Entek Coffee
Entek Coffee
Entek Coffee
Hello, welcome to the Entek Coffee RU-vid channel. In this channel I will be sharing recipes, how tos, product highlights, general coffee knowledge, or even other things that are somehow still related to coffee. All this in the eyes of a home barista. I hope what I am sharing will be helpful to you. Enjoy my videos!
Single Dosing Kit for Eureka Mignon
2 года назад
Unboxing the Eureka Mignon Manuale
2 года назад
@garyn7067 6 дней назад
Thanks for doing this. Been drinking singles for over 10 years. Most of that time, it was a single dose in a pressurized portafilter with a double basket. Not ideal, but that was all I had. Now I use an unpressurized PF with a single basket. And "trying" to get it consistent.
@yannickguitar1539 11 дней назад
Very useful, this is perfect. Thanks!!!
@kashafaamirr 11 дней назад
Really respect all your hard work and details🙌🏻
@EntekCoffee 10 дней назад
Thanks! You people keep me going, so I'm very thankful for your encouraging comments. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve my future content.
@draganthebest 12 дней назад
For the beginners that dont want to spend too much there are also good manual hand grinders for under 100$. Also I am a beginner myself on a strict budget and I am currently using a Gaggia md15 with DIY shims and it gets the job done (fairly well tbh). Was also thinking of getting the MHW3Bomber R3 grinder (i think that i got the name right this time) because it seems good for the price, but I am not in a hurry. It's new so it is going to take some time for people to start finding out the flaws. Also living in a country that doesn't have access to Amazon can be pretty challenging so mostly of my stuff comes from trusted aliexpress stores.
@EntekCoffee 10 дней назад
Gaggia's entry to budget was very exciting, they're known to build affordable but extremely reliable machines. The MD15 is one that I'd like to try, but as the time of speaking it's very hard to get in my country. You can't beat manual grinders' value with electric grinders, though. They're just very different machines. My $149.99 1zpresso J-Max is built like a tank and grinds the same class of consistency and accuracy as my Eureka Mignon (maybe even better). It's not even a close match to these electric ones for espresso.
@draganthebest 10 дней назад
@EntekCoffee tbh Gaggia md15 was the only thing that was available to me because of the import taxes and stuff making the 1zpresso and similar grinders not worth considering. The stock Gaggia md15 isn't the best, but with a bit of fiddling and a bit of DIY-ing, because I can't get the official shims where I live, I got it to the level where it grinds fine enough for a good espresso. 👍
@timmarshall4881 13 дней назад
Another good video. Love and peace. Tim
@Iridescence93 16 дней назад
I've wasted a lot of money on cheap electric grinders over the years. They break or they just don't do the job. If you can't afford a good electric one you're better off with a hand grinder which you can get a good espresso one for $100 I'm actually trying to go as low-tech as possible with my setup as cheap electronic stuff just does not tend to last. I do have a DF83 but I need new burrs for it which is another huge expense so just using my hand grinder for now. it works fine. Kind of regret buying that in the 1st place
@EntekCoffee 16 дней назад
Been using this mysterious grinder for a while now (around 2 and a half months) and has still been rock solid. This was also the same impression I had with my old ZD-10, so as I said, I'm afraid sample size is too small for now. I'll have to check other options. Mind you if you can tell me what exact grinders yoi have an experience with?
@Iridescence93 16 дней назад
@@EntekCoffee good you've found something you like then. it's fine to use entry level stuff til you decide how much effort and money you want to invest. The thing is it can end up being more expensive in the long run if you buy things that you constantly want to upgrade. I used a cheap Baratza grinder for a long time that didn't really get the beans fine enough. I figured it was good enough but that was a mistake. I've had a couple from Breville that didn't last at all. The one I had from Ascaso for a while was probably the best of the "cheap grinders" (still cost a few hundred dollars) but the burrs were really too small to grind well. Been doing this for 20 years I've learned that certain grind quality is just required and there's a reason "cheap" electric grinders are cheap. I do find the quality of grind I get from my hand grinder is right up with expensive ones like the DF83 and I don't really mind the effort so I recommend that if people want to save money. I believe there is also a 54 mm version of the DF83 that goes pretty cheap now. That seems like an excellent burr set for that price if you really need an electric one.
@workhard2belazy 17 дней назад
yea, i just bought a $500+ df64 gen2 grinder, it does not help with the latte art at all! hahaha. The shot actually does taste better than when using the stock breville barista express grinder and has less channeling. Now i just need a better espresso machine to go with it.
@EntekCoffee 17 дней назад
Hmm... That's pretty strange, but flat burrs are known to be a little hard to tame at first. I'm not sure if it's related to that but it could be.
@ivolol 18 дней назад
There's a lot of decent 2nd hand grinders you can acquire from people who thought maybe they'd be into coffee (especially during 2020-2022) but have realised they're not and now want to move them on. Breville/Sage is probably the biggest, other OEMs depending on where you live
@EntekCoffee 18 дней назад
Definitely an option too! I saw a secondhand Baratza sette 30 a while ago, but it was on the 125-175 USD range. That sure can be an option if you can stretch the budget a bit.
@minalputra9918 18 дней назад
Nice information dude! Superb!
@EntekCoffee 18 дней назад
Wait do I know you?
@timmarshall4881 20 дней назад
Well done. Good idea. Love and peace. Tim
@g3ar75 29 дней назад
I was stupid and bought a 70€ automatic frother, I was lied to at the store 😢
@EntekCoffee 28 дней назад
We have to learn everyday, I'm not free of those things either...
@gahayumanggala8088 Месяц назад
French press yang buat susu namanya apa bang / ukuranya berapa?
@EntekCoffee Месяц назад
Silakan coba sendiri kalau masalah brand French press, yg murah ngga masalah. Tp kalau ukuran biasanya ane yg paling kecil.
@gahayumanggala8088 3 дня назад
@@EntekCoffee maksut saya yang di video pakai apa om, saya pengen😅
@EntekCoffee 2 дня назад
@@gahayumanggala8088 Ohh... Ini Bialetti Omino
@timmarshall4881 Месяц назад
Thank you for well-balanced opinion which is sensible and to the point I have subscribed.Love and peace. Tim
@EntekCoffee Месяц назад
Thank you, please let me know if I could improve some things!
@sydr94 Месяц назад
Why do these even exist?
@EntekCoffee Месяц назад
Uhh... Maybe part 1 can explain to you better?
@sydr94 Месяц назад
@@EntekCoffee I meant single shot baskets. Couldn't they do it shallower? Or maybe smaller in diameter if extraction is an issue. Frustum shape gives coffee people headaches. Cylindrical shape would be great. And you wouldn't need to solve a problem that shouldn't exist.
@EntekCoffee Месяц назад
Actually we have them, but I couldn't get them, sort of. I could get them, but I could've bought 6 or 7 of those IMS baskets instead. I had a nice discussion about this with one of the commenters in Part 2. Apparently non gradual single shot baskets still require specialized tampers. The ultra gradual ones, on the other hand, may not, but these have an even more different water path.
@monkdonk1110 Месяц назад
Thats the way to go. Funnel+ 41mm tamper. Been drinking solely singles for 2 years now. Caffeine sensitive people deserve more than 1-2 espressos per day !!!
@EntekCoffee Месяц назад
Wow, never expect to have a single "veteran" here... Thanks for sharing!
@madual-gufron.official709 Месяц назад
Mantap bg
@EntekCoffee Месяц назад
Hi! For the links of the HomeBarista article and the supplier of custom funnels and tampers, please check the video description! I hope you have a great day.
@ianshepherd6476 Месяц назад
Just take a handful and dump them in. Ditch the spoon I have the same tubes.
@EntekCoffee Месяц назад
My hands are not very controllable, apparently...
@ramenhair2682 Месяц назад
did this with blood orange and was really good
@minalputra9918 2 месяца назад
Pake peniti wae cukup lah
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
So tau bro.
@minalputra9918 2 месяца назад
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Stikernya mana?
@rachelmay2 2 месяца назад
Anyone tried to heat the milk with microwave, how long did it take to reach 60c?
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Different microwaves, different milk might behave differently, so I don't want to give an exact number. Try around 90 seconds with 500-600W power and check the result, adjusting as necessary.
@emteehed 2 месяца назад
and YES... i still think you lot ADDING NEEDLES to a KITCHEN is INANE... Knives and Forks are MORE THAN ENOUGH Danger Close tools in Home Kitchens... A Simple Purpose Built/Designed WHISK for COFFEE MAKING would be 300% BETTER than NEEDLES.
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Oh, you're actually giving an interesting thought. I guess if someone can mass produce a whisk with 0.3 mm thick metal (or polymer!) wires for cheap, it'd be 300% profit for you! Show us a prototype, I'll help you kickstart the project. I'm sure others will follow suit! As for introducing coarsely ground coffee, I don't think that'd work. In soils, the goal is to get the water to descent as evenly as possible. In coffee, that's just one of the goal, but it isn't the main one. The main goal is to get an even extraction, and I reckon for your suggestion to work, you'd need a lot of coarsely ground coffee to the point that it messes up the extraction.
@emteehed 2 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee I guess you don't understand pressure... The compacted PUCK will cause a certain level of back pressure in the machine UNTIL IT BREAKS and causes the so called 'channeling' through the puck. This isn't unlike very high velocity wind tunnels. Super sonic wind tunnels. Pressure differentials so high it breaks a metal plate between the differing pressures. That metal plate is the coffee puck. Espresso machines use high pressures to force the water through the puck. What you're after is good drainage through the puck while maintaining that high pressure and not allowing the the water to only channel through certain areas of the coffee puck.
@emteehed 2 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee The reason why good drainage in soils is important is to allow the roots to spread. Where the water is the roots will follow. The roots will only go where the water flows.
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
@@emteehed To be honest, excuse my comprehension, but I don't know what objection you're trying to make, is there anything that I said that is against that? Can you explain again?
@emteehed 2 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee It's a flow rate issue through the puck. If you have a pressure gauge, the pressure indirectly relates to the flow rate through the puck. The higher the pressure the machine is able to reach, the slower the water is passing through the coffee. Which relates to the extraction levels. Through conservation of energy. the Pressure is Potential Energy. The flow rate through the coffee puck is Kinetic energy. You can determine a rate of extraction. What you're after with the needles product is EVEN EXTRACTION through the puck. EVEN EXTRACTION equates to DRAINAGE CAPABILITIES. Channeling equates to UNEVEN EXTRACTION. Are you following?
@emteehed 2 месяца назад
so like Soil Physics... Introducing Perlite to the soil helps to AERATE the soil and keep the soil itself from clumping together too tightly causing water distribution issues (channeling). Did you think of adding much coarser grounds to the finely ground coffee? some type of percentage ratio coarse to fine ratio. Instead of needling your coffee puck? Just a thought... throwing out to the ether of the internet.
@emteehed 2 месяца назад
NGL... i think you lot introducing NEEDLES to the kitchen are a little CRAZY... Knives and FORKs are MORE THAN ENOUGH. NOW YOU WANT NEEDLES. Honestly you can get the same effect if you PURPOSE BUILD a WHISK especially for your NEEDS... WHISKS WORK ON POWDERS TOO... just my humble opinion... (what is coffee ground for espresso? a form of a POWDER. do yo see where Im going here?) I get the whole reason for the WDT. a compacted powder is CAUSE for CREATING CHANNELING through the puck. Hence you introduce this WDT to aerate the powder. NOW you have millions of micro-channels. A whisk does the same thing to flours and other powders in kitchens.
@olav1354 2 месяца назад
Cut your fingernails!
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Sorry, was about to do mani-pedi.
@qLeila 2 месяца назад
I've found home barista recipes are a lot of the time only suitable to home baristas, doing those amount of steps while on the clock would be hell. Good video! Consider adding background music, it doesn't have to be super upbeat or anything but it helps fill the space between sentences and scene switches
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I agree, things can get too quiet sometimes. I'll definitely try your suggestion next.
@shashwa7 2 месяца назад
is this flair classic? btw end result looks tempting and refreshing ❄️
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Close... It's the first version of the Flair Signature, which technically is a "classic". Thank you!
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Hi there! Please note that: 1. I did mention that The Wired Gourmet recommended 11 to 13 grams; while in reality, he never recommended a range of doses. This was an error from my side, so apologies for that. I mentioned it because it's what you're expected to put on your singles using his method, rather than him personally mentioning/recommending that particular range. 2. I did modify the Home barista method slightly by implementing a small tamp first before a bigger one in the second and the final tamp. This is completely an invention of mine, because I found that going directly with a normal tamper is very hard to reliably do well. 3. I felt that the resistance from the tamp (with a normal sized tamper) is slightly different. Instead of trying to feel when the puck starts to resist, like in a double shot basket, try to find the force where the resistance from the rim (the outer part of the basket) and the puck is balanced/equal. If you feel like the rim is exerting way more resistance, then you might need to increase the dose.
@GreenGlowGuides 2 месяца назад
@duangjaiboonsri9243 2 месяца назад
do i need to heat milk first
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Yes, you can check my other tutorials here about each methods. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-gXjnVMbU5P4.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-l4fV4ZesiAE.html
@frankhughes001 2 месяца назад
I came across your Moka Pot espresso video and noticed some inaccuracies. Please, if I may… Pre-heating water has zero benefit in a Moka Pot. Pre-heating doesn't improve flavor whatsoever. And it doesn't reduce preparation time - since heating water in a kettle takes about the same time as it does in the Moka Pot. Not to mention the extra precautions required to avoid a potential burn injury handling a very hot Moka Pot. There is no need to weigh coffee grounds (or water for that matter) in a Moka Pot. Each size Moka Pot is precisely dosed for that size Moka Pot. Simply fill the coffee basket level with the basket rim (also works for beans). And the water just BELOW the safety valve. Simple. Moka Pot grounds should be a little finer than for drip. If unsure I would suggest buying pre-ground Italian coffee such as Illy or Lavazza (most domestic Italian coffee is ground for Moka Pots but not their export varieties which are usually ground for drip). Try to emulate their grind. You'll notice it is quite a bit coarser than an espresso grind. Also, never tamp down Moka Pot coffee in the basket. Using room temperature water, hob heat should set to a medium(ish) flame so the flame does not go past the base of the Moka Pot. The Moka Pot is very forgiving in this regard but some experimentation may be needed. Don't be overly cautious either. A very low heat can ruin your brew. On an electric hob, you should position the Moka Pot so the handle is offset and not over the heating element. Otherwise the handle will get extremely hot and possibly melt. There is no need to dunk the Moka Pot into water or rinse under the tap, risking spillage or contamination. Simply remove the Moka Pot from heat and pour. Other than the Italian government's definition, espresso has no "consensus" or governing body. There is no "consensus" regarding what defines espresso except someone's opinion. Perhaps you define espresso by the presense of crema (rather than by flavor). However, when made correctly, Moka Pot espresso flavor should be nearly indistinguishable from espresso machine espresso - for most people - again, when made correctly. I would highly recommend these Moka Pot espresso videos for a more accurate method of using a Moka Pot, by actual Italians who have spent their entire lives making Moka Pot espresso: Annalisa J. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QbhYNipVYSY.html Italian with Bri ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_HKSe5Zo8tE.html Of course, as is true about all things in life, everyone may make their coffee however pleases them most. But why would anyone want to make life, or coffee, … harder? Best wishes on your coffee journey. .
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
I'm impressed that you had you spend a lot of time commenting a long post in a microscopic RU-vidr like me, and do it in a polite manner. Some of the tips you mention can complement my statements in the video. My method was a combination of the ones taught by James Hoffmann, Asa (Sprometheous), and other baristas. My addition was to weigh the grounds and water, but you do have a point that it might not be necessary (for everyone). I will still do it regardless because I like fine tuning and there's no sense of "less" or "more" with no weight. For the decision of pre-heating and dunking the pot into cold water, I will make no comment. You can find the mentioned baristas' reasoning, and I stand by their findings. As you put it very elegantly, "everyone may make their coffee however pleases them most". It's precisely why I will try my best to avoid using the words "inaccurate", "wrong", or to gaslight people who spends hours trying to make a drink that they'll finish in 2 big sips. I am guilty of this as well, so thanks for the reminder.
@frankhughes001 2 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee I would only add that you might consider stripping away what you may have been fed about Moka Pot espresso methods. From people who make their living producing content, accurate or not, for and beholden to RU-vid metrics for self-enrichment. You may find you achieve your desired results without unnecessary extra effort. The two links I provided previously are a great place to start. Very best wishes. Cheers! .
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
@@frankhughes001 Yes, stripping some details will be a better approach for some people. But I prefer to have the available/presented data in front of me, regardless of their motivation. I don't consider justifications such as "people who gave spent their entire lives making Moka pot espresso" a high value, but your milleage my vary. Let's disagree here then, I appreciate it.
@frankhughes001 2 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee Perhaps you'd consider the multiple millions of Italians who have for nearly 100 years, up to this day, been making Moka Pot espresso…sans internet hacks? I think we can agree Italians are rather particular about their espresso - be it from a Moka Pot or an espresso machine. You can choose to try a different approach, or not. The facts have been presented. It's entirely your choice. Happy trails 👋
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
If you're not sure what you should take away from this discussion, test both and draw your own conclusions. I did test the classic method too, and didn't like how inconsistent and how the flavours turn out to be. If it ever can be considered close, my Moka pot method would be the closest one to "my usual espresso" through multiple taste tests. I don't consider indirect justifications of higher value. The content creators I cited followed similar process. But please be the judge, I'm not an idealog, I don't push for certain approaches to be followed at all cost.
@davecharvella4854 2 месяца назад
My approach to this was purchasing a "ridge-less" basket. With this feature, no change in grind size is required due to the lack of the "ridge" found in/associated with the traditional single basket. Not having the ridge allows you to tamp fully using the same tamper. Chris's Coffee posted a video on this several years ago and it's still on RU-vid as we speak.
@EntekCoffee 2 месяца назад
Nice info! Previously, I never heard of ridge-less single shot baskets, but I have heard of single baskets that have a very gradual taper, as if only the holes are reduced in number. Theoretically, they are much easier to handle, and I think Chris's Coffee found that too (thanks for adding the reference!). On the other end of the spectrum, you also have singles that have a very abrupt taper, as if the portafilter diameter is reduced to 40 or so milimetre from ~1 cm down the rim. It's like brewing on my Flair signature. Buying both types of baskets are like trying to find a dark brown cat in my country, so I don't prioritize testing them. These IMS baskets are, however, very common. Moreover, most people who get free single baskets get these "moderately-tapered" baskets. I should've mentioned that in greater details in the video, but I'll heart your comment instead so people can read this!
@sashashkodich9505 2 месяца назад
Italian style :) well done!
@theultimatefaceplant 2 месяца назад
Awesome video!
@tonystark-yb7l 3 месяца назад
Its like a Red eye but the other way around
@EntekCoffee 3 месяца назад
It's not, the red eye uses only a single shot. Black eye, double, and dead eye triple.
@shadow40505 3 месяца назад
Totally D!$gu$ting
@minalputra9918 3 месяца назад
@EntekCoffee 3 месяца назад
Untung gak bisa kirim sticker disini
@kerisek11 3 месяца назад
I love cofee, but this weightining every dose, WDT etc takes more time than cooking a lunch. I will buy Sage grinder, which give you exact dose
@EntekCoffee 3 месяца назад
I don't know if that's a hyperbole or not, but what kind of lunch are you cooking? My lunch routine is taking way too long, maybe I can learn a thing or two.
@kerisek11 3 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee 1. Buy frozen food 2. use pan/oven 3. dont talk about it around Gordon Ramsay
@EntekCoffee 3 месяца назад
@@kerisek11 "It's fucking frozen, and you used a fucking microwave to cook this piece of shit" -Gordon Ramsay.
@kerisek11 3 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee we can probably say similar things about coffee from Ramsay. "Its fucking old coffee from supermarket! Pre-ground! You didn't use 9 bar you fucking donkey!"
@AramisWyler 3 месяца назад
I have the 2pcs Empty Clear Glass Bottles Vials with Cork Stopper Storage Jars (47x70x33mm 80ml); I keep 4 of these jars in the freezer at any given time with 20g of medium roast each, though they can fit about 24g. It is really nice to be able to pop one of these out and empty it into the grinder, and the beans are always fresh. They stay in the door beside the ice cube trays.
@lnoogi 3 месяца назад
Physical encouragement eh?
@EntekCoffee 3 месяца назад
In other words, enlargement of gravitational effects.
@parcofung 3 месяца назад
do you see a point where you would need to clean them over an extended period of time?
@EntekCoffee 3 месяца назад
Probably less often than you'd have to clean your big airtight cannisters.
@matz4k 3 месяца назад
Thx, never thought about the struggle with filling these. I've seen screw on funnels that sit on the outside before, not sure if they are easy to find in the right size though.
@huhwhatjoe 3 месяца назад
im tempted to get a set to avoid weighing beans when i get up before work, they would greatly streamline my setup
@EntekCoffee 3 месяца назад
Yes, after a few weeks, I noticed that I am a touch more encouraged to start brewing espresso.
@BarlogVey 4 месяца назад
Beautiful cup of coffee! Just got my first moka pot and was wondering about learning latte art. Thank you for this great video.
@Benaridoamri 4 месяца назад
Dedenne is so great!
@EntekCoffee 4 месяца назад
Dedenne is not so great...
@Benaridoamri 4 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee That makes absolutely zero sense considering Dedenne is literally part of the video.
@EntekCoffee 4 месяца назад
@@Benaridoamri It is logically unsound to assume everything that went into the video frame is great.
@Benaridoamri 4 месяца назад
@@EntekCoffee However, it is indeed reasonable to assume a content creator will try to create content of the highest quality. And since background objects are one of the important aspects that determine the quality of content, it is not unreasonable to think you would select Dedenne as the background for that exact reason.
@EntekCoffee 4 месяца назад
@@Benaridoamri That logic flow feels like secundum quid, there are several other reasons for a frame set up. Some are the exact opposite of your premise.
@BDFireFist 4 месяца назад
Daym, looks absolutely delicious.
@alessandromauri3020 5 месяцев назад
@EntekCoffee 4 месяца назад
You aren't gonna start a revolution with four letters.
@Kittu7644 5 месяцев назад
@BDFireFist 5 месяцев назад
very beautiful