PSU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
PSU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
PSU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is Portland State's largest and most diverse college. We are home to 24 departments spanning the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences.
@CapitalismDeathSpiral 2 месяца назад
NEVER trust 99% of millionaires, billionaires, zionists, anyone who describes themselves as wise in front of millions, anyone who claims to be Godly but acts like a militant atheist in any capacity, anyone who uses money as a weapon to disenfranchise others around them or force ideological change.
@iamnotpablo 2 месяца назад
@andrewharvey3282 2 месяца назад
Wah wah
@laylaali5977 3 месяца назад
Always victims
@alawneh2 3 месяца назад
Judaism is a religion , Zionists are racist colonists
@alawneh2 3 месяца назад
Zionism is a racist ideology that deploys biblical myths to colonize and ethnically cleanse the indigenous people of Palestine. The end product is a fascist apartheid regime called “Israel” that is collapsing from within and will end soon
@Majickcharm 3 месяца назад
Jews lie and pillage Palestinian lives and nation.
@kyreoo 3 месяца назад
How can you talk only as the world derrived on 7th Oct. The tragic of Naqbah massacre in Palestina is happened more than 4 decades.
@spacecan1 3 месяца назад
laughable. The Nakba was originally termed by the Arabs of how they let their people down by not obliterating the jews. Now it's a victim stance word.
@emmanuelwood8702 3 месяца назад
Christ is king. God is not on the side of people who kill women and children and shoot missiles at aid workers.
@andyjota8906 3 месяца назад
Jews always try do distract and from this and throw us off the scent, it just happens to be such a coincidence that its 100% playing out before our very eyes and they have never forgiven the Russians for it have they. lol
@briangriffin8106 4 месяца назад
I guess some other group took inspiration. Because it is happening according to plan...
@matrixmatico695 4 месяца назад
One of the protocols is to deny and work from the shadows
@andyjota8906 3 месяца назад
Did you know that antisemitic means not putting up with jew shit....
@matrixmatico695 4 месяца назад
Its just a coincidence that everything is coming to pass to the letter...
@know_not_wickedness 4 месяца назад
If it's not accurate, the fact everything written in it one hundred years ago is coming true has to be the greatest coincidence since the novel 1984. I got the impression that they are more than friends.
@takeoUup115 3 месяца назад
Right , I listen to a read of it last night and I was like this is all pretty spot on . But hey these jews say it a fabrication lol
@abomarsyr103 4 месяца назад
Isn’t it funny how every single thing in it has happened or is happening right now
@marianavivanco4152 5 месяцев назад
Very true document the world should know!
@hu6284 7 месяцев назад
Lmao it's true and my second favorite text.
@MARKEDONE47_ 6 месяцев назад
Im curious, whats your first? M K?
@know_not_wickedness 4 месяца назад
James Mason - Siege!
@TheGamerswithglasses 8 месяцев назад
Extremely disappointed that an opportunity to explain the traumatic effects of terrorism and being subjugated by extreme fascist governments on two groups of people (Israeli's and Palestinians) was instead used as an opportunity to propagandistically conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism; a pleading beg to stop the bombing of a nation made up of mostly children with genocidal intent against Jews; oppressed subjects of colonial rule with caricatures of a mass of murderers. This event COULD HAVE been used to explain why Israeli's and the Israel Government feel it is their right to oppress, murder, and colonize in the name of revenge, but instead it was used to act as though a deeply racist and genocidal government is magnanimous and caring, or otherwise justified in their response. Professor Weinrad's subdued propagandistic speech decrying progressivism and liberalism, acting as though Israel has not ALWAYS disproportionally responded and murdered Palestinians as retribution for any act within their borders, and seemingly begging for an even more genocidal policy on behalf of Israel against Palestinians, should immediately tell you to disregard nearly every word spoken in this "presentation." All four of the participants in this panel should be DEEPLY ashamed of themselves and should reexamine their commitment to humanistic values after this attempt to justify genocide.
@yerrebari4444 8 месяцев назад
It was a factual document. Please watch the lobby by al jazeera it shows you how jews work
@cranesouder7003 9 месяцев назад
The book is not antisemitic because the men who assembled it were not jews, they were Zionists. If you read the book, it states that the members of the organization will use Jews and kill Jews at their discretion. Also, everything in the book so far has come to fruition.
@cross8215 10 месяцев назад
If it's conspiracy these comments wouldn't be hidden and we should be able to openly dicuss about it.
@asriayulestari1225 11 месяцев назад
@wartext 11 месяцев назад
Of course they will say it's fake when their plan has been exposed. One of the characteristics of this religion is secrecy. Everything in that book has come to pass. All in preparation for their master, Dajjal.
@jimpalmer2981 Год назад
Curiously absent from this discussion is any mention of Pawel Maciejko's book "The Mixed Multitude," which is, to the best of my knowledge, the best and most comprehensive history of Jacob Frank and Frankism. Tokarczuk hews very, very closely to Maciejko's narrative and doesn't stray at all from his chronology. But a superb discussion nonetheless, and I'm grateful to PSU and to each of the presenters for their extremely enjoyable and useful commentary. Great video. Thanks for presenting it.
@jimpalmer2981 4 месяца назад
@@ericjackson-nq4hp Well, I didn't say it was the only one. I will say, however, that aside from Scholem's studies and Arthur Mandel's "The Militant Messiah," which is problematic for a lot of reasons, Maciejko's book is the most concise and most thorough study on Frank and Frankism that I've seen, and anyone who's read both books can very easily see the connection. I was just surprised not to have seen mention of it in this video. I wouldn't read too much more into the comment.
@hielkedejonge5876 Год назад
lees hier alles over de hoofdrol spelers van The Great Reset Het is een verborgen geschiedenis maar het doek wordt nu teruggetrokken om de Khazariaanse maffia cq bankiers volledig bloot te leggen met haar kwaadaardige plan om te infiltreren, de hele wereld te tiranniseren en alle Abrahamitische religies uit te roeien en alleen hun Babylonische talmudisme toe te staan, ook bekend als Luciferianisme, Satanisme of oude Baälaanbidding. Lees hier alles over de hoofdrol spelers van The Great Reset Het is een verborgen geschiedenis maar het doek wordt nu teruggetrokken om de Khazariaanse maffia cq bankiers volledig bloot te leggen met haar kwaadaardige plan om te infiltreren, de hele wereld te tiranniseren en alle Abrahamitische religies uit te roeien en alleen hun Babylonische talmudisme toe te staan, ook bekend als Luciferianisme, Satanisme of oude Baälaanbidding
@jerryczech953 Год назад
Adam Mickiewicz was frankists .......hard for Polish christians Louis Brendeis ( city of Brandys nad Labem in german is Brendeis ) had to leave after 1848 lost in revolution in Prague
@jerryczech953 Год назад
Macejko biting his toingue here talking to communist professor from Portland
@jerryczech953 Год назад
but pan Pawel is not allowed talk about Jacob Frank Leibowicz ties with house of Rothschild ,and Adam Weishaupt ,forming illuminati 1st May 1776 in Frankfurt ........i guess he was employed by University of Chicago ....Cant talk about these Satanists Frankists
@dougweiskopf7768 Год назад
I noticed that although Michelle Goldberg spoke at PSU it was in fact an audience made up of older people (like me, lol), just as the listeners at the May 11, 2022 speeches in the Park Blocks about the 1970 PSU Student Strike was. I'm wondering if this is due to youthful apathy or is it something else?
@jboyd9062 Год назад
Enjoying the debate thanks, and looking forward to reading Tokarczuk in the near future.
@shylockwesker5530 Год назад
The 1990s was a terrible time for many people in Poland. The economic transformation hit hard and they lost stability and felt an awful lot of fear. The unemployment rate skyrocketed, foreign businesses bought and strippped many factories, and organised crime started to form, from the internal militia who were now laid off. I can imagine it was far from paradise. Thankfully it's much better now.
@cola3173 9 месяцев назад
Poland was chaotic in the 90s, but today the excesses of capitalism (the right to beat others in the marketplace) are slipping, as usual, into the excesses of old fascism (the right to dominate others, especially women, immigrants seeking a better life, and the systematically impoverished and immiserated). The return of old symbolizations and archaic legal orders, all in the name of maximizing domestic GDP, is sickening. Human life is treated as secondary, as a waste product. Only an egalitarian social order--ie. a new type of communism, a 3rd, internationalist epoch after the failure of state socialism--will save Poland from future war and misery
@A_Million_Air 7 дней назад
​@cola3173 are you Polish?