Carnage Competitive
Carnage Competitive
Carnage Competitive
Carnage Competitive, based in Northern England, is dedicated to hosting premier Warhammer 40K events. We are committed to creating inclusive, fun, and safe gaming environments. Our goal is not just to run events, but to build a community where everyone feels part of the immersive world of competitive Warhammer 40K.
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WINNING LIST! - Orks - Bully Boyz
Месяц назад
@chriscuerden5740 День назад
Magnus approves lads!!
@brettsmith228 2 дня назад
Great to be on the channel, thanks for having me on
@elliottrim4424 2 дня назад
Nice work chaps!
@Krachbumm-Ente 6 дней назад
Isn't the Canoness/Seraphim-combo too vulnerable to other flamer units or 3" deep strikers who will shoot you anyways?
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 5 дней назад
It’s an expensive unit for sure. But you have the ability for a powerful overwatch if somebody attempts a 3 inch deep strike. And you can just avoid other flamers 👍
@scottmorris5790 5 дней назад
And with only 4 of the ten girls carrying the flamers if u have to eat and overwatch u just have to try make sure ur not in range of there full squad. And can afford to lose a few models without it hurting the units output.
@Krachbumm-Ente 4 дня назад
@@scottmorris5790 Bro how does this unit survive against Grey Knights, Hypercrypt, Thousand Sons, Chaos Knights, indirect Imperial Guard etc.? They will kill you using indirect weapons or just teleport behind your back to oneshot you. You can't screen 3" deep strikes
@scottmorris5790 4 дня назад
@@Krachbumm-Ente your always gonna have units that arnt great into certain things. CK indirect isn't to scary and tsons kill anything not just Seraphim. Can always keep them of the board if really worried. It's only a 260 point unit that usually can always makes its points back In kills. Even out of deepstrike. Just have to play them cautious. Iv had no trouble with them and any access to free dev wounds I find is always worth it. Just my opinion 🤷‍♂️
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nice work
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nice work
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nive work
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nice work
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nice work
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nice work
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nice work guys
@JonBoyer38 6 дней назад
Nice work
@alexrea123 6 дней назад
This is Daniel's exact list from the Bringers of Flame chat on the Sisters Discord server. Glad to see it's winning games!
@scottmorris5790 6 дней назад
Wasn't aware there was a sisters discord or who this Daniel is 🤣 clearly we're onto something 💪
@alexrea123 6 дней назад
@@scottmorris5790 Can only be a good thing! :) I have just finished building this exact list, so was very interested to watch the video. I believe Daniel is on the Portuguese team. I think he has dropped the Novitiates now, but I want to try them, even if only as a trap.
@scottmorris5790 6 дней назад
@@alexrea123 I mean there only goin to excel in certain match ups. But there always going to bait something out of hiding to deal with them or just scoring u free points. Still OC 2 and can get u miracles.
@Krachbumm-Ente 6 дней назад
Literally who?
@alexrea123 4 дня назад
This has been answered above.
@danielhughes3758 6 дней назад
Would triumph still be worth taking at 1000 points?
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 6 дней назад
@@danielhughes3758 😂
@scottmorris5790 6 дней назад
Only if repentia and zephyrim go back down 😂
@elliottrim4424 6 дней назад
Nailed it again chaps 👍
@MattNorris-u9d 6 дней назад
Nice work lads, 👌
@johnmarshall3175 8 дней назад
Re the apothacary biologist. I painted mine as a wolf priest as wolves have never had apothacary's. I agree where are the wolf priests that can also forfil the apothacary style roll such as healing balms..
@Cadiaforever 14 дней назад
Sounds like the Son's of Russ are back in action
@chriscuerden5740 14 дней назад
nice work chaps! cheers for the mention :)
@rathstar 14 дней назад
Great event overview, really insightful and helpful.
@TheDamned2006 14 дней назад
I like Portents of Wisdom on a LT running with Ragnar and 6 Bladeguard - being able to reroll the Advance if necessary is super helpful
@thetimebinder 15 дней назад
I love this list. I play my girlfriend's Tau and we really need to get two more Riptides. I'm loving running one of each suit units. I'm running Farsight and a 4th Sunforge because we only have one Riptide.
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 15 дней назад
@@thetimebinder yeah riptides are the backbone of any tau list at the minute. They’re very good. Farsight is very good now too 👍
@alaunda-lorenzo3816 18 дней назад
wolf scouts on average kill 9 light infantry, yes, however the normal scouts, if you equip them all with shotguns, they will kill all 10 in shooting + attack, wiping the unit, which is relevant to killing secondaries. just stop equipping nonesenses like sniper rifle and missile launcher.
@thehowards8432 18 дней назад
Really useful as a new Space Wolves player. Thanks!
@OxonHammer 18 дней назад
Great video. Only thing I don’t like is that I now have to get hold of a Logan for my army! 😂
@ianjewett3394 18 дней назад
I like to put the Black Death on a WGBLoTW with Thunder Hammer, in a squad with Harald. One less attack than the WLoTW, but the TW attacks also proc Mortals on a 4+...... Fun times.
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 18 дней назад
@@ianjewett3394 brilliant idea!
@pardalote9138 19 дней назад
Comment for comments sake
@real-lomas-chenko 19 дней назад
Seems better than Righteous Crusaders this. BT get 1 buff for game, SW cam stack them
@EccentricJackal 19 дней назад
Yeah 100%, it seems like BT but slightly better a lot of the time. Makes a nice change from being BT but worse for the last year!
@1stpurepkr 19 дней назад
Awoooo 🐺
@elliottrim4424 19 дней назад
Great chat!! Some.great insights 👌
@danielhughes3758 19 дней назад
Important to note in penitent host is that Palatine wound not gain any rerolls as the rerolls are now only for repentia models
@danielhughes3758 19 дней назад
For both the immolator and castigator abilities it applies for any weapon, but you need to hit the unit you want to apply the bonus for. So if you miss all your attacks against a unit you can't choose that unit for the bonus
@danielhughes3758 19 дней назад
At 13:17, Repentia only reroll hits and wounds as long as the repentia superior is alive. The repentia superior also lost rerolls for her own attacks, so it's just the repentia models now, but they also gained sustained hits 1, so they deal massively increased damage. 180 points is steep though from 110. Arcos were not the only unit without an invuln before. Penitent engines also got one when they didn't before, so now all adepta sororitas units have an invuln of 6++ or better and all characters except hospitaller and dogmata have a 4++.
@danielhughes3758 19 дней назад
At 10:40, the simulacrum banners do not stack on a single objective so you don't increase your chances with multiple. It's worth noting however that you gain the value you rolled on a 4+ so it's a 50% chance to get a good MD. A single unit can stretch out and get to roll for multiple objectives as well. You just need a "unit with this ability" for each objective marker. Dominions also have this banner ability. It used to grant MD for killing a unit with the bearer's unit
@danielhughes3758 19 дней назад
Slight corrections at 5:38. I might come off as nitpicky, but details matter in a rules heavy game like this so I'm just trying to be informative. Rerolls of 1 for range attacks are only for wound rolls. Maybe you meant to say it but it wasn't specified in the video. Nobody used +1 AP in melee before because that ability didn't exist. Instead we had a lethal hits in melee aura. 6+++ FNP and two MD per phase are unchanged since before the codex but all 4 other abilities were replaced. We lost the "gain a value 6 MD when a unit dies" but the auto 6 at the start of the battle round is generally much better and the new abilities are all really good. Also, later one "Palatine's the same" is slightly wrong as she now has 4 wounds instead of 3.
@In_Purple_Clad 22 дня назад
As a collector of Tau and D-Eldar since 3rd Edition... oof. I'm feeling the D-Eldar guy's pain. 😂 Burst Cannons mowing down everything in sight? That is what should happen both in Lore and in gameplay... but man it still feels rough. On both sides/ for both players when that kind of thing happens. Good vid still. Cheers for the update 😊
@Kintizen 23 дня назад
I used to play in the 9th ed. Custom Sept with +1S to assault weapons and -1S for being shot by weapons S7 and below. This is where, to me they got the idea for the detachment rules. But without defensive buff it's glass cannon like. In the new mission package, this is weak list. You want to have a squad Carnivores for sticky objectives, so you don't have to be in the open. You want to have 2 Strike Teams to debuff your opponent infantry for that -1 to hit in range and combat. Want a Second Ghostkeel for early board control, or Pathfinders.
@AcousticJamesSGP 22 дня назад
You've no idea what you're talking about lmao. 2 ghostkeels? You know nothing.
@momentomori499 24 дня назад
Great vid guys
@momentomori499 24 дня назад
Glad the custodes are foing well again
@momentomori499 24 дня назад
His sisters are savage now I had to concede turn 4 as I had no units left.
@elliottrim4424 24 дня назад
Whoever voiced this needs hiring by GW
@elliottrim4424 24 дня назад
Great video! Even though bully's are dead now 😭
@elliottrim4424 24 дня назад
Well done Marc, great run down
@elliottrim4424 24 дня назад
Wise words from a master of the krooft
@elliottrim4424 24 дня назад
Go on Jacob!! Great in depth look at a great Tau list
@elliottrim4424 24 дня назад
Well done Adam!! Great video and run down
@elliottrim4424 24 дня назад
Great video, love it! 🎉
@kennethlindsay3303 25 дней назад
Blazing Ire explicitly calls out ‘after they have shot’. The same day FAQ clarified suffering and sacrifice to not work as described. There were enough reading and rules mistakes in this video that it was disappointing.
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 25 дней назад
We must have missed the faq, it wasn’t with the rest of the balance slate. There was a lot to get through on the day it all released so apologies that we missed that one. With the Blazing Ire, Scott must have misread it, unless it’s changed from the codex print as he was reading from the actual codex. Sorry that you didn’t enjoy the video
@mikepopovici4810 25 дней назад
Slight correction for Vahl. She has to deal the killing blow to a unit in order for her to get a miracle dice when she does her miracle dice ability
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 25 дней назад
Yeah makes sense, if we said the unit we meant Vahl herself. Usually is always the case with these abilities to be fair. Like Logan’s CP regeneration one is the same
@mikepopovici4810 25 дней назад
@@carnageleaguesandtournaments correct its always good to be certain, especially in tournament settings it can cause issues with wording and timing when generating that extra miracle dice.
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 25 дней назад
@@mikepopovici4810 absolutely!
@scottmorris5790 25 дней назад
⁠unless I repeated it later on in the video, at 4 minutes into the video I did state if she kills a single model you gain a miracle dice. But thanks for correcting if I did
@danielhughes3758 19 дней назад
​@@scottmorris5790It's not a MD for killing a single model. It's an MD if Vahl herself kills a unit, and it's also for every unit killed, so if for example Fidelis spills over to kill both a bodyguard and a leader unit and the missile launcher kills another unit then that's 3 MD. Same if she splits melee attacks between different units and kills more than one, but it always has to be Vahl dealing the killing blow and any dev wounds come last so there will be some situations where she doesn't get the kill because she attacks first and deals enough damage, but some of the damage is dev wounds which trigger after the Paragons deal their damage. Rules as written she gets MD even if she doesn't activate the extra attacks since it's a separate sentence, but it feels intended that she needs to activate the extra attacks
@MarchingOnPod 27 дней назад
2x3 Allarus Custodians is not 260pts. It should be 2x2 as they are 65pts each and so that’s 130pts for 2 models. Is this a typo or has he accidentally taken too many points?
@carnageleaguesandtournaments 27 дней назад
Well spotted! It's a typo 🤦‍♂