History vs. Hollywood
History vs. Hollywood
History vs. Hollywood
We research the historical accuracy of movies based on true stories. Our episodes separate the facts from the fiction in some of the most popular true story movies, miniseries, and TV shows. Visit our site HistoryvsHollywood.com to read our fact checks of more than 100 film and TV titles.
Does the Dog Die in Arthur the King?
3 месяца назад
Society of the Snow: History vs. Hollywood
4 месяца назад
The Dig: History vs. Hollywood
3 года назад
Mank: History vs. Hollywood
3 года назад
@maxleibsla-gl6kn 5 часов назад
His brother came forward and said the abuse was severely exaggerated.
@Susan.I 21 час назад
I love the songs by King and Country!
@Susan.I 22 часа назад
@KobeCplaylost-bx3hi 22 часа назад
What is the purpose of this? Why does everyone want to rip movies to pieces? The film is just that.....a fact based film. Just leave things alone.....absolutely pointless and totally unnecessary
@annmarie3520 День назад
Grandma named the song and the band!🙏🏻❤😘
@jessikat_17 День назад
I go into ever movie or show that says "based on a true story" knowing there will be some truths but it's mostly spectical because that's what people want when they go to the movies. It said loosely based, which told me they read an interesting story about a real person and had fun with it. While I appreciate learning the true story, it wouldn't have made as compelling of a film. I also appreciate they say he committed no murders. Overall it was a fun movie that suprised me, Glen Powell especially. Was nice to see his range
@sorscha1308 День назад
I totally take most of these points. However, i don't know anyone who would expect a completely historically accurate film from Guy Ritchie (especially when we're tipped off heavily on the intent with the Queen soundtrack). However, i will defend a couple of points. The mixed up timeline of the film, helps to move the film along but may make people forget that that boat journey took a very long time and that that long time is adressed in the film. The run in with the British ship also highlights that not everyone was happy to have this operation going on, without holding up the screenplay for too long. This also means that when the injurred commando is clearly badly wounded, when they arrive back on the British ship, the scene with Winston Churchill will have taken place weeks (at best) and possibly months later. Plenty of time to recover.
@johnord684 День назад
He finished his career as a Colonal not Major
@crw-bm7mm День назад
This movie is as bad as Argyl. Cavell has done some dogs.
@mercedeszszucsi День назад
Is that really matters?.does anything matters from this 210 days? I think not. Because the only perso who know is she. She belived in herself what most people than and now cant do already. She decided and went trough this all. To be alone for days and days, you hear nothing else only waves, always be ready for weather and knowing what to do, she what what she went for. All that matters is, she did it. Stay focus and done it. Now everyone is influencer and gamer... wow what a dream come true She is a huge exaple for kmow what you want and do it because nothing cant stop you!
@Glen.Danielsen День назад
No movie tells “the true story.” Every movie uses artistic license, dramatic license. Spanish-speakers wish to diss “Alive” as a Disney version of events only because it didn’t use greater shock imagery. They could’ve promoted the new movie without needlessly dissing the older masterpiece. Nice video, sir.
@jeebuschristos8423 День назад
Fun fact: Cary Elwes is actually related to TWO of these SOE bad asses... Lieutenant-Colonel Billy McLean and Major Oswald A. J. Cary-Elwes...
@Estarinky 2 дня назад
Who is the poser with the bow and arrow. ? There wasn't any steroids protein shake or gym wit lots of mirrors, during ww2.
@andybrown4284 2 дня назад
Movie was Guy Ritchie trying to be Tarantino and turn real events into an inglorious style flick but because it was trying to have a foot in both camps it fell short. Passable popcorn flick but could have been so much more. If they wanted spec ops and explosions then the St Nazaire raid would have been a better choice but given how this movie ended up its a good thing they didn't go there.
@blacswanb1273 2 дня назад
If Don Shirley's family were in his life up until his death. There would be PHOTOS to prove that Don Shirley was in contact with them. When Don Shirley was kicked out of his Carnegie Apartment (after 50 years) NOT one Blood family member stepped up and took in a 80 old elder who is having his life up rooted. Don Shirley's family didn't have a relationship with Don Shirley after he became a professional pianist. If they had a STRONG BOND the mystery of the biological connection wouldn't be a topic of discussion. Tony Lip knew Don Shirley's inner secrets such as his true sexuality, the biological family didn't. The Biological Family are bitter that they themselves didn't know enough about their Brother/ Uncle to Profit off themselves. Greed and Envy😎💅🏿
@CineClips.2 2 дня назад
I don’t actually like this movie because because my country is called Togo😢🇹🇬
@johncrouch8988 2 дня назад
Thanks for these videos. 😂 really enjoy watching them!👍
@gracieortega1831 2 дня назад
Just finished the series i guess i should of read based on true story omg they loved thru so much
@drewyoung2102 2 дня назад
I had similar experience. Just a desert storm incident. But someone was acting hostile in a grocery store 3monthsd out set me off. . Perhaps thief or drug addict but I came down on him so hard with no authority to do so anymore. I never thought I just acted. Police drove me home with no issue. I was lucky they liked me.
@mariesokolova4534 2 дня назад
Мне жаль настоящего Гэри Джонсона, ему бы точно не понравилось, что из него сделали хладнокровного убийцу, который спокойно целуется с девушкой, когда на полу умирает человек. И мне фильм нравился, ровно до этой заключительной сцены. Концовка всё испортила. Можно предположить, что в этом был такой смысл - если ты долго притворяешься кем-то, то становишься им? Но последние минуты вроде бы показывают милую семью, и это никак не вяжется с тем, что такие милые муж с женой - убийцы, которым всё сошло с рук.
@davefrompa5334 3 дня назад
There was a TV movie about Sampson. It also had Richard Jaeckel, veteran of countless war movies. It's on you tube under the title of Paratroop Padre.
@user-ke4xb1fw8o 3 дня назад
Admired the real life achievement, didn't bother to watch the movie past that scene though.
@alsatful 3 дня назад
Mr Winters was a quiet man , He lived just down the street from my wifes parents , Never knew his story until Band of Brothers came out , very nice man
@mike_lim2020 3 дня назад
Who can blame him for racism I mean he fought on WW2.... Don't ask why I'm watching this on 2024
@Diddley-js6lf 3 дня назад
It was a very good Movie But Sadly Truthful. We moved from San Bernardino California in 1969 to Flint Michigan so my Parents could start over after losing everything in The Great Flood of the Inland Empire. In 1969 Flint Michigan was The Wealthiest City in The United States. The First Time Any of Us Kids Seven of Us Boys and 1 Sister, my Mother was Born and Raised in The Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee and My Dad was Cherokee Indian from Oklahoma. My Mother was Absolutely Not a Prejudice Bone in her Body, My Dad Was A Bit. But They tell me when I was Five Years old when we moved To Flints Beecher District which was about 50/50 Black and White folks. But they say I would Go across the Street and Yell The N Word at Five Years Old That Meant I Learned That From Someone and believe it was my Oldest Brother who is Been a Jehovah Witness for 40 Years Now there abouts anyway. He Loves Everyone Which is what we are supposed to Do. All the Years living the Summer from Eight Years old Until 15 Years old I spent My Summers with My Grand Mother who I was Really Close to and went to Church with Every Sunday. I would Hear a Few of My Uncles Say Derogatory Words about People of Color. So One was an Elder In The Church down There and I Often Wondered at The Young Age if The Lord Will Forgive Him. As a Man Of God I Couldn’t Rationalize Why He Preached Love and Kindness But at The same Time Say Derogatory Word About The People of Color, I Don’t like calling anyone a Color Because At The End Of The Day God Created Every Single One of Us Human Beings. I tell People All the Time There is Absolutely Zero Difference Other Then The Color of Skin, I tell them If I cut My Skin it will Bleed Red, If I get Down under The Skin it Will Be Pink, The Air We Breath To Live They Breath as well. I honestly Believe The reason There are Folks with Dark Skin is Because They all Lived in Very Hot Climate Conditions So The Skin being Brown and Some Even Black is Gods way Of Protecting Their Skin, I White Skin Person Can’t Take The Heat. All Races From Areas Where It’s Hot all The Time 365 Days a Year. Now think about White Folks we came From England, Scotland, Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden You get the Picture Not Hot Places all year Round. Maybe or Maybe Not But at the End Of The Day We All Need To Get Pass The Hatred Of A Certain color of People. I Don’t call any Race Because We Are All Human Race So There are a Verity Of People in This World we all Have a Different Culture But We are All The Lord Gods Children. I believe this with Every Ounce of My Being. I grew up Friends of All Makes and Models so We Had a Rainbow Coalition Before Jesse Jackson Coined a Term We already Knew. My Mother had an open Door Policy If You were Hungry Have a Seat But If You sat At The Table or Just started Eating with a Hat On She Would tell You You can Eat Until Your Full All You Want But Don’t Ever Disrespect My Kitchen Table. My Dear Mama Didn’t have Mean Bone in Her Body when it came To The Folks Around and Those She Worked with at Buick Plants. She was Heavy into The United Way, Toys For Tots, Old News Boys. She Was Also A Very Well Loved and Known Helping To Get Mr. Kildee Into Office First Here in The State then Washington. She Was an Old Democrat Women Who Was Very Influential Woman. I was Always a Republican my Entire Adult Life. The Only One Out Of Eight Children.
@dingreen91 4 дня назад
Imagine Slav becoming the new N word...
@waithereivegonetogethelp3240 4 дня назад
I thought it was common knowledge that, when it comes to movies, 'based on a true story' pretty much always means 'loosely inspired by'.
@steveolive9991 4 дня назад
Read the true account of this opeartion "Ian Fleming's and SOE's Operation Postmaster" by Brian Lett. You will also learn how the 00 (of 007) meant a license to kill. The officers involved in Operation Postmaster were assigned codenames such a W.01, the 0 meaning that they were TRAINED (assassinate a better word?) to kill, not licensed; licensed to kill would be redundant as everyone in the military is licensed to kill. He was initially under the command of Admiral Godfery and several years later under the command of General Gubbins whose code name was M.
@JohnWilliams-iw6oq 5 дней назад
The same in Australia, a car would backfire and the street would be littered with men dressed in suits sprawled on the ground. My dad's company had a B24 crash into it, burning fuel and live 500lb bombs everywhere. He was one of 13 survivors out of a company of 240 men.
@GeZ-DM 5 дней назад
The movie does tell you about Gus being a base for Bond. Plus its a fun take on the whole thing.. its not meant to be a Saving Private Ryan type film.
@wync2203 5 дней назад
I mean I liked the movie but I don't get it, they should've just made this full fictional and not used Gary Johnson as a reference. Now, I am not his relative, but imagine the impact of this movie on their relatives. Even though the story was made up, random people will always tease the family with this kind of shit.
@ccwoodlands1565 5 дней назад
The movie is so boring. So disappointed to see something so pedestrian from an otherwise notable director. The reviews don’t reflect the boring result. Just pathetic.
@MrSEANDEERE 5 дней назад
As a historian, I watched this film not for a leasson but I good time. I saw the trailler and alreadynwas loving the action comedy aspect of it and the WW2 spy theme was the icing on the cake. I enjoyed it, it was funny had great action scene. A solid movie. Henry Cavill had me in stiches when he put on the SS uniform. Hell that was hilarious.
@sarlaccstapeworm990 5 дней назад
So they LIED about Anders Lassen being a flamming queer, they LIED about any black people actually being involved in the mission, and they LIED about a woman having any kind of relevant (or important) involvement in the whole thing... ....🤔😳 YEP!!,, It's 2024, and Satan's COMPLETELY taken over!! 🖕🤨
@kennethkimbroug8087 5 дней назад
Hey it definitely needs more cowbell..
@TrishTin 5 дней назад
My god this audio quality
@thomassanders445 5 дней назад
Should be called "The Ministry of Unwatchable Movies"
@aliciaguidry466 5 дней назад
Both had a testimony of God's redemption and grace glory to God amen God bless
@jacktattis 5 дней назад
It was not the first, that honour goes to the Royal Marine Commandos Norway 1940
@lunanu 6 дней назад
It's funny how the real circus closed the same year the movie came out
@kitsune2858 6 дней назад
its fun n i like it ;0
@TheMarman57 6 дней назад
Years ago, I came home from action - I can't and won't say where - but I was walking towards a bus stop in my home village when a car nearby backfired. I was through and behind a hedge flat face-down in somebodies private front garden quicker than you can blink. I was suddenly back where I had just returned from. But when I regained my surroundings and stood up and extricated myself from the garden, people at the bus stop were understandably looking at me as if I was some kind of nutcase. It took me a few years for loud noises not to have that kind of effect on me - a firework display would sometimes conjure up images in my mind and I would have to snap out of it. Over 45 years later I still have the sharpness of instincts when I hear something that reminds me of combat - it never leaves you.
@edlane9882 6 дней назад
Fr. Sampson was almost murdered by the Waffen SS while a prisoner. Fr. Sampson went on to become Chief of Chaplains in the 60s. Quite a fellow. There is no evidence though of being recommended for the Medal of Honor.
@tezzo55 6 дней назад
@matshanssen2070 7 дней назад
Very important...🥴
@jergetrol 7 дней назад
I mean... In reality if they did use ONLY the truth, it would've been a boring ass movie. I think that's why they said it was somewhat true which it was so u can't really blame the guy
@stephenberry8658 7 дней назад
Don shirley gay
@CanIHasThisName 7 дней назад
Loosely inspired by a true story is literally the same thing as based on a true story. Neither says “exactly like the true story”, so it’s really weird to be trying to make a distinction between two interchangeable things. Based on a true story means that reality served as an inspiration for a fictional stury. Soon after that you say the movie doesn’t tell you one of the characters was an inspiration for James Bond, except the movie does tell you that. I get what the purpose of the video is, but not paying attention to the movie itself is a bad way to go about it. If you can’t get things about the movie right, how do you expect people to believe you abou the historical bits?
@slick4401 7 дней назад
I had a friend, long gone now, who as a conscript soldier was sent to Malvinas/Falklands for the last month of the 1982 conflict there with batch of last ditch reinforcements. He was not the same guy when he came back. We were best friends, but he simply would not talk about it. When he got sick with cancer and undergoing chemotherapy, he suddenly opened up. Perhaps it was the strong painkillers that got him talking, I don't know. But he told me some very ugly stuff that I had not even suspected. He participated in only one battle that took place at night and lasted a few hours. In the morning, he was taken prisoner by the Brits, who treated him very decently but put him to pick up the dead and the wounded. He was not wounded himself or anything, but that single battle left him unable to withstand strong sudden noises, firecrackers and the dark. Every Christmas and New Year he would pack and go camping in the desert so he would not have to suffer the fireworks in town. His mother told me that he had nightmares every night. He had become a heavy drinker by the time he got terminally ill. I often think about it. One battle, one night was enough to cripple his emotions. Imagine those guys who had to go through years of it. Vietnam, World War Two, the Eastern Front. War is hell.
@amira19771 7 дней назад
The channel is called history v Hollywood and people are freaking out about the title. Chill people