WhatifAltHist is a channel run by Rudyard Lynch that looks to try to find the patterns in history and anthropology so as to predict the future and understand the dynamics that result in civilizations rising and falling. It was formerly an alternate history channel
The Anthropology of the Right
14 дней назад
The Anthropology of the Left
14 дней назад
Stop Coping. Your Life Sucks
Месяц назад
Was the Unabomber Right?
2 месяца назад
Explaining the Political Triangle
2 месяца назад
Are we a New Weimar?
2 месяца назад
The 4 Religions Fighting over America
2 месяца назад
WTF is Wrong with the Economy?
3 месяца назад
Explaining Ancient Forbidden Teachings
3 месяца назад
Top 10 Potential Future Wars
4 месяца назад
Explaining Japanese Civilization
4 месяца назад
The Anthropology of Karens
4 месяца назад
The Coming Population Crash
4 месяца назад
A Manifesto for the New Right
4 месяца назад
A Message to Young Men
5 месяцев назад
(Reupload)The Coming Incel Revolution
5 месяцев назад
Explaining Russian Civilization
5 месяцев назад
The Coming Incel Revolution
5 месяцев назад
Why is Every Society Religious?
6 месяцев назад
Did the CIA Discover the Spirit World?
6 месяцев назад
How Degeneracy will kill Civilization
7 месяцев назад
Why the 2024 Election will start a Civil War
7 месяцев назад
The Coming Chinese Revolution
7 месяцев назад
Understanding Modern Civilization
8 месяцев назад
Who would Win a US-Iran War?
8 месяцев назад
Why did the School System Fail?
9 месяцев назад
Will Israel Cause a World War?
9 месяцев назад
The Top 20 Bloodiest Atrocities in History
10 месяцев назад
The Coming Psychological Black Death
11 месяцев назад
@dnickaroo3574 7 часов назад
Naturally, this is a compendium of the author’s own biases.
@enigmaticallis3110 7 часов назад
I was having a conversation with my fiancee about this very thing yesterday.. I told him I also think most people are just in extreme denial about how serious sh!tt is getting...😳😳😰😰
@jamescole2093 7 часов назад
Damn this was on point! Thank you!
@markj.6276 8 часов назад
Rudyard, you are making brilliant points and have a wisdom way beyond your years. 👍
@undeadkitty334 8 часов назад
great video plz share
@ahoraya1047 8 часов назад
You forget there was a long term inertia for Conquest in Spain/Castile. The Kingdom of Castile defeated and annexed the rich Granada Kingdom the same year 1492, the Canary Islands were annexed decades before. After unification with the Kingdom of Aragon important naval bases and territories were added, including a third of Italy.
@electrifyingct4303 8 часов назад
That moment when you realize.... the white European race are the Israelites of the Old Testament
@לירוןכהן-ט1ב 8 часов назад
Why is everyone want to be the jews but you all hate us so much
@electrifyingct4303 8 часов назад
If this is about all race groups not being equal.... I can literally say I knew that since I came out of the womb. Its so obvious the media has to constantly lecture about it to brainwash you all.
@LiamLoves 8 часов назад
The fact that the friend did well with women plural, informs us that he actually did quite poorly.
@guest273 8 часов назад
_A divine creature talking to me while riding a ultra radioactive giant death robot_ My vision - _I saw a divine creature riding a flame tank..._ I mean it makes sense if more advanced being would try to communicate would us that they would have to stoop down to our level for us to be able to even hear them.
@SalkisRe 9 часов назад
Women dont care about people, we care about what people think of us. That distinction needs to be made
@MyBrotherMan 9 часов назад
I love this video for the most part. The Mass Formation Psychoses that have been taking us over for decades now are evident, and you make some really interesting and spot-on points about them. Not trying to disparage it on the whole, but a few points don't make sense to me: It can't be true at the same time that birth rates are plummeting and population is exploding. What makes far more sense is that population has been artificially densified by exponentially-growing criminalization and regulation, to the point where middle-class commercial and residential infrastructure haven't been able to grow even nearly as fast as our barely-growing society for decades. Everything I want to build, myself, business or housewise, for example, is illegal. Every last thing. Most of the great minds of the past would be in prison nowadays for practicing their trade without a license. I would expect a classical liberal to know the difference between waging war and repelling invasion, and to consider it ethically wrong to murder and steal, which is what invasion and conquest are. Morals are certainly not absolute: they are capricious by definition, since they deal in sin vs. purity. Ethics, on the other hand, are universal and absolute, since they deal with right and wrong. I also would expect a classical liberal to understand that religion is completely morality based, thus capricious. Take Abraham being commanded to murder Isaac: to obey would have been wrong, i.e. ethically incorrect, but to disobey would have been sinful, i.e. morally incorrect. Finally, one thing we don't have to worry about is Mouse Utopia. We have nobody raining abundance on us from the heavens, so society will collapse from economic stagnation long before we reach that point!
@samr.england613 9 часов назад
Well, no one knows the future.
@johnsynapse2407 9 часов назад
Fantastic video
@kennethsimpson5231 9 часов назад
What of the Federalist? Can you explain them and how they fit?
@faraj3159 9 часов назад
Guys, I want to rent a pub and do a get-together of everyone here in the comments!!!
@matthewevensom468 10 часов назад
Holy shit you are crazy
@Morsure00 10 часов назад
More BS, another YT that has no clue what he/it is talking about.
@colangelog09 10 часов назад
I love how you separate your emotions from analysis. The world needs more of this
@Harry_Tick 10 часов назад
I thought spooks always were a part of the spirit world.
@aidanbennett9018 10 часов назад
1:08 - 1:16. Just like medieval nobility and many other people with influence in history. We really haven't evolved mentally, have we?
@stefdiazdiaz7067 10 часов назад
How is Jezz Bezos or Bill Gates the highest of males, yes financially they are high, in other metrics they are below average.
@jemase7931 10 часов назад
Where ddid you find a thousand pound bear on the Appalachian Trail? I thought we only had black bear in the east.
@jemase7931 10 часов назад
Too many people (especially women) getting degrees that are not marketable. They don't learn skills that anyone is willing to pay for. But they expect a great job because they worked hard and paid a high tuition and ran up a bigdebt for something no employer wants.
@anythingbutcash 10 часов назад
Dude your channel is awesome!
@AWEdio 10 часов назад
Social Anthropology has the same scientific veractiy as Economics - it's complete bullshit, defended by those who profit from it.
@natestarkovich4893 10 часов назад
this might be your magnum opus
@faraj3159 10 часов назад
Oh the chaos of reality: I listened to the end of this video while cutting up cardboard boxes for recycling here in London: brother, love and nothing else to you❤ p.s. they dont accept cardboard boxes if you just leave them outside: they got to fit in into the recycling trays which are provided for each house: the leftist marxist irony of UK
@alexodeh 11 часов назад
38:24 The answer is obvious: IQ doesn't translate necessarily to wisdom
@stefdiazdiaz7067 11 часов назад
I would say technology, not porn, is the opium of the masses
@liesecarey9494 11 часов назад
Maybe I can take a stab at explaining at least part of why women have a hard time grasping that men either see sex or marriage material. We grow up with a society that reveals our bodies and nearly all women's bodies from birth up with swimwear and lingerie ads and nudity in entertianment and art and yet we expect girls to fully absorb and understand why all of that is fully ok and yet simultaneously wrong and bad for us. We have a fashion culture that teaches us that we look old or like a frigid prude or totally undesirable if we dress in classy clothing, which women are getting the messaging from again from incredibly young ages. We grow up surrounded by all the warped views of all the screwed up men and all the screwed up women of a fallen world most of which are set to insult or use and manipulate us. Many more of us than men who are not the perps understand have been molested or raped even when young, in my case 3 times by 3 different perps at ages 5, 12, and 16. Because get this straight, the perps dont just go after one person. One perp might go after 200 or even 2000different victims across his lifetime. But our society, long ago, quit taking rape seriously enough to give it the death penalty or to seriously punish fake allegations as we should. When we go online we see men vehemently venting how much they hate women and want great harm for all of us. And when we pay attention to all the crap of feminism that warps us in a totally different way. And we are for some reason expected to just naturally navigate all of this perfectly even at age 12 when in my case I suddemly over night looked like I was about 22 and got all kinds of inappropriate attention from men of all ages all the time from then on till I was actually in my mid to late 20s. What saves me from it today, at 54, is partly that I'm not healthy and partly that I seriously put out the mom/grandma vibe as hard as I can play it, most of the time. So now I get to have genuine interactions with young folk pretty often and rarely have to deal with unwanted flirting or come-ons. Although just last week i did have to kick a guy out of my little rental trailer who I met at church 2 or 3 years earlier , who inexplicably stopped by for a booty call. I kicked him out as soon as he switched modes from chatting about things like "how's your daughter?" "How's your grandpa?" to wanting sex. Our culture trains young women to see the world completely unrealistically about nearly everything and tells them that if they deal with any of it as a feminine mode woman that they are pathetic and ought to be stronger. Man alive, someone ought to just bring back playing dumb! I swear, go watch a 30s or 40s movie like Bringing Up Baby or My Man Godfrey and think about how different life was between the sexes. Why are women not protected now as they grow up? Why are they told that feminine wiles are wrong to use? Why are they told that nurturing children or loving a good man will ruin their life? And then when we find a supposedly good man he might just whine for 20 years that women don't like nice guys while he spends most of his time on a computer avoiding spending time as a father and a husband and grumbling when he has to emerge and parroting his bitter feminists mom's level of bitter toward family and obligation. Until years later he moves in with a mistress. Ok. That one was too specific to me. But a lot of these things are for all young women and how badly our culture raises them and trains them. They are allowed to be happy and sing girls just want to have fun. But they are not allowed to actually enjoy their family. They are allowed to strip or sell their body or get fat or hate men. But they are not allowed to have standards and obey God and wait for marriage or think a man ought to have the level of honor where he would lead and want that for them and hold there hands and pray for them and help them get to heaven. They are allowed to worship the Kardashians and gossip. But they are not allowed to express themselves genuinely for fear of all the reprisals from every direction about being too emotional or irrational which they are accused of even when they are right because God forbid their emotoonal or sensitive side was probably showing and that was just annoying to men and to feminists too. Men do not understand or like women even when they are doing exactly what they should be doing naturally. And then the few who do stupidly tell the world that no man is any different than themselves. Matt Walsh who may genuinely love his wife, for all i know, just said yesterday that NO man ever cares about the beauty standards and none of them come from men, which is completely a lie whether he knows it or not. Some percentage of Men have been obsessed with women's beauty standards and controlling about them always. My dad for instance. He thinks it speaks to my character that I'm unhealthy and now look it but what did he wver do correctly about health and diet during all the eat more carbs and plants decades of lies when doctors quit diagnosing celiac disease except for the most severe cases? Nothing. And that makes him sound way worse than he is but he's just one example. My dad is actually one of the strongest work ethic men out there who dida lot if things right for several years there. And he is steong and masculine to boot something the world ccould use more of. Most men are after the good looks and the hot bodies and most men push for it and none take any responsibility for their bad messaging. Women are trained by women and by men to have to get their value from their superficial looks. Even sitcoms have done shows about how much better a man thought it was when his wife would take such bad care of her skin health that she went to bed with makeup on so that he never had to see what she really looked like. Women have it rough and our society is 100% structurally opposed to just training them to gate keep the sex and act demure when men are incomprehensible to them even though men and women do just naturally not understand each other a ton!
@liesecarey9494 11 часов назад
Oh and they go to school and get indoctrinated. Our schools are super crap and give girls a false religion to believe in.
@Jetfire725 11 часов назад
As someone a bit older than you, you are wise beyond your years dude. I listen to a lot of people and some sort of kind of get at the ideas you do in a messy way that misses context. But when it comes to expressing these complex ideas with intellect and razer sharp accuracy you are in a class of your own. Don't get burned out, in the coming decades the world will need voices like yours if it has any hope of getting out of the mess it's made for itself.
@smackdatmoney 12 часов назад
I dont even need to see this video. Child drag shows are a thing. To answer the title question, yes....yes we are