Film Theory and Feelings
No Mourners: Six of Crows
8 месяцев назад
One Way Out: Andor Season 1
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Love & Mend: Much Ado About Nothing
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In The Moment: A 1917 Video Essay
3 года назад
Finding Family: A Miss Fisher Video Essay
3 года назад
Stronger Together - A Sense8 Video Essay
3 года назад
Let's Get Sad - A Last of Us Video Essay
3 года назад
@nepenthereads 27 минут назад
This was AMAZING! As always! You are so talented! Would you ever consider doing a video on Interview With The Vampire the tv series? If you havent watched it I have a feeling thats its right up your alley! Even if you never make a video about it you should definitely watch it! ❤
@stevenclubb7718 5 часов назад
What I've heard is the final battle ended up being way too long as they had to steal the plans, then fight their way across the beach, then climb a tower... so it makes sense the large cast of characters isn't going to have a lot of reaction shots to their deaths. The audience is the only reaction that truly matters, so you can shorthand quite a bit, linking the deaths of your duos. Mostly, I think we're wandering much more into war movie territory as one or two characters are narratively important (and whose back stories might get fleshed out) and a bunch of characters who aren't developed too much beyond humanizing touches, as their purpose is mostly to add a bit of dramatic weight to their eventual deaths. The inherent flaw of Rogue One is it never fully commits to the war movie structure and tries to feel like a regular action movie where these characters would be more important... and the movie struggles when these two style rub up against each other, like when Jen's character arc (such as it is) has to flow into siege and we get back to back to back speeches to try to explain the very different requirements of each role. Is she reluctant hero or inspirational leader?
@SophMcGoph27 День назад
my aunt and I binge-watched all 10 episodes in one night, I love it so much
@nyxie2877 День назад
12:01 This may be the single queerest sentence I’ve heard all month, and it’s PRIDE MONTH
@nyxie2877 День назад
I just wanna see Ellie with her son
@411bvRGiskard День назад
Baze and Chirrut are brothers. Very young orphans who became friends and learned to survive together through starvation, homelessness, imperial oppression, etc. They are family not by blood but by life.
@carolineseguin-ro5vt День назад
You did a very good job explaining the show. I am a diehard fan! I've seen all of the episodes at least 3 to 4 times each. Know it by heart but would love to watch it again, would you know where I could find it?
@LarrySchneider День назад
Oh, wait. After 20 replays, I finally caught sight of the arrow at 39:44 and the caption, “That’s not supposed to be there.” What is that on the floor?
@LarrySchneider День назад
Can someone kindly explain to me what the “mistake” is at timestamp 39:44 that’s captioned, “Oops.” I’m watching on an iPad, and the clip goes by so fast that I can’t make out the problem. I’ve watched that little clip over and over and can’t for the life of me identify what’s wrong. Once I find out what it is, I’m sure it’ll be so obvious. But right now, I find it terribly frustrating that I can’t pick it out.
@nyxie2877 День назад
19:57 I’m black and as soon as you said this I did let out an audible “ooh…”
@4DreamWeaver4 День назад
Out of all the horrors I've watched, these 2 series have been some of the most scariest things I've seen and with the most depth!
@nyxie2877 День назад
What if this was my last straw
@nyxie2877 2 дня назад
31:03 I was thinking “I don’t remember any of this” and I’m realising with ever growing horror that I must have straight up skipped this episode after the long break I took between watches
@rick188888 2 дня назад
Loved the first three seasons with Wayne Rogers and McLean Stevenson.
@dcle944 3 дня назад
Is Tony Gilroy a god at the moment? Everything he touches seems to turn to gold.
@sonnyboy5797 3 дня назад
Please do a video for Anne with an E! Please?? ❤
@2009hobbes 3 дня назад
Have only just finished watching Andor and knew immediately I needed to see if there was a @Ladyknightthebrave video about it. Such a great show, and a typically thoughtful and enlightening analysis piece. Am really embarrassed to admit I didn't know about the post-credits scene in the final episode until I watched this, so I've just gone back to re-watch that!
@deanlindholm8663 3 дня назад
Metcalf was a genius
@mossyraven6973 3 дня назад
I agree wholeheartedly about Steven. He's done some shitty things, but he's not alone in that. Great video, was very captivating throughout. Helps that the series itself was so brilliant.
@Schitzafriendly 4 дня назад
RIP Hawkeye
@okedoke1234 4 дня назад
Wilmon Paak , played by Muhannad Bhaier. Wow. His upturned face with the tear rolling down his cheek, during Maarva's call to arms. Absolutely stunning moment.
@clarkparker4860 4 дня назад
Great video! I watch this show about every one and a half years. I feel like not enough people talk about it.
@deadbeatty 4 дня назад
It will never truly be topped cause baby it is the tops
@rollinginthedeep6900 4 дня назад
This story makes me feel so much but at the same time I hate thinking about it. Thank you for making such a beautiful video essay! Being human is fucking wild!
@cburger4life144 4 дня назад
Great vid but your biases are showing lol
@rollinginthedeep6900 4 дня назад
Does anyone else feel like Arthur's death was not meant to be taken literally? Like perhaps it is a metaphor for how not dealing with grief or mental illness causes the pain to well up inside until we hurt and punish the ones that we love most. And the intensity of Nell seeing the bent neck lady afterwards represents how as we continue to follow the wrong path and our descent into hopelessness/mental illness progresses, we will continue to be confronted with signs and traumas from our past that we are on the wrong course. The bent neck lady was always Nell from the future trying to warn herself of what would come if she couldn't reconnect with her family and stop the cycle of hopelessness that her mom had faced too.
@Drawoon 5 дней назад
thank you for making this
@coreyg2177 7 дней назад
Thank you! I was born in 72 so I didn’t watch it as they aired, but it became my favorite show as i grew up too. At first it was little me laughing to the funny parts, then thinking about the more serious topics as i matured. Thank you for this great retrospective.
@StayHappyDanny 7 дней назад
1917 came out when I was 10 and I begged my mom to go see it. For a bit of context: all the kids in my family for their birthday could take the family to go see a movie of their choice, I being the weird kid that was fascinated with war and history chose 1917. I distinctly remember my mom asking me if 1917 was the movie I *really* wanted to see; the new Solo movie at the time had also come out and my family was(is) really big into Star Wars but I insisted on watching the sad ww1 movie. That little decision led to me viewing 1917 as still one of my favorite films of all time. The cinematography, acting, writing and historical accuracy is some of the best I’ve seen and I love it so much. (If you read all this OML why? Thanks for listening ig)
@SantiagoGarza-bg9wp 7 дней назад
Love the show, love the video. As a mexican, it always bugs me that Americans see Latino as a race, when we have multiple races, ethnicities and languages just in Mexico, (not to mention all the other countries). Also, small nit pick about the term "whitexican". Firstly, the "e" isn't pronounced, since it's an english term. Secondly, Tenoch didn't coin it, it's a very common term in mexican discourse. I kinda don't like it, because it's very american-centric, but yeah, white mexicans usually get called "güero", meanig "blondie" . Whitexican is vey commonly used in social media and such, especially by people who want to sound modern
@Jebbtube 7 дней назад
It's important to remember that this show is set in the 50s. Klinger is dressing as a woman, not out of enjoyment (although he develops a taste for it later on), but to pass himself off as crazy so he could get out of the army. Everything is relative, even this recurring gag.
@Kerdack 8 дней назад
I love this video. I agree with a lot of your points and love Capaldi, but have vastly different opinions on episodes or arcs. Doctor Who is such a crazy show that two different view points can both end loving the same thing dispite the liking different individual elements. Like Listen is my favorite episode and I think bringing Clara back ruins her sacrifice but still agree that Capaldi and Clara have the best character dynamic growth.
@timlabell 9 дней назад
Frank Burns was my favorite character.😊
@Angie-GoneSoon 9 дней назад
Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice.. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice!
@Angie-GoneSoon 9 дней назад
I love Colonel Potter! He was in my opinion, the best CO Mash had. I mean the first one was good, but Colonel Potter just had something special. He could be tough when he needed to be, but sweet, and kinda like a teddy bear too. I loved his laugh, and he was about the funniest drunk I had ever seen!
@mikehinkle5761 9 дней назад
MASH is an all-time favorite; I remember watching it every week. Your essay was outstanding! Thanks!
@nashd1821 9 дней назад
I know this video is old, but it's not yoko ka-know it's pronounce as kan-no
@tyroneford-ru7iw 10 дней назад
Jonas Quinn was my favorite person ever added on the show.
@martalaatsch8358 11 дней назад
Pointing out the lines of "look down" made me realize this show had a lot of parallels to Les Mis... Cyril is the Javert and now I'm hoping the parallel will extend to his death scene if we get one. It would be really sad and cool to see onscreen
@amberhso00 11 дней назад
DO NOT love your commentary, you completely take away from the perfection of the show. You are super rough and lacking in comprehension. This is my all time favorite show and your stoooooopid voice over(s) drags it hell. Please stop!
@davidfroehlich2702 11 дней назад
On german Television there was a daily double feature of 2x hogans heroes followed by Mash. I was 11and they remain my two favourite shows,but my favourite was HH and now is Mash. It grew on me
@gakabler 12 дней назад
When Radar came into the OR and announced that Henry Blake's plane went down with no survivors with tears in his eyes, a television character, America cried for real! This was an excellent retrospective. Very well done.
@realitypoet 14 дней назад
My grandfather was a transport pilot during the Korean War. He was bringing people back home but his plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan, and there were no survivors. For decades the government classified the cause of the crash as pilot error, which always broke my grandma’s heart that they would blame him for it… eventually after years of my aunt fighting to get the investigation documents/findings unsealed they finally admitted that the plane shot down. It’s what I think of every time I see the scene where Radar announces Henry Blake’s death. It’s also just so maddening how not only does the government make these people go and kill and fight and die but when they die they’ll lie about it just to have someone to blame - just adds insult to injury and make me so mad and sad. Fuck war.
@Maya-rw7rs 14 дней назад
Dancing to show god we are greatful to be alive hits different after October 7th.
@idriealbarn500 14 дней назад
I absolutely love your videos!! it would be amazing if you reviewed The Fall of House of Usher
@curiousguy-jo4sh 14 дней назад
42:04 hopefully that kiss won't backfire as a sexual harris-mint allegation a decade into the future...
@ebudworth 14 дней назад
One thing I thought about while listening to this, is the empires control of information to control the masses. Now I recognize that statement would likely receive a "no shit" response and I would agree with that response. But it seems there are several instances where Cassian discovers information from his peers. Now obviously, Cassian is the point of view character and needs to learn information in front of us so we can also learn it, so this may be more of a tool to give us information rather than telling us that information is not being given to the masses. This video mentions Cassian not understanding how bad Ferrix is, which is what made me think of this. This specific example could partially be due to denial on his parts. I think he says something along the line of "they'll leave, they always leave" Then theres the cultral genocide on Aldani, where Andor seems completely unaware of this before going there. But thats one planet in a galactic emprie, who knows how much mental bandwidth it takes to stay aware of all of the empires atrocities. And then theres re-sentencing directive. If Cassian was going to be aware of any empire policy changes, I would argue it would include this. He knows hes on the empires radar following killing those corpos. He might not think that he's high on the empires priority, but he is still a fugitive on the run. I think that a sudden change to increase the empires strictness in policing might get Cassian's attention. But then he's sent to jail and the prisonets are shocked to find out he is completely unaware of it. I think one prisoner says "no one know", and I take this as "even if you're not paying attention to the news, anyone who does would bring this up in conversation" I acknowledge that all of these instances can be explained away. There's also instances inside the prison where information is being held from the prisoners to prevent them from rioting, but I think there is a more explocit demojstration of this with Aldani. One officer asks another "are they aware that this will be the last time they're allowed to make this pilgrimage?" And the other officer says they are not. I think that is an acknowledgedment that governments will restrict information dispersal in order to prevent rioting or rebellion. A tangental tactic that I don't think is explored in this show is the use of entertainment to placate the masses. Stepping aside from how much of that is an intentional tactic of current governments, this was a known tactic of the roman empire. Colosseums are often linked to the Ancient Roman Empire as a means to calm the populace and keep them relatively peaceful. I don't think they'll do anything with it in season 2, there are more important things to cover in its limited run time, but I would love to see how the media works at this point in the time line. How is the news? Presumably it exists, but how close is it to North Koreas State-run news? How obvious is it that it's being used to get you to side with the empire and veiw the rebels as terrosits? Is there pro-facists propaganda playing the role of entertainment? Much like how the prisoners significantly outnumber the guards, but they don't want them to realize that by working together they can overthrow the prison, I think something similar can be said about the government and the public.
@jessicaparsons9283 14 дней назад
I feel seen, thank you
@ForestWanderingCryptid 14 дней назад
1:01:52 whilst I agree that you should never vandalize a place of religion I do hope that you agree with the sentiment sprayed there #freepalestine
@reveur1782 9 дней назад
I believe she covered her thoughts on the subject in her "Six of Crows" video if you're interested in hearing it. If I understand correctly, she does want an end to the genocide and a free Palestine, but I'd really recommend you watch the video and hear it from her.
@mayouwn3534 15 дней назад
Honestly the only reason why I stopped part 2 was because the game forces you to play Abby, okay the story is terrible and it end bad for them but I don't find any joy playing Abby. I would've finished the game no matter the story if it was with Ellie, Dina, or Tommy but it's foul to forces me to play with a character I despise and NOTHING you show me can change my mind, I don't feel any empathy for the people she lost or for her because I don't care about her life and don't want her to survive when I play Abby.