
Jacob Prasch Exposed - The Fall & Final Chapter (feat. John Haller) 

Servus Christi
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@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Timestamps: 2:27 - ACT 2 - IS THIS A MINISTRY OR A BUSINESS? 4:10 - Jacob's "Secular Business" is not what it seems 6:44 - Jacob's curious websites 14:18 - proof Jacob's websites were a front for Moriel 17:51 - Does Moriel pay Jacob Prasch for his own websites? 25:13 - Jacob takes no salary? 27:10 - Jacob caught in massive lie about "no salary" 30:33 - 6 figure salary 32:17 - private school and law school expenses 36:40 - Marco Quintana's secret stipend as a board member 37:48 - Pay-to-Play? - Embezzlement - Hush Money? 39:12 - $10,000 - $15,000 Christmas "bonuses" for board members? 41:38 - PROOF of exorbitant "bonuses" - hush money? 45:21 - Marco Quintana's $100,000 land purchase 49:04 - Did Moriel purchase Marco's $100K plot of land? 51:14 - EMBEZZLEMENT 54:31 - DAMAGE CONTROL 56:42 - Jacob Prasch covers up embezzlement 1:02:51 - Moriel New Zealand loses charity status; fails to report money 1:08:11 - the SALE of recorded materials 1:09:07 - Jacob Prasch lies about "free" material 1:13:16 - Moriel's $450.00 profiteering ploy 1:13:37 - Jacob's infomercial 1:23:14 - Jacob's spin doctoring and projection 1:25:46 - RTN TV is a registered LLC (gaslighting and projection) 1:27:56 - Jacob accidentally condemns his "monetized" friends 1:30:39 - Moriel's prestigious BUSINESS club membership (IOD) 1:40:29 - ACT 3 - NOT JEWISH 1:42:41 - Jacob's background 1:45:09 - Jacob's Hebrew prayer routine 1:46:46 - THE BIG EQUIVOCATION LIE 1:53:12 - Brit Milah? Jacob lies about Jewish ceremony 2:01:31 - Ancestry & DNA 2:03:29 - Jacob claims to have Jewish DNA 2:09:59 - Jacob's DNA LIE unravels 2:21:44 - Jacob's enablers 2:25:02 - CONCLUSION - THE PATTERN OF SAUL & SIGNATURES OF SATAN 2:27:20 - Witness confirms Jacob & Charles sent veiled death threat 2:34:56 - Moriel creates ANOTHER "spoof" channel impersonating me 2:44:20 - The Pattern of Saul begins 2:48:56 - Charles Jardine questions Jacob's sanity (demonic activity?) 2:52:15 - Refuting Jacob's ad hominem "doctrinal" claim 3:05:13 - Jacob Prasch vs Joshua Chavez vs Beresford Job 3:14:00 - More ad hominem 3:15:34 - Jacob lies about Jackie Alnor - False Witness 3:21:45 - Jacob lies about Sally Richardson - False Witness 3:22:17 - Jacob Prasch is truly a vile man 3:27:26 - Jacob Prasch makes psychopathic threats 3:29:57 - Jacob Prasch or Jerry Springer? 3:30:57 - Jacob proves himself a False Witness 3:40:04 - Moriel and Jacob admit PURE VENGEANCE 3:42:06 - Jacob condemns John Bunyan 3:42:58 - Jacob condemns, Peter, James, John, Andrew, Paul & Jesus 3:43:50 - Jacob can't contend; condemns Stephen in Acts 6 3:45:28 - Jacob admits he should work at CNN 3:46:11 - Jacob condemns himself again 3:47:49 - Jacob's obsession with numbers 3:49:40 - people are running from Jacob Prasch & Moriel 3:52:33 - CMFI revokes Jacob & Moriel's ministerial credential 3:55:55 - Moriel "Be Alert" Facebook page jumps ship 3:57:56 - Moriel losing subscribers - over 500 in a week 3:58:43 - Final thoughts on Jacob Prasch & Moriel 4:04:42 - Jacob's final message to himself
@joshportie 2 года назад
It seems Jacob uses Jesuit tactics to lie. Quite literally following their instructions.
@joshportie 2 года назад
Also there is no such thing as a star of David. Thats the star of innana. Catholic mary.
@joshportie 2 года назад
The fact is the things that Jacob does and what he teaches. Especially his Catholic church invented dispensationalism and futurism do immense harm to the Jewish people. And you couldn't possibly understand how much unless you learn the history behind the modern nation state of Israel. I can assure you it isn't for the benefit of jews. Who actually owns the temple mount, according to the Oslo accords the knights of Malta did. And according to more recent media they gifted it to the Vatican. You are so good at researching the apostacy from the already apostate protestant church we were born into. Dig into history with this same fervor. Read what our martyred brothers and sisters wrote.
@joshportie 2 года назад
Also interesting that he claims khazar decent based on the whole internet chatter about that group. I dont subscribe to the theories about them floating around however. If you are going to lie about your Jewish ancestry it would make far more sense to avoid that altogether unless your persona is crafted for a purpose, specifically involving the final and highest oath a Jesuit priest takes. A copy of which is in the library of Congress put there by john Adams as a warning.
@devina1100 2 года назад
Watching further I find it laughable how they underestimated the obvious God given gift of discernment you have . I can only speculate that they thought they could hide their I'll gotten gains and degeneracy and get one over on you. Little did they know (evidently) , that this would back fire badly since your first loyalty is to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ .
@TheSandyocean 2 года назад
It's so disheartening that there seems not one person that can be trusted these days...Only the Lord can be truly trusted. Only the Lord and His word. Praise Him on high forever!!!
@joshportie 2 года назад
Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord. No we can only trust the Lord. "Let God be true and everyman a liar." Even honest Christians make mistakes, in interpretation.
@TheSandyocean 2 года назад
@@joshportie You are simply reiterating my point.
@SpecialKS 2 года назад
@beppiek 2 года назад
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” ‭‭
@joshportie 2 года назад
@@TheSandyocean you are simply reiterating the Lords point.
@BrknVeel 2 года назад
I sent Moriel the money I inherited when mom passed recently. I'm on a fixed income, so I don't have any I could send on my own. I wanted to help...guess I didn't. I bought the whole enchilada, now I don't even want to listen to it. I knew it was horribly priced, but I wanted to donate to the ministry. I was sick of being used and lied to before Christ saved me, only to have it happen all over again. I'm just sick. I was learning how to trust, how to love....I guess I'll just stick to God. I know I can trust him. It just never stops. It's hard not to be completely discouraged. I trusted him, and I loved him in Christ....this is heartbreaking and I really dunno how much heart I've got left. Though I'm trying to heal by trusting in God's word and re-washing, re-programing this broken brain and heart with the water of His Word, the only Truth or Love I've ever had. MARANATHA!!!!
@gracefaithsaved 2 года назад
They should refund you your money and repent for their treachery. God Bless you I shall keep you in my prayers🤍
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Trust that the Lord will honor your heart in the matter. Your intentions were good and it was done as unto Him. He will honor you on this basis and deal with Moriel's corruption on theirs. His will is going to be accomplished. Let not your heart be troubled. Religious hypocrites existed in Jesus' day as well; corrupt "christians" were in the early church and yet if we draw near to the Lord, He will draw near to us. See this as the Lord's mercy toward us in warning us lest we had become like Jacob and Moriel.
@nowyouknowrealestate5703 2 года назад
Misspelled 57, I send you a big hug. I wrestle with the Lord often and many times throughout my life over the exact scenario you state. How do you maneuver in this world of lies and deceptions? Trust in the Lord… he will never let you down. I often think of the widow who gave her mite at the temple. Jesus didn’t condemn her for giving to corrupt rabies. He was looking on her heart. And so, in this world we will fall into traps and lies, give money and time and an ear to something we shouldn’t. But God knows our hearts and we are His children. He guides, instructs and corrects and if we are tender hearted toward Him, we get back up and move on with another life lesson in our arsenal. I’m so thankful for Josh’s fully vetted videos. I’m praying for him.
@olushayotriumph 2 года назад
@@nowyouknowrealestate5703 Your comments are very encouraging.
@olushayotriumph 2 года назад
From now onward, let us learn how to test the spirit, I mean seriously test the spirit way beyond 1Jn 4 1-3 I hope Josh will post a video on how to test the spirit considering the growing number of people directly affected by Jacob Prasch SCANDAL.
@TheExSchizophrenicPerspective 7 месяцев назад
I listened to Jacob Prash for quite a long time but stopped as he seemed to be an angry bitter man and it was actually rubbing off on me. The pride and elitism actually rubs off. Thanks Josh for your honesty and bravery before the Lord.
@oliveoilchic 2 года назад
As a former Mormon, know what it is like to have trusted and been lied to for decades. For this reason, I send my condolences to you Joshua because I’m sure this guys deeply.
@Proverbs1711 2 года назад
It's never the violation that gets you in trouble, it's always the coverup.
@polskigirl8547 2 года назад
@khaidenethomas4323 2 года назад
Your comment brings Joshua chp 7 to mind. The coverup ... we all need to examine ourselves daily
@patrickmeyer9825 2 года назад
The most terrifying thing I have watched in a long time. Stay humble everyone
@johngrady1755 2 года назад
Yeah....no kidding. I saw another anti moriel video and I didn't believe it . I still don't want to believe it but, damn. The evidence is very difficult to refute
@abeeslife1688 Год назад
My heart is utterly 💔😭
@davidhanekom3063 2 года назад
I just finished watching this one. My heart is truly broken after seeing all this. After beholding everything Jacob has been guilty of in this vid, it was so saddening to hear him speak in those various clips at the end of the video. It is beyond tragic and eerie, as Josh rightly said. I find what Jacob has done and become to be sickening, yet my heart mourns for him. Why oh why? Can there still be hope for this man? Please let it be so Lord. As Josh has said, we should all fear when we see such a downfall occur before our very eyes, and as Jacob had said, if such things could happen to great men in the Bible, then the same things could happen to any one of us. We ought to monitor our hearts so carefully, and examine ourselves intricately daily. How scary it is, that the more we know, the more we will be accountable for on the day of judgement. Oh Lord please have mercy on us all as much as You are willing. We all face imminent danger everyday if we allow evil to take root in our hearts - little by little. How truly weighty and sobering that is. This was difficult to see Josh. And unexpected, just like your first Jacob vid.
@ceruleanc505 2 года назад
I don't defend Moriel, I don't know what they've been up to. However, I've posted several comments that Joshua (Servus Christi) brought a young woman from SA slept with her and sent her back to SA. He will not answer to this. I believe he needs to. I can post the link if anyone's interested. Including you, Josh
@Dias_De_Noe 2 года назад
@@ceruleanc505 these were addressed in the first video. A) there’s no proof. B) even if it were so and Joshua had repented what does that have to do with the nearly 8 hours of proof against a demonic cult masquerading as a ministry. If your point is that we must be blameless to step in the role of a watchman and Warn the body then the kingdom of darkness already won as we’ve all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. One sin taken up to the Lord in repentance does not equate a string of borderline psychotic behavior and then some. It’s amazing how far we’ve gotten as a discerning body. I read some many ad hominem, straw man, and other argument fallacies which are all deflections from facing what happened here.
@EsperanzaMarie1975 Год назад
@@ceruleanc505 I have also heard this and wondering the same.
@greyciousme Год назад
@@EsperanzaMarie1975 if I remember rightly this story came out of a blog post by people who are knowingly vitriolic toward people they do not like and who have not been afraid of lying about people or harassing those they can't stand. I read the whole article several years ago. I will not mention who these people are because though I am 99.9% sure, that 1% doubt would therefore be an unjust accusation if I am wrong. However the group I have in mind have a known history of fabricating things for their own advantage and embellishing other things, and if I remember rightly Joshua has covered this in a couple of his other videos. However in saying that I am now, after much research over a number of years, deeply suspicious of many of the most prominent names in all factions of Christendom. So I take nothing for granted about any of them, take everything I hear with a grain of salt until I have some actual knowledge that is indisputable. There is much covert corruption in the Christian world, and it is a tragedy, but I believe that God is revealing the corruption and injustices in the church so that we can deal with it
@knowsmebyname 8 месяцев назад
@@ceruleanc505 people are going to have sex. It remains the sin against self.
@lordofthestings 2 года назад
Jacob Prasch is a con artist in the name of God. He appears to understand Gods word and believes in who Jesus is. How can he do these things without fear of losing his eternal soul?
@discernmentformypeople6598 2 года назад
That is a great question. It boggels the mind.
@iamnothing9639 2 года назад
For the same reason that satan himself does...it starts with delusion and slowly leads to be given over completely when you don't repent. This process strips one being give over of any fear of God and strips them of the ability to repent. Repentence as quickly as possible is the KEY. When people warn us of our sins, we have 2 choices....repent or defend. I have been watching many pastors over the years and I have developed this uncanny ability to see the fall coming. At first, I 2nd guess myself, asking myself if I am being judgmental. I examine myself for signs of jealousy, envy, & hatefulness because I know that satan will use these sins to attack other Christians. But, it never fails that when I see a pastor/religious figure start defending themselves...the fall comes a short time later. It is so distressing to watch, and I have to remind myself, but for the Grace of God, there go I. It is a sobering reminder!
@Hebrew42Day 2 года назад
They learn from the best. “But let it be so, I did not burden you; but being crafty, I caught you with bait.” (2Cor 12:16, LITV)
@narrowistheway77 2 года назад
Wolf in sheep’s clothing. Satanists think Satan is their god. A man named John Todd had some audio tapes recorded of a few talks he gave in 1978. There were a few wrong things he said but he said more things that proved true over the last 44 years than he did anything else. He said occultist’s favorite job is to be Pastors and guide their flocks straight to hell. You’ll notice 90%+ of Protestant Churches now teach a works based gospel that saves no one. Things are bad right now.
@shellik4922 2 года назад
“For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭8:17‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
@joshportie 2 года назад
Ah the corrupted Catholic church approved bible of 1966.....
@shellik4922 2 года назад
@@joshportie well then educate me on what version I should be using please?
@Here_For_Now 2 года назад
@@shellik4922 1611 Authorized King James
@shellik4922 2 года назад
@@Here_For_Now I asked Josh this question thank you
@shellik4922 2 года назад
@@joshportie so Josh do you agree with @I, Human
@joshbartlett7105 2 года назад
Joshua I’ve learned so much from your videos. I am a new Christian. Reading through the comments it blows my mind how many comments of I am assuming claiming Christians are upset by justice and judgment when this is the way of the Lord we serve. Like exposing the darkness and being a light is like fundamentals of the faith? Thank you so much brother for your labor! Obviously this is a heavy matter. My hope is express encouragement and show honor where it’s due.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I pray the Lord continues to build you up in the faith, my friend. Please send me your mailing address if you don't mind. I'd like to send you something to encourage you: servuschristi.com/contact/
@macb.43 2 года назад
Don’t be swayed by comments of others. Our walk isn’t to please or appease others.
@DanielMartinez-de9bv 2 года назад
I’ve been concerned about well known teacher for years. When I stumbled across Jacob Prasch teachings I received his teachings. From his videos your name Josh came up. Your work has been very encouraging to us, to know so many truths about so many people that have gained a place of leadership in the Christian world. These individuals lie to people’s faces without a hint of remorse. Anyhow, it has been very difficult to watch your last two videos. Praying for Jacob. Praying for you, brother, may our Lord Jesus Christ keep you and bless you. Only God the Father can rescue any of us from error, it is only by grace that we are saved and it is only by His unchanging love that we are kept for Him.
@therobinfliesagain22 2 года назад
This is so sad, what is next? I once followed links from your site about this "ministry" and I was somewhat encouraged by it, but now I am so sad. I thank God that He has a Bible that cannot be corrupted by the hands of evil dogs. I will cling to the Bible. "Let God be true though every man a liar"
@chriscousineau4537 2 года назад
Thank you for the post Joshua. Irrespective of where we stand, this is a wake up call for us all. Since I became a believer I have battled with my sin but I have fallen short and succumbed on many occasions - sometimes involuntarily, sometimes willingly. I have dropped and picked up my cross too many times to count and my failures are my own doing, but each time I repent and get back on the horse. If anything, this exposé demonstrates how 'small' sins, unchecked anger and ill feeling toward others, little lies, half-truths etc. that are regularly rehearsed and practiced can grow deep roots quickly and turn into major, unbiblical personality traits that are extremely difficult to change. The longer it goes on, the more the sinning and deceit has to grow to keep covering the tracks and the chances of true repentance get smaller and smaller. I fear that Jacob may be amongst those whom Jesus exclaimed in Matthew 7:23: "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
@klausmkl 2 года назад
Pray for Jacob, he needs repentance as we all do
@tanyagreaves7963 2 года назад
I am so saddened by all of this. I once had so much respect for Jacob. I am also very sorry for you, Joshua. This must be so disturbing and hurtful for you. Stay strong in the Lord.
@belleandthebeast5848 2 года назад
I’ve personally heard Jacob say many years ago at a prophecy conference that he realized he was mean spirited and was not proud of that. This was many years before the ‘apologies.’ My husband and I prayed many times for him to not get carried away with this sin since he fully admitted his own propensity to do so. He had so many good teachings back then and so much to share with the body. In retrospect he hammered those that fell into sexual and other sin all the while carrying out his own variety of sin. I’m heartbroken he gave in knowingly and willingly to his sin and covers it. We aren’t dumb though he thinks he’s smarter than most of us. As if we can’t, with the Holy Spirit, discern. It doesn’t take superior intellect. I’m so sad.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
You hit the nail on the head here: "We aren’t dumb though he thinks he’s smarter than most of us. As if we can’t, with the Holy Spirit, discern."
@pjo2386 2 года назад
He stated at a UK 'Misgav Ladach' he has the bitter spirit of Ezekiel, & we should have that spirit too. I shook my head in confusion - new converts bought it. The whole fellowship was bitter tbh, I left, no joy in that 'Jewish' house church. He lives by the Torah standards one week, then another week lambastes others for a ''bitter root'' [ie NT standard]
@eternityisreal3 2 года назад
Brother Josh, 💛🧨 thank you, it's all so despicable and dissapointing. Coming to terms with this embarrassment to the body of Christ is going to be a challenge. I pray they all repent. Be well, my friend. 💚
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Blessings to you and yours.
@Quest4Sam 2 года назад
😱 As an ardent follower of this channel, who had consistently listened your Bible discussions with Jacob during the lock down in 2020, I'm heartbroken. I did not even see the first video, when this one popped up, because of the caption, instead of watching I came to the comment section first to get an idea of what it is about. this is so very sad to say the least, it is unbelievable! God help us and grant Jacob a contrite heart to look beyond standing in society and humble himself in genuine repentance Edit: Now getting to 2:01:31 - 2:21:30 and realizing that he deliberately lied about being Jew and even tried to explain it dubiously floored me totally! this is so not good. very unnecessary lies, no, no, no!
@alanlietzke5738 Год назад
All of this hurts my heart, but does not surprise me, because Jacob departs from the Bible whenever it suits him, to tickle the itching ears that he wants to itch. While I never sent him any money, I wrote him an email pointing out a departure from the Bible. He responded with some nice-sounding words appreciating that some listeners were listening so closely to his messages, but without admitting any error. When I responded to that effect, I received a response from David Lister suggesting that I was taking things out of context. Regarding Marco Q: His way of talking and toadying up to Jacob makes my skin crawl. These guys seem to know the Bible quite well but don't know Jesus, nor have been born "anothen" (from above), thus, one more way of distinguishing the wheat from the tares, and the Elect (sheep) from the non-Elect (goats).
@bethshoaf 2 года назад
Joshua, I started watching you and Jacob a couple of years ago. When I heard the rumors about Jacob being exposed for his lies, it came out that you were still his fan though you expose everyone but him. I was so distraught that I unsubscribed from you both. For some reason tonight you popped up on my feed, so I thought hmm is this a joke? Their friends. What a refreshing surprise to see you care more about the truth than Jacob. I have just resubscribed to you. Stay strong in the Lord. Avoid temptation. Your enemies are watching & waiting. We’ll be praying for you.
@JDsVarietyChannel 2 года назад
I knew Jacob and Moriel had compounding issues for a couple years. But the depths of this is staggering. When Jacob is talking, it's almost as if he's immensely struggling with his own conscience. So he comes up with these incredibly complicated schemes of mental gymnastics to create plausible deniability and ease his guilt. Perhaps this may explain some of of his half hearted apologies along the way (like to people such as Jan Markell) I can't imagine this man's spiritual torment. I pray for the sake of Jacob's soul that his conscience is not yet seared. Because at the very least, he's dangerously close to crossing that line. The best thing that could happen to Moriel is that it crumbles to the ground quickly, with not one stone left on another. That way those ensnared by the lies and/or idol worship are forced to face reality, and hopefully repentance.
@blockpartyvintage1568 2 года назад
That cult did a real doozy on him
@errata101 2 года назад
@macb.43 2 года назад
We can be adept at lying but the key is keep it concise. Jacob, like many like him, love the sound of his own voice, have believed that they’re so skilled at this devious art they won’t get caught out but, although it’s in our nature to lie, our body language, inflection of speech and skirting the issue are also in our nature to tell the truth, causing conflict within.. which is overtly exposed.
@karenbittner9538 2 года назад
@csfsangle 2 года назад
@sek4110 2 года назад
I watch this entire video. Just when I thought that Moriel Ministries’ behavior couldn’t get any worse it did in the next segment. Thank you Joshua, this video also made me take a good look at myself. We are knee deep in the apostasy. We all need to repent and seek forgiveness .
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I pray the Lord uses it to warn us all and strengthen us in the faith, causing us to draw nearer to Him. This is truly disturbing on a level I have scarcely seen. This "medicine" doesn't taste good, but may the Lord use it to cleanse this disease from the body. God bless you, Susan.
@michaelfonda9944 2 года назад
Me first
@Topseeykretts 2 года назад
I cry for the Body of Christ. This is incredibly sad and terrible news for us all. May we learn to be chastened and remain humble in Christ. I'm sure you take no pleasure in unveiling the heap of pungent dung piling up in Moriel. I pray that the Lord sends more soldiers of Truth and brings those leaders/ teachers who aren't led by His Word and Spirit to repentance, for His glory. I'll pray for all those brothers and sisters involved, may the Lord be your Savior, Keeper and Comfort in these troubling discoveries.
@deborrahdutra5599 2 года назад
I've listened to this 3 times in tears for the truth of Jacob Prasch thank you Joshua for sharing this information with us .God bless you
@seriousnesstv7902 2 года назад
It seems Jacob’s followers have come to dislike your video, also all the youtubers who criticized you for your allegiance with his ministry have not yet come to apologize for your mistake. This video is a huge turning point and us your viewers, watch in silence in hopes that the lord spare any of those who are ignorant, from the grasp of the manipulative ministers.
@MrKitchenknives 2 года назад
I don’t “follow” Jacob, I do however listen to Jacob and John haller. Even though iv have seen some things in Jacob that are questionable iv passed it off as someone Gods working on. I’m still processing what’s been said in this video. Josh has personally had more to do with Jacob than most of us have.
@seriousnesstv7902 2 года назад
@@MrKitchenknives I’m referring to those who dislike out of spite rather than to take into consideration
@MrKitchenknives 2 года назад
@@seriousnesstv7902 I hear you, a lot of people have not been kind towards Josh with their words, instead they should have waited to see what would eventuate. As you know, people naturally go into defence mode when confronted with sudden allegations as they see it, against someone they highly respect. And Jacob had that respect after many years of ministry although there were parts of his personality that could have been improved on that only God could change, if allowed. I’m sure there a lot of people who’s listened to Jacob for years still coming to terms with all of this. As said, how can such a well grounded bible teacher who teaches correct doctrine be so wrong in conduct. What’s worse how can it all be done so openly without trying to hide it by such an intelligent individual who had everything at stake. I came to know of Joshuas videos through Morial. iv been listening to Jacob off and on since the mid 90s way before RU-vid. It’s sad to see this. I was just listening to his teaching 12+12=24 and doctrinally he’s still correct. Jacob please put your pride aside, repent and give a honest response to this. You owe it to your audience and those that trusted you.
@bonsaipal 2 года назад
@@MrKitchenknives This is so hard to accept. I too have been listening to Jacob for years, have learned a great deal from his books, etc. almost to the exclusion of every other teacher because they never measured up to Jacob's understanding of the Word. I now wonder if I'm one of those easily deceived. You've heard Jacob say numerous times "If you can't see through Kenny, Benny, and Joyce, how will you be able to identify the antichrist?" Should we add Jacobs name to that list? I am beyond confused, sad, and frightened at how this will ultimately affect those of us who are shocked by these revelations.
@Anil-gt2kn 2 года назад
Brother Joshua thank you for taking the time to make this video. Sometimes as Christians we have a hard time seeing the tares among us. I thank you for taking the time to show the evidence that Jacob Prasch is in fact a tare. Thank you for warning the body of Christ. Your brother, Sam Mathew 13:24-26 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field: But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I pray this helped you. The medicine never tastes good, but is for our benefit in the end. The Lord is merciful to give us these warnings. May the Lord bless you, Sam.
@ManuelPinner 2 года назад
This Shows that We are in the lasts Day for Brothers and Sisters are Falling Away! This is Why We Must Spend More Time with Our Lord in Prayer and Reading His Word to Know Him Even More!
@joshportie 2 года назад
The falling away happened in the first 3 centuries. And John said the last days had started in his day. Comments like this show how decieved modern apostate protestantism is.
@joshportie 2 года назад
Or do you not think the falling away preceeds people calling the pope god on earth? Saying they have thd right to rule all countries all education all media. Do you not think people had to fall away before murdering Christians in Gods name?
@ReyWho 2 года назад
@@joshportie you're absolutely right in this regard to the subject of eschatology. Historicism is the right framework for understanding end times.
@donsweet6133 2 года назад
We are most definitely in the last of the last days when brethren are throwing vitriolic mud at each other!
@LilyAmongThorns 2 года назад
@@joshportie although the falling away began even in the time of the early church, we see things becoming increasingly so as the birth pangs grow closer together and increase in intensity as the coming of the Lord grows nearer…even as Jesus said it would. I will take Jesus’ words over your proclamations.
@karenbittner9538 2 года назад
My goodness....what depravity here. I pray for all those hurt and deceived by these organized crimes of Moriel. I pray GOD will heal their hearts and they gain more and more discernment in these end times when the darkness is very dark indeed. We have a lot of protection in Jesus Christ and to heal us from such crimes we all have gone through. Praise and glory be to Him alone.
@sansleister3878 2 года назад
Sad Sad Sad... I learned a lot from Jacob... But this is overwhelmingly tragic to say the least. Thank you Joshua.
@helenfoster3639 2 года назад
Heavenly Father have Mercy on your people ... This is so frightening Jacob taken over it seems and no longer even being able to see , total blindness and total deception ... I literally feel sickened to the stomach... May God have Mercy on His Soul, May we all pray for Gods Mercy for him, his family , his children .... It appears that the root of bitterness has ensnared Jacob by not forgiving “ his enemies” as we r told to do .... Joshua May God continue to be your Strength and Comfort ... God help us all for what is ahead ... Persecution is coming to the Body of Christ ... It’s Gods mercy to purify “His Bride”... Jesus is coming back for a “ Spotless Bride “ Thank you Joshua for your obedience to the Lord in not denying Him In what He has commissioned you to do ... I pray for your protection and that of your family
@SoniaAzam7 2 года назад
Amen 🙏🏼
@cindybordes6753 2 года назад
Thank you for letting God use you. The body needs more watchman who aren't afraid of sheeple! God bless you, Josh.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
May the Lord use this according to His purposes, for His glory and the good of the body. God bless, Cindy.
@joshportie 2 года назад
Theyre goats not sheep. If they were sheep they would follow the Lords voice.
@joshportie 2 года назад
@Tala K yes I agree. Jacob is following the Jesuit oath.
@cjk8249 2 года назад
@@joshportie You speak as if this is from the Jesuits. It's not from the Jesuits, it's from spiritual powers in high places who have also influenced the Jesuits. Don't put the cart before the horse.
@joshportie 2 года назад
@@cjk8249 the Jesuits are directly from Satan. They are his special forces. Learn their history. There is no dictatorship or war in the past 500 years without them pulling the strings. No method of cruel torture they refuse to do. Theyve literally written books on how to break every commandment with a clear conscience. I haven't pur the cart before the horse I merely was talking about the cart and not the horse.
@lamf0422 2 года назад
Things I was always bothered with: His beating a dead horse when making his points; his obvious motivation for praying in Hebrew; his calling people things like “scumbag” and “two-bit whore” all the time in recent years; his humble-brags about knowing this or that famous person from the past; his obvious lack of respect for Marco by constantly interrupting him and his simultaneous obvious deference to John Haller… these among other things. Yet I always gave him a pass because he was eccentric and because he was doctrinally thorough. All these things I ignored, but God-willing, will never again with anyone else. Thank you Josh for exposing what was my favorite teacher for a time. I would rather have truth with a side of pain than remain blissfully unaware.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
To be sure, Marco Quintana is complicit by silence in Jacob's habitual sin and has defended him adamantly. They're both corrupt seekers of self.
@lamf0422 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi Because of your videos, I am now well-aware of that. I was referring to when I was still watching them and Jacob would cut Marco off pretty much any time Marco talked for more than 10 seconds, but with John Haller, Jacob acted like a schoolboy. The difference in treatment was completely obvious.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
@@lamf0422 I see what you mean.
@lggreen4523 2 года назад
@Lamf 04 I too unsubscribed from Moriel’s (JP)channel because of the same adjective he used to describe VP Kamala H. I mean, I was flabbergasted and appalled as such language that he (JP) a Christian man in the faith for over 30 yrs! JP referred to the VP as a whore at least 7 or 8 times, angry and slurring this was disgusting! I am not a Dem or Rep. I’m a child of The Most High God, and my Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ! !
@SpecialKS 2 года назад
Amen to the truth with pain 🙏
@karenbittner9538 2 года назад
Watching this man, that you showed at the very end, it has been my experiences with men who preach or teach: Once they start walking around...talking, not holding their Bible, the word becomes far from them. They just get in the flesh. And talk in the flesh. The Word of GOD keeps us...in sooo very many many life sustaining ways.
@leia072306 2 года назад
An easy way to spot a FALSE Convert. They don’t fear God! 👉 Trust in the Lord, NOT Man! Psalm 118:8 KJV
@kevinclint7588 2 года назад
For it is written,………….For the love of money is the root of all evil:Which while some coveted after,they have erred from the faith,and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.1 Timothy 6:10
@scotwells7573 2 года назад
Christianity has turned into a completely different thing from what the Lord and the Apostle Paul intended.
@branchofthevine779 2 года назад
Not really, the epistles primary purpose was to teach proper doctrine, orthodoxy and ecclesiastical structure given all the false beliefs and practices running rampant in the early Church. Such wisdom.
@cjk8249 2 года назад
True Christianity and those who adhere to it are exactly what the Lord intended.
@GabrielFlies 2 года назад
Money, the ultimate stumbling block for the teacher. How much do they love the Lord? He blesses them with abundance to live and yet they must make excessive money from the ministry as well. McArthur: a man I have always listened to. Worth millions of dollars from his books, ok. But then takes hundreds of thousands of dollars as a salary from the church. Why??? I just don’t understand. No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. It is clear who is the master to one that has the responsibility to preach and yet behaves in that way.
@donsweet6133 2 года назад
Money filthy lucre is what Prasch and MacArthur snuggle up to at night. The Devil is so deliriously happy!!
@donsweet6133 2 года назад
The widow with two remaining mites gave both away. Jacob Prasch, if you are reading this and thinking about your abundant bank account and real estate holdings that you are leaving to your adult children, consider using it all for the Lord’s ministry!
@TheMistysFavs 2 года назад
@@donsweet6133 Devil is happier about all the false Doctrine spewed to mis-lead the Body of Christ. MacArthur is SO false, and SO many follow him. Jacob too but MacArthur even denies Christ's blood and its power. That, in my opinion, is worse; to lead people to Hell. Worse than money issues of any kind.
@nicolegivens612 2 года назад
@wpiofm 2 года назад
I prayed for a Cliff Notes video. I guess the Lord hearkens to you.
@highhopes7587 2 года назад
Oh and another thing I've noticed with these demons they are masters at PROJECTION!!! literally whatever they are accusing others of they ARE the ones doing it. EVERYTIME
@abeeslife1688 Год назад
So so sad . Jacob Prash needs to step down 👎
@blockpartyvintage1568 2 года назад
What a shame. In so many ways. Never meet your "heroes". Jacob is a con artist who just happens to be a decent bible teacher. Lol
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I agree. May we all take heed. I've never seen anything quite like this in my life. But the remnant deserves to know these things as Jacob is already creating a band of hypocrites around him. When the spiritual guide is rotten it's only a matter of time. Many people have messaged me saying they felt this beginning to happen. The rottenness is exuding from Moriel (Matthew 23:15). This is the final chapter from me, but now the evidence is here for all who care to listen.
@blockpartyvintage1568 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi thank you Joshua. You did the right thing.
@nobleprince1238 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi I quit listening to you over a year ago when I saw one of your critics mentioned your linkage with JP. I listened to one of his videos and I suspected that he is a false teacher...I was disappointed that someone like you could be associated with JP. Massive contradiction! Now, that you've called him out I will view you with a new mindset.
@AyveeCee 2 года назад
All the hallmarks of a Greek Tragedy, and perhaps Jacob Prasch will be remembered as a prophet who prophesied his own fall.
@ThabethePB 2 года назад
"After they repent, they end up becoming worse than they were before they had repented" Jacob Prasch So much good doctrine, yet so much satanic actions. 😔
@leia072306 2 года назад
👉 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV
@tumbleweed1787 2 года назад
As you said, I agree, this is (all so very) frightening. Thank you for making it clear and undeniable.
@TheElizabethashby 2 года назад
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Absolutely VILE
@Psalm125v1 2 года назад
Thank you, Elizabeth, and thank you, Joshua; after nearly three years of defamatory abuse at the hands of that man both personally and on social media, this was by far the worst. What caused him to turn against me so viciously? Defending another of his victims, following which I became one myself. Such is his modus operandi…
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
@@Psalm125v1 Sally, I'm so terribly sorry for the vile lies and spiritual abuse you've endured at the hands of this monster. I say in truth, he is a monster. Yet, I'm grateful to the Lord that he has warned us in His mercy and separated us from Jacob that we may not be leavened by him any longer. God has given him over to a debased mind. May the Lord comfort you and bring you some closure from all of this. I pray you feel somewhat vindicated. The Lord always fights for the disadvantaged and Jacob the bully has been creating havoc and leaving a path of devastation behind him. I wish I had known the true depth of this sooner, but the Lord's timing is best. God bless you and keep you in His grace.
@JackieAlnor 2 года назад
@@Psalm125v1 You're not alone 🤤
@Psalm125v1 2 года назад
@@JackieAlnor Thank you, Jackie; I know. You have suffered dreadfully at his hands as well. 🙏😢🙏
@soberchristianity1112 2 года назад
I've never had a good gut feeling about JP; Joshua's work provides the logistics of the love of money (1 Ti. 6:9,10) in action.
@TheGirlnurse 2 года назад
It just dawned on me Joshua, I wonder how long you’ve known this guy? Could the Lord have brought you together because HE knew you were the one who would be faithful and bring this unholy farce of a ministry down? Im afraid it may have gone on for years if you had not followed the spirit or been cowardly in this matter, as MOST men would be. Although, as we know, if one man won’t do the job, the Lord will find someone who will. I also think… the fact that Jacob associated with you shows his narcissism knows no bounds. Even though he knows the type of man you are, and that you WILL expose evil/deceit, yet he thought he was THAT good of a con man, that surely no one will find him out. Thank-You for your faithfulness to the Lord and to us.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Several people have contacted me privately sharing this exact sentiment. In hindsight, it does appear to have some validity. I do not believe it was an accident. I believe the Lord placed me in Jacob's path first to be a friend and a brother, then to warn him which I tried to do, and now as an instrument of rebuke for the sake of the body. He was and is surrounded by self-seeking yes men. I didn't want to do this and even prayed the Lord would find someone else, but the burden grew and it was confirmed that I was to do it. By God's grace and with His strength and wisdom this was approached. Thankfully all discernment is directly from the Lord regardless of who He uses. So, He has warned us all (those who will hear) of this soul ensnaring leaven. Each individual gift and talent is for the good of the whole church. But it is all from the Lord who gives the increase in all things. Thank Him for it.
@Anil-gt2kn 2 года назад
I completely agree with you on this. My wife and I were discussing this today. Jacob is a great con man. He lied for years about being Jewish, and even though people would question it the fact that he spoke Hebrew and lived in Israel for a time made him seem like he truly was Jewish. Jacob was such a good con man in his own eyes that he didn't expect someone like Joshua, who has been gifted by the Lord to fish out tares in the wheat, to ever figure him out. I think the Lord brought Joshua in to Jacob's life because he wanted to expose this man. Jacob has built his ministry on a lie, and in his pride he never expected to get caught.
@slaplintern3509 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi bro, even so you yourself flat out refused to listen to those who had already tried to warm about James Prasch and Moriel with irrefutable evidence. Don't be surprised that now having made such an openly public judgement on James Prasch and Moriel after so long not wanting to hear the truth of it, despite others going to great lengths to warn with proof that you'll have to give an account too. You shouldn't let people try and prop you up either Josh.
@devina1100 2 года назад
I'm incredibly sorry you went through the loss of what you believed was a true brother in Christ Josh. It's no doubt been tough for you bringing this deceit and dishonesty to light. That said your exposure of this corruption and despicable acts is needed and will without a doubt save yet more souls being deceived by these actors. Thank you for your work.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I pray the Lord uses it for His glory and the good of His body. His warnings are acts of mercy toward us. They are temporarily unpleasant so that we are not stumbled into an eternally unpleasant reality. This is tragic and disturbing
@devina1100 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi Indeed. Glory to God God bless you Joshua.
@inhishand7961 2 года назад
Praying for you Joshua
@netzahualtmari 2 года назад
Thank you Joshua for opening our eyes to evil and wolves in sheep clothing. God bless you always!
@TheRevering 2 года назад
Wow. I used to watch Jacob back in the day after first being Saved. This is sick man. I'm sickened by the comments made by him about others. Man....
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
It's easily the worst fall I've ever seen. He knows so much and the Lord used him. But not anymore.... tragic.
@floydfrance5017 2 года назад
On The Sale Of Jacob Prasch's Materials, I Laughed so hard at his lies because he lies so much about giving his materials away for free when all is materials such as his mp3's and the flashdrive was beyond cost.... I was on the floor laughing at this lying hypocrite!..... Jacob is corrupt and just plain GREEDY! He needs to be held accountable Brother Joshua......
@LilyAmongThorns 2 года назад
Hi Joshua, sorry you’re having to go through all of this. I saw Jacob’s answer to your previous video about all the deviousness, and although it is true that it is easy these days to photoshop and change things to appear not as they truly are, I believe you, and he shamed me for believing you. I made two comments on his video. One of them was in answer to a comment (it really “sounded” like Jacob himself, by the way he talks) of Moriel ministries against a commenter accusing that commenter of taking delight in the possibility this might “take him down” …I mentioned that I have often seen Jacob taking delight in the fact that he sees the Lord taking other ministries down, and I said that I could not detect any delight in what the commenter stated, and that perhaps Moriel was projecting their own behaviour onto others. That entire thread was immediately removed. More evidence for me that what you are saying is not doctored or manufactured lies as he is saying it is, but that it is in fact true. I am thankful you tell the truth, and have never seen you take delight in the sins of others, nor in the fact that their sins will cause them to be taken down. You always are sorry about these things, not giggling like Jacob does, when he talks about others caught in sin.
@gracefaithsaved 2 года назад
@Andrea Lev Taken down as of early afternoon.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
@@gracefaithsaved They know their legal defamation will catch up with them, the lying lot. They're true devils. But as you see, it's ANYONE that dares cross Jacob. He's just used to bullying others. He imagines it's me he's fighting against, but it's not. The Lord has raised His hand against Jacob and Moriel.
@susieqds7351 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi They uploaded a 9:15 minute response video from David Lister.
@deborahszafraniec4829 2 года назад
This must be so heartbreaking for you! It sure grieves my heart! I checked out what you've said to the best of my ability and unsubscribed from moriel, Devore and Gibson. I've been sensing something was off for over a year now.
@summerstardust2064 2 года назад
Nice work if you can get it, Prasch. Who ever said the ministry business wasn't lucrative? Oh, that's right you did, Jacob. What a cushy little fraud. Good job outing these Elmer Gantrys Joshua
@autobotstarscream765 2 года назад
@Tala K The End of the Church Age and Coming of the New Age are connected, that's why Church corruption and woo scams are on the same coin, we're literally living on borrowed time by God's grace in tarrying so keep looking up!
@olushayotriumph 2 года назад
DISTURBING to say the least! As it is written: “There is NONE righteous, no, not one; - Ro 3:10
@cjk8249 2 года назад
There's also a lot of men who are called righteous, a lot more than one.
@olushayotriumph 2 года назад
@@cjk8249 You missed the point!
@cjk8249 2 года назад
@@olushayotriumph No I didn't
@olushayotriumph 2 года назад
@@cjk8249 Then stick to the subject matter with same thought process.
@cjk8249 2 года назад
@@olushayotriumph I did. are you upset that i pointed out your misuse of the Scripture out of context?
@annearaya8618 Год назад
I am outraged that Jacob would put down Jackie like that. I knew Jackie’s sister. What about Jacob’s past? That is just slander. Slander seems to be his modus operandi.
@bungalobill7941 2 года назад
I heard him say in a sermon one time that he reached some Jews with the Gospel by presenting himself as having Jewish roots. But you do not lie just because it might have a positive influence. Not much different than Jesse Duplantis lying about going to heaven. Some people may have been influenced by that story and even come to Christ. But you don't lie to get them there. Christ Kingdom is not to be built on lies.
@scotwells7573 2 года назад
The preachers I follow can barely afford to keep the lights on in their church.
@iamnothing9639 2 года назад
Please name them, because I have been looking for good preachers to send my money to. I have been so burdened to support the faith more, but have been disheartened, because those I want to contribute to have turned out be charlatans. I have been so careful to not throw away any money God has blessed me with. I thank Him for "preventing" me from sending His money to people who will use it unwisely.
@isanna6075 2 года назад
@@iamnothing9639 Keith Malcolmson - Lymeric City Church.
@mitchelldouglas9616 Год назад
God bless those who are in the Gospel work as you do, Dear Father, even until now. May their prayers be on their lights on the lamp stand of the age: paid in full. Amen.
@mitchelldouglas9616 Год назад
​@@iamnothing9639may our Lord say: "Good and faithful servant..."
@Keepitoriginalministry Год назад
Scotwells7573 name them, it’s been a year since he asked you
@ill-legalradio7772 2 года назад
- WHOA - never say Josh is not thorough!!
@alenasvarkulys2810 2 года назад
Prasch should be thankfull for righteous rebuke cause he should not care for his reputation and what men think of him but surely should care for his righteous path and what God thinks of Prasch.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Well said. We are exhorted to this: "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." (Philippians 2:5-7). We all need to take up a cross daily and die to ourselves and our "reputations" that we might live as Christ showed us, in full obedience to the Lord, guided by His will and not ours. God bless you, Alenas.
@alenasvarkulys2810 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi I do believe many do not see power and greatness of God and have no patience to wait and see Him and choose instead money and apraisal of men. James 5:3 Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Soon we will see our Lord.God Bless Joshua.
@MyU2beChannel 2 года назад
Thank you, Joshua, for bringing all of this into the light! Kudos for following the proper biblical order by trying to resolve all of this in private first. Many would have just shared it publicly without giving them a chance to repent. I’ve had my suspicions about Moriel and Co for several months. I’ve noticed on the “Catching up with Jacob” videos that Jacob always seems to result to name-calling. He also seemed somewhat proud of his drug addiction past in some cases. Both of these raised red flags. Also, on some of Marco’s teaching videos, Marco seems irritated at times with the congregation asking questions or giving input. Thank you for your thorough research and undeniable evidence of what is really going on in that ministry. God bless you. Maranatha 🙏🏻
@TheElizabethashby 2 года назад
@GabrielFlies 2 года назад
The language from him issue hateful and bitter, that is why. We are not hateful and bitter we are commanded to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us
@jimb3093 2 года назад
I’m glad it wasn’t only me. I would watch the Catching up with Jacob videos and saw how he spoke of others. Very harsh and even wishing death for the person it seemed. He is an intelligent guy and I often wondered if he has a photographic memory. He retains a lot of knowledge. But I got an uneasy feeling as well listening to him but I brushed it off as …well..we aren’t perfect and gave him the benefit of the doubt. I have learned something through this; and that’s to not ignore your gut feeling about someone or something. Of recent years I have really questioned a lot of things and read the Bible myself now. I have left different churches with the knowledge I have. It’s amazing how my churches handle finances, commanding 10% tithes, baby baptisms etc. The Bible is clear on these things. I don’t attend an actual church building at the moment. But it’s amazing how worldly, liberal and apostate so many churches are today. I’d like to find perhaps a small house church, spirit led. But here again another ministry I respected and spent hours digesting …turns out the leader of it is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And the crazy world today and lack of decency…the list goes on. The great falling away is sure upon us and the signs of the last days Jesus spoke of. I think some things need to happen first before Jesus returns but I wouldn’t mind if he returns this afternoon. Anyway…Jim from Ohio
@gerrydixon619 2 года назад
@@jimb3093 Same here, I have stopped listening to him, after he started ranting horribly about other people. I started questioning his behaviour and came to the conclusion it was not Christ-like. This information is just a witness to my inner feelings. We should all pray for Jacob that he would repent publicly and take his wrong-doing to the Lord in fervent prayer.
@ramiroperez7180 2 года назад
@ Elizabeth Ashby “Gut feeling”? Jacob GRIEVED your Spirit and your Spirit was trying to get you to quit listening to him
@ceruleanc505 2 года назад
@@ramiroperez7180 Yes, which is what happened to me.
@rahuldsouza2855 2 года назад
Have no dealings with Moriel until we hear a public appology from jacob and all those who have assisted in this corruption. Most importantly, please continue to pray for Moriel and Jacob.
@newkingdom6750 2 года назад
Once again Josh, very thorough work. I know this calling cannot be easy for you at times, but it's also clear to many of us that this is indeed your calling. Remain strong in your faith. Praying for you brother ❤🙏 Wendy
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Thank you for the encouragement and the prayers. May the Lord be glorified and His body built up in the faith by way of warning in this case. God bless you, Wendy.
@kateb7631 2 года назад
I thank God for you, Joshua, for your exhaustive work in the Lord. Great will be your reward in heaven. I thank God for you in caring for His sheep and protecting them from the wolves. May our dear Lord bless you mightily. 🙌🏼🙏
@kerryforyeshua7453 2 года назад
I knew when the first inexcusable response to you was integrated with what was supposed to be a teaching on the Word of our Savior, JJP had gone way too far (as if it seemed possible with your prior release) & a final nail, as it were, would be forthcoming. Then the release of that short spoof clip by them that was ultimately removed certainly concreted that for me. I don’t envy you the angst & pain you’ve must have struggled with during all of this. But, again, you’ve heeded His Commandments & remain steadfast & true. Hopefully now you can focus on you a bit more & enjoy some peace whilst being a faithful servant. I pray those who have ignorantly/innocently been dragged along with this mess get out now and not look back. Those culpable, I pray they repent and seek forgiveness. This is bad. Very bad. Bless you, brother in Yeshua.
@macb.43 2 года назад
Kerry, sister in Christ, stop following the lie thrust upon Christ followers. We must stop falling for the Hebrew (false new language) lie that we’re connected to the land of Israel and must use their titles for our King, our Saviour, the only begotten son of Almighty God. Take this from someone who wasted couple thousand £ on doing a course thinking it’s what I should do. For a time I started keeping the sabbath. My husband who isn’t born again used to get so upset telling me I’m not a Jew I’m a Christian. So readily I threw away good doctrine a couple years ago after watching a few videos on dispensationalism .. but thank God that was short lived. My point.. don’t fall back under the law, we’re born again through the life giving blood of the lamb. God bless you sister.
@kerryforyeshua7453 2 года назад
@@macb.43 Huh? Because I correctly utilize the Hebraic spelling of our Savior’s name (Jesus Christ is a Roman name) in my moniker you assume I live under the law? That’s very presumptuous of you as well as about as wrong as wrong can get. I live under Yeshua’s commandments & expectations, nothing more. His Law is my law. Although Yeshua spoke Aramaic primarily, He also spoke Greek & Hebrew (the “false new language” according to you). When His mother-the Hebrew speaking, Jewish virgin-said His name, it’s pretty much accepted that she said ישועה-Y Sh Ah. Translated: Yeshua. But thanks for your concern.
@kerryforyeshua7453 2 года назад
@@appleblossom5583 Wow. It is ever amazing to me how judgmental & presumptuous so-called Christian’s are. You should have read my reply before jumping on the bandwagon. Praise Yeshua you’re a Jewish Believer! Try getting to know Him better as He’s not a big fan of false witnessing.
@kerryforyeshua7453 2 года назад
@@appleblossom5583 You are literally accusing me of following a cult & essentially denying the Grace my Messiah has provided me. All because Yeshua is part of my moniker. Not only is that bearing false witness (laying to charge things you know not) for you know nothing of me or my beliefs beyond what you’ve seen in these posts-nothing of which even remotely suggests what you accuse-it displays an utter lack of Biblical knowledge or understanding. Perhaps you haven’t read anything that I have posted and just precipitously responded to a seemingly like-minded fellow accuser or perhaps your reading comprehension requires attention. In any case, your ramblings are quite reminiscent of someone this particular thread (in toto) exposes. Praise be to Yeshua for fulfilling the law & His awesome Grace. Now, go away (and have a nice day).
@kerryforyeshua7453 2 года назад
@@appleblossom5583 I’m as much of a follower of the Hebrew Roots Movement as I am inclined to continue with this experience in futility!
@alexlouis4812 2 года назад
I find Jacob’s commentaries on the scriptures to be excellent and far exceed anything our “churches” have taught me over the last 70+ years. I pray the Holy Spirit is helping me to separate the wheat from the chaff. Pray, pray, pray for Jacob.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Jacob is an unrepentant liar and deceiver. God commands you not to even eat with him, (1 Corinthians 5:11-13)
@hayswhite 2 года назад
I believe you.
@SoniaAzam7 2 года назад
Me too
@mitchelldouglas9616 Год назад
I wish we could convince Jacob and company to act as Zaccheus did before Jesus. Giving 50 percent to the needy, or perhaps refreshing his congregates, then returning what is logical for his own need.
@Lloyd.B. 2 года назад
I noticed that as well, Jacob slightly slurring his words in some of the recent "prophecy updates" I scanned through; I assumed it was drink or medications. (I had a look for them but couldn't find them, did he delete them?). Sometimes Marco acts like a besotted school girl to Jacob in those things, he's "bewitched", sometimes it was stomach churning, Jacob speaking all "cutesy" to him. I wonder if he lied about his "water retention" (is that what he said?) type condition too?.. I have wondered if God maybe gave him a physical "puffing up" to go with his arrogance; as a motivation to change; or sign there is a problem... I know a women who can't hold her head up, and wondered if maybe that was a discipline from the LORD for her 'looking down her nose at people'. It's just a theory/thought, I don't know if she did that. God did bring old Nebuchadnezzar down to proper humility, via a physical process, having him live like an animal for 7 years, for thinking he was responsible for his success, when it was God's doing. God told him about it though - which would obviously help if it is to motivate change; I'm not sure if He would do things like that now, without making it clear it is an object lesson. I drove past some people at a bus-stop before I was saved, and had a fleeting feeling of superiority to them, very soon after I crashed my beloved car, writing it off, and have not had one since lol. "Karma" is demonic pagan nonsense; but God giving people very fitting discipline/punishment maybe does still happen.
@Lloyd.B. 2 года назад
@Tala K Yeah, I couldn't believe he put up with that; he's 'under the thumb'. All to inherit a dumpster fire of a "Ministry" too.
@WARTV-dn5fk 2 года назад
His ‘water retention’ is obviously just plain ol’ fashioned GLUTTONY 😳
@Lloyd.B. 2 года назад
@@WARTV-dn5fk Very possible.
@philsmith2888 2 года назад
​@@WARTV-dn5fk Jacob has genuine water retention problem. He can never be far from a toilet. Other facts however from Joshua I believe are sadly true
@WARTV-dn5fk 2 года назад
@@philsmith2888 even tho he used to continually brag that his problem was lasagne and hagen daas? He has, like us all, a SELF problem, one that he isn’t even trying to overcome 😳
@leonardsmith2170 2 года назад
Greetings Joshua. This is all very eye-opening. Who knew? I had Prasch as an ethical minister of The Gospel. Your loyalty to The Word alone is very inspiring to me. Peace be with you in Jesus' name.
@philsmith2888 2 года назад
There are now two of us Leonard Smiths in the chat. Maybe I should call myself L-S 2?
@leonardsmith2170 2 года назад
@@philsmith2888 Hello, Leonard Smith.
@CrystalJ7 2 года назад
Can't one of you just be Leo?? :-)
@michelle5936 2 года назад
It has become very evident who those are that idolize good teachers and place them above reproach. I pray they see the error of their ways. This is quite sad for all involved and I pray all who need to will repent and come back to right relationship with God. These days are quite testing for the true remnant, and we all need to remain humble and introspective as the days get darker in the world, but sadly also in the professing church. God Bless
@bbjjbb61 2 года назад
I am deeply troubled by the number of people who do as you say- idolize good teachers (humans) and place them above reproach. I have never seen it more than on each video Joshua has done about everybody's favorite men i.e., John MacArthur, Justin Peters etc. I read comment after comment from people trying to defend them from the indefensible, hurling personal attacks at the messenger (Joshua), bringing up rumors (also about Joshua), etc. However, not one single time did I find a comment refuting his evidence either factually or biblically. If they attempted to use a verse it was clearly out of context or misunderstood. It began to make me despair over the sheer number of people who not only do not know the Word, but who also see no issue with believing that men (humans) could never be wrong because "they taught me so much" or "he/she is so nice" or ____insert random bible verse or, and this is the worst excuse to me, Joshua can't possibly say xyz because he's young or he's not in a church under leadership. As if the truth needs to meet certain criteria to be true. As if God's Word needs a degreed and pedigreed man to speak it.
@michelle5936 2 года назад
@@bbjjbb61 Agreed sister
@seemaanand5077 2 года назад
After listening to the first full video, as soon as I saw the Final Fall Chapter posted it immediately, even before listening, for some reason reminded me of 2 Thessalonians 2: 10-12; 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. These verses Joshua are mentioned in your previous videos. These particular verses in my knowledge are hardly spoken about. May the Lord bless You Brother 🙏🏽
@BethelCommunications 2 года назад
That's the verse The Lord has continually given me during this horrific time. HE gave them over...
@MidWhit 2 года назад
Sorry to hear about the fallout, Joshua. I'm sure I'm not the only one who never would have even heard about Moriel if it weren't for you -- which is what makes this message all the more morally imperative for you to offer. I can only imagine the burden you must feel for having referred so many into the hands of apostate spiritual leadership after treating so exhaustively on the need for spiritual separation. I'll keep praying for you to be a positive influence. Your messages against a thoughtless ecumenicism are needed today more than ever, and I'm certain that the good example you're now demonstrating by separating yourself from Moriel will only serve to strengthen these messages. Well done.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
You're correct, Michael. I knew I had a greater responsibility to address these things as I so publicly pointed people toward him. It's tragic and heavy to say the least. But a lifted burden as I know it was in obedience to the Lord and for the good of His body. Thank you for the prayer, my friend. It is much needed and much appreciated. God bless.
@fodads 2 года назад
wow this is truly a divine revelation of something so hideous. I want to see more of these brother. There are so many of these scoundrels walking the earth.
@mommymeemahogston3353 2 года назад
Sighhhh disappointment again. Seems so many are falling. I've also found out over the last few years that many were never standing in truth to start with. I have learned through all the disappointment that Christ is the only one I can put full trust in...but how nice it would be to have true honest teachers. I want truth. I want to know if i'm being deceived regardless if I end up being disappointed again. One lie turns me away. I hate lies. I do ask that you please be very careful not to become those who you expose. Continue to be a real true man of God. My prayers are that... that you remain true, dedicated, committed, compassionate and never become entangled with the ways of this world, even if it means standing alone. Thank your for your work and courage to take a stand. God Bless!
@anewchapter1336 2 года назад
They never were 'Christians', they are Jesuit/Freemasons. Most 'pastors' and 'ministers' are.
@bbjjbb61 2 года назад
This is my hope as well. I know it sounds dramatic but I sincerely mean what Im about to say. There is something deeply soothing and fulfilling about the truth. I feel...relieved when I learn the truth of a matter. Lies are like clanging cymbals in my head and my heart. I can't even really describe how badly I want, no, need truth in every aspect and area of my life. If something seems off, be it in me or around me, I feel unsettled until I find out what it is and what the truth of it is. I wish I could adequately describe what I'm trying to say but I can't.
@csfsangle 2 года назад
perhaps you only have one side of a story. 4 hr videos ranting on petty things, pretty vindictive. No thanks.
@Belovedselah 2 года назад
Joshua, truly God's hand was in this from the beginning. Before you even knew the hard task you would be given, God brought you into the inner circle of Moriel ministries so that you could see what the public could not see. I truly hope Jacob Prasch sees this as a rebuke from the Lord and not from you so that he may repent. God chastens those He loves and and his earlier works show that in the past the spirit of the lord was with him. May the lord continue to lead you Joshua, thank you as always for being a watchman in these dark days.
@marygrech7644 2 года назад
That's not true joshwa was living with a woaman that's was not his wife jaocob help him a lot but joswha is the devirls helper find your factd
@kaseythomas9646 2 года назад
@@marygrech7644 Can't you check your spelling before you send?
@deborahszafraniec4829 2 года назад
@@marygrech7644 Hard to take seriously someone who can't spell or put a simple sentence together! Maybe you can get someone to help you write your comments.
@alanlietzke5738 Год назад
Speaking of shows (Acr-3): Jacob insists upon reading the Greek from the Greek New Testaments, but routinely mispronounces many Greek words.....more evidence of his showmanship in his messages..
@margaretmcguire3241 2 года назад
Sounds like a lucrative fraudulent livelihood. Talk about wolves in sheep's clothing.. I pray all involved repent & receive salvation. 💕🕊💕
@branchofthevine779 2 года назад
Double minded and unstable in all ways is best representative of Moriel. We need to test the spirit of all ministries as always, especially discernment ones.
@PinkyToe 2 года назад
@2:08:00 You totally caught him in a bold face lie! Exceptional research.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
They have proven themselves to be enemies of the cross. They deny the Lord in their works and mock Jesus in the process. May He judge them accordingly.
@demep488 2 года назад
Joshua I have not watched yet and tears are streaming down my cheeks. My heart hurts for you. Obviously you are turning to the LORD for strength but on a purely human level I hurt for you. I pray for all involved. May our Lord Jesus continue to guide you and strengthen you. Much love, Deme
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I have cried literal tears over this as well. It is a tragedy and a reproach to the name of Christ. And yet, I'm more greatly concerned with the well meaning people who are potentially going to be ensnared by Jacob's leaven. May the Lord be glorified in it all.
@alexgrubb6640 2 года назад
Another person who used personality and knowledge to deceive and make merchandise of the believers. Hope it's a learned lesson to admire godly men, and not knowledgeable men
@gailrobinson3853 2 года назад
I worry about his wife....
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I pray the Lord gives Pavia wisdom and strength. I have been contacted by several people who are also concerned about her. Jacob is a madman.
@joshuasmith9528 2 года назад
Pretty funny that people ever donated money to Jacob Prasch in the first place. I don’t trust any professional self proclaimed teacher, who makes merchandise of gospel hearers. You get what you get in life. Funny that the guy who started out being so good on ecclesiology had to start straining gnats to keep his own “ministry” going.
@Hebrew42Day 2 года назад
Amen. “7. Who serves as a soldier at his own wages at any time? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who shepherds a flock and does not eat of the milk of the flock? 8. Do I speak these things according to man, or does not the Law say these things also? 9. For it has been written in the Law of Moses, "You shall not muzzle an ox treading out grain." Deut. 25:4 Is it that it matters to God as to oxen? 10. Or does He say it altogether because of us? It is written because of us, so that the one plowing ought to plow in hope, and the one threshing in hope to partake of hope. 11. If we have sowed spiritual things to you, is it a great thing if we shall reap of your fleshly things? 12. If others have a share of the authority over you, should not rather we? But we did not use this authority, but we endured all things, so that we might not give a hindrance to the gospel of Christ. 13. Do you not know that those who have labored eat of the holy things of the temple? Those attending on the altar partake with the altar. 14. So also the Lord ordained those announcing the gospel to live from the gospel.” (1Cor 9:7-14, LITV) Paul is a liar.
@robynbaker5516 2 года назад
No one will ever truly understand what this has costed you Joshua to bring this all to light. it was the hardest & most painful thing I’ve sat through in a very long time.I pray that some good can come out of this & we as his people can learn from this.I know that my own journey has been shaken by this sad terrible mess.I try not to put any man on a pedestal or men in this case but just maybe I held them up a little too much.All of them gone deleted it all.May the Lord bless you Joshua keep you and this ministry in the palm of his hand your sister in Christ from Sydney Australia
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Please join me in prayer regarding this: In Jeremiah 1:10 we read, "See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, To root out and to pull down, To destroy and to throw down, To build and to plant.” There are seasons which require rooting out, pulling down, destroying and throwing down all to remove that which is corrupt. But this is so a new season of building and planting can emerge from it. The former part is awful but necessary that the latter part might be the sweeter and more fruitful. Pray that the Lord would now bless a season of building up and planting as we shake the dust off our feet and move on. These men have proven to be abominable and wicked beyond what I could have imagined and they will never stop gnashing with their teeth. Yet the church is now warned and whoever disregards the warning will bear their own guilt. But for us, let's pray for a new and fruitful season, if it is the Lord's will, of building and planting. Of course gardens must be weeded from time to time and such it is, but this was a massive tearing down of sorts that true believers might be spared any further leavening of their souls by Jacob and Moriel. Now, may the Lord give us a time of planting and building for His glory if He will permit. Our Lord was merciful in showing us these things. He gives us bad tasting medicine at times, but it's for the good of our souls. Blessed be His name (Job 1:21). God bless you, Robyn.
@alanirvine1094 2 года назад
im 3hours into video totally sick in my stomach great godly work joshua all glory to god from belfast
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
All glory to God, indeed. "Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle-" (Psalm 144:1) All battles are ultimately the Lord's and all victory in them are for His glory and the good of His church. Without Him, we are nothing.
@SlavicUA 2 года назад
David Pawson's hundreds of audio teachings are also free on his website. 👍👍
@susieqds7351 2 года назад
Yes, I was just thinking about that!
@gerrydixon619 2 года назад
Love David Pawson, so sad he has gone to the Lord, but happy he is now with his Saviour.
@Adventure_Always 2 года назад
Those guys over at Moriel are still making excuses and sticking to the lie. They’ve deleted multiple comments of mine from their recent videos and the comments they leave go unanswered…. I was hoping that when the rubber actually met the road they would do the right thing. Apparently they’re prepared to go down with the ship.
@enochsanders1239 2 года назад
Judging Not for man, but for the Lord who is With You in the Judgment. 2 Chronicles 19 : 6 - 9. Again, Godspeed brother Joshua, In Jesus Name.
@TheMistysFavs 2 года назад
*EVEN IF* what Jacob said about Jackie, Sally, and even Jan Markell WERE true, IF Jacob REALLY thinks that he shows ANY "Compassion in the Name of Jesus" towards ANY of these women, he is sooooo wrong! NOT the Lord and Savior I belong to, NOT that Je sus! (YT gets me) No, Jacob's is another, He is NOT the same one as mine. *I just weep for these women!!*
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
But he's a liar. He maliciously invents things to retaliate against people. He's worse than the entire Clinton family combined.
@polskigirl8547 2 года назад
Don't forget David Nathan...
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
@@polskigirl8547 David Nathan did teach heresy and that's documented. You can't pray healing power into a jacket. And he literally said that on camera.
@SamAnderson1970 2 года назад
@Mary Mclocke Don't forget that Deborah Menelaws was getting hit for standing up for them too and it all started with her revealing his sins and its a wonder she is still alive after what he put her through and I've had to do some repenting too because when I first started to look into her I almost couldn't believe what she uncovered and with Mr William Randles and a couple of others standing up for her the cowardice of most Christians has made me nauseous that there are so few men of God willing to take on such a spiritual abuser and defend such a brave sister we all owe so much to Mr Chavez for making it known although I see that more than 12 thousand people have now read her blog and reports
@alanirvine1094 2 года назад
expose all evil keep up the good work from belfast
@TheElizabethashby 2 года назад
@TheRevering 2 года назад
I used to see your comments years ago sister! We used to chat under Moriel videos. So sad to see what's become.... :(
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
@@TheRevering She is still commenting favorably toward them as of yesterday. Wonder why she still supports Moriel and comments supporting them if she sees something is wrong? Makes zero sense.
@macb.43 2 года назад
Technically, he’s just another liar. Sad.. but it is what it is! I’ve learned to listen to what people say not what I want to hear.
@felipekennedy3135 2 года назад
No man can serve GOD and MAMMON, he shall LOVE one and HATE the other. i understand what it means to be a bond servant, with a very little ministry that takes NOTHING from no one but Gives to the Lord by Charity, from the sweat of my brow, in a little city called Porto Velho, in the middle of the Amazon, Brazil, every day little by little for the last 15 years; Gods will is done, and the Word is preached, according to the Word of God. Everything i say has a chapter, Book, AND VERSE IN THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH OF GOD.
@GabrielFlies 2 года назад
Amen and may God bless you every day. THAT is what is required of the teacher. So much is required that almost all people should NOT be teachers, for their own good.
@felipekennedy3135 2 года назад
@@GabrielFlies Thank you friend.
@eileenr.832 2 года назад
This was an extremely difficult video to watch! To see Jacob, someone I once had a lot of respect for, treat people with so much disrespect and in such an unchristian manner made me cringe. The fact that John Haller, Marco, etc. are all a part of this mess is at the very least disheartening and I believe shows on a small scale what the end times apostasy is going to look like. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and immerse ourselves in the word of God. People will let us down, but God is always faithful. ✝️
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
I'm sorry for you and everyone who is having a difficult time with this. But these men are corrupt. John Haller is a proven liar who has said recently online, "How I respond to improper behavior is between me and God and the people to whom I am accountable." So, now he's acknowledging some "improper behavior" but refuses to say anything because, "I am ethically constrained from discussing what I did or did not do for Moriel." This is a smoke-screen. Unless the men in his church issue a public statement repudiating Jacob and Moriel's actions, then none of them are accountable to God. Acts 5:29 says we ought to obey God rather than men. But John claims he only provided "limited legal services" to Moriel. Yet Jacob calls him their "lawyer" and "the Moriel attorney". So one of them is lying and/or misrepresenting the facts. John has publicly promoted and endorsed Jacob and has thus far refused to publicly repudiate Jacob's actions and yet acknowledges some "improper behavior". But the same hypocrite has no problem lambasting me for calling out this corruption. He also has no problem lying and claiming he never received my March 31 email when he responded directly to it. His reasoning as an attorney is as flawed as his ethics are as a supposed "christian". According to 2 John 9-11 and 1 Samuel 3:13 John Haller is spiritually partaking with Jacob by failing to publicly address Jacob and Moriel's provable corruption and separate from them. Now you're going to watch the finger pointing game and the pretended ignorance game. Everyone in Moriel will claim they knew nothing and start throwing each other under the bus. It's all about self-preservation now. It's already beginning. They can't respond to what I'm saying, so they will of course attack the messenger in their desperation. According to Jacob, you know the devil is speaking through them. But that won't alter the reality that Moriel is under God's judgment. You're right. We must keep our eyes on Jesus and immerse ourselves in the word of God. God bless you, Eileen.
@eileenr.832 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi just because it’s uncomfortable and cringe worthy doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be said and I’m sorry if my response in any way implied such. I greatly appreciate the fact that you are willing to step up and be a faithful man of God to do what is uncomfortable and I’m sure very difficult to remain faithful to God and His Word. I pray God’s protection and blessings on you. ✝️
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
@@eileenr.832 No. I understood what you meant. I was just further confirming John Haller's hypocrisy specifically. God bless.
@jonathanjacobs1525 2 года назад
SALVATION CANNOT BE EARNED THROUGH WORKS… IT IS A GIFT THAT GOD WILL NOT TAKE BACK NOT BY WORKS of righteousness which we have done, but according to his MERCY he SAVED us. (Titus 3.5) …not of yourselves: it is the GIFT of God: NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) And if by grace, then is it NO MORE OF WORKS: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise WORK IS NO MORE WORK. (Romans 11:6) But to him that WORKETH NOT, but BELIEVETH on him that justifieth the ungodly, his FAITH is counted for righteousness. (Romans 4:5) But that NO MAN IS JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by FAITH. (Galatians 3:10) For Christ is the END OF THE LAW for righteousness to EVERY ONE that BELIEVETH. (Romans 10:4) …who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, NOT ACCORDING TO OUR WORKS, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, (Timothy 1:9) …knowing that a man is NOT JUSTIFIED BY THE WORKS of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have BELIEVED in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and NOT BY THE WORKS of the law: for by the WORKS of the law shall NO FLESH BE JUSTIFIED. (Galatians 2:16) …Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness, attained righteousness, even the righteousness which is by faith… but Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law. Why? Because they did NOT PURSUE IT BY FAITH, but as though it were by WORKS. They stumbled over the stumbling stone. (Romans 9:30-33) But unto EVERY ONE of us is given GRACE according to the measure of the GIFT of Christ. (Ephesians 4:7) Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath GIVEN us EVERLASTING CONSOLATION and good hope through GRACE, (2 Thessalonians 2:16) But not as the offence, so also is the FREE GIFT. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the GRACE of God, and the GIFT by GRACE, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many. (Romans 5:15) …they which receive abundance of GRACE and of the GIFT of righteousness shall reign in life by one, JESUS CHRIST. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of ONE the FREE GIFT came upon ALL men unto JUSTIFICATION of life. (Romans 5:17-18) THANKS be unto GOD for his unspeakable GIFT. (2 Corinthians 9:15)
@mitchmonteith6468 2 года назад
Wow, you are a man with integrity. I apologize for any unkind past remarks. thanks Joshua.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
Thank, Mitch. God bless.
@darlenedunlap6693 2 года назад
Joshua, this is truly both disheartening and sickening. I know this must have been quite difficult for you as I believe you and Jacob were close. Your piety and faithfulness to our Lord is a rare quality today. I thank the Lord for you. Good bless.
@ServusChristi 2 года назад
May the Lord give us all the grace we need and may we draw closer to Him that we might honor Him in all we do. He is worthy of our all. I pray the Lord uses this to warn His body of these insidious dangers that will corrupt their souls. God bless you, Darlene.
@darlenedunlap6693 2 года назад
@@ServusChristi amen and thank you.
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