LeRoi Robinson-Grant
LeRoi Robinson-Grant
LeRoi Robinson-Grant
@warrenm374 Час назад
Why does that cop have to reset his jaw after talking
@sleepingtiger1591 19 дней назад
@debbiemcdermott3172 Месяц назад
If no crime u don't need to id to nobody
@user-gk4jd1jv4k 3 месяца назад
The law-legal system is run on the basis of COERCION/EXTORTION/VIOLENCE PERIOD! Countries are corporations as are the police and both listed as LLC'S/corporations. If and when they choose to abuse/violate you THEY WILL and they will get away it because they act with legal immunity/impunity!!!
@spamfriedmice4800 3 месяца назад
Guy's never heard of the 4th Amendment
@johneggers1400 3 месяца назад
That's an android Standard cop look Worn out standard cop responses and doesn't know how to deal with human emotion.
@HairyBunyip 3 месяца назад
This is hilarious what does this cop think is appropriate and legal. We had a call so that is enough for his total lack of respect. We don't have a crime but if you give us your ID that will give us all the evidence we need. I would be embarrassed to even try this on. What a Muppet particularly when he starts walking around looking at the ground..
@fredyates3061 5 месяцев назад
Why the grabbing of the gun!???
@krash5100 5 месяцев назад
He is so used to people just doing what he says without arguing. But his ego won’t let him accept that he’s up against someone smarter than him. Amazing
@samcolt1079 5 месяцев назад
@msuhunterspartan5970 5 месяцев назад
Evertime this dumb cop thinks he weakens the nation.
@santino2070 7 месяцев назад
“We got a call” means nothing
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
Mr. LEROY: his hand was on his hips and it is very visible. So do you agree you mad two false statements? Or can you show the viewers that the Preston officer did indeed have his hand on his gun, that you stated "twice " and yes it was in his holster but his hands were on his hips and no their was no Intimidation towards you.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
So again @ 9 minutes and 30 seconds of the video you stated again that the officer placed his hand on his gun. Again I did not see it in your Preston gym video.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 7 месяцев назад
Sure! Go with that logic. It's literally on video but if you don't want to see it I can understand.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
@leroirobinson-grant5885 dude I watch it twice and gave you the times you said it. Now I am calling you out to prove it. You preach like you have all the answers, now step up and prove it.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 7 месяцев назад
@@harleystreetglide1576 if watching a video is too difficult for you I understand. Life is different when you want it to be a certain way.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
@leroirobinson-grant5885 let's face it your a liar and a problem to Society. You act as if you know it all. But your the problem is you know nothing. Good luck I hope you vote on the left. Not need to reply and if you do your not satisfied unless you get the last word. So I called you out and so showed us you Perjured your self.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
You make Honest cops look bad. One day you will need one and I hope they are honest to help. You have a blessed day.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
On the video @ 3min and 40 seconds you said he had his hand on his gun and he didn't so show it.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
Dude you still haven't answered the question. You stated twice in this video that the Officer had is hand on his gun and it's not in the video. So show it and prove it since you know so much about the law.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
Cops need your help. Please advocate to help them. You stated twice " he had is hand on his gun, please rewatch the video I did not see it in the video? Was it off camera? They need your help. Be blessed.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 7 месяцев назад
I have no idea what you are attempting to say.
@harleystreetglide1576 7 месяцев назад
@leroirobinson-grant5885 you stated in this video that the caroline county officer had his hand on his gun while he was taking to you, you said it twice . Well after watching the video of you in the Preston gym he never had or even close to having his hand on his gun. You need to watch it again or did he do it off camera. You made a false statement twice.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 7 месяцев назад
@@harleystreetglide1576 placing your hand on your firearm doesn't require it to be unholstered. Thanks for your opinion..
@ZombiestFever 9 месяцев назад
this is a guy? i thought the camera guy was a woman
@CrazySchram666 10 месяцев назад
Was going great until the "I don't drive, i travel" lmao black folks parroting the sovcit movement that was started by white supremacists is a trip 🤣
@healingsoul13 11 месяцев назад
WOW. You can see the hatred wafting off of that first cop. Is "your license is suspended" the new "you fit the description???"
@healingsoul13 11 месяцев назад
I think we need to realize what is probably happening. Racist doesn't want the black face seen, they call the police to have black removed, mention black skin, and make up a crime or "suspicion" - which is all some racist cops need to hear to come running.
@Harpoforver2024 11 месяцев назад
Then leave 4th amendant
@Harpoforver2024 11 месяцев назад
You get 0 i dont need papers to walk around in public iam free to go without your interference
@jimhammond2396 11 месяцев назад
Asshole cant tead ,just taught to violate peoples rights
@jimhammond2396 11 месяцев назад
Ñotice incompetent asshole hand on gun
@daviddining5192 11 месяцев назад
They'll look at your papers when you pull away with no license😂
@leroirobinson-grant5885 11 месяцев назад
I appreciate the comment, but it is illegal and misuse of government documents to use government property to stalk an individual for personal reasons. Who told you they can do that?
@myronchristian1528 11 месяцев назад
This guy don't know when to shut the hell up. He just stupid. He talk too much.
@peterpohle9355 11 месяцев назад
Why can't the cop answer his question, what is the crime he is investigating?
@leroirobinson-grant5885 11 месяцев назад
I appreciate the comment. I am not a, "her." My voice may not be extremely deep, but I would have to question whether or not a individual is a woman with a voice tone so low. I have yet to meet a woman with a voice as deep as mine. To answer your question, it is part of their duty to lie. It is a method to gain information as the teaching is lying might get someone to admit/confess to a crime they wouldn't otherwise. The issue is some tend to do it no matter the situation.
@peterpohle9355 11 месяцев назад
@@leroirobinson-grant5885 fixed the comment.
@paullongwater1348 11 месяцев назад
File a complaint have his qualified immunity removed and sue him for civil rights violation.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 11 месяцев назад
I appreciate the input. I decided against it as the same gym is one frequented by public service individuals. We had a good laugh at their expense and I was advised of the situation with them. This interaction along with others and the reckless adherence to the law by law enforcement agents sparked me to run for Sheriff as it is blatantly obvious guidance, not Authoritarianism is necessary. It will not be for that department, but it will make sure the departments in the surrounding area provide the community the support they need.
@pascalguerlain 11 месяцев назад
Shut up. Whiny cry baby. Should have just ignored them or walked away as soon as they said no crime. Instead he stood there and went over and over on the same details.
@pascalguerlain 11 месяцев назад
Another incompetent, trash cop
@geoffreyholloway5657 11 месяцев назад
"WE HAVE A CALL" 😂😂 The latest police trick
@jimwilton-sd5le 11 месяцев назад
He has the right to leave and you're impeding his ability to do so you are violating his rights
@jimwilton-sd5le 11 месяцев назад
This is now harassment
@jimwilton-sd5le 11 месяцев назад
You're already violating his rights by detaining him for an unreasonable search or seizure
@jimwilton-sd5le 11 месяцев назад
Suspicion is not a crime bonehead
@jimwilton-sd5le 11 месяцев назад
No you do not have to ID yourself unless it's a stop and ID state
@leroirobinson-grant5885 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for the comment. "stop and ID" is unconditional and therefore unlawful. It is legal in some states, but highly against human law. The only way it is legal is a commercial/business interaction. Most individuals don't understand or know the difference and that is what they're hoping is true every stop.
@JohnWick-zc6sn 11 месяцев назад
It's a crime if you do cuz they don't want you being crooked like them ...they lie constantly and without fail to get what they want and are down right sneaky AF,and if you have proof or you raise your hand and say ..hey this isn't fair or right ..they lie some more to say they didn't lie ...see it's a virus cycle of lies they weave
@stephensavage8512 11 месяцев назад
Thats at least a seven forehead
@josealbinoramirez9637 11 месяцев назад
This incompetence needs to stop. I was taught to be the best and know my stuff. I graduated from university. I have worked for the best companies. These people pollute and hinder progress in our society. Mayors, Representatives, all other so called leaders need to get this incompetence and tyranny, freedom papers, situation taken care of. What is going on here.?
@johnallen6945 11 месяцев назад
You are 100% correct. They have to have probable cause that a crime has been committed, is being committed or will be committed, and they have to, "reasonably articulate," or speak out loud, what that RAS is. Only then can they demand ID, and in most states you have to be actually arrested before you must show ID. Check to see what the ID law is in your state. They put our names in some kind of database where we are listed as troublemakers.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for your input. However, to demand identification requires an arrest. It falls under the 4th and 5th amendments. To refuse identification is a secondary charge. Look at the Supreme Court case Hale v Henkel. I've had the discussion with judges(privately of course) as a lot of what law enforcement does isn't legal or lawful but if no one fights it who is going to tell them it's wrong? The best thing that could happen for the nation is for individuals to stop taking settlements because yes the money is nice, but a ruling would change the world.
@johnallen6945 11 месяцев назад
@@leroirobinson-grant5885 Yes, I said in most states. Some states make it legal w/o an arrest.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 11 месяцев назад
@@johnallen6945 that may be true but legal and lawful are not the same thing. Legal is a distinction for company or business practices. Lawful is the distinction for live interactions. It is why, "Person" is a corporate distinction where as "man/woman" is a constitutional distinction.
@leroirobinson-grant5885 11 месяцев назад
@@johnallen6945 never forget the definition of Statutory Law, "That form of law which uses statutes rather than constitutions or judicial decisions." If you can't even use the constitution, it is unconditional by definition.
@michelleburback4831 11 месяцев назад
The 4th amendment keeps us secure in our papers and effects
@jorgelaiuppa7616 Год назад
Has this guy undergone any training course? Guess he’s another tyrant patrolling the streets. He doesn’t know the Law. Inadmissible!!
@kevinhart9602 Год назад
This guy is always grabbing his gun.
@bobchooper114 Год назад
This guy looks lost mentally 😳
@BrianGallamore Год назад
Commie in disguise. Cop thinks he's in North Korea.
@Dr.Atomic Год назад
The ONLY problem here is the same one we have with 90% of officers today. That problem? Most cops have zero communication skills. They're the kids in school that you wondered how they will make it through life..................
@Rick-np9vz Год назад
When are law encroachment going to start learning constitutional law?
@leroirobinson-grant5885 Год назад
They can't. Most statutes are in contradiction to law. The definition of, "Statutory Law - That form of law which uses statutes rather than constitutional law or judicial decisions." I appreciate the question.
@Rick-np9vz Год назад
@@leroirobinson-grant5885 I guess I used the wrong phrase! I think the question should have been! Will they ever be capable of learning constitutional law?
@leroirobinson-grant5885 Год назад
@@Rick-np9vz they know it but can't go by it.
@brentocasio9955 Год назад
Low IQ harrasment
@sielorstout1213 Год назад
This dude is a genius! I literally took notes from him.🤘👍