Asperger's Syndrome is a gift. It may not always be the gift you were hoping for and it might be scary at first but trust me, you can do a lot of fun stuff with Asperger's. :)

This channel is here to show people how I think and work since my brother, my dad and I all have Asperger's and therefore I have a pretty good "feel" of what it is. That being said: I'm not an expert, and I've... been known to be wrong... so yeah! I forgot what my point was but there you go.
Quick question - Hello!
8 лет назад
Arguing FOR: Autism
9 лет назад
Update from Portugal
10 лет назад
Where I've been lately
10 лет назад
We need your help at our stream!
10 лет назад
Question to my viewers | Rant?
10 лет назад
Have this random video of our house!
10 лет назад
Losers in fedoras | Rant
10 лет назад
Attention seeking vs quality | Rant
10 лет назад
@tickedoffnow 4 месяца назад
Dexter is Autistic
@micheals1992 5 месяцев назад
Whats happened to the adkit2 channel? I really wanted to rewatch Psychonauts 😅
@f.osborn1579 9 месяцев назад
You’re so cool! 20:25
@ajofmars2579 10 месяцев назад
Linus! I have followed you for many years. I remember when this video was at the top of your video page. When it matched your background when watched. I used to have a photographic memory. Now I have the memory of a goldfish. I was still in high school. I was too young to contribute to the true love fund, I am sorry! I found you through Return to Mysterious island. Sorry for the short direct sentences, I have sever social and general anxiety, and a fear of interacting with people online, instilled in me by my dad growing up. That people would steal everything I typed into the computer and use it against me. Not far off from what things have become. The future is more beautiful and terrible than anyone can imagine. A dystopian future of great promise and pain. I was so afraid, but now, age 28, am able to finally message people online. Hope this finds you well! I’m in a low place in my life right now actually- and for all I know, I’m talking to the æther, the spectral spirit which is the scooping and analyzing information from the internet. Take this message and shove it. I will not hide. Anyway, Linus, I hope life treats you well. That you are prosperous, and live a long and fulfilling life. I don’t want to get too personal, there are so many thoughts in my head. I guess your let’s plays were like a safety net too me, watched when I was needing an escape to relax. But less and less each year, I regret that now. Anyway, I’m a cowboy in Wyoming, USA. We have horses, cattle, chickens, cats, a dog, a snake, and about 400 acres of land with a mountain and a stream. Wildflowers, old mines and wooden wagons. Idillic. A slice of the old west. I would want to share pictures but don’t want to intrude on your life. I would donate to a stream or video now that I have the income and inclination. May your days be filled with joy and your nights filled with peace. Best of luck and health from Wyoming, yours truly AJ
@ajofmars2579 10 месяцев назад
Linus! I just noticed your let’s plays aren’t there anymore! They have given me so much comfort and solace over the years. You have. Thank you so much. I hope one day I’ll be able to watch them again, I was actually going to watch one of the let’s plays this weekend. Your Aspergers content is still here at least! It helped me so much to shape the person I wanted to be growing up, to understand myself. Best of luck, and stay safe out there! And please, at some point, let us know how you are! Love!
@MicahTheZombie 11 месяцев назад
i really enjoyed coming back to your lp's every now and then. i'll miss em :( thanks for the hours of entertainment
@Rocket_Lunch Год назад
The best problem / resolution I ever experienced in a relationship was when a boyfriend told me where he wanted each dish & piece of silverware to go after unloading the dishwasher. Before he told me, I think maybe he didn't want to micromanage me helping around his place, but having things out of place was causing him anxiety, and I had no idea. I didn't consider it micromanaging because I totally understand things needing to be in a certain spot. So he gave me the kitchen organization rules, I then knew how to do it correctly, everyone was happy.
@mariebo7491 Год назад
Yes. I’m an Aspie. My husband is not. We have 3 kids and happily married 15 years.
Such a dumb name for a mental condition & it's very unfortunate for the man it was named after. Did people not realize what it sounds like? It should be called Hans syndrome.
@humanperson8418 Год назад
It's not called Asperger's, it's called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Other people calling it a "Disorder" is an issue.
@humanperson8418 Год назад
You also don't need an "Official" diagnosis to tell you what you already know. Information about it is all publicly available. What is there to gain from an official diagnosis other that social stigma?
@romepix Год назад
I was diagnosed this year as an adult after finding paperwork my parents hid from me from when I was 7. I had to pay for a neuropsychologist to find out I have (the current term) a high masking autism spectrum disorder but I know it would have been called aspie ten years ago. Glad to find your channel but see you haven’t uploaded in awhile. Hope you are well.
@atrealdino6667 Год назад
I'm a 33 degree freemason
@anjachan Год назад
I always tell myself don't worry be happy but its hard
@youdyyoudy Год назад
I know this video is years old but I just stumbled upon it and I just wanna say that not all of us girls don't like Aspie men. I personally have been heartbroken by two (I'm still friends with one guy) and after my first bf stopped "masking", he decided to ghost me. It hurt so bad because I was loyal, loving and patient with him so I don't understand why he hurt me.
@FlamespeedyAMV 2 года назад
Autism can be caused by Trauma apparently. So maybe Dexter would never have been a true killer and become weaponised into one. Evelyn said that Dexter isn't no ordinary psychopath as he has empathy
@JDMimeTHEFIRST 2 года назад
Living with a Non aspie? Gross . . Jk. I did try it, but I find neurotypicals to be kind of cold.
@JDMimeTHEFIRST 2 года назад
I have Aspergers (ASD level 1) and I actually really like touch and sex. I could never do a long distance relationship. I am picky about who I like as not many people like me either. But once I find someone compatible, it’s great. I’m not a naturally affectionate person and just don’t know what other people want. But when you find someone you trust who understands what you like and will tell you what they like, that’s the best case scenario. I find that being with others on the spectrum also is more fun in bed 🤓. We tend to be very honest about what we’re into and will be more open to explore new things than most neurotypicals.
@Jimjon24 2 года назад
I have Asperger's and struggle with tooth brushing, once a day is all I can muster with extreme effort. Showering I've gone months without one in the past, with little smell or issues whatsoever (being bald helps) now I try to have one once a week, it's a sensory issue more than anything. My face reacts quite badly to tap water too.
@Yep6803 2 года назад
@Yep6803 2 года назад
i did it in someway it say i was...three months later my mom forced me to go to psychology and i'm ahahah fun? no, it is useless(my score: 42)
@AltoAngelo 2 года назад
There is cure for Aspie! and its been hidden. Homeopathic cure. look it up! same for Autism.
@kattym2417 2 года назад
Guess we need over think what we love if we can't stop over thinking better than over thinking the bad
@AndrewFerrer3d 2 года назад
Don't give a rats a** about strangers. I can't tell the difference between strangers and family or friends. There's nothing that makes them less or more human than my parents. There's literally no difference other than that they're under the name stranger instead of family.
@josephmcdonald764 2 года назад
You need to do a lot more research on maintaining, storining, reshaping and cleaning hats. Also, man up and get a Stetson, a man's hat, the hat of hats.
@milvache 2 года назад
I agree with you. I belive Dexter Morgan has Asberger Syndrome and has Autism. He collects blood from his victims and he is very strategic in his ways. He dosent act like a normal human and most of his toughts are his inner monologues. I also belive he is a psychopatic since he kills people and dosent get affected by cutting people into pieces.
@artisticautistic9664 2 года назад
We have big heads and long faces.
@artisticautistic9664 2 года назад
I agree. Can't lose if you don't play.
@artisticautistic9664 2 года назад
Let's not confound autism and intellectually impairment. The traits people call 'severe autism' are traits that are presented due to intellectual impairment, though calling it 'severe autism' implies that those are stories traits, when they're not. This is why we shouldn't use the term 'severe autism'- the perpetuation of the term is one of the primary reasons people confuse autism and intellectual impairment.
@artisticautistic9664 2 года назад
Honestly, the friends I have, I thought I hated, initially, but they kept pestering me and I eventually caved in and now we're friends.
@artisticautistic9664 2 года назад
We need to start taking the nt women and making aspie babies with them so we can slowly replace the nts. Oh to answer your question, I met her online lol
@1994glg 2 года назад
Why is this in my recommended now
@JDMimeTHEFIRST 2 года назад
No. He’s a psychopath. Psychopaths and sociopaths seem like they have empathy but have none whereas people with Aspergers are perceived by people who don’t know them to not have empathy when they actually have too much emotion. We hold it in. Basically, they are our opposites. Of course “Dexter” is not a real portrait of a psychopath so the writers may have written him a certain way.
@JDMimeTHEFIRST 2 года назад
The reasoning behind everything is completely different. We feel too much (over stimulation, etc) whereas they feel nothing.
@JDMimeTHEFIRST 2 года назад
It’s sad because other people drive people to suicide. How someone is treated in life will determine if they kill themselves. I hate when neurotypicals say there’s nothing that could be done and no one to blame. Yes, there is. Other people (mainly neurotypicals) treating and bullying people has a direct impact on someone’s decision to not want to live. I know sociopaths don’t like to blame themselves for anything, but they really are the cause of most suicides in other people. Bullies kill. Adult bullies are the worst.
@winterfire1097 2 года назад
As someone Autistic (high functioning) I seriously relate to Dexter, like I've had to learn to be more empathetic or at least feign it, people say they want the truth but to be honest they dont. I especially relate to when he was trying to lie to make his sister feel better.
@katladyfromtheNetherlands 2 года назад
is that gummi? You can knead a very little hat and bake it in the oven. Little hats are always fun.
@midnightcat6116 3 года назад
This video was made 11 years ago but it still resonates today in 2021. Thank you for sharing and going in deeper than a simplistic list that is open to interpretation.
@bazzaparsens5385 3 года назад
I read many good reviews on the net about how exactly Badofintao Secrets can assist you get laid by hot women. Has anybody tried this popular dating secrets?
@pelletheconqueror7974 3 года назад
You dont have a weired facial expression
@mechislavkrasnoarmeiskii206 3 года назад
Hello there, I want to know if Badofintao Secrets, will work for me? I see a lot of people keep on talking about this popular dating manual.
@alpachinko9154 3 года назад
Gay people exist.....lol
@ottobowers8977 3 года назад
What is Badofintao Secrets and how does it work? I hear many people become badass with women with this popular dating manual.
@blondellehrabal1630 3 года назад
What are some ways to become badass with women? I read a lot of superb opinions on the internet about how exactly Badofintao Secrets can help you become badass with women. Has anyone tried this popular dating course?
@kjell159 3 года назад
That moment you mention your dog is a dissapointment. Especially calling it a 'him'. It doesn't even make sense, it makes you kind of a hypocrite. How could such a sensitive (so much that you wear sunglasses and a hat to help with coping), honest & rational person keep a dog? Personally, I regularly wear ear muffs - technically used for cosntruction work - myself when going outside, which barely happens though - even though I would like to be able to enjoy the outside from time to time - , but sometimes you *have* to go outside for obvious reasons. I have an autism spectrum diagnosis, not asperger in particular fyi. I don't care if it's 'the sweetest' or 'doesn't bark' or whatever. There's so much to it, that it breaks down your own values. "I don't care about strangers." partially explains your dog part (as a dog is a nuisance to others, it's like smoking in public; for some it's fine, for others it's a serious obstacle that prevents us from living life out there, sometimes even inside), but it still keeps the hypocrisy of your sensitivities. But then again, I could ask the same about any regime throughout history. How could the Turks slaughter half a million Armenians? Or the Hutu's slaughter over half a million Tutsi's in the 90's? Or why the majority of Germans agreed and played along with the Nazi party, etc... What's 'normal' in one time period and one particular place, could just as well be abnormal in the past, future or a different place/culture. The smoking is a great example of that. Back half a century it was considered completely normal that a doctor lit up a cig in the middle of a hospital. Us autists/aspies - even though it wasn't recognized/diagnosed as accurately back then as now - would've probably seen the issue with that back then. And suffered more from second hand smoke then most neurotypical non-smokers. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-s4S5GreHkK0.html That's why I'm in particular shocked by you, as I perceive my fellow autists/aspergers to be more in tune with reality as we in general are capable of more literal cognition with less or even no ambiguity. And because we have less 'filters' in our brains, because we're more sensitive then others, hence making us experience reality more intensely. (Not being able to just 'wave it away' like many neurotypicals seem to be able to do.) Us on the autism spectrum usually tend to think more for ourselves, have our 'own thing' and not follow the crowd as much as neurotypicals. So I hope I explained the 'shock' here. It's a sensitive topic, one that has gotten so engrained into western society for at least the last couple of 4 decades, encouraged by misinformation & a billions upon billion dollar industry behind it. Kind of like the meat industry. Being perpetrated even more so nowadays, through social media. Pets, of whom cats & dogs are the 2 main ones, are a main cause of environmental destruction and species extinction. If - hypothetically speaking - all dogs & cats were to combine into one country, they'd be the 5th biggest one when it comes to ecological footprint. Especially destructive when it comes to emissions. Numerous preventable biting incidents, over half of fatal ones concern innocent children, even when the dog involved was a 'well raised' & 'loved' family dog. Also many wild animals get bitten by dogs obviously. And the tremendous effect of cats on native bird populations isn't unknown either. 1 in 65 people in the US for example (I'm not from America nor Canada personally.) get bitten by a dog in 1 year alone. (the actual number, also including minor incidents that don't need medical intervention & which aren't readily reported, is likely higher) That accounts for about 4.5 million Americans. Of whom accounted, about320 000 victims need emergency hospital visits (on average almost 900 each day) in a year. 1 in 20 of people suffer from a form of cynophobia, the amount of people just uncomfortable in general to some degree or another, around dogs, is even higher. Over 10% of the population has some kind of allergy, from light to very severe, to dogs. As many as 3 in 10 people with allergies in general, have specific allergic reactions to cats and dogs. Relationships crashing, people neglecting & disrespecting each other, 'each for their own', with people anthropomorphising a predatorous pack animal, and even calling them 'part of the family' as if they belonged to our species. Instead of taking action to show love to each other. They prefer to miscomprehend the simple instinctuous behaviours of these animals. And try to give meaning to it - even calling them 'smart' -, giving love to a being that cannot comprehend human love, cannot intrinsically - if at all - comprehend human language, as it doesn't for example has the developed prefrontal cortex like a human being, let alone the evolutionary basis for it. Why would a predator 'magically' start showing empathy? Especially towards another species? A dog tends to see its 'owner' as their pack leader because he/she provides them with food & shelter. Dogs are known to eat from the corpse of their recently deceased owners, even when there is still dog food in their bowl. In some cases the owner wasn't even death yet. Like in the case of falling unconscious or having a seizure. slate.com/news-and-politics/2011/07/are-dogs-willing-to-eat-the-remains-of-their-masters.html Not all animals can be empathic like us humans, in fact, very few do. Stray dogs/wolves are known to even cull and eat their own offspring if that is in benefit of the pack. Predators in nature show no remorse whatsoever to their prey, just like a pitbull terrier who just mauled a child will wag its tail in full excitement directly afterwards. They even wag their tails while they attack, for dogs it's a pleasure to kill. Certainly not in nature with the definition of a vegan lifestyle. "Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." Dogs are unecessary, less then 1% of all dogs have an official function, aren't part of nature & have a huge imprint on the environment/ecosystems & other conscious lifeforms. (humans, pigs, cows, chickens, etc. are obvious ones) When it comes to the most dangerous forms of dog behaviour, pit bull type dogs (american pit bull terrier, staffordshire bull terrier, etc.) in particular were bred - with massive postures, blocky heads and stronger jaws to show for it - specifically to show a heightened bite response. They don't let loose easily, or at all. While say a border collie, which was bred as a sheep dog, has a more heightened search & stalk phase in their prey drive. In wolves, like the grey wolf (Canis lupus, ancestor of dogs), that prey drive is balanced. But wolves are part of nature, so that's where the comparison basically ends. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prey_drive "Prey drive is the instinctive inclination of a carnivore to find, pursue and capture prey.The term is chiefly used to describe and analyse habits in dog training." "The legal definition of a pit bull is a class of dogs that includes several breeds: American pit bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier and any other pure bred or mixed breed dog that is a combination of these dogs. Progressive legislation also includes the American bulldog, a related breed that shares the same blood sport heritage of bull-baiting. In 1999, the United Kennel Club became the only major kennel club that recognizes the American bulldog." On the subject of pit bull terrier, staffordshire terrier, etc. breeds They literally kill a person on average about every month. www.nationalpitbullvictimawareness.org/attacks/pit-bull-attack-database The database links to the respective articles, mentioning the names of the victims. Making every entry in the database cross referencable. Hence undeniable. Of course all dogs can bite. But some were specifically bred for specific purposes and are more dangerous then others, no matter how they were 'raised'. When it comes to 'training', why don't pet guinea pigs, gerbils, cats, bunnies, parakeets, parrots, goldfish, guppies, turtles, lizards, chickens etc. need to be 'properly trained', not to act out their instincts? If keeping dogs isn't both animal abuse and ecological - & human endangerment. Eating animal produce isn't either... Not even mentioning the many dog breeds that are born with physical difficulties, an example of that is the pug, who tend to have a lifelong suffering of poor breathing. Or the teckel with common back problems. Certain dog breeds are the result of so much inbreeding, that researchers sometimes literally use them to study certain genetic vulnerabilities. Because they are so abundant in a certain breed it's hard to even grasp your head around. www.healthline.com/health/dog-breeds-and-health-issues Take in consideration that the article is obviously romanticized to make it look less bad then it really is.
@kjell159 3 года назад
It's one of many present day issues that need serious proper attention and action. With quite some pet 'owners' basing themselves on mere factoids (incorrect statements that have been repeated so many times, that people actually start to believe them), like for example, the oxytocin myth. The health effects of owning dogs is also embalmed in 'factoids'. www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/animals-and-us/201808/does-having-pets-really-make-us-healthier Not a lot of people speak out about these topics yet. It's in its footsteps. But it's growing at its own pace. And as the amount of pets has more then tripled since the 1970's: www.petsecure.com.au/pet-care/a-guide-to-worldwide-pet-ownership/ You can clearly start to realise the gravity of the situation. All I can do is try to raise awareness, the slight power of word of mouth/text. Just like non-smokers throughout the last couple of decades being laughed at, but now taken account for more, and lonely vegan/plant based folks gaining almost exponential attention, interest & understanding since the rise of the internet & the turn of the century. With vegan food popping up like mushrooms in autumn. I can't obligate anything really, I can only show people another viewpoint. One that actually quite some people share, but are too afraid to even mention due to fear of socially being ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-NVGHEF7LyR0.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BnTBjhIxDyw.html (Logical Fallacies And Tricks Of Argument) ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9JGm9Jsb9-4.html (Dogs do not feel empathy) Expert psychologists agree upon it, that in order for a being to experience empathy, they need be able to experience guilt. A dog only can experience fear towards their 'owner', as they see their owner as their pack leader. It's as simple as that, you provide it with food & shelter, hence it sees you as its leader. Dogs are known to have been found, having eaten from their deceased 'owners', starting from the face, even when there was still dog food in their bowl. In some cases people who suffered seizures, where even partially eaten alive by their dog. Again, why would a predator have an evolutionary benefit in experiencing guilt? And no, humans aren't predators. We have front faing eyes because our direct ancestors where tree dwelling, fruit eating primates. Over 9/10 of all primates are mainly herbivorous and/or frugivorous, yet they basically all have front facing eyes. Enhanced depth vision is an evolutionary benefit when living in a tropical 3D environment, climbing from tree to tree requires some dexterity (monkeys/primates have 5 fingers instead of paws or hooves) and decent clarity of depth in your sight. It's hypothesized primates are relatively intelligent in comparison to other animal groups, because knowing what fruits to pick and when, requires some amount of decent time perception & estimation + spatial memory, as well. While simpler animals, like say fruit flies, are just chemically attracted by the scent/volatile compounds that fruits give off. Our digestive system is nowhere to that of an actual omnivore or carnivore. Just because we can eat meat, doesn't mean we're biologically omnivorous. You can feed a bunny meat, but it's not magically gonna turn into a carnivore. A human can eat plastic, but it's not gonna turn us into 'plastic eaters'. images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/3825fa88-7deb-41fb-955f-904f2ce68004/dbro3zl-3a492b14-6f8c-450c-86e4-54a6eedba225.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzgyNWZhODgtN2RlYi00MWZiLTk1NWYtOTA0ZjJjZTY4MDA0XC9kYnJvM3psLTNhNDkyYjE0LTZmOGMtNDUwYy04NmU0LTU0YTZlZWRiYTIyNS5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.ekBWIlU4ZTons0gYjEHHtF3N4zGJmMFUTnxxGj6_qAA -> table comparison of major groups (carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, 'frugivore') Even anthropomorphized & romanticized intelligent animals like dolphins don't experience empathy like us humans can experience. Dolphins are known to kill (even their own offspring) & rape for pleasure. slate.com/human-interest/2009/05/the-dark-secrets-that-dolphins-don-t-want-you-to-know.html Pleasure on the other hand, doesn't require that much cognitively speaking. People with severe forms of antisocial personality disorder ('psychopaths' & 'sociopaths'), people with usually lower empathic capabilities, tend to 'live' more on pleasure. Hence, are also clinically & statistically more prone to addictions for example.
@GardenerJLL 3 года назад
Cool dude looks like a young Harrison Ford.
@nicholastoole9274 3 года назад
I appreciate this video. I definitely can relate in many ways.
@lindalonsbury5362 3 года назад
Please come back Linus
@lindalonsbury5362 3 года назад
hey where are u ?????!! Ive learned so much fromu, and need u back here to teach me
@caterinadelgalles8783 3 года назад
Love this guy! :)
@caterinadelgalles8783 3 года назад
I think I have female Asperger's and in-depth videos with Tony Attwood is brilliant. Most other stuff is a bit silly. I can hide my behaviours so well by now, as I have learned things along the way. Nice video!
@ritaseymour8116 3 года назад
Technology has made people feel Lonley. In the old days 60 s and 70 s and before telly even.We didn't analysis everything.Telly is a box of poison shows like friends . Life is nothing like that especially today ,2021.People I believe only hang out together because, it makes you stand apart if your not like the sheep.In the old days most people had to communicate with neighbours locals etc.Thete was no distractions.It came as natural to most people to talk and be neighbourly as learning to talk .I'm afraid we live in a very sad world where we rely on technology to converse with people,instead of real people with all their kindness and in perfections. My husband said 40 years ago "friends are on 9" meaning chanel 9 How very sad we have become.