Servus Christi
Servus Christi
Servus Christi
Servus Christi Ministries (of which this channel is part) belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ and is stewarded over by Joshua Chavez.
May the Lord's saints be built up in truth and may they grow in discernment in these perilous times.
For more information you can see:

Jesus, Christianity, Bible Study, Apologetics, Discernment
Prepare For Christian Persecution
2 года назад
How To Have Greater Faith
2 года назад
This Prophecy Should Terrify Everyone
2 года назад
Bible Study: Its Purpose & Some Dangers
3 года назад
Depression's Greatest Ally: Self Pity
3 года назад
Self-Confidence Will Destroy You
4 года назад
Can Christians Vote Democrat?
4 года назад
@lora8706 20 часов назад
Hmmm...13:58 Now I'm wondering... What is your opinion of CS Lewis's book 'The Screwtape Letters?" (Or something like that. I couldn't read it. It's from the perspective of a demon.) Was the famous Christian apologist CS Lewis an apostate??
@lora8706 20 часов назад
7:28 stopped. U r comparing Apples to Oranges, when you try to compare Prostutes, ie Apples (who Use their Bodies Sinfully with Others) to Oranges, a Musician who has world wide fame, therefore an enormous platform to share the gospel, Good News, of Christ Jesus?
@elizabethborreson1085 23 часа назад
May Our Lord and Savior King Jesus Bless and protect you and your family, prayers always 💜🙏🏽🤲🏽✨
@elizabethborreson1085 23 часа назад
May Our Lord YAHshuah Bless and keep you and your family, prayers always… 💜🙏🏽🤲🏽✨
@musicinspire1745 День назад
It's always easy to tear down truth when the weakest possible points are what one uses as the underpinnings within the subjective framework of argumentation. The pre-trib rapture is so very real, and for FAR more reasons than pointed out here. This is pathetic indeed. If ever you have the courage to discuss the deeper implications for NOT considering the truth for the pre-trib rapture, then let me know.
@ljhere123 День назад
BEWARE this channel is the work of the antichrist
@AlbertGlover-mh5su День назад
I think we should be careful to judge him because he is wealthy. I am more concerned about his theology.
@mikemay8334 День назад
So I don’t understand why you would have such a problem with his success. He never ask for anything from his congregation. He is one of the most successful leaders in the church and he has risen to the highest pay scale. Would you question the value he has contributed to the body of Christ? How about the Chief Surgeon at the hospital? Does he not deserve to make a living from his work in the same way? In the Old Testament it tells us that we are to reward the priests. I’m just not going to chastise the man for not wearing rags and preaching from a falling down building. I think you’re mistaken here. By the way, how much is your house worth and are you not planning for your family’s future? Do you not have a savings account?
@jakeny7 День назад
lol watching you all christians act like morons and children to each other brings me a lot of joy 🤡
@johnteves2231 День назад
People such as yourself are too ignorant of history to understand that you would have no Bible or Christianity without the the Catholic Church. So instead of wasting your time and effort making hateful nonsensical videos such as this why don’t you do something positive with what ever faith that you may or may not happen to have. Protestants waste a lot of time and effort flowing hate on to the Catholic Church while accomplishing nothing other than making themselves feel morally superior. Do something positive. I look at the comment on this video and it is nothing but a stream of hate , ignorance and sanctimony .
@crossbros30 День назад
They should fat check fat check false teachers this is Pastor Matthew LEE at the old school Christian centre
@malcolmduanetaylor День назад
@wolf_heart777 День назад
Ok listen, as someone who started to get into the music induatry more than 30 years ago, but we never had liftoff except locally, yes there are some bands that dont concern themselves anymnre to worshiping God and focus more on how good they look. Or themselves, like we saw the plane lady... HOWEVER!!!! i get icky everytime i see one of these videos pop up you know why? Because youre not hurting us, the ones in the church, you're hurting those who have or will come to Christ by listening to this music. Have some artist ls left the church recently? ABSOLUTELY, But we cannot generalize which is what bothers me about these videos man. We just gotta look deeper into ourselves and check why are they leaving, what is happening that we are not paying attention to that they feel cant be fixed. I couldnt make it in music, after 2 cds the band where i was we all got disconnected and there were health reasons too like cancer all that sorta crap. But as long as im alive ill keep praising His name. So why dont we inatead of .aking videos like these, pray for who we think is doing wrong cause teuth is we dont actually know who is and who isnt. And it would surprise you who is dling this, meanwhile here we are in this video and comment secrion judging them w/o knowing
@clayburnett6530 День назад
Ive debated RC's. They won't listen to reason. They immediately shout you down as a heretic. They automatically say I'm right you're wrong, before any deliberation has even begun, when all I did was simply say why I cannot believe their view and never said my view was true. This is evidence that Catholicism is a cult. True Christians believe there could be some truth in all denominations, even Catholic (which just means universal by the way and has nothing to do with Rome, they don't own that term) and we search the Scriptures to come to a greatest common denominator, and by faith we trust upon Christ himself for salvation. Not our works, not the early church fathers for the correct interpretation, not the "sacraments" that the church confers upon us, but in Christ and in Christ alone.
@lorigail2400 День назад
First you are no t pl
@crazitaco День назад
As an atheist I just shake my head at videos like this. If god's standard is one of unreachable perfection and everyone goes to hell for not being absolute, then why bother?
@JerryWhitler-h5p День назад
John macarthur is a crazy evil wicked occult self righteous hypocrites losers
@TheRealRenn День назад
Not sure where you went, Josh. But the wife and I sure do miss you and your presentations. Hope all is well with you.
@horsepowermultimedia 2 дня назад
Conservative "Christians" would just skim through the Bible and pick out a verse only as a way to support their argument while not even giving two shits about God. My dad would use that verse about honoring your parents, only to act like a complete atheist a minute later, even going as far as to reject opportunities to get closer to Christ. I still honor him in some way, but I do know that he seriously needs to restore his faith in Christ if he wants to get into heaven.
@AngelinaGalllardo-x4k 2 дня назад
U get bamboozle cuz u don't know your holy Bible , easy 4 u 2 accept false doctrines..
@AngelinaGalllardo-x4k 2 дня назад
You all really need to start reading from the beginning to end , start in the NewTestament, the read the book of Revelation, the go to Genius, read a little proverbs until read the Holy bible 4 yourself'amen Maranatha
@GilbertoBrandaoFilho 2 дня назад
I was a roman catholic for many years, however the study of the Bible and a personal experience of salvation in Christ my Lord, I opened my eyes, I was blind but now I see.
@edeancozzens3833 2 дня назад
In the New Testament the apostle starts a fellowship and quickly turns it over to a team of elders of teams of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
The Apostate church must be established and it's only barely beginning.
@LeeBarker-x3p 2 дня назад
Powerful stuff .. Thank you for sharing your insights .. We need to see them for who they really are .. God Bless ..
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
What about the scripture that says 1will be taken and 1 left?
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
2/3rds of the world's population will be dead before the coming of the Lord.
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
Not all prophecies have been fulfilled yet.
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
Before I accepted the Lord I read Revelation and it put the Fear of GOD in me. Got saved shortly there after in 1972.
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
I was told that only believers will hear the trumpet when the Rapture occurs. Only GOD knows!
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
Many Christians are beginning to suffer tribulations and are dying for their faith. If you know the Greek and Hebrew meanings of words in the Bible and read the Scriptures in context and understand that Ezekiel must be fulfilled before the "catching up" occurs. All I know is that Jesus said to keep looking up and be ready. We're told to occupy until He removes the church which the Spirit resides in. Scripture teaches also that we're not destined to the Great Wrath which is when the mark of the anti-christ is required. Regardless when be ready. Most of us already in our 70s probably won't be alive when Jesus sets foot on the Mount of Olives.
@maryedinger3721 2 дня назад
Why do you feel it necessary to attack believers of a pre-trib rapture? I am not attacking you. What are you afraid of. The tribulation concerns the repentance of the Jews and Gentile non-believers. You just became a big turn-off. Believing in a pre-trib rapture is not apostasy.
@maryedinger3721 2 дня назад
They closed during Covid.
@lindawest4580 2 дня назад
Yes, the Messianic Jews believe in the Rapture happening before the Anti-christ is revealed.
@emiliozuniga1711 2 дня назад
I thought that the Calvary Chapels were under the umbrella of the Assemblies of God ,didn’t know they were their own entity.
@bennybongosbigolebonanza894 2 дня назад
Why is there a tendency of Christians vilifying secular creative people? As if pursuing a career in entertainment and ending up successful in Hollywood makes one evil by default? Pay attention to Christian creative works-most of them are renditions of secular works that came before them. Especially in the Music.
@BrotherStororius 2 дня назад
the orthodox is the true church it does not boast nor decorate themselves with vein ornaments no seek wealth ☦ look into orthodoxy rather than reject Christ
@LeeBarker-x3p 3 дня назад
God Bless you for your work .. Amen
@MCourn 3 дня назад
In my opinion there is something terrible wrong with your spirit. How long have you been a (Christ Center) Christian? You show signs that you attend a self-righteousness church. Self-righteousness blinds the person to their Self-righteousness. You seem to be years away, to be healthy enough to be qualified to teach.
@BIG_Z_69 3 дня назад
Nobody loves Jesus more than their children or even spouse. I know I don’t. How can I “love” someone I’ve never met more than my wife and daughter? That’s ridiculous.
@BIG_Z_69 3 дня назад
None of this makes sense by the way. There is no explaining it.
@karilynscott2501 3 дня назад
The separation has begun between two companies of people in the church
@nwofoe2866 3 дня назад
Jesus said the way is narrow and very few will find it. So what's up with the coliseums and national TV audiences?
@angiejones968 3 дня назад
It's not about the warm seats or a bank account. This just breaks my heart. All of these precious souls.
@johfu4705 3 дня назад
Dear friend, your teaching is often problematic. Humility is in order, James 3:1.
@lindawest4580 3 дня назад
There are women preachers who do the same thing and they can become very vindictive.
@lindawest4580 3 дня назад
It sounds like these men are more like what happened during the Salem witch trials where many innocent people were killed.
@lindawest4580 3 дня назад
No one has that right unless you have the facts and receipts!!!
@lindawest4580 3 дня назад
Jesus said that as they have hated me, they will hate you. We're told that to stand for the Truth may require us to face death just as the disciples except John (wrote Revelation).
@lindawest4580 3 дня назад
Every denomination has narcissists within their churches.