening. Some days I look at the paths that have lead me here and wonder what might have been. Some days I lament the battles that I know I will still fight. But I am strong. Kind. Compassionate. Wise. Trauma sucks, and despite years of therapy and personal effort, I'm still not washed clean from it. I think already you're on the right path in learning to forgive yourself (even though there is nothing to forgive) and giving yourself space to exist. Future-thinking is also worth its weight in gold. You’re very correct - in ten years, you might still struggle with the same triggers, but you will be strong, kind, compassionate, and wise. You already are - you'll just be more powerful. Some stones tumble harder and shine brighter.
@breeanneosuileabhain2036 11 месяцев назад
You are very brave for putting all of this out there.
@DIDmyOSDDshine-oq3cg Год назад
Nice to have an introduction for new subscribers.
@shelbymachado8712 Год назад
I have saved this for later to ensure focus. Thank you for your vulnerability.
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat Год назад
😊 I hope the time stamps can also help if you need to take any breaks between watching
@autiejedi5857 Год назад
Thanks for sharing 💜
@sherlocked776 Год назад
SO HAPPY FOR YOU! This was a huge thing and I’m so glad it’s been so beneficial. I’ll miss the mustache though😄 sending so much love from me and the piggies!🧡
@autiejedi5857 Год назад
We are using controlled switching to begin our EMDR as well, as other ways of doing it hasn't worked before. Interesting to hear someone else is doing this as well. Thanks for discussing this. 💜
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat Год назад
Oo I'm so glad to hear from someone else also using it in their EMDR! thank you for letting us know you're finding it helps too 😊
@covenofthehydra Год назад
We do Brain Spotting with controlled switching and also have the support team thing going. Thank you for discussing. We will check out your blog too. 🙂
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat Год назад
@@covenofthehydra Brain spotting isn't something I had heard of until reading your comment. I looked into it though and it seems really interesting. I like learning about methods I haven't personally done yet. Thank you for your interaction and giving me something new to read about :)
@probablyzoe Год назад
@drewharris7785 Год назад
Okay barely relevant but for a second I thought you said "be a cannibal" in your closing.
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat Год назад
Lmao, I do not endorse this message 🤣
@DIDmyOSDDshine-oq3cg Год назад
I heard it too.
@Zystemunbound Год назад
Fuck this is healing and comforting. Thank you. We have missed your videos. Life is extra metamorphic and painful. This is incredibly healing and comforting and inspiring as fuck of always. Thank you for the much needed boost of strength to keep healing
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat Год назад
Thank you so much for this comment, I had a big ass day at therapy today and this warmed my heart to read 🥰
@Zystemunbound Год назад
@@axolotlsinatrenchcoat naaw we're glad to hear that, thank you ^.^ Spreading smiles is our mission, heartwarming to hear were able to return some of the smiles you spread our way ^.^
@xorinoa Год назад
A hysterectomy is definitely a major transition goal, but we haven't done much research on it yet. This was really helpful and a good start on getting that info.
@mikeyezra4331 Год назад
thank you for this!!! we’re planning on getting a hysterectomy in the future and this helped us assess the risks
@kfl611 Год назад
I like your curley hair.
@qo692 Год назад
thank you so much for making this and for sharing your story!!💗 i really resonate with this and admire your courage and strength to express yourself authentically :') genuinely something im working toward every day. tysm! <3
@sweatshedtx Год назад
Hi!, love the work. From what you said, I think you will be interested this channel 👉 #drjohnaking. I find him instructional and practical.
@sherlocked776 Год назад
What precious babies!! I can’t get over the banana videos, they’re just SO CUTE. It’s so heartwarming to see how comfortable with you they are and how you look at them with such love, they’re clearly well-cared for too. Good pet care is a lot of work but so rewarding and it always makes me so happy to see animals and their people in such a healthy relationship. The guinea pigs and I send love to you and the buns as always, and while we love your other content we wouldn’t complain about more bunny time too😄🧡
@ashtenchambliss284 Год назад
Can't watch this one, but I'm glad you guys made it through okay and were willing to share afterward ❤️
@ashtenchambliss284 Год назад
Nimbus and Cirus 😭 those are perfect names. Cultivating pride, I've found, is so important. We make a to-do list every day with "wake up" as the first box to check. Just because something is 'bare minimum' doesn't make it effortless. It takes spoons. And if we want our animals to shine with happiness later in life, we learned that we have to start taking pride in the bare minimum and beyond. At this point my cat loves it when I do 😄 God, I relate to your struggles with Kira. We cannot have a dog in the house because of how many dogs I saw 'unalived' as a kid. The trauma is too thick. It causes a lot of fear to think of having a dog now. Thanks for sharing and keeping it real.
@ashtenchambliss284 Год назад
Can I ask what your outro song is? Someone in here really likes it.
@axolotlsinatrenchcoat Год назад
It's called 'Dressed as animals'. Its one of those stock kind of songs thats in our video editor. But I found it on youtube when I was trying to see if I remembered the title correctly ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-qeo5aBkzCzg.html