Sophie Rose
Sophie Rose
Sophie Rose
Hello! I'm a mixed media artist living in Vancouver, Canada. This channel isn't about showing off my best art, but instead sharing my thoughts on creating, like how to create freely, how to get back into your sketchbook, how to deal with art block, and other such things.
Artists Shouldn't be Scared of AI
Месяц назад
how to ACTUALLY get out of an art rut
Месяц назад
just a short and simple ART VLOG
2 года назад
Giving Meaning to Meaningless Art
2 года назад
40 Hours of Work 40 Hours of Life
2 года назад
Cheap Art Supply Challenge
2 года назад
Drawing When I'm Not in the Mood
2 года назад
Trying Oil Pastels for the First Time
2 года назад
@neon-kq6wz 8 дней назад
This video was really helpful, and seeing your sketchbook was inspiring as well :,)
@plato1415 15 дней назад
nice work love your art!
@ke_neil_we 20 дней назад
More of these for sure ✨
@LeoLau-ip9bv 26 дней назад
pre 500 sub maybe
@WhizPill 28 дней назад
Kim Jung Gi mentioned ✅✅✅ 15:19
@WhizPill 28 дней назад
Good videos being recommended y smart creators on my feed let’s go 💯💯💯
@cencent2189 28 дней назад
Tbh with the farmer thing it has a lot of problems that comes with modern farming. There is a lot of depletion of soil in industrial farming and an over reliance on fertilizers and pesticides that kill A LOT of the earth and will continue becoming more and more of a problem for the future. The amount of farming land also decreases the amount of forests in some areas, such as in Indiana where forests have decreased by more than 90% statewide since the 1800s ahich affects a lot of biodiversity and the water cycle. AI could prove to be harmful in similar effects, such as the amount of CO2 and energy consumption it creates. There could also be worse consequences that we yet to know but also could have benefits to outset them. We just need to be aware of possible consequences with new tech.
@umbrason. 29 дней назад
Hey, great video you said of lot of things I fully agree with and I appreciate how you don't shift the blame on the tool and vilify it like a lot of other artists on this platform do, but rather point out that its the humans abusing it that people should be/are afraid of. I'd like to contribute my 2 cents to this topic: At ~14 mins you say that humans probably would not be creating art if they "lived in a cave with no lights and no inspiration" but that they still *could*. But hold up, what would they create? All of the art they would produce would not be able to resemble any of the things we only know from passively observing them in our environment (foliage, rocks, animals, humans, man-made structures etc.), so all that's left would be abstract shapes and colours, with no real meaning. At least no meaning in the sense that we understand it now, since the meaning we find in art is based on our common human experience. A common library/language of colours, shapes and experiences we can relate to and recognize in other peoples art. As I see it, all of human art is depending on a common foundational interpretation of shapes and colours that may vary slightly from person to person but still has a ton of overlap between everyone. I think it is therefore unfair to say that generative AI could not create art when it get no human input like the training data its trained on. It could still create 'art', we would just not interpret it as such, because it lacks the knowledge about the shapes and colours of our world. The process of training a Generative AI is merely teaching it this shared library of the patterns in nature and our environment, like all humans do by just having their eyes open and perceiving the world. However there are a couple of points where Generative AI does take "shortcuts" when creating artworks, that human artists do and it does not. (because we designed it that way, since its easier to solve one problem at a time than tackling all of these at once). For example filtering the visual input to only contain artworks or photographs that humans find aesthetically pleasing or meaningful, is a task that we take care of for the AI since we do not want to teach it what humans find aesthetically pleasing or which experiences matter to us. At that point we'd have to create something that would be very close to a digital human mind. So instead we enable the Generative AI to skip building an internal model of what humans value in art by only showing it examples of what we value, instead of providing it with all the visual stimuli a human artist might experience over their lifetime. And instead of taking inspiration from visual/auditory stimuli or memories like humans do when coming up with the subject of their artworks, we instead (usually) do that task for the AI, by giving it a prompt to base the artwork off of. We could however let something like a text transformer (like any of the GPT models) or just a plain old randomizer dictate the prompts and let the AI continuously generate that way, without the need of human input. So all in all I think that Generative AI is creating art in a very similar way to humans, but with a couple steps of the process still being conducted by humans, since it needs to produce something that is relevant to humans without sharing the same experiences as humans do. The problem I see with generative AI is not that its a different way of creating art that "lacks" creativity, since I don't really think that creativity in a vacuum is even a thing, but rather how it is used within our economic system to take away peoples livelihoods (like you said the issue is not the tool itself but the existing negative tendencies the tool exacerbates).
@kenlevine2064 Месяц назад
i am not even watching this generic white woman essay AI should be feared, artists should pester legislators and raise awareness of it instead of burying their heads in the sand. edit: watched a bit and your takes are indeed as terrible as i expected. "oh um jobs being replaced is good cause i have to deal with less ppl :P :3" wow how do you manage to be this r%87t$rded?? yeah a person starving to death is good cause your life is 0.1% more convenient. pure egocentrical ret$&rdation. also i love the mispronuniciation of gi's name, really shows how much of an uninterested grifter you are and how little you know about any of this. as if spending half the video reading off a script wasn't enough of a giveaway lol.
@dervakommtvonhinten517 Месяц назад
artist SHOULD be scared. just like all humans. ai has been around for a year or so and just look at how far it has come along in that short time. once ai reaches the point it can improve on its own it will run away.
@WhizPill 28 дней назад
AI has been around fare longer than that, over 5 decades in fact
@dervakommtvonhinten517 28 дней назад
@@WhizPill HAHAHAHA please prove that xD
@larrylyn210 28 дней назад
Annndddd its profoundly unimpressive.
@dervakommtvonhinten517 27 дней назад
@@larrylyn210 why? it can make better pictures with proper training. but even that proper training is less than what an actual artist needs to do to become good. only difference is, ai can generate millions of pictures where as artists can only make a few. and if we are judging the quality of the art... most art (especially modern art) is talentless and ugly.
@plato1415 Месяц назад
@plato1415 Месяц назад
happy youre back!
@sproutstuffs Месяц назад
Great timing! I've been wanting to get back into making music recently and have been struggling to catch up with where I was (skill-wise) before having a break. I often find it really difficult to re-enter hobbies, and even exercise, because I decide before starting that whatever I make is in no way going to be as good/ valuable as what I have done previous, immediately discouraging myself. From talking to people around me, I've found that it's okay to just throw things together and re-learn skills without pressuring yourself to make something to our pre-conceived standard, by preventing myself from starting I'm preventing myself from knowing my own ability. Through caring less about the end result, as you've said, you can enjoy the process and learn to be comfortable with creating things to be proud of again, as well as being proud for taking that first step back into creativity. Lovely video as always :)
@SophieRoseArt 28 дней назад
Thank you so much for always leaving such thoughtful comment, I definitely agree it’s so hard to restart hobbies like it has to be all or nothing and if I take a break I act like it’s not worth restarting the habit but that’s silly, doing something badly often is always better than not doing something at all because of the fear it will be bad
@carnalcupid Месяц назад
Needed this thankyou, haven't made anything for months
@SophieRoseArt Месяц назад
thank you for watching! let me know if you end up making something!!! good luck
@Nakaamaa 7 месяцев назад
Great advice! I needed to hear this. Thank you!
@SophieRoseArt Месяц назад
thank you for watching!
@monewade 10 месяцев назад
I've been missing you! I hope all is well <3
@SophieRoseArt Месяц назад
I never saw this i just signed back into this account, thank you so much for thinking of me <3 <3 that is so sweet I hope you are well also!!!
Just what I needed! Thanks 😊
@SophieRoseArt Месяц назад
thank you so much!!
@lusss8 Год назад
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
@im.bad.at.usernames Год назад
thank you, art saviour. this was much needed
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank YOU!!!! good luck with your art journey!
@azul363 Год назад
Ameiiii❤ mais
@donald_XL_Robertson Год назад
I love this message! Thanks for the inspiration. You are so right, and it's so true; creators should put “Make It Now” into action. Many ideas are okay, but getting them done is rewarding and way better. Consider me #teamMakeItNow Also Thanks for using my music in such an inspiring video. 🎧 🎉💯😁 Happy New Year 🎉🙌🏾😁 ✌🏽
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
oh my goodness I did not expect to get a comment from you, your music is incredible and it was exactly what I was looking for to suit the video. thank you so much for sharing it on thematic !! I will definitely continue to look out for new releases! 💓 also thank you for taking the time to comment. I used to pride myself on my ideas, and I think to some degree I still do, but it has left me feeling like no one knows what I'm actually capable of creating except for myself (which is a lonely feeling, even if we say we only create for ourselves, we do seek the approval and recognition of others, at least I do) making it now can at least ensure that I don't end another year feeling like most of my creative projects never got made! happy new year to you as well, keep creating ✨
@yanghaiying Год назад
Great video. I love it.
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you so much!!
@becurious17 Год назад
Called me out and I’m here for it 👏🏼 how did you know I was watching RU-vid instead of actually DOING THE THINGS? Lol 😅 I’ve been in a total rut, avoiding art. Even though I have the ideas come and go. It’s been months since I’ve painted anything and I feel like the more time that passes the more stuck I get and the more excuses I make. It’s a vicious cycle! 😫 Thanks for this video. It’s definitely something I needed to hear 💓 and I love the nature setting of your video! 😊
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
haha I swear the only time I'm on youtube is when I'm actually avoiding doing something. Or maybe I'm just always procrastinating and so every time I'm on youtube there's something better I could be doing 😂 I'm sorry to hear you're been in a rut, I've definitely been there so many times this year. I think the only thing you can do to get out of a rut is just make a lot of bad art and eventually you'll make something you like and just like that the rut kind of ends. But how to start making art when you're in a rut and don't want to make to begin with? that I still haven't figured out. thank you for taking the time to comment, happy new year 💖 good luck with your art goals this year
@becurious17 Год назад
@@SophieRoseArt happy new year to you as well! Since watching your video I actually put some paint on canvas and did some sketching. Hurray! I feel rusty but it’s definitely a start! 😅Thank you for the inspiration 🙏🏼✨
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
@@becurious17 That is incredible to hear!!! Keep it up <3
@sproutstuffs Год назад
a very inspiring message that I think I needed to hear! happy new year! :))
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you so much! happy new year to you as well 💖
@tonyhawksmovingcastle9697 Год назад
i have been thinking about this lately but i think your video really settled this on my mind! this year i got really anxious while making art, esp bc i have been trying to switch from traditional to digital, but im not used to painting in a computer at all, so every time i try to do something its really stressful.. but it really is better to make something bad than nothing at all. recently i have been starting projects with the ugliest sketches ever bc it helps me ease that initial tension, i hope that tip is useful for anyone out there ❤️ and the part about drawing what you want now bc later you're gonna lose interest in it is so true.. i have never realized it. thanks for the video sophie! hope u have an amazing 2023, happy new year :)!
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you so much for taking the time to comment 💛 It's really hard to stop looking at art as a finished product especially when you have an idea you're trying to execute or a product you want to make from it (or you plan on posting it online!) but we can all hopefully learn together how to get past that art making anxiety!! definitely I think starting with ugly sketches is the best thing I've been doing this year. Knowing that I can cover up anything I don't like or restart if I don't like the sketch is comforting. happy new year to you as well! good luck with achieving your art goals this year!! 💓
@KalpriArt Год назад
Nice artwork
@SophieRoseArt Месяц назад
thank you!!
@natelierart Год назад
beautiful and original piece of art, very creative !
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you so much! <3
@lusss8 Год назад
So talented !
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you!!!
@aimeee2001 Год назад
Thanks for making this videos. I have been in a creative rut for almost 3 years now... Never thought it could be linked to my internet consumption. Will give it to go, the productive procastinating instead of hopping on tiktok, twitter etc :)
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
hey sorry for the late reply! how is your art making going? breaking social media habits (or any 'bad' habits) is not easy! I wish you luck, and I'm so happy to hear this video helped
@vannikuhs674 Год назад
þrðmð§m 😊
@alfalfadesigns Год назад
So glad to see your still doing art challenges Sophie! Can't believe it was two years ago we were both filming for Peachtober. Hope you are keeping well and keep going your doing amazing!
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
oh my goodness thank you Rebecca for taking the time to comment! It is so strange to think how quickly time has flown by and how much has changed since then! your peachtober videos always put such a smile on my face. honestly I've never finished an art challenge but I love doing them so I think I always will. good luck with your own artistic journey!! 💘
@alfalfadesigns Год назад
@@SophieRoseArt Aww thank you, I ended up not having time to make videos as much but I really want to get back into it! So glad to see you have your own dog now, as I remember you saying how much you wanted one☺️ Take care!
@abnormalarts5557 Год назад
Wow that resonated so much when u said u need to feel something holding u back to feel the urge to create. It helps creative thought
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
artists are so weird, with all the time in the world making art is 'hard' and with limited time the drive to create art increases? Its frustrating but accepting it has definitely been helpful!
@nolls888 Год назад
Hi. I'm out of the loop. What is magtober..? XD Beautiful sketching process and the river looks like such a fun place to draw for inspiration!!
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
hello!!! you are not out of the loop haha, magtober is a daily prompt, inktober-inspired, drawing challenge hosted by artist magsmonroe on instagram ! thank you so much!! I love sketching outdoors so much
@logi5869 Год назад
So Cool!
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you!!!
@abnormalarts5557 Год назад
You inspire me to sketch more with crayola markers
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
omg yes do it!! when you paint with water based paints on top of them they blend into the piece as well which makes for some interesting effects!
@magsmunroe Год назад
This is simply magical !!!! my eyes are sparklin watching this rn
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you !!! 😭😭😭 my heart is fluttering
@BabyNami02 Год назад
I love to make art, but I tend to procrastinate because I hate making a mess. And my paints/pencils do make a mess. But this is helpful, I never thought to sketch and not paint it or color it in. That would make me have more joy, not rushing to finish it. I’m def gonna use your tips!!😊
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
I definitely relate to the making a mess thing! I mean I love making a mess, I just hate cleaning up after. I find markers are a good alternative since I can pull them out pretty easily but still get that colour and looseness that can be hard to achieve with just a pen or something. good luck with your artmaking <3
@finamariaa Год назад
so satisfying to watchhhhh
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank youuu!!!! <3
@abnormalarts5557 Год назад
Yaaaaaaaaas 🙌🙌🙌🙌
@SoloDust Год назад
the title called my name!!😊
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
haha had a feeling!!! happy to have you back!!
@sproutstuffs Год назад
Super excited to see another video of yours in my feed again! I agree with a lot of the points you make and similarly promised myself I'd try to make more this summer - so far I haven't really done much and summer is pretty much over oops... I definitely have felt that guilt of having ideas and wanting to do things but never doing them, for me out of pure laziness lol. I really like the idea of showing up more for your own interests instead of making it a chore, it's a really interesting way to put that concept in a unique way. I'm moving out soon for university and am kind of hoping that the routine I'll get into will help me better organise time to create :) Well done for getting the ball rolling with more creative activities! You really are an inspiration to me and I hope that you keep creating!
@SophieRoseArt Год назад
thank you so much for this comment, I'm so happy you enjoyed the video! congratulations on school, moving out is a huge leap! I find every time I've moved it takes me a few months to create a routine, depending on how big the move is, and how much is changing, it can take even longer, good luck but don't be too hard on yourself!
@kponds7528 Год назад
I havent drawn in YEARS. Hopefully these videos help me out
@SophieRoseArt Месяц назад
I hope so too! Sometimes you gotta stop watching videos and just force yourself to draw I guess but also no matter how much you want to do something it can be so hard to convince yourself to do it. I hope you got back into drawing!
@abnormalarts5557 2 года назад
I miss your content
@SophieRoseArt 2 года назад
thank you 💛💛 i'm working on some new ones now!! and i should be back soon!!!!
@abnormalarts5557 Год назад
@@SophieRoseArt super psyched to hear it😍
@gentillybaycreative2170 2 года назад
I think its colective consciusness. I've alwarys thought that i was the one who came up with a goldfish in a bowl for a head, because i drew it in college 20 years ago, then saw it in a couple of films since then. I later found out that a gut who was in NY at the same time I was in college came up with a comic with that image in it that was the inspo for one of the films that I saw
@SophieRoseArt 2 года назад
sorry for the late reply, I definitely agree, there are so many ideas that I have had that I have seen done, so many moments of deja vu, or ideas I know I could have come up with. It seems so crazy, but it shouldn't be surprising considering we are all taking so much of the same content! thank you for your comment! I've definitely seen a few things with guys with fishbowl heads which is really interesting because I don't think I would have ever come up with that, its like groups of people are more likely to go down certain paths of thinking, and there's groupings of collective consciousness if that makes sense!?
@gentillybaycreative2170 2 года назад
Wow I am exactly the same about not workng in the house
@HeyPainting 2 года назад
Great sharing~~~~ my Friend~have a wonderful day!!!! 👍👍👍👍👍
@SophieRoseArt 2 года назад
thank you so much!!! <3
@abnormalarts5557 2 года назад
Loved this
@SophieRoseArt 2 года назад
@SoloDust 2 года назад
yay this is great for my low attention span
@SophieRoseArt 2 года назад
haha thats great to hear!!! I think most of my videos are the complete opposite of that , but this was super fun and easy to make, but it does feel like less meaningful in a way to me compared to the longer format videos, if that makes sense! I'm still experimenting and working out what I like
@SoloDust 2 года назад
@@SophieRoseArt it's funto watch u experiment keep up the good work
@mylesprice1885 2 года назад
love the red rainboots
@SophieRoseArt 2 года назад
thx me too
@rheic-arts9536 2 года назад
Short, simple and sweet! Love all the little details you highlights around you. Making the normal exciting is part of the joy of art!
@SophieRoseArt 2 года назад
thank you so much 💛 I feel so lucky there is so much beauty around me! I've been meaning to make a short vlog like this for a while because every time I leave my house I notice little details I'd love to film but I don't know what to do with them, so this video was kind of an experiment in using all those random 'normal' things around me