Annie YaYa
Annie YaYa
Annie YaYa
I'm young and opinionated.

twitter: annieyayaa
instagram: chesteryaya
Dexter Loves Chasing His Tail
11 лет назад
Dexter Eats Peanut Butter
12 лет назад
Halloween '11
12 лет назад
Holes in my Sock
12 лет назад
Exploring my Pansexuality
12 лет назад
Overwhelmed and Good Vibes :]
12 лет назад
B.B the Cockatoo
13 лет назад
You're Not Alone-Speech Impediment
13 лет назад
Buckbeak attacks
13 лет назад
13 лет назад
scary skin effects final product
13 лет назад
@imterriblysorry4678 2 месяца назад
A decade later thank you.
@tohru2025 4 года назад
I don't have any problems in speech but I wanted to say thank you for posting this because I know there are many people out there that need to hear this. To publicly display yourself and your "flaws" is a really scary thing and I think you're very brave for doing this. My friend is a speech pathologists and its stories like this that inspire her to do what she does and never give up on a patient. You're amazing!
@noncanadian 5 лет назад
1:18 T -T so adorable
@Camelotskin 6 лет назад
Are you sure you are Pansexual or just bisexual. Pansexuals like male, female, transgender, intersex, etc. and are considered "gender blind." Tough life trying to stay in committed relationships when a person likes everything.
@itsvenombro3058 6 лет назад
Guess what I had a speech problem speaking and people are making fun of me behind my back even I didn’t do jack shit in speech class all we did was play cards game on the computer in high school I didn’t do nothing and none of my speech teacher can about me after I graduate high school none of my speech teacher ask me how my doing after high school it’s
@AnnieYaYa 6 лет назад
Venom0086 dark I'm so sorry that was your experience.
@itsvenombro3058 6 лет назад
Annie YaYa How come you stop making videos I hope you’re doing well
@AnnieYaYa 6 лет назад
Venom0086 dark I haven't been able to invest in a better camera. I also need to research better editing equipment.
@ashlynmaree9211 6 лет назад
people picked on me to but I got braces that didn't help I wen't to speech class in high school that didn't help I moved in South Carolina 2 years ago I wen't to musc because I wanted to get surgery but they said I don't need it but they helped me speak instead I had trouble with S, Sh, Ch, X, and Z's sounds I am applying for jobs I know they won't hire me if I can't even say my own name but I can introduce myself now I practice the only problem I have is the Ch, and X's sounds now I would start a youtube channel but I"m not that comfortable yet I know how frustrating that it can be. Without musc I wouldn't gotten this far though. I never cared tell I knew how important it was for the future so I never cared either.
@cassandrarose1410 7 лет назад
I have a speech problem too ever scent i was little now am 25 in still got speech promble
@nefertitiholmes5639 7 лет назад
i stutter as well.
7 лет назад
Wow, I'm just shocked how much bullying gets children\teenagers in America, especially in schools! Anyway, anyhow stay strong!
@mc.doncardervisa7279 7 лет назад
this really helped my friend sovule : )
@trousersocklover2286 7 лет назад
So cute !
@Ubermentsh 7 лет назад
you're an absolutely beautiful young lady. And rhotacism can be extremely cute. Perfect Just the Way You Are. And where☺. commend you for being brave enough to discuss your problem. I'm glad you conquered it. you go girl
@angelvega4289 7 лет назад
i have had a truckload of problems as a child dyslexia speech inpediment stamer and ofcours the lisp the conbination of all those things makes it hard not only to talk sometimes but to even remember the words of what your triying to say my advice in all honesty live your life worriying more what you think about yourself rather then what others think cause baby girl you may please a 2000 peeople but you can please them all this has inspired to post a indept video about me talking about dyslexia witch i have a lot of storys to tell about growing up a child with both dyslexia and a speech inpediment mabey you like to check it out sometime...
@winterrose9703 7 лет назад
I use to have trouble having trouble pronouncing nay word with TH, CH and R. It took a long time and years of various teacher, but there was one highschool teacher ( at this point I've been in speech all of life) who was a amazing. It was cause of her encouragement/ kindness I pulled through and passed therapy! Now I can talk normal like any normal person. If you met me you would of never guessed I have one.
@vickielawson3114 7 лет назад
1:12 "I wouldn't say 'bath' I would say 'bath'..." WHAT, that's the same thing!
@boomersooner9888 7 лет назад
I have a major speech impediment mostly my R's people would pick on me saying I'm slow or that I'm retarded which piss me off I try not to respond but it's hard not to
@hskpc 7 лет назад
how do you say your R? :( Can I help you with that?
@toddmarten1364 5 лет назад
Me too! Came close to suicide a few times...I hate it
@steelrideproductions371 7 лет назад
I have a major speech impediment and am trying to start a RU-vid channel... My videos I feel aren't ever up to my standards because I will stutter and it ruins a video. I am trying but it sucks. I am 20 and went to speech therapy but the doctor said it couldn't be helped. Either I stutter or I dont. I want to get better but I can't. So I was inspired to maybe try and RU-vid to maybe show people that even though I am different, I am trying to stand out. I am not looking for handouts, I am trying to show people I can do what I've been told I'd never be able to do and be successful at.
@AnnieYaYa 7 лет назад
Steelride Productions I admire your determination. Don't give up. It is hard but you can do it. I suggest having a small script to guide you while you film. Also, practice helps. :)
@sidwilliams1192 8 лет назад
Great video I am 25 I went to speech therapy as a kid I still have a really hard time pronouncing my R's and S's
@michelle5420 8 лет назад
I wanted to say I was crying tonight because I was made fun of a lot called ugly and for having a speech problem (pronouncing TH, L) etc so I decided to research in Google "speech impediment RU-vid" and came across your video... When I looked at you my first thought was of how beautiful you are and how you have a pretty smile and voice. I still have problems saying things as an adult and coming across friends and am shy... I wanted to say thank you for making me smile tonight or this early morning at 4:19 AM and not feeling alone. Thanks so much! :)
@xristoskaiti 8 лет назад
έχεις όμορφα μάτια. είσαι δυνατός
@amylmnop8812 8 лет назад
how'd you fix it??
@ironn0c 8 лет назад
Man, must be nice to not be made fun of too. When u have a speech impediment. I've been n therapy since a kid and my teacher quit on me and my mom stopped paying for classes. I'm 17. Basically have a few friends. I hear that people still have impediments and they don't get made fun of. I don't get it. People don't get me. I even go to a christian school lol. Still made fun of. And its not even about the speech impediment. They just say shit like kill irself basically. Prolly worse things than that. My school is also clueless about bullying too. Some girl that was getting bullied got expelled from school cuz she was caught saying she was gonna kill the bullies. So u probably think my life sucks right? Yes basically, the only thing I got going for me is I'm be liven n Jesus. Lol. Wow this was a long comment...
Aye bro I got a speech impediment to and it sucks balls man! And I gone through therapy to. And lol I'm christian to and living for jesus christ to. Aye build up confidence and make yourself better to your ability man!! Because is ONLY you and God! And you against the world. But anyways your not alone dude
@RegularMoments 8 лет назад
Nice vid, right now I have a speech impediment and I got say R words right. I say here like you use to say it, and I cant AT ALL say world, word, four, and for (I know four and for are the same thing)
@xTRiPx1 8 лет назад
I have a hard time talking, pronouncing words, getting my thoughts into words and it's really frustrating, I always thought it was because I'm bilingual but I'm not even good at speaking in Spanish either, I'm worse. But, completely random, hey you have the same 2 little wall decorations :D anywho, I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering with this disability.
@Amanda-lq4hg 8 лет назад
I took speech therapy in school since it was available in all of the schools in my area, I had taken it from kindergarten to about half way through 7th grade. I'm currently in 10th, and it is much, much better than it was in elementary school, even better than it was in 5th-6th grade. I am much more comfortable with my speech impediment then I use to be, although at times it may not be something that I'm comfortable with, but I think that's just to be expected, and I'm actually going back into speech therapy soon in hopes to get better, since I never got very good at "r's" inparticular, along with a few other sounds, and that's really the only thing I have trouble with now. When I first started I had trouble with f, th, r, s, etc. I never noticed speech therapy helping very fast, but over time it definitely made a difference for me. So if you have one, sometimes you may not even want to speak because of it, but if you practice what you have trouble with, and make an effort to do so, it will get better over time, it's not something that you can just snap out of or whatnot, it takes time and practice. :)
@TheRosemontag 8 лет назад
I'm feeling stressed right now. I don't know what is, but I have the same feeling of how I react to stress ever since I was I kid. When I speak the words it doesn't come smoothy or constantly. I would say for example: " I lead to go to tha storne and pie some milk, and a cat on of eggs, I'll be back at two" instead of saying: "I need to go to the store and buy some milk, and a carton of eggs, I'll be back by two." I don't know why this happens to me, I don't drink or smoke. This is pissing me off because I fall into depression.
@hilanshukri5971 8 лет назад
This helped me so much thank you so much beautiful, I have an impediment, I don't think mine is very severe, I only speak quite funny when I am very uncomfortable with who I'm talking to I don't know why
@terminat1 9 лет назад
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. I feel like those who can speak well (basically everyone) have easy lives, since they obviously don't have any other disability, either. It must be nice.
@terminat1 8 лет назад
Just remember that those who don't have obvious disabilities are quite clearly better than those people (like you and I) who do. It's sometimes a hard pill to swallow, but it's pretty obvious that I am inferior to individuals without disabilities. When I realize that they're superior, it helps me to not get down on myself as much because of my issue.
@Patch.of.clover 9 лет назад
I have had a severe difficulty saying words with 'r' in them since I could speak. I have trouble talking to people I haven't talked to before because they aren't used to it so they don't understand it. I'm in Highschool, and I still talk just like I did when I was in elementary. I haven't faced much mockery due to it, though last year, a guy compared me to a five year old because of how I talk. It's really hard, I've noticed as of late. I write... A lot. I've written over 600 poems, a few short stories, and so on... At some point, I've had to go onto a stage and recite poetry and I have never hated myself more because, though I understand it perfectly, I know people can hear the difference. I avoid saying the word "world" because I know it sounds so bad... Oh well..
@elisebus1409 9 лет назад
Thank you for encouraging me to keep trying! I am going into 7th grade and have problems saying r's and have been bullied for a long time...I was told that I might never say the r correctly... but I am saying some right but not all, and this made me what to keep trying
@bri5502 9 лет назад
i hate it. People often say something different from what im saying. They think im from Britain. They cant undertstand what im saying. i still have speech problems.
@nessboy987 9 лет назад
I grew up in nj. I was born with a speech impediment. But the problem was that I couldn't talk for the first 6 years of my life. I suffered through severe bully from little kids back then. My mom once told me 5 kids were punching at me because I was mute or had a hard time speaking.
@sablexue6396 9 лет назад
Nestor cruz Speech impediment is in no ways inherent. The cause of the problem is psychological, it gets worse with the growth of self-esteem, it gets better when you doesn't give it a shit. While a child doesn't know what self-esteem means. The key of therapy is being indifferent on yourself. Of course, it is easier said than done. Not everyone is Buddha.
@nessboy987 9 лет назад
thanks :')
@hamstersmash 9 лет назад
You are beautiful, hope you been doing well and do another update!
@arldsongod 9 лет назад
It really brave what your doing in confronting your speech impediment though , I have the same problem when it comes with people or other sorts of explanations once talk with them, sometimes I hate it when I think of doing it properly and it hard once it already in yours memory then explain it Although It fairly disappointed when I stuttered in front of them, I've been practice it to get rid of it with books and pronouncing phrase between 3words or 4 words sentences, An example - and suddenly it all came rushing back and desperate to find a way out of that same calm darkness then tear it apart - and suddenly - it all came - rushing back - and desperate - to find - a way out - of that same - calm darkness
@naturalpro2003 9 лет назад
You are sssooo cuuute!!
@laysobad8340 9 лет назад
Omg ..this is all me.. well I'M living her situation right now.. all the words she said iI can't say... but itis true all threw middle school I was getting bullied because of my situation ...but I started standing up for my self in 7th but I was still Getting bullied kinda and now I'M in 9th more confidence but I'M scared of if anyone gonna peep my speech impediment so I don't talk as much and everyone still think how I talk is cute and I do have my fair.share of arguments because I felt I gotta defend my self no matter what..but what she said really inspired me... and I'M finally gonna talk like I'M suppose to I gotta new speech teacher and I cant Wait to start working with him cause he really seem like he got my back
@Oh_its_Liv 9 лет назад
You look like Iggy Azalea
@jordanhalkier81 9 лет назад
I have a stammer and it can be hard work trying to get your words out but I have accepted the fact that I stammer and yes I am going to have good days and bad days but my stammer makes me different and so does yours, it makes us both unquie, I got bullied, put down about my stammer but I have a dream in becoming a singer, and to make stammering more of a issue in society because society nowadays does not accepted stammering, so we need to change that.
@PreppyYankee 9 лет назад
I had a horrible speech impediment due to losing my hearing when I was 4. I am not deaf but losing a lt of my hearing during that time set up bad speech habits. I still struggle with enunciation and I am constantly aware of my speech and usually do some practicing before I go anywhere. Most people don't say anything. Keep practicing and doing exercises and it will improve more and more.
@ChicagoScorpion 9 лет назад
I have a slight lisp too but most people tend not to care or notice it.
@avilesnba 10 лет назад
Ever since i can remember I've also had a speech impediment. Stammering is more of my problem, but I've learned to cope with it a bit. Staying calm is the key, but there isnt a day that im not working on it. Saying a funny line, or a funny joke that requires a change of pace, dramatic stops and goes are still impossible so anything funny that i have to say I usually keep it to myself. Frustrating but thats what makes us unique right?! haha Add me on Facebook Annie! facebook.com/avilesnba
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Avilés , E Staying calm does help. My stuttering began once I attended college. This past weekend I had several moments of struggle. I was stuttering and my R problem kept occurring. Regardless I pulled through. Practicing and remaining calm always help. Good to know you are keeping a positive outlook. :)
@itskmarvelmann5625 10 лет назад
@Annie Yaya what is speech Impediment?
@avilesnba 10 лет назад
having problems with speaking...for some it comes natural, for others well its their biggest problem
@itskmarvelmann5625 10 лет назад
Avilés , E Someone said I have it
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
itskmarvelmann Thank you Elvira Avilés@user/avilesnba for explaining! Over the years it has branched out to include various problems but the basic idea is having difficulty enunciating words.
@TanitZelda 10 лет назад
I grew up in a border town in southern Texas so I was raised bilingual but unfortunately I developed anxiety that led to my speech impediment so consequently I was ridiculed for how I spoke Spanish as a child and then later on as a adolescent for how I spoke English people thought I was raised in Mexico or some other country ...ironically haha bilingual Spanish English speakers in predominant Hispanic cities already have somewhat of a challenge to speak one or the other fluently , usually one complements the other like in my case but when you add the anxiety disorder to that , my awkward manner of pronunciating some words became more apparent and now I'm trying to teach myself how to enunciate/ pronunciate words properly thanks to the linguistic class I'm taking now in college . Over the years I have developed a huge interest in linguistics and foreign languages I even feel there was a bright side to me having this impediment because I feel my mouth was able to pronunce foreign sounds better than English ones hahaha. But still , those memories of me getting ridiculed and humiliated for how I spoke still lingers in my mind today but I am hoping I can use that and all or my frustration to push myself and get to the place where I want to be :) thanks for sharing this video you are such an inspiration !
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Tageldunt Zelda Thank you! It's great to read about your story. I love how you turned all those negative memories into something positive. It's great to find motivation from something positive. I applaud your determination and wish you the best. :)
@vastshade4548 10 лет назад
I have a speech impediment and im 14
@vastshade4548 10 лет назад
I have lisps
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
VASTSHADE45 I was super young when the speech therapist at my school started helping me out. It's not necessary but if you feel uncomfortable or just want to improve I encourage you to reach out to someone. :)
@whateverwhatever7210 9 лет назад
Annie YaYa me too
@parisan9985 8 лет назад
I'm 17.
@vastshade4548 8 лет назад
im almost 16 now
@whoCrypt 10 лет назад
cute, kind and sweet <3
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
ZetoxEdits Aww thanks!
@tomwilson5525 10 лет назад
I could straighten your speech impediment out! Waaaa! I got a speech impediment. Everyone look how cool I am being public with this insignificant issue! Take your top off! Well it'th a thpeech impediment you have when you're unable to pronounth your etheth correctly, like I'm doing right now. People like thith are uthually labeled thtupid or retarded thimply becauthe of the way they thpeak. I am the Pink Rattlethnake! Don't thtep on me or I'll bite you I thwear! Hith! Hith!
@melissatravitz2306 10 лет назад
You have a impediment, lack of empathy. A girl with this much class would not that off her top for you. Your probably the kid that made fun of your classmates.
@enpointeannie2225 10 лет назад
you are kind and brave to be so open and seem like a very sweet girl. I wish you the best in your journey through life!
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the positive vibes. :)
@layzie45 10 лет назад
Your voice is really soothing. Makes for wonderful ASMR experience.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Aww thanks. :)
@michael45999 10 лет назад
I really like your video. I'm 26 and I have the same problem you had. I never had a problem with it until I started to take some acting classes in college, then I was like, I really need to fix this lol. But yeah, your video is awesome. If you have anymore videos on Instagram or have a Instagram, follower me @michael_rankoth. ✌️
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Thank you! I don't have an Instagram, but I have a twitter! Hope all is well! :)
@voteforalan 10 лет назад
This video was recently posted to reddit's asmr community, and the followers there really like it. You could make more videos like this and probably gain quite a few followers. Thank you for sharing your story.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Wowzerz. I would have never known. Thank you for sharing that with me.Thanks for watching!