Trust Him
Trust Him
Trust Him
Sharing true stories, ideas and commentary from my life. I hope this helps someone out there to feel hope, love, and strength to hang on and find faith and peace.
@madogg152 9 часов назад
End of BoM, you referenced, is exactly what is happening to USA currently. Time Stamp 2.49 Much Thanks, Much Appreciated, Many Blessings.
@trusthim3559 3 часа назад
its interesting to see the parallels in our day compared to theirs isn't it. Thanks for being here!
@normanbonk8064 13 часов назад
@alisonbock8527 День назад
Didn't president Kimball in one of his talks when visiting, was it Hawaii, tell them their ancestor was Hagoth? Read it once about 50 years ago, it seems! Many blessings. ab
@trusthim3559 День назад
Wow. I hadn't heard that. I was thinking the exact same thing when I was studying this. I mean, if i had landed on Hawaii, I don't think I would be going sailing back either.
@madogg152 День назад
Thanks a Billion
@trusthim3559 День назад
@madogg152 3 дня назад
Much appreciate your time. Have a nice weekend :) Like your humor "Alma HA". Imagine someone in the BoM, named Yama. My Mission President was the 2nd wealthiest in the Church. I know what $$$ can do. 1st wealthiest, won't say name, Sued the Church to have donations returned.
@trusthim3559 2 дня назад
The someone you mention is heartbreaking to me. I hope I never lose my testimony of the Gospel.
@madogg152 2 дня назад
@@trusthim3559 You are on the path to never lose your testimony. The Tube Channel "Edwin Patterson" is a member who fell away. He has reactivated and posting excellent videos reporting proof of the BoM. He specifically stated, he is doing it to keep himself active. I have an odd, and to my knowledge, a singular thought on the bible. 1st, Science states, Power, as in police, elected offices, & Wealth, as in my Mission President, causes change to the Brain. Specifically, causing loss of HUMANITY & COMPASSION, etc.. My idea is simple: The bible is a recipe to FINE TUNE the BRAIN, in doing so, we become more like God. There is a saying "As we think, so we become". That is why the bible is literally BRAIN Food, computer programming, for Eternal Exaltation. In other words, we have the responsibility to PROGRAM our brain to think and act like Father & Christ. If you think I am nuttier than a Pistachio factory, let me know.
@madogg152 4 дня назад
Awesome, yesterday views up and many comments. Thanks again. Blessings 2 U & Family.
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
Thank you. Hope you and your family are also doing great!
@madogg152 3 дня назад
@@trusthim3559 Thanks, however, I don't have a family. You can say, I am cursed.
@trusthim3559 2 дня назад
@@madogg152 You are a blessing in my life. Thank you for being there.
@kitkat3364 4 дня назад
Thank you :) Wonderful stuff.
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
YW. :)
@kitkat3364 5 дней назад
@madogg152 5 дней назад
Much Appreciated. 🎇🎆🌋
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
It's my pleasure, my friend.
@alisonbock8527 5 дней назад
I love Moroni's use of "behold"-pay attention, "yea"-more then this, and "therefore"-for this reason. Shows to me he is feeling righteous anger and it is under control! A real lesson to me. Thankyou again and many blessings on this special day. ab
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
Absolutely. He amazes me each time I read about him. I really love the examples of great people that our Savior gave to us in the Book of Mormon. It is especially helpful to me that they are not perfect, but they are genuinely trying.
@normanbonk8064 5 дней назад
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
Thank you!
@ruthjamieson4072 5 дней назад
Love your insights!
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
I really appreciate that. Thanks for being here!
@madogg152 6 дней назад
Thanks, SPOT ON.
@alisonbock8527 6 дней назад
Hope you have a marvelous day, too. Many blessings. ab
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
Thank you!
@valeriebrogan1953 6 дней назад
Thank you from over here in England.
@trusthim3559 4 дня назад
Awesome! Thanks for being here!
@alisonbock8527 7 дней назад
Thankyou for your additional thoughts of the miracles always out way the problems with our God. Needed to hear that today. Thankyou. Many blessings to you and yours. ab
@trusthim3559 7 дней назад
Thank you! That warms my heart!
@madogg152 7 дней назад
@kitkat3364 7 дней назад
@madogg152 8 дней назад
Million Thanks, EXACT sincere.🖐
@trusthim3559 8 дней назад
You are wonderful. Thank you for being you!
@madogg152 7 дней назад
@@trusthim3559 Me = Too soon old too late Smart.
@trusthim3559 7 дней назад
@@madogg152 hahaha sounds familiar :)
@davidsradioroom9678 9 дней назад
Great comments!
@trusthim3559 8 дней назад
Thank you!
@kitkat3364 10 дней назад
@madogg152 10 дней назад
Have an nice weekend🙏🍀
@juliejensen4228 10 дней назад
Another wonderful lesson! Thank you!
@trusthim3559 8 дней назад
I appreciate that!
@anthonybutler961 11 дней назад
@trusthim3559 11 дней назад
You are very welcome. :)
@susanpixley4100 11 дней назад
Shew is pronounced "show", so shewn would be "shown". This is an archaic spelling. We still have this archaic spelling in "sew" which is pronounced "sow".
@trusthim3559 11 дней назад
Isn't that something. I have had fun discovering the unusual words used in this earliest text edition. I also noticed 'attackt' and many grammatical errors such as 'was' vs 'were' as well as a surprising use of 'etc' which is not in the current edition.
@madogg152 11 дней назад
Definitely your time is much appreciated. Much Much appreciated. Thanks!!!!!
@trusthim3559 11 дней назад
Thank you. I appreciate that. :)
@madogg152 12 дней назад
@kitkat3364 12 дней назад
@alisonbock8527 13 дней назад
I find interesting that the text encourages us to, in times we are having a struggle, to round up a spiritual posse of people, to help us no matter how small. Many blessings. ab
@trusthim3559 12 дней назад
Our Heavenly Father knows exactly what we will need to navigate this life. It sure is wonderful. Thank you!
@madogg152 13 дней назад
Thanks 😇
@prophetcentral 13 дней назад
The simple answer is no. The complex answer is trying to find the actual records. A marriage according to the law of the church was to "be solemnized in a public meeting, or feast, prepared for that purpose." Additionally, if there was any sort of sealing done (or as some would say a "celestial plural marriage") then there HAD to be a record of it somewhere, otherwise it was not binding. D&C 128:8 ...whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Or, in other words, taking a different view of the translation, whatsoever you record on earth shall be recorded in heaven, and whatsoever you do not record on earth shall not be recorded in heaven; for out of the books shall your dead be judged, according to their own works, whether they themselves have attended to the ordinances in their own propria persona, or by the means of their own agents, according to the ordinance which God has prepared for their salvation from before the foundation of the world, according to the records which they have kept concerning their dead. We don't have any records of our dead, specifically Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith in their purported marriages or sealings to multiple women. If they weren't recorded, then we can assert that they are not binding on earth nor in heaven, and they are therefore not spiritual wives nor celestially married. Also, what is the welding link ordinance throughout the generations? Is it the sealing ordinance, or is it something else? What do the scriptures actually say in this section?
@trusthim3559 13 дней назад
We do not have the original record because the mob destroyed the records. There is nothing we can do about that, and there is no way to recover them. Destruction of a record does not nullify the action, it simply makes it more difficult to determine what action happened. In cases like this the best information we can get is the testimony of those who actually participated in the event. Helen Kimball herself is the one who stated that they were married for eternity only. I suppose one could argue that she was being untruthful, but the reality is that her testimony is the best source of information available to any of us.
@prophetcentral 13 дней назад
@@trusthim3559 And do you know when that testimony was given and under which circumstances? You won't find them very favorable for reliability's sake. Also, where did you learn that the mob destroyed such records? I have never heard that, but I also wonder which mob? Where were the records? Which records were destroyed along with the purported "public" marriage records? How were the records destroyed? When were the records destroyed? I don't want to jump to conclusions that you are grasping at straws, but the more you critically examine such a history as polygamy, the more you realize the fulfillment of prophecy being the apostasy of God's chosen people and the pollution of His Holy Church/House - especially the prophecies found in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants. Those are pointed straight at the Latter-day Saints, but just as the Jews of old, they claim innocence and deny the punishment and correction of God.
@prophetcentral 13 дней назад
@@trusthim3559 And just to let you know of some of the data on the supposed marriage for "time" only, the narrative is broken. She was married in actuality to Horace Kimball Whitney on the same day she was purportedly "sealed" to Joseph Smith Jr. meaning for eternity - not time only. The seals are not meant for time only, but they are in view of the eternities no matter what others may say. Just ask God for understanding, and he will manifest the truth of it unto you. In truth, the sealing record of the Nauvoo temple shows them being sealed post mortem on February 4th, 1846. I am not sure if I've ever heard of a decent and spirit-authorized explanation of why Joseph needed to be sealed to so many women after his death...in fact most recently as 2006! You think with the authority that Joseph Smith had that he would have taken care of it just fine.
@trusthim3559 12 дней назад
@@prophetcentral It is not even remotely difficult to find evidences of the damage mob violence did to the early saints. It was an ongoing and constant threat. This is not a questionable action in history. If you would like more information then you have some homework to do. Clearly information that I provide is suspect in your eyes so i will leave you to discover it for yourself. Hope you have a wonderful day.
@prophetcentral 12 дней назад
@@trusthim3559 the fact that you don't take much care to discern the reliability of purported evidences is astounding. Please be wary in claiming truth and trusting in the arm of flesh. I have studied a good amount, but I am just saying that I have never heard that a mob ever destroyed marriage or sealing records of the Nauvoo era. I asked several questions that I hoped to have answered at least in part, but I received none. That is not how a disciple of Christ should behave. I am suspect of you making a claim that has never even come into my ear or sight, and you brush off the request to provide even one source to sincerely learn with a dismissal of suspicion. I will fast and pray for you with faith unto repentance that the chains of hell be loosed for your sake and others as well. God bless you with his mercy and judgement.
@blhbsit7713 13 дней назад
@trusthim3559 13 дней назад
You are welcome! :)
@Jared-1N14-14 13 дней назад
Thanks or your video!
@trusthim3559 13 дней назад
It is my pleasure. Thank you for being here.
@madogg152 14 дней назад
@kitkat3364 14 дней назад
@hajasayoh5935 14 дней назад
Thank you very much
@trusthim3559 13 дней назад
Very happy to be here. Thank you for joining us.
@madogg152 15 дней назад
Thanks, Why message? We are already facing this issue. Biden didn't win, Sky News AU Recorded Voting Fraud. Powers that be, ripped down the video FAST. I stopped voting, long ago. The system doesn't represent the "People" I am VERY conservative. I don't support Trump. However, The Trial Was a Sham and Rigged. A government official found a post on facebook a day before the trial that stated, "Good News Trump will be found guilty". I did copy that video B4 powers that be, try to erase evidence. I make a joke about Biden and the Corrupt system stating: "Biden is the 1st president that can't be held liable in a court of law for Murder, etc. due to diminished capacity. Biden is Prophecy fulfilled. A Protestant minister has a channel "Hello Saints". He is seducing members from the church. On his first video, I called him a "Wolf in sheep's clothing" and BEWARE! WOW you wouldn't believe the backlash by LDS. Since then, members of the church are posting, they left the church to follow him. He has moved to Utah to spread his poison. He is Prophecy, that has now been fulfilled. He Sang in the Tabernacle Quire. The Church made an exception for him because he didn't quality. Satan Sang in the Quire. LDS started reporting the facts, and admitted he is a "Pied Piper" luring members away. They were too TIMID to use the term, "Wolf in Sheep's clothing". The WEAK members who bashed me regarding 'Wolf" have finally, 2 years later, put out a notice, "BEWARE". I wondered why the scriptures stated there will be many, members, will fall as we approach the 2nd coming. The experiences I have on RU-vid have made this prophecy abundantly clear. If you want this removed after you read it, let me know. I think the 2nd is < 20 years away and I have world data to support it. I really appreciate your time. You are a Messenger of our Brother & Savior. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.
@trusthim3559 15 дней назад
Thank you for being here.
@madogg152 17 дней назад
Thanks a Billion. Have a nice weekend you and family. 🎯
@trusthim3559 16 дней назад
Thank you. Hope you do as well!
@juliejensen4228 17 дней назад
Thank you for your lessons and thoughts on each chapter. ❤
@trusthim3559 16 дней назад
I sure appreciate that. This Book is amazing and its my privilege to share my testimony of it. Thank you for being here as well.
@madogg152 18 дней назад
😇🍀 Thanks. Awesome.
@kitkat3364 18 дней назад
Thank you 👍
@juliejensen4228 18 дней назад
I love your lessons and insights and testimony! Thank you!
@trusthim3559 18 дней назад
That means a lot to me. Thank you!
@madogg152 19 дней назад
Thanks 🍀🍀🍀🍀
@AlbertJLouie 20 дней назад
MORMONS, THERE IS NO BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD. Scripture is very clear in stating that this life is the only chance we get. Once we die, our fate is sealed: HEBREWS 9:27 "It is appointed for men to die once, and after that comes judgement..." There are no "second chances" after death.
@trusthim3559 19 дней назад
Thank you for commenting.
@AlbertJLouie 20 дней назад
When you seek answers from the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible, God can't help you because you have turned your back on Him. Therefore this leaves the door open for Satan (II Corinthians 11:14-15) to step into your life with a false christ or prophet showing you signs and wonders to lead you away from the real Jesus of the Bible who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity. God Himself warns us about this in: MATTHEW 24: 23-24 "Then if anyone says to you, Look, here is the Christ! or There! do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect..." Mormons teach and believe that their jesus is the brother of Satan, which contradicts what God says in His Bible that Jesus is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity and the Eternal Creator God. So Mormons, which Jesus do you believe in? A. Your jesus of the Book of Mormon, who is the brother of Satan. OR B. The Jesus of the Bible, who is God the Son 2nd person of the Trinity.
@trusthim3559 19 дней назад
Thank you for commenting.
@madogg152 20 дней назад
@susanpixley4100 20 дней назад
The comments here are very interesting, well thought out. They all make sense. "Wax" means to speak or write at length about something. A now archaic verb, meaning "to grow," is used freely in English Versions of the Bible as a translation of various terms in Greek and Hebrew.
@trusthim3559 20 дней назад
Thank you! I appreciate your being part of this.
@alisonbock8527 21 день назад
This thrills my soul! Thankyou so much for this addition to my scripture study. Many blessings. ab
@trusthim3559 21 день назад
Thank you! That sure means a lot
@madogg152 21 день назад
👍👍👍👍👍🙌👏 As someone once said: "Ill be Back"
@susanpixley4100 21 день назад
The Book of Mormon was first published with double columns in 1920. The footnotes were added in the 1982 edition, to match the 1979 edition of the Bible. It's marvelous. So much work has been done to make the Scriptures more accessible to us, the reader.
@trusthim3559 21 день назад
I love it as well. This book is tangible evidence that God loves us and still speaks to us today. Thank you for being here!