Sunnie Tree
Sunnie Tree
Sunnie Tree
a friend to all :3
Be Kind To Your body
21 день назад
Here’s Your Sign To Forgive Yourself
Месяц назад
How To Become Emotionally Stronger
Месяц назад
Nobody Is Free Until Everybody Is Free
2 месяца назад
Society Traumatized Us
2 месяца назад
Apathy Is Not Cool
2 месяца назад
Laziness Does Not Exist
2 месяца назад
How To Stop Feeling Lost In Life
3 месяца назад
Life Is Dehumanizing
3 месяца назад
@herrdoktorseltsameliebe День назад
Humanity will be ensalved untill every human will be set free. M. A. Bakunin
@SunnieTree День назад
this exactly!!
@kregsmith9530 2 дня назад
This reminds me of something: You are not screaming into the void in vain. The void is just practicing active listening and wants you to let it all out without feeling like it is judging or trying to speak over you.
@SunnieTree 2 дня назад
@haki1499 5 дней назад
Damn i got a friend that tells me that all I do is complain instead of finding solutions but im like bruh. Fuck this opressive system is all, im tired of it
@haki1499 5 дней назад
Bro doesnt get it I guess
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
bro expects you to personally intervene and stop the several oppressive systems in society that destroy us😭 like fym “find solutions” YOU CANT END CAPITALISM
@asies_lavida 5 дней назад
Really nice to have a space where people rightfully criticise capitalism when, where I live, few are brave enough to, and those few who do are ostracized as "communists" "the far left" "antifa" "terrorists" "unamerican" etc.
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
same like it’s rough out here and nobody seems to get it. i’m glad we have our little space for all this
@asies_lavida 5 дней назад
@@SunnieTree Agreed
@Proto-and-Exo 5 дней назад
Thats fucked up
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
for real man😔
@surile379 5 дней назад
Thanks for creating this space <3
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
this made my heart so happy🥰❤️ thanks for being here
@asdfj2805 5 дней назад
womp womp
@jesuscrust69 5 дней назад
You're the embodiment of a man child.
@asdfj2805 4 дня назад
@@jesuscrust69 I'm not even a man but ok
@jesuscrust69 3 дня назад
@@asdfj2805 and?
@Proto-and-Exo 5 дней назад
People are bitches when they do that it happens to me too friend. But we can't change the way other people act.
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
very true!
@Proto-and-Exo 5 дней назад
​@@SunnieTreeI pray that people actually come to their senses and learn that depression is a legit reason to not work and that they take it seriously. And I'm here for you all the way mate. 😊
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
yes!! people just have 0 understanding of mental illness. i’m here for you too mate!😊
@Proto-and-Exo 5 дней назад
Do you have a discord server?
@Proto-and-Exo 5 дней назад
I question how there's 7 comments (8 after this) but I only see 6 (7 after this)
@amandah2876 5 дней назад
Hello Sunnie! I LOVE your videos. Yes, I totally agree with you. 😊 Everyone's emotions are valid and they have the right to complain whenever life just isn't going well. To be honest, I'm currently now seeing a mental therapist myself. Just started this week in fact. For the longest time I've been afraid to seek mental therapy because of how it was presented to me by family, society, and TV shows/movies. A bad thing. Gameover. Can't ever get out. Me labeled as insane kind of thing. Since it's a weekly thing I may eventually find that I like it and become comfortable mainly because I have the option to tell my psychologist anything as it's confidential between us. For now I still feel nervous and like an outcast in the world, but I know it doesn't have to be for the rest of my life. I can one day decide I don't need it anymore and use the tools I've learned from it to keep my mental health well. My partner simply told me to look at mental therapy as another form of self-care. It's nothing to be afraid of or to be ashamed of. It's there to help me become the best authentic me I can be, which is what I want. I want to be brimming in so much self-respect in myself that I can easily stand in my own power and not allow anything or anyone to make me so small and powerless ever again. My biggest challenge that I told my psychologist I want to focus on resolving is my self-doubt. It's because of self-doubt that I'm too scared to take action towards my goals and dreams or to trust myself enough to try new things and to be fine with failing. Change isn't going to happen overnight, but with TONS of patience and perseverance in myself I know I'll get there. Right now I feel like I'm having a dark period in my life (due to other unwanted events happening on top of therapy 😢). As hard as it is right now I know I'll through all of this. For now I just need to allow myself to feel any emotions that come up and say screw the world at the moment. 😂 Lol! Anyway, yes, I understand how you feel, Sunnie. By the way, the pixel game you use in your videos is adorable. Is it a real game? If it is, would you mind telling me the name of it? If it's not, then amazing work! Have a nice rest of your week and weekend! Take care! ❤
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
proud of you for getting therapy!! sending you so much love❤️ and sure! the game is played in this video is “little witch in the woods” and the other pixelated game i’ve played before was “stardew valley”
@amandah2876 4 дня назад
Thank you very much, Sunnie! 😊❤❤❤❤❤ Your words truly mean a lot to me right now. Thank you for telling me the names of the games. I appreciate it. I'll definitely check them out. 😊 Despite everything that's going on right now today's my last day of work for a little while because starting tomorrow until the 16th I'll be on vacation at the beach with my family. The beach is one of my top favorite places to be. It brings me serenity just by hearing the waves and smelling the air. I'm SOOOO looking forward to it. Perhaps I'll not only have fun, but I'll have some deep reflecting happen while I'm there. I'm learning to trust the process and to just be in the present moment. Despite the storm going on I'll try to stay in the eye of the storm where I can control what I can and accept what I can't. It's difficult, but I'll do the best that I can. Thank you again for your kind words, Sunnie. Hope you have a nice weekend. ❤
@Idkwhattoputhereeithertbh 6 дней назад
I have never seen a RU-vid video with as many swear words, that didn’t leave me feeling bothered in anyway. Like that is just geniunely impressive, that feels like it should win an award. Well done! This is very neat! :D
@SunnieTree 6 дней назад
HAHAH thank you, it’s my talent😌 AND AAA YAYYYY THANK YOU AGAINNN :D
@SunnieTree 6 дней назад
join the subreddit!❤️ thank you for being here www.reddit.com/r/SunnieFlowers/s/5rllRqlSSE
@SINCELEME 18 дней назад
Hmm OK thanks
@SunnieTree 18 дней назад
:) ❤️ you’re welcome
@Proto-and-Exo 5 дней назад
This is as true as true can get!
@SunnieTree 5 дней назад
@@Proto-and-Exo Thank you!! :D
@mouhou9795 19 дней назад
What do you mean I'm not all good? 💢 I'm a hero, even when I do bad things It's justified.
@SunnieTree 19 дней назад
YOURE PRECIOUSSS and i’m the same way i’m like “well yeah i did this thing but you provoked me or i wouldn’t have done it so really it’s justified and i’m not sorry”😭
@MatthewTheWanderer 22 дня назад
I'm unemployed and have been for a few months and before that I was on medical leave, so I'm not being overworked, lol. However, I'm not being very kind to my body in other ways. I live alone and without work my schedule has no structure so I stay up all night and sleep during the day, if I sleep at all. I also overeat more often than I should. And I haven't been exercising as much as I used to. But, I feel like things will be getting better soon, anyway.
@SunnieTree 22 дня назад
you do exactly the same things that i do😭 i’m literally replying to this at 4am. a few months ago i was going to the gym 5 days a week and then i broke(??? didn’t go to a doctor cause fuck a medical bill) my foot and just have hardly went back even though it’s healed now. i’m eating my gym training food volume without the gym training to balance it out😩 but you’re right, things will get better, we got this!!
@MatthewTheWanderer 22 дня назад
@@SunnieTree Yeah, medical bills really suck. I have not had insurance for most of my life and since I rarely get sick, I rarely go to the doctor. Then, starting over a year ago, I got a sore on my leg that wouldn't go away. After several months I finally attempted to do something about it by first going to a free clinic, then going to a doctor once I finally got insurance. Meanwhile, things kept getting worse until they finally decided I had a bacterial infection. The pain was so bad I couldn't work or sleep anymore. I even ended up spending 3 days in the hospital (which didn't help AT ALL). Finally, after a couple months of taking antibiotics and properly caring for the wound, it got better. But, I also have around $9,000 in medical debt that I can't even begin to pay off (in addition to student loans, credit card debt, and personal debt to my brother). But, it's good that my health is mostly back to normal now (although I gained a lot of weight over the past year). I am still hopeful I can get back on track. I've been in worse situations before and got better.
@mouhou9795 23 дня назад
I will forfeit the flesh for steel the moment I get the chance. Once I do, I'm not restrained by mortals their perception of sustenance. I can eat like nuclear fuel rods. And I won't need any PCMs when it's fucking hot anymore. Because steel doesn't care about it being hot. (within limits of course)
@SunnieTree 23 дня назад
mouhou hiii🥰 i would like to be steel too
@mouhou9795 23 дня назад
@@SunnieTree Very cool transhumanist take. 😤
@BellaMaxxing42069 23 дня назад
ugh i appreciate these videos so much. ❤
@SunnieTree 23 дня назад
needed to hear this so much🥹❤️ thank you
@jurikirsteinhgel4945 23 дня назад
My body is my parents, my emotions, my teenager, and my mind my child.
@SunnieTree 23 дня назад
@jurikirsteinhgel4945 23 дня назад
@@SunnieTree yes :)
@SunnieTree 23 дня назад
love you! join the subreddit! www.reddit.com/r/SunnieFlowers/s/0kaY2uDwTx
@winterstar5750 Месяц назад
I'm just imagining your little sprite watering the lava whilst talking to themself about the horrific state of the world. In all seriousness, great video. Cuts straight to the point, and is a great way to introduce people to theory <3
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
LMAO i’m talking about serious stuff but i’m just like 🚿🧙‍♀️ also thank you!!❤️❤️
@damnimexhausted Месяц назад
I’m grateful for your existence and perspective
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
this warmed my heart🥹❤️ thank you, i’m grateful for you being here and being kind
@damnimexhausted Месяц назад
@@SunnieTree I’m glad! Aw thank you and take care :3 💜
@marmoth9786 Месяц назад
hmmm, making me wanna get a job around incarceration just to NOT be a Guard and maybe infuse some more humanity into the system... is it counterproductive?
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
probably counterproductive, humans easily become a product of our environment so even if you go in with good intentions, it can be easy to slip into becoming like everyone else. it’s human nature to adapt and mimic your environment, the best course of action is to just try to make change from the outside-in rather than inside-out in this case
@marmoth9786 Месяц назад
​@@SunnieTree yeah, realised that after a bit. maybe instead a teacher or youth counsellor in some "problem area". great video nonetheless! also making me wanna play stardew valley ^^
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
oh yes i reccomend!! :D
@a_gentle_spirit Месяц назад
Can you please share us the name of the game please?
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
of course! “little witch in the woods”☺️❤️❤️❤️
@thewayidancewithuuu Месяц назад
I've been trying to suicide before , now i am mentally healing myself and ive become alot better. Alot actually.. but yesterday or the day before yesterday, i got flashbacks of the time my father sexually touched me when i was ten inside my private part. I was sleeping. , the constant pressure started giving me sensations down there of something touching me. And it started giving me flashbacks, as much as i want to forget talking about it, as a way to cope. I started doing taboo stuff just now.. well.. first of all.. it was taboo.. and i was ashamed.. i constantly got sexually touched my alot of people in my family so i was hypersexual my whole life since childhood. Eventually i started being insensitive to taboo stuff and liking it... Now i cut out all the social media but i have a business in social medias so i cant delete them , i avoid them.. i even avoided these taboo fantasies.. actually i was way better then last time.. automatically avoiding stuff i don't want but still did it to taboo stuff and that is making me question if i am a human anymore. I wish i didn't.. i have healed from it though, i used to do it 8 times a day, 17 times at highedt 4 times at lowest. Now its sometimes only when i am trying to cope or forget about my memories.. what is strange is that i dont even like it.. i feel like vomitting to it and its just very repulsive in general but i still do it.. i will hopefully stop forever and i know i will , with how better ive gotten but. I still dislike myself for this and i am disappointed in myself.
@Ollithefishy Месяц назад
I love your videos they kinda give me a warm feeling in my stomach, to find other nice people is so reassuring as ive been starting to lose a lot of hope with that sort of thing. Remember to always care about yourself as well
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
this made me so happy🥹❤️ thank you so much, i’ll do extra self care today :D i hope you give yourself some love and care today and everyday too ❤️❤️❤️
@atefarabelly Месяц назад
This is so nice and you're so right, I needed this ❤❤❤
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
thank you so much!! i’m glad you heard what you needed to ❤️❤️❤️
@Phill77777 Месяц назад
9/10 yap sesh
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
thank you🙂‍↕️
@Giograndi Месяц назад
Hi! Again, I can’t thank you enough for choosing my art as your literal pfp😭 As always, this was a very comfy-vibe video. LOVE IT❤
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
AAA YOURE AMAZINGGG❤️❤️ thank you for making it, you’re so talented!! i love it. AND YESSSS THANK YOUUU❤️
@lexmaynor Месяц назад
Thank you
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
you’re welcome, and thank you for watching☺️❤️
@MatthewTheWanderer Месяц назад
Another wonderful video! I completely agree with everything you say and I think I am good at forgiving myself and not dwelling on my mistakes. I try to be courteous and kind as much as possible, but I won't put up with toxic or negative people anymore. I'm struggling with a lot of things right now in my life (especially unemployment and having to rely on my family to survive), but I'm usually in a good mood and definitely don't think I'm depressed, even though I've been accused of having depression (by toxic people, though).
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
i’m glad to hear you aren’t tolerating toxicity anymore!! you deserve to stand up for yourself. relying on someone doesn’t give them a right to treat you poorly, you always deserve respect. wishing you the best, matt!!
@MatthewTheWanderer Месяц назад
@@SunnieTree Thank you very much! You really deserve a LOT more views and subscribers!
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
thank you!! :D
@MatthewTheWanderer Месяц назад
@@SunnieTree You're welcome! 🙂
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
Join the Subreddit! ❤ www.reddit.com/r/SunnieFlowers/s/zGaClRmEFT r/SunnieFlowers And thank you all for being here, and thank you to the ones who are always here. I appreciate you all. 🌻❤️
@BlackKnightYrre Месяц назад
A lot of it is getting status and respect from others.
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
THAT TOO cause people treat you so much kinder when you have wealth
@BlackKnightYrre Месяц назад
I don't really get along with many people so I'll just build a hermit hut.
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
me too, hermit crew!!
@kriskros4900 Месяц назад
Genuinely love your voice by the way! But 100% agree fr
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
omg thank you!!❤️❤️ :D
@mouhou9795 Месяц назад
Where am I even allowed to build a house?
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
anywhere as long as the state doesn’t find out🤭
@farty555 Месяц назад
Your content has immaculate vibes 💓
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
AAA THANK YOU!! you have immaculate vibes💓
@jknifgijdfui Месяц назад
git gud
@Whimorbood Месяц назад
Prison system in US was created right after civil war, and many crimes were so called Black Codes/Black Laws, for example sleeping outside or vagrancy, which many freed slaves had to do since they didnt have any generation wealth, work and reparations were paid to SLAVEOWNERS and not to the slaves. Channel Knowing Better did an incredible video about it if you want to learn more! Its very educational, its called "The Part of History You've Always Skipped | Neoslavery"
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
screenshotted this so i can check it out!
@duskborn_ Месяц назад
thank you for making this
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
thank you for listening ☺️
@BlackKnightYrre Месяц назад
It's like modern day debt slavery.
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
yeah it’s horrible :(
@MatthewTheWanderer Месяц назад
I wish I had more positive people in my life. I had to block my sister and delete her number because she was too toxic. My parents are also toxic, but they still help me so I'm still close with them. But, I have no good, positive people in my life that I can rely on for emotional support. My family usually shit all over my feelings and dreams when I open up to them. I've always struggled with making friends and have not had any for most of my life. I'm an introvert, however, so I'm not too upset about this, but I'd still like to have a small, but very close and very positive group of friends. Maybe someday in the process of becoming a successful RU-vidr and musician, I can finally achieve my social dreams along with my career dreams.
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
it feel so isolating when you don’t have support, i support you though! i know you’ll be a musician and/or youtuber. you got this matt!!!
@MatthewTheWanderer Месяц назад
@@SunnieTree Thank you! I had a lot of videos of me singing karaoke on my channel that I had to make private because I got 2 copyright strikes. But, somehow, a talent scout saw some of them before I took them down and I will be able to get some professional help with my music career, at least once I have some extra money. I told my mom about the talent scout and she thought it was a scam. Later when I said I wanted to become a professional singer, she laughed and said I wasn't good enough! No one else in my family believes I can accomplish anything at all, it seems. But, at least some people like you and the talent scout think differently!
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
oh my god why would they copyright strike you, that’s so mean😭 it would’ve still been mean to claim the video but that’s better than a STRIKE. mean spirited for no reason omg. and yeah, i fully relate to parents who doubt you. part of it is concern but it also just feels insulting because it’s essentially questioning that you have the intelligence to know what’s best for yourself. you’ve got this though, you know what you’re capable of!
@MatthewTheWanderer Месяц назад
@@SunnieTree Yes, Universal Music Group decided that my versions of "Hotel California" by the Eagles and "Everything I Do I Do It For You" by Bryan Adams had to be removed completely and I got 2 strikes for it. No one said that I was required to take down (temporarily I hope) all my many other music videos, but I did anyway because 3 copyright strikes supposedly means your channel gets deleted, which would be horrible! Yeah, it is mean because I'm not making any money at all from my music videos. And why not just force me to remove the offending videos? Why do strikes, too? My parents used to brag about how smart I was when I was a kid (although they still were emotionally abusive sometimes) and they would brag about my accomplishments. Now, they seem to have completely lost faith in me. Granted, I haven't accomplished as much as I'd like in recent years, but I have still done some things they didn't expect. I guess I will have to succeed in spite of their lack of support. I'm more confident in my singing abilities than in my video-making skills, but i won't give up on either dream.
@kaiserschmarrn_3687 Месяц назад
Human algae
@BlackKnightYrre Месяц назад
The gaslighting of those who fail is a big reason I started my channel. Can't express any discontent without being silenced or having your struggles downplayed.
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
that’s exactly why i started mine too!! just wanted a space to chill out and vibe with people who get itttt
@robot9604 Месяц назад
I really appreciate this video! Thank you. :)
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
i’m glad you enjoyed!! thank youuu☺️❤️
@volkano6991 Месяц назад
Also what game are you playing?
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
little witch in the woods!❤️
@volkano6991 Месяц назад
​@@SunnieTreethank you
@volkano6991 Месяц назад
Yes thats so trueeeeeee
@konto-er8mz Месяц назад
There are really no emotionally supportive groups that aren't leading people to misery (lowering standards by psychologizing destructive behaviours instead of pushing people to solve them means ruining meaning), also these groups don't exist outside of big cities
@asies_lavida Месяц назад
This is a good perspective. As one of the „undesirables“ myself, even I sometimes find it hard to show empathy to others, as those same people have rejected me.
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
it’s so easy to get jaded, i don’t blame you. i find that the best cure it so find a little group where the empathy is mutual. it helps a lot
@asies_lavida Месяц назад
@@SunnieTree Thank you^^
@asies_lavida Месяц назад
Incredibly relatable Also,,, the bunniess,,,, <3
@SunnieTree Месяц назад
hehe i’m glad and YESSS THE BUNNIES🥹❤️
@asies_lavida Месяц назад