Sentai Kamikaze Stunts
17 лет назад
F-14 Tomcat Documentary
17 лет назад
Eurofighter Typhoon
18 лет назад
@valente87 3 года назад
SK_Henry_Sakaida aqui! Saudades! Kyuu, Ronin, Hamasaki, entre tantos outros que marcou muito minha juventude!
@famc13 2 года назад
SK_Itachi. Nossa, como que eu vim parar aqui? Entrei no SK quando o Hamasaki já não estava tanto na ativa. Já o Kyuu e o Portuga, nossa, eram os professores da galera que estavam iniciando. Lembro do campeonato que participamos que, se não me engano, terminamos em segundo. Galera incrível aquela. Bons tempos que passamos juntos
@valente87 2 года назад
@@famc13 Eu tbm fiz essa pergunta qdo vi esse video. Seria sensacional tentar reunir o Sentai Kamikaze novamente! Uma honra ter feito parte do grupo.
@famc13 2 года назад
@@valente87 Com certeza seria, porém também perdi contato com toda a galera 😕 Até cheguei a instalar o Hyperlobby, mas nunca mais vi um SK online
@hamafabio 2 года назад
E aí galera, aqui é o Hamasaki
@hamafabio 2 года назад
@@famc13 me adicionem na steam por este nome de usuário aqui
@Modestasgailius 11 лет назад
EU military !
@roblox101202 12 лет назад
the f/a 18 superhornet was not meant to replace the f-14 tomcat. the hornet was made to replace the phantom COMPLIMENT(or work with) the tomcat. tomcats have been phased out because they are bi-planes(two seats). as technology grows there is a lesser need for the copilot so the tomcat was slowly phased out for the more modern single-seat planes like the f-18. the hornet is also more maneuverable than the tomcat.
@BlackzSmoke 12 лет назад
Lol promotional video? I'd like to order 3.
@AICHIVAL2 13 лет назад
Saki ni kamikaze to hakai: )
@Fruitjoke 13 лет назад
The only downside of the Eurofighter is that it needs a longer runway to take off than most fighter jets, in all other aspects it is superior.
@ryolay 13 лет назад
as an american i dont like the looks of the typhoon as much as the f-22 but i must say its a beast at areobatics
@Moontyy 14 лет назад
great song
@sbrughi 14 лет назад
Name of the song?
@OlderG0ds 14 лет назад
@29Gixxer Far as I know the F-35 is replacing F-16 (and f-18 , harrier)
@Helge129 14 лет назад
@XR6Charged: I doubt it. The Raptor needs an AWACS in order to unleash its full potential, or be a flying "SHOOT ME!" sign.
@Moontyy 14 лет назад
the best music!!
@OlderG0ds 14 лет назад
Wow people actually talking sense on this video. Well, except "turbosmurf". Just had to be 1 asinine comment lol
@turbosmurf 14 лет назад
During an exercise with the Eurofighter vs raptor, the Eurofighter just play'ed with the raptor and after 5 attemp's the raptors cancelled the exercise. Just so you know:P
@ClarksonsinUSA 14 лет назад
I think you are over looking the fact American aircraft use data links from E3s in the theater of operation....It does not even need to turn their radar on....
@JamestheLess1976 15 лет назад
You were a pilot in the Navy? WOW! I'm so impressed!
@joemne 15 лет назад
These posts take crooked grammar to a whole new level.
@shadddey5 15 лет назад
Ok that had to be the single most fucking coolest thing I've seen all year so far
@hobied62 15 лет назад
nice and correct reply!
@dwcsystems 15 лет назад
Matt Wilkie, Matthew Corbett - Hall Of Flames
@Pupeto1886 15 лет назад
The first part of the comment was: The F-22 has taken 20+ years to develop and much much more money than the Typhoon,but with that the Raptor is not that MUCH better than the Eurofighter! You know a lot of airplanes and you know that in the air the lighter you are the better,and we all know which of the 2 planes is ligther! Also the Eurof.has been developed by the best scientists from Europe and don't tell me that USA has them all!
@Pupeto1886 15 лет назад
I think that the lighter Typhoon can beat the Raptor,but that's my opinion! Discovery Channel don't say always all of the story,don't understand me wrong I am a fan of Disc.Channel, but i don't think that they will say that the newest fighter in the USAF is NOT the best in the world! Isn't that so?
@Pupeto1886 15 лет назад
the music of the video is really nice!!! Does someone know the artist?
@Pupeto1886 15 лет назад
The F-22 is not invisible,it shows on the radar,but it is really small,but i am sure that the Typhoon radar can see the Raptor! And in a dogfight the Eurofighter will beat the F-22,because it more maneuverabel!
@eisregen1983 15 лет назад
Don't misunderstand me the F-22 is a hell of a plane and may kick ass, but so does the Typhoon. Btw. anyone knows sth bout the newest russian radar technologies? I heard some of em may even take on B-2 or F-22s
@eisregen1983 15 лет назад
The F-22 weapons capacity is more than limited...any F-16 is more multirole than the F-22. I dont know the F-22 attacking capacities, but if you want to shoot down a plane with air-to-air on long distance you need a radar. Means you lock on and then you shine like a christmas tree. the lower the distance is the higher the risk to be seen. Stealth is an advantage but it is not the godmode. as you could see when a Nighthawk was shot down
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
but many countries are getting stealth planes like the f-35, and there is no way in hell the typhoon can go up against a stealth plane. we are comparing air superiority and multirole to simply see who would shoot the other down, with the answer being the f-22 shooting down the typhoon. and the f-22 has plenty of multirole capability.
@eisregen1983 15 лет назад
Comparing an Miltirole airplane and an air superiority fighter? first mistake...2nd mistake...no one really knows how effective the radars of any plane is. Both are prolly the best ones available also the defense systems...the F-22's big disadvantage is the price. The typhoon can keep up easily with modern air planes and fulfill it's role. Kicking 2 F-15's ass in a real dogfight speaks for itself. I'd prefer the E/F because it is cheaper and more flexible
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
i don't care if the translation is wrong, go blame google translate, not me.the f-22 can shoot down the typhoon from 130 miles away and the typhoon has no clue were the f-22 is. even if it goes wvr, the f-22 has an all-around multi-spectral missile warning system that doubles as an irst system. the f-22 also has thrust vectoring. the typhoon irst system only looks forwards. f-22 infrared/ultraviolet search and track system looks everywhere, not just in front of them.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
please don't make things up. 1 f-22 can easily kill many typhoons, here is a translation in german: Hier ist eine Übersetzung in Deutsch von Google Translate: Bitte nicht die Dinge auf. 1 f-22 kann leicht töten viele eurofighter Taifune
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
and we have completely stealth cruise missiles. and we don't mess around with choosing a warhead. the storm shadow warhead is a puny 990 pounds, and the AGM-129 ACM uses a W-80-1 Thermonuclear warhead with a yield of 150 Kilotons.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
there is no way in hell that it could have a smaller rcs than the f-22. storm shadow is simply reduced rcs. the storm shadow, like the typhoon, is designed to reduce the head-on radar signature. and if u want to get near us, u have to go through the SBX radar, which can track objects smaller than a baseball more than 3000 miles away.
@batteredwarrior 15 лет назад
I doubt F-22 could shoot down Storm Shadow...it's a stealth missile with a smalled RCS than F-22...
@batteredwarrior 15 лет назад
Actually there is absolutely no evidence that F-22 won...the ONLY publicly released reports said that Typhoon won decisively at all ranges...and they DID say that the USAF refused to play the next day. RAF personnel were actually told to stop talking about it by their superiors because the USAF was embarassed and getting annoyed...
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
it doesn't even matter what the typhoon's multirole capabilities are. it will be knocked out of the sky before it can get anywhere near us. if it used a bomb it would have to be extremely close to us, and would definitely be shot down by raptors. if it launched a cruise missile the missile would be shot down even more easily than the typhoon.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
the evidence actually suggests that the f-22 killed the typhoons with no problem. there is little evidence of this in the first place. the raptors would have been happy to kill the typhoons again the next day, but they probably either returned langely afb of elmendorf afb, or since china lake is used for testing, they might have been testing missiles such as the aim-120d.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
heavy bombers are not outdated. the f-35 is mainly used for aircraft carriers etc. because more are needed and the f-35 is cheaper than the f-22.
@batteredwarrior 15 лет назад
Sorry, "plane"..typo.
@batteredwarrior 15 лет назад
F-35 is for a different purpose...we've always had several different strike planes at one time (Harrier/Jaguar/Tornado GR.1/4/4A) Typhoon can carry a bigger payload than F-35 for a start...oh, and the US is getting it too...so I could say the same about F-22...however, I can assure you that Typhoon is a better strike plan than F-22 is. BTW heavy bombers are so outdated now...
@batteredwarrior 15 лет назад
The only evidence about a mock engagement between Typhoon and Raptor actually said that F-22 pilots were surprised that they were getting waxed at BVR by the Typhoons, and that the Typhoons, I quote, "dominated the WVR fight"...why do you think the Raptor pilots refused to play the next day?
@batteredwarrior 15 лет назад
Actually the 241-0 kill ratio was for one exercise...against US planes....with US pilots....you think they're going to let their new pride and joy look like a turkey?
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
the f-22 has plenty of multirole capability. if the typhoon is so damn good, then why the fuck are you buying the f-35? and you don't even have an actual bomber, just smaller strike aircraft.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
there is little evidence that the f-22 has ever faced typhoon, and the little evidence suggests that the f-22 dominated at bvr, and both were about even at wvr. if this did actually happen, the f-22 also shot down the typhoon many times. with stealth, there will be very few wvr battles. in red flag in alaska, there were about 3 engagements wvr.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
if you read the whole thing, you would have seen that i was talking about the red/blue flag exercises.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
please stop making up this bullshit. during many exercises, the f-22 has gotten 241-0 kill/death ratios.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
the missile can do many more g than the pilot. the aim-9x also has thrust vectoring.
@Darthbelal 15 лет назад
but does it come with cruise control, airbags and satellite radio? and a honking stereo system would be nice, too.
@ClarksonsinUSA 15 лет назад
In the age of stealth....... There are 5th generation aircraft and there are targets...
@Enantiomero24 15 лет назад
Yo lo volé en el Ace Combat 3 y no me gustó.
@WaffleMaster4 15 лет назад
the acm is stealth. its stealth is so good that treaties regulate it to only being launched from non-stealth aircraft.