LibertyPen advocates for reason, liberty and free market capitalism.
Bill O'Reilly - Rampant Lawlessness in NY
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Milton Friedman - Liberty and the Drug War
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Joe Biden - Mental Misfires
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Victor Davis Hanson - The Dying Citizen
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Bill O'Reilly - Why Trump Will Win
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Thomas Sowell - Racism and Poverty
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The Cold (and Hot) Reality of EVs
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California's Idiotic Electric Truck Mandate
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Killer Mike - The Value of Free Speech
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Victor Davis Hanson: The Demise of California
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Vivek Ramaswamy - Restoring the Vision of America
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Bill O'Reilly: Corruption@FBI
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Victor Davis Hanson - Citizens of the World
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America, The Republic
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@delanajosey4867 5 часов назад
He is sickening then and even more so now. Such an awful excuse for a human being. 🤮🤢🤮🤢
@SeeCopsLie 5 часов назад
What is usual or unusual changes over time.
@thefalsehero 6 часов назад
The men standing in the soup lines 100 years ago were dressed better than nearly any man today. Sad.
@rdean182 11 часов назад
He's a soulless prick who has only gotten worse with power. So... there. I said it and I don't care. He DID drive black people and little old ladies out of New York. I was there. FDT Anybody but Trump in 2024.
@thomasdudley6514 17 часов назад
See how callous he was when he was a dem still he just wanted to get away from the party of collective decision yes he was the ultimate boomer yuppie still is
@charlieabel1533 День назад
the greatest health care system the world has ever know if people taking charge of their own health
@brucevann7129 День назад
I wish the debt was just $18 trillion today.
@iguanaamphibioustruck7352 День назад
At last we have a military expert instead of Col. MacGregor. It is Gen. Ben Hodges Com of USA in EU. " Russia is amazed at the ability for Ukraine to target key facilities anywhere in the Russian nation". They blast them away with pin point accuracy. This technology was developed in the FCS Program at Boeing 2003-2009. It was cancelled by Obama/Biden and disappeared without a trace. No contact info or new address. I qualified my company as a bidder or supplier for 4 items. Hundreds of companies and thousands of workers were eliminated. iguana Dave Ps. GET SMART, GET TRUMP, He knows what is going on.
@mccoyji День назад
Secure my ass
@pastoriusnoldeparte7559 День назад
Oh the irony - neoliberal globalization brought upon the same effect on the US that Hayek feared a global government would do
@batchelerjr День назад
There was no rise. Look at the bottom 80% of this pyramid over the last 250 years. Please.
@shadeburst День назад
This doesn't even tell half the story, or a third, or a quarter.
@Youneedatoe 2 дня назад
Tolerance is not a virtue.
@donquique1 2 дня назад
Private builders can use eminent domain to build those private roads. Something stoessel seems to forget.
@arthurdaniels204 2 дня назад
We won't get fooled again!!! Found out a bit too late though. I knew when they kicked a rock over and Obama slithered out we was in trouble!!🤡💩
@ozzieluvaya2202 2 дня назад
Rap music and welfare destroyed black families
@ozzieluvaya2202 2 дня назад
If only more people knew about this gentlemen we would be better off
@luzwarfield3593 3 дня назад
The interviewer attempted to clip Trump’s 1A! 😂
@shayd1984triton 3 дня назад
John should be in prison already. That would knock that stupid grin off his face immediately.
@Micah318 3 дня назад
They do not have a drug problem in Singapore…huh!
@willywit2194 3 дня назад
I love how you spoke it like it is.
@eline7612 4 дня назад
So true❤
@The1sRos 4 дня назад
These days Donahue would be front and center on CNN.🤡
@user-js6rz4vk6d 4 дня назад
Cutting back government spending is the one thing that will not happen.
@poi-cd8yo 4 дня назад
I wouldn't call it a failure of the education system either. My perception is that those who say it is a failure of the education system often just want to harshly discipline the children, but the skill of political thinking is not so difficult that it must be "harshly disciplined" in order for a child to learn it, and is not in itself something that a child is assigned to learn. A child who is constantly reprimanded and punished may develop an argumentative and persuasive mind, but this is an inefficient and conscientiously unacceptable way to teach political thinking. Beyond the basic requirements of political thinking, more specialised topics, such as economics, are subjects of debate even among experts. On the other hand, voting based on impulse is likewise an expression of values, and in my ethics it is not in itself something that necessarily needs to be avoided, although it would not be something I would do.
@poi-cd8yo 4 дня назад
I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with impulsive and heated discourse, it's just that people should return to their senses when it comes to policy making. Reason is something that can be used to defend views on values that stem from impulses, emotions, personal experiences, etc. It doesn't mean that you must give up something perceived to be of lesser value for something perceived to be of higher value, but rather it's a tool for persuading and seeking out the other person to generate emotions that agree with you, and a tool for making Pareto improvements.
@romzen 4 дня назад
Stop buying products if you consider it exploitation. Also do not use electricity, tap water and gas either. And make sure you do not use public transportation and do not go anywhere by car or bicycle anymore. Enough with the exploitation!
@realchurch2693 4 дня назад
Socialism is using democracy and force of government to rob from the hard working and smart to support the stupid and lazy. The tool used is progressive income tax. Our founding fathers detested income tax for good reason.
@jimfischione2743 5 дней назад
Why isn't he a household name? Why???
@joefatalooch8057 5 дней назад
Sowell has done a complete about face on Donald Trump. He now supports him aggressively and openly admits his misread the man. It takes a real human to admit to their mistakes.
@darrenjohnbryant51 5 дней назад
Brilliant man
@michaelmarchand5386 5 дней назад
You've got to be kidding me. Inflation is at 3%. Pretty much target. Companies are just charging more and making record profits. Walmart prices will be dropping in the next couple weeks.
@Seeker386 5 дней назад
And the US is one of the least polluting first world countries.
@Yilmaz413 5 дней назад
Wow! Once upon a time Trump KNEW THE TRUTH.
@brah007 5 дней назад
Thomas Sowell was a top tier economist.
@stanleykania7184 5 дней назад
Traffic law trumps your rights
@stanleykania7184 5 дней назад
America is tyrannical to the world
@stanleykania7184 5 дней назад
Comply, you peasant.
@amostake 6 дней назад
I do have to give props to the reporter. He let the truth come out. He wants people on leashes. He wants everyone controlled and dictated to. He basically said exactly that.
@vf12497439 6 дней назад
I work at a union job. I’m a come lately and make the same amount as the guy that’s been here 40 years. Great for me but it sucks for the loyal employee with the same job title. Am I all union? The pay brought me but it’s just a job.
@catalinnm5328 6 дней назад
i don't understand how you can be an economist and left wing
@cashed-out2192 6 дней назад
His first wife resembles Lesley Gore but who does Zosia resemble? Certainly not her mother.
@EliaMuduTags-zj1cd 6 дней назад
So it's Jimmy Carter, Barack now FJB the worst of it all..
@FredGSanford-hu1uk 6 дней назад
This man has been spitting straight facts for years !!!
@marcussurleyadventures1928 7 дней назад
A little bit dated, unfortunately, America’s completely racist
@andycommonsincanada 7 дней назад
If the education system worked properly then this young man wouldn’t have even asked that question. Unfortunately the communists have infiltrated the system to the detriment of society as a whole.
@ghostmost2614 7 дней назад
WFBJ playing with Saul like a mouse to a cat.
@AldoApachi- 7 дней назад
Interview began and he just said what I've been trying to articulate to people and couldn't really do for last 10 years. You can want to be or do anything... but the environment dictates if it gives you money and wellbeing or not. For example, I'm an author, I like reading and writing. I have two books coming out. But I can't only be a writer, because I live in a small country, we speak our own language which is probably spoken by 2 mill ppl. I will never be able to sustain myself with writing. Should've become an economist or something! :D
@2sc458 7 дней назад
1995.......Let that sink in.
@moviesynopsis001 7 дней назад
You also destroy the incentive for someone to work who is left everything by their parents, the argument can work on both sides. Maybe an inheritance tax of 40 percent is better so it allows money to circulate the economy and not be hoarded as it is now with 1 percent of 1 percent holding most of the wealth.