Rach S
Rach S
Rach S
@katiejmiller День назад
Girl, you still look great, but I can see your midline and nose are a tiny bit crooked. Your surgeon was gaslighting you so you don’t sue. You can sue the surgeon and say you need to get a revision surgery to correct their mistake. Get a second opinion letter and get a malpractice lawyer. I see this is an older video so I hope you have it all figured out! ❤
@brycenwhitesides6866 День назад
Hey, can we please get an update where you are now in 2024? Thank you so much for your videos!
@rumejsazylfiu785 3 дня назад
Please make a video now like a 4 year post op, what you did about the issue you had, what happened etc
@samy9014 5 дней назад
Her surgeons name doctor TODD HANNA.
@dencentbeatz794 8 дней назад
Honestly it’s not even bad. Yea it’s lopsidedish barely event and I can sorta tell once u point it out, but you can probably get a revision if u want for facial asymmetry.
@TammyAbanathy-st5iv 10 дней назад
1 mm isn't that much
@tkrab644 11 дней назад
Please give us an update, I am generally concerned about how ur doing.❤
@nk582 16 дней назад
I wonder if some specifically targeted Botox to flaring areas could help relax the muscles that seem overactive? Also not to be mean but maybe evening out those eyebrows and making them a bit softer might help
@weekendkings9621 17 дней назад
I know i'm pretty late but I just wanna say I hear you. You are not being dramatic, and you have every right to speak your mind. I am currently going through similar problem with my jaw allignment and stuff.
@toolse4332 20 дней назад
Hi Rach how are you doing? I hope you’re okay xo Please update us when you can !
@mysterious.91 22 дня назад
They were gaslighting you when they had that person posting they loved the results after the email exchange you had with the plastic surgeon. It was probably someone from the office who did that to try to build a case against you. Don’t believe anything they say. Get a good lawyer and a different doctor and Neurologist who can help properly assess your case.
@sbc0422 24 дня назад
Does anyone know if she’s okay? 😢😢😢😢😢
@faye.mcmorris 28 дней назад
Your face is paralyzed on one side.
@May-May-Sue Месяц назад
I can see the mis-alignment I can’t lie and say I don’t see it. Although I strongly believe it’s something that can be fixed if they just own up to their medical mistakes. The doctor shouldn’t just say that your smile is perfect that’s so narcissistic of him. At least he should admit that the jaw reconstruction messed the alignment and now let’s see how we can fix it. I am now scared to even consider a jaw reconstruction. I am sad watching how unhappy you are with the results. I wish I could give you a hug. I can’t smile my teeth are horrible and my jaw is a mess but I am just gonna live with it. I am scared to do surgery and be even more unhappy 😭😭😭😭. Please make a video I hope you are doing okay you haven’t posted in years 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@May-May-Sue Месяц назад
I would lawsuit the doctor. He sounds like the worst of the worst. He def messed up the alignment of your smile and should fix it. You are not insane
@K119_ Месяц назад
I think after seeing this whole video, you have severe body dysmorphia. You were not ugly or unattractive before your surgery, you just weren’t Instagram model, and no one is… your face is going to look more distorted with every surgery….. I think you had so much asymmetry before and you thought changing your jaw would change your entire face. This video is so damaging to younger kids, you aren’t completely saying this was a mistake, you are just asking for validation from audience that you were “wronged”…… it’s really a hidden toxic message you send. I hope someone makes a deep dive on this….
@samy9014 5 дней назад
Victim blaming much
@samy9014 5 дней назад
Ur definitely from the surgeons office.
@whyme7897 Месяц назад
I think you are overreacting a bit, i mean your lower lip is a bit crooked but i would not characterize you as ugly by any means. You look perfectly fine, beautiful even and probably recording in a bathroom did not help either.
@samy9014 5 дней назад
Ur gaslighting her. I can CLEARLY see what she's saying. If u can't see it ur either blind or ur from her surgeons office.
@whyme7897 5 дней назад
@@samy9014 its just an opinion
@samy9014 5 дней назад
@@whyme7897 it's not an opinion lmao. Ur basically lying to her.
@whyme7897 5 дней назад
@@samy9014 how old are you?
@samy9014 5 дней назад
@whyme7897 what does that have to do with anything. Stop shilling her psychopath surgeon bud.
@IhsanDriouach Месяц назад
What about the metal plates and screws they put in my jaw? Are they for life?
@annjohnson4073 Месяц назад
Not trying to downplay any of your concerns but when you were pointing out your smile in video starting at 36:44 in the video both times you smiled and pointed you turned your head slightly towards your shoulder which would make your smile look off. Just an observation i think your concern is valid for you. I’ve worked in the dental field for many years and honestly see your face as being symmetrical wishing you the best and hope that you’ve been able to resolve your concerns
@samy9014 5 дней назад
Ah nah, ur lying. Her face is clearly lopsided. U sound like someone from the surgeons office trying to cover for him.
@Lucas.Ankney Месяц назад
Please give us an update. I’m considering surgery
@ScarlettRebekahCarter Месяц назад
OMG I only got half way through this & am so angry with the surgeon! He's just making excuses! You're so beautiful & really brave being so open about everything. I really hope you've got things fixed, so you feel as good as you look x
@fer.9117 Месяц назад
Hello Rachel , I'm really grateful that you shared everything. You see I need to have jaw surgery like you and I'm so confused. Also I'm so sorry about the doctor, I mean they don't do anything to fix it. I wanted to ask if you can tell us what have you done after that and how about your face now and what do you think about your face.
@GauravVishnoi-cd9cg Месяц назад
What happened to your nose
@HebaNaeem-tl9zk Месяц назад
Hello guys, do any of you know anything about where have Rach been? Is she okay? I’m so heartbroken to hear that she might’ve committed suicide or something!! I really need to know, my heart is crushed just by thinking about it, and I know she’s a stranger but she’s such a cute beautiful person and I don’t see why her appearance made her doubt her worth of living?! 😟
@romagreen8050 9 дней назад
hey I'm also really worried for her ! I hope she's okay . I've also read in few comments about her I hope they're fake . if you know anything please update
@reverseflashes Месяц назад
Imagine being so evil and gaslighting that _she_ feels crazy even though all of her concerns are valid. Her doctor lied to her and botched her face. God bless you Rach, I hope you are doing better.
@ishtar8725 2 месяца назад
Its ur face muscles,nerves....
@whizzkid182 2 месяца назад
The nerves take longer to heal, it can take upto 3 years, the other side of your face hasn’t fully healed, once it has, your face will be completely normal again
@henrykwieniawski7233 2 месяца назад
What an incompetent surgeon; the gaslighting is insane! I’m sorry you had to go through this experience!
@oliviercanovas5180 2 месяца назад
Hi Rachel, OMG god bless your heart. You are not crazy and we see what you are seeing and it's amazing despite all you are going through you still trying to keep the mindset you have by not putting anyone on blast and questioning yourself. I really appreciate the content you created and the honest review you gave to help anyone that might go through the same journey ! I have a personal story I'd like to share with you privately. Is there a way I can contact you directly, perhaps via email or social media? Looking forward to hearing from you.
@CS-mq7dh 2 месяца назад
They do a really good job of this surgery in Korea. They even make you do a CT scan so they can avoid nerve damage. This is not common what happened to her. This is just a terrible surgeon. This can be reversed by a revision of it is just due to the surgeon doing crappy. If it has to do with the nerve, I would still think something could be done. I have one done in 2008. Long time ago! It took about a year or more for ALL feeling to come back to my chin Aria but it did all come back
@CS-mq7dh 2 месяца назад
This is not what this surgery cause. She went to a terrible surgery. You get what you pay for honestly. This can be fixed, her face should not be shifted like this at all!!
@R_S747 2 месяца назад
You're literally so pretty girl
@renah-p9632 2 месяца назад
Honestly, I dont think its anything they did, i think that may be how your muscles and face fat/nerves have healed. Which sucks after spending all that money to have another problem. But to me it did look like your teeth were straight. I’m sorry this happened to you. Best of luck❤
@alabaster193 2 месяца назад
17,000 for Invisalign is insane. At the very most, it should be less than half of that.
@somozamaria 2 месяца назад
Does anyone know the name of the song?
@Nailsbysoul 2 месяца назад
I feel like everything is fine , just your face is drooping, your smile perfect tho girl… maybe surgeon damaged your facial nerves… i have no idea.. but that is uour face drooping not your smile
@SwanTheQueen 2 месяца назад
If you can please update us ❤ we are concerned. Thanks for sharing
@collabartsvideo 2 месяца назад
I agree, the left side from what I see is a little off... I'm so sorry this has been the result. I'm feeling a little insecure about how my bite is at the moment and have been thinking a surgery. I honestly don't know whether I should go through with it, everyone has different feelings after their surgery. I just booked a therapist to help me mentally process this. I hope you're feeling better now xx
@sebastianherald2226 2 месяца назад
Dr todd hanna was her surgeon
@sebastianherald2226 2 месяца назад
Hi rach, i don’t know if you’re still active on here but i also have been going threw the same thing. My smile/lips/face all lean to one side like yours. I was also left with a canted jaw it looks so bad, one side of my teeth go up probably 6 mm if not more. My midlines are off 4mm. Its been 6months and i cry everyday. I no longer leave my house because my face is so unsymmetrical. I get what you’re feeling im doped up on so much antidepressants and anxiety medication and i still cant seem to get over it. I feel as if my life ended the day i got my surgery and on top of that i got severe tmj pain that cause my headaches day and night. I hardly can sleep because im in so much pain. I appreciate your video and your sharing. I hope one day we can both move on from this
@romagreen8050 9 дней назад
I hope you're doing better . I went through something similar . did you find a solution? I'm really sorry I can completely understand the pain
@angelmoore859 3 месяца назад
You're beautiful. You deserve to have this corrected. I would definitely seek a lawyer.
@FirstLast-dl8rt 3 месяца назад
Jaw surgery is way more invasive than general facial cosmetic surgery, the jaw surgeon may just have wanted to do jaw surgery because that is what his specialty is. With asymmetry, everyone will have some degree of it, it's physically impossible to be theoretically perfect mathematically symmetrical. But if you do feel you have some, I think you should go to a facial cosmetic surgeon for that. I hope it's less painful for you if you want to have it done.
@samy9014 5 дней назад
Ur obviously from the surgeons office making new accounts to harass her and say the same talking points. We see through u.
@kierstinschwarz1094 3 месяца назад
God bless you Rachel. I am so sorry that you went through this. I had a very bad result after getting a chin genioplasty 5 years ago and understand how heartbreaking it can feel when you look in the mirror and feel discouraged when you had such high hopes. I pray that you be filled with peace and know that you are not what you look like (although you are beautiful), you are so much more! *hugs*
@kierstinschwarz1094 3 месяца назад
also, as for a revision, please know that nerve damage is a concern for revision surgeries due to the nerve damage that came from the first surgery. Please discuss with your doctor about preventing further nerve damage because that could contribute to asymmetry.
@CelineFox1985 2 месяца назад
If you feel like sharing, may I ask what bad results you had with your sliding genioplasty?
@Stacey-js1gm 3 месяца назад
As someone (twice your age) who has always been unhappy with my jawline, I completely understand your want for change (but never went under the knife). I can also completely empathize with your emotionality surrounding the imperfections that resulted from such a taxing surgery (physically and financially). You lay out that kind of money and loss of it due to recovery time, anybody would want and expect absolute perfection. I get it entirely, and no, you're not insane. But, if the main goal was to shorten the length and slightly project the profile of your face, that goal has indeed been accomplished. Give yourself kudos for withstanding that kind of trauma (yes, the real kind). But I think it's important to remind yourself that perfection only happens in the make believe world of Hollyweird, and that you are eventually going to suffer psychologically (and financially) for life if you continue to nitpick yourself in this way. Perhaps easy for me to say in one respect because I'm old and I'm fairly certain no one cares about how I look, and it's too late in life to undergo radical surgery to justify my own hangups. But on the other hand, I do have a wealth of experience in dealing with insecurity (personal and financial). Whatever you decide...I hope you'll partially let it go, get back on your feet, and revisit the possibility of further corrections in say five years. You might find the idea of it less important as you focus on financial security and personal wellbeing.
@samy9014 5 дней назад
Ur from the surgeons office doing damage control. He literally twisted her face. This is a completely botched surgery. Just cos her face was shorter doesn't mean anything and whatever u said about her profile doesnt mean anything (u honestly sound like the surgeon). Like omg someone disfigured of her face and twisted it and ur saying it's somehow "ok" because it's shorter and her profile is a bit different. What is wrong with you?
@Gouri_39 3 месяца назад
Please tell me hospital name
@kasee8620 4 месяца назад
wait, so your jaw didn't have to stay wired/rubber banned only after a week?
@absarmy5035 4 месяца назад
u didn't need jaw surgery. Most orhodontists just want straight teeth and don't think much about how the face will look.
@nanainamerica 4 месяца назад
I wish you had your messaging open so I could reach out. I was in a similar place a few years ago, and I know how excruciating it is, and also the pressure to downplay it because people perceive you're being vain when they don't understand how brutal it is to not like the result, not be able to go back, and not like the doctor who did it to you. I'm sending love your way, it will get way better with time, I promise. Reach out to me if you want.
@K119_ 4 месяца назад
I think you should of left your face alone, you totally wrecked it to the maxxxx!
@isabellelizanecz6154 4 месяца назад
I’m on day 5 and this has given me so much hope 🙏