Welcome to metaRising, home of the Waking Cosmos podcast and video series, which explores the nature of consciousness and its place in reality.
@Simon-ml4lu Час назад
You're more right than you know.
@Simon-ml4lu Час назад
Bang on.
@kevinsayes 11 часов назад
There could be dozens of civilizations that are at Ancient Rome style stages of development within 10 light years of us and we wouldn’t know. We can’t look at the atmosphere of most small, close in terrestrial planets quite yet, so really atm we would have no clue. That would be so cool.
@radam2818 День назад
Never dies ? It dies completely when we are under general anesthesia, or when we faint. Why would it survive the body's death?
@GiftigeBalspuwer День назад
I have more problems with reincarnation then ultimate death. Reincarnation to this horrible planet forever is the true hell ! Unendless suffering ! Last thing i want is that !
@bobaldo2339 2 дня назад
The universe no more has a "purpose" than it has a favorite color, or flavor of ice cream. Human language evolved to deal with human-scale events. Yet we are so wedded to, and fooled by, our own concepts that we think the vast universe itself is somehow obligated to conform to them.
@maxcordell1 2 дня назад
I think you have just described Buddhist philosophy. There is no separate self. After a talk I asked the Buddhist monk presiding, "You say I have died 10,000 times, yet you also say that there is no Self. Then what is it that goes from life to life?" His answer - "karma". And he left it at that for me to figure out. And I understood it to mean that the life I live has consequences for whatever life arises after me. I am a drop in an ocean. I am the ocean. Stripping away all sense of self and ego is the only way to "get" that.
loved it i came to the same conclusion by using the principles of non-duality. Thank you.
@jeronimotamayolopera4834 2 дня назад
@tonysobevski9961 2 дня назад
We will never know, once u think u have the answer to it all.. your concious mind will create another perseption of reality, ever expanding and evolving.. Energy never dissapears or dies, only enlightens.. ill ask u this ,say u figured it all out and when u got there a figure said to u .. well done youve come to the end, there's nothing more to see or discover.. would u be dissapointed, or happy u made it.. id love to have the ability, to go beyond what no awareness or conciousness has ever seen or created.. our mind can expand , beyond all that we know.. imagine creating something thats never been done before, that goes past God/satan, the bible or the great philosophers off this world have told u..
@JCJMC21 3 дня назад
I’m not good at understand physics. But I’ve been cursed with curiosity to torture my under developed brain. After admitting I’m a moron and you all now being aware of it, I can ask this question seriously. Whenever I think about quantum level things needing to be observed in order to act more like “normal” material, I always picture the Toy Story movies. You know how they live their own crazy lives until someone can see them and then they freeze? Does anyone else’s D student brain think like that? Also, if a dog observes quantum stuff, does it act the same way when humans observe it? I swear, I’m not high. I’m just a very dumb person with very smart interests.
@stefanblue660 3 дня назад
Don't understand why these Mind- Matter- Effects should have been a prediction and not a reaction.
@stefanblue660 3 дня назад
With the beginning of particles there should have begun of consciousnesses out of one, caused by symmetrie, or better symmetrie- break at the beginning of material cosmos.
@stevestackpole6817 3 дня назад
Today a young man on acid realized that all matter was merely energy condensed in to a slow vibration and that we are all one consciousness experiencing ourselves subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves. Bill Hicks
@edsonlemos1933 4 дня назад
Very interesting
@paxdriver 4 дня назад
Changing definitions of words doesn't make for a profound or strong case. I think you've tripped over your own laces here. It makes more sense to make the case that since e=mc^2 and consciousness relies on our continuums as massive objects, we are all and our consciousness reducible to energy traced back to the big bang and propagated as a function of time and unravelling order by entropy being a function of time allowing for evolution and change. Eddies of order in a cosmic flow toward eternal stability. The energy and or mass in the universe will remain, including consciousness. That argument is at least based in rationale imho.
@allenlunde7908 5 дней назад
“The number of minds in the universe is one.” Schrodinger
@allenlunde7908 5 дней назад
It seems strange that we understand that the material world is a “projection” of consciousness, yet we are still looking to a material thing…the brain…to understand how consciousness emerges. Consciousness does not emerge from the brain. The brain appears to exist because of consciousness.
@ronaldtiaozon9682 5 дней назад
@quaktoons331 5 дней назад
When you die, your consciousness is condensed and it falls in the quantum flux near the nexus of reality. It's common knowledge.
@----I...have...no...clue.... 5 дней назад
What happens? Listen to some of my audio clips. Death is not a reality
@VaitheeswaranR 5 дней назад
In dreams we get exposed to different backgrounds like i can be a criminal in one and a scientist in another and so on. The background changes are sometimes subtle, but sometimes very drastic. Also the changes are sometime mostly outside like where i live, who are around me, etc, but at times it can be internal changes as well such as perspective changes, changes in the "level of ego" we posses, etc. It is like i am already trained to handle even the worst of background changes both external and internal. So practically we are all trained to adapt to different "ego" settings already by our dreams. Does this mean our dreams are trying to show us what it would be after death - a different background? Let us deep dive on this!!
@nathanh.2162 5 дней назад
The way I see science and the meaninglessness of it all is like a video game imagine a Pokémon cartridge had all the little humans gain consciousness and eventually they began to data mind, they would be sure that there is no meaning for existence and that code just arranged itself and made them exist, but if the creator of the game never actually encoded why they made the game and what exist outside of the cartridge then no amount of data mining no matter how extensive would give that answer
@nathanh.2162 5 дней назад
The way I see it true philosophers are those who land on the question of what the true essence of consciousness is and choose to find out by ending their current incarnation and those who reach that question fear non existence and live the rest of their lives as half assed philosophers that speculate what it MAY mean
@stefanblue660 5 дней назад
This all makes totally sense! Thank you very much! 🙏
@stefanblue660 5 дней назад
I read a book about German philosophers called Deutschland Deine Denker, 40 years ago as an adolescent. The chapter, that impressed me most was about Idealism, and especially Friedrich Schelling, the most deep thinking and radical of them. Reading the quotes of Friedrich Schelling gave me tremendous shivers and the feeling, that he had found something very deep.
@stefanblue660 5 дней назад
Very happy, that you mentioned German Idealism, have never seen this before in other videos. As an adolescent I read a book about German philosophers, fascinating. But the one lling, the idea and and
@FarAway-Farm 6 дней назад
I feel the pain of everyone, and then I feel nothing. Are we all one consciousness
@bramsteel3447 6 дней назад
Wenh heard 1994 that I had aids and live therouwe hengaingone 🧠👃👊❤
@bramsteel3447 6 дней назад
Maby conension 16:08 /subconsion I think myself by live 😢?
@ivornworrell 6 дней назад
The simple fact is, the living simply DO NOT know what happens after death, it all boils down to speculative arguments, empirically speaking.
@tomwirt319 7 дней назад
Im working on a theme of a Life Force w 20:25 hich sets rules the creates and supports life. I haven't worked consciousness into it yet although you've given much to work on. Thank you.
@draftmagicagain1000 7 дней назад
Why is Musk on the video image lol 😂😂😂😂. It’s Nick Bostrum’s treatise. Musk just said “yea good idea you had there” 😂😂😂
@ohraisins 8 дней назад
Absolutely brilliant. Makes sense I think!
@Universalwisdomknowledge 8 дней назад
Astral espionage units were the name given to specialised units established during the Soviet era that were able to gather intelligence through astral projection and vision.
@FongJeChan 8 дней назад
I just been awakened after 10 years of spiritual rebirth. My body overnight healed and got youthful. It was after I helped another chosen one by God to remember who he is. Immediately after my jaw moved and evened out my face. My wrinkles softened. My calluses were hydrated. My beau Ron moved from head to toe like an electric bolt. It felt amazing. My body knows how to do this now. It has advanced. I wonder if others felt what I felt and has an advanced body too?
@be-informed. 8 дней назад
What religion has to do with life after death... or a continuous existence of your energy... I don't know....
@atlantis9587 9 дней назад
I love to read youtube comments. Feels more real than facebook + reddit
@-the_wandering_eremite- 9 дней назад
This is the Dhamma.
@johnlynch-kv8mz 9 дней назад
11:34 mm hmm. I know
@johnlynch-kv8mz 9 дней назад
6:55. Yet when we’re unconscious there are dreams and still then ;nightmares . Sometimes these feel more real than life.
@electricmanist 9 дней назад
Within each and every atom of matter, is everlasting power. This power exists throughout the universe, and is the everlasting intelligent essence within/behind all that exists. Many call this power a manifestation/creation of God. We are all part of this power--or in other words, creations of God. Everlasting, even though our physical bodies age and die, our spiritual essence continues to exist. Those who are unable to accept this might do better to continue playing with their abacus since it seems they are unable to contemplate/understand anything beyond the physical.
@petergleeson295 9 дней назад
The cytoplasm inside all our cells has been alive continuously for billions of years. Each second 50 million of our cells die but 50 million cell divisions balance it out. We have a billion ways we are related to people who lived 750 years ago and in the future. 7500 years is a billion to the power of 10. 75,000 years is a billion to the power of 100. Few people bother working out our connection to life. Begin with the foundations
@spaceted3977 9 дней назад
Quantum Physics says that Information Cannot be Destroyed, even in a Black Hole. What is Consciousness other than being able to Process Information ???
10 дней назад
I believe It makes for an easier life if there is a belief of an afterlife.?? We just cannot accept there is nothing when we go and that’s why we believe in god etc.? I personally believe when we die we are dead and there’s nothing anymore.!!
@niranjansaikia9379 10 дней назад
Thanks for sharing this documentary..yes.❤❤❤❤❤🎉
@MobileValeterStirling 10 дней назад
Yet not a person in the world who dies comes back and remembers there past life , Once the lights out that’s that
@wolfgangstegemann9375 11 дней назад
I wonder at what point in the philosophy of science class did panpsychists not pay attention. People are whining as much as they can. Everything is thrown into disarray, it's a horror. Of course, physics is ultimately just phenomenology, which we - in classical physics - turn into an ontology. We cannot do this in quantum physics because the scale is not mesoscopic enough. But that's no reason to immediately throw the baby out with the bathwater and believe that the spirit has to fix it. What is spirit, this nonsense word. Consciousness is nothing other than the excitation of nerve cells, i.e. organismic material. And we just feel this excitement. It's nothing more. Because we are highly adapted, we can make (empirical) statements about the world that are true. Of course they are true, otherwise we wouldn't have these experiences. Cognition - another loaded term - is adaptation. If our brains were ten times larger, our adaptation would be ten times more sophisticated. To now believe that because we can think, so can a stone, is complete nonsense. Tononi makes a major epistemological mistake when he applies physics linearly to life, formulates connections there and then generalizes them, thus resulting in panpsychism. Life works fundamentally differently than non-life.
@tunahelpa5433 11 дней назад
Consciousness is the only thing. What we are conscious of is a simulation. Even our own body and brain - what we think of as our "self" - is simulated.
@stevenburns704 11 дней назад
Why are you making something so simple, & quite natural so complex. Something that has been occurring for, in its truest interoperation of the word, an 'Eternity' cannot be discussed in such finite controversial detail without misleading us away from consciousnesses simplicity of existence.