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You're Not Alone-Speech Impediment 

Annie YaYa
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Background info: Since elementary school, second grade, I was in speech classes in which I was taught how to correctly say the sh-, ch-, r- and other sounds. Several times I was ridiculed in classes and several times people told me I would never get better. This is me, now, roughly 11 years later.
I apologize for the sounds in the background including the facebook IM sound.



5 сен 2024




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@livmac8129 10 лет назад
i am 14 right now with a speech impediment mostly with s and thinking faster then i can talk. everyone picks on me for it. i have had teachers,other kids my age, even my own father making fun of me because of this. people always assume that because i can't speak i am stupid. which i believe with all my heart i am not. i barley have any friends because everyone at my school thinks i am weird. i can't even sing my favorite songs. it is frustrating. this vid helped i think its better knowing that there are more people out there with speech problems. that i am not alone. so thank you!
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
There's this movie called A Bug's Life. My favorite character was Heimlich and whenever I confront rude individuals or just anyone who does not like me I like to remember his words, " Do not listen to them, they are poo-poo heads." :)
@livmac8129 10 лет назад
XD yes!!! i love that movie.
@Amanda-lq4hg 8 лет назад
I took speech therapy in school since it was available in all of the schools in my area, I had taken it from kindergarten to about half way through 7th grade. I'm currently in 10th, and it is much, much better than it was in elementary school, even better than it was in 5th-6th grade. I am much more comfortable with my speech impediment then I use to be, although at times it may not be something that I'm comfortable with, but I think that's just to be expected, and I'm actually going back into speech therapy soon in hopes to get better, since I never got very good at "r's" inparticular, along with a few other sounds, and that's really the only thing I have trouble with now. When I first started I had trouble with f, th, r, s, etc. I never noticed speech therapy helping very fast, but over time it definitely made a difference for me. So if you have one, sometimes you may not even want to speak because of it, but if you practice what you have trouble with, and make an effort to do so, it will get better over time, it's not something that you can just snap out of or whatnot, it takes time and practice. :)
@tohru2025 4 года назад
I don't have any problems in speech but I wanted to say thank you for posting this because I know there are many people out there that need to hear this. To publicly display yourself and your "flaws" is a really scary thing and I think you're very brave for doing this. My friend is a speech pathologists and its stories like this that inspire her to do what she does and never give up on a patient. You're amazing!
@TanitZelda 10 лет назад
I grew up in a border town in southern Texas so I was raised bilingual but unfortunately I developed anxiety that led to my speech impediment so consequently I was ridiculed for how I spoke Spanish as a child and then later on as a adolescent for how I spoke English people thought I was raised in Mexico or some other country ...ironically haha bilingual Spanish English speakers in predominant Hispanic cities already have somewhat of a challenge to speak one or the other fluently , usually one complements the other like in my case but when you add the anxiety disorder to that , my awkward manner of pronunciating some words became more apparent and now I'm trying to teach myself how to enunciate/ pronunciate words properly thanks to the linguistic class I'm taking now in college . Over the years I have developed a huge interest in linguistics and foreign languages I even feel there was a bright side to me having this impediment because I feel my mouth was able to pronunce foreign sounds better than English ones hahaha. But still , those memories of me getting ridiculed and humiliated for how I spoke still lingers in my mind today but I am hoping I can use that and all or my frustration to push myself and get to the place where I want to be :) thanks for sharing this video you are such an inspiration !
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Tageldunt Zelda Thank you! It's great to read about your story. I love how you turned all those negative memories into something positive. It's great to find motivation from something positive. I applaud your determination and wish you the best. :)
@Patch.of.clover 9 лет назад
I have had a severe difficulty saying words with 'r' in them since I could speak. I have trouble talking to people I haven't talked to before because they aren't used to it so they don't understand it. I'm in Highschool, and I still talk just like I did when I was in elementary. I haven't faced much mockery due to it, though last year, a guy compared me to a five year old because of how I talk. It's really hard, I've noticed as of late. I write... A lot. I've written over 600 poems, a few short stories, and so on... At some point, I've had to go onto a stage and recite poetry and I have never hated myself more because, though I understand it perfectly, I know people can hear the difference. I avoid saying the word "world" because I know it sounds so bad... Oh well..
@michelle5420 8 лет назад
I wanted to say I was crying tonight because I was made fun of a lot called ugly and for having a speech problem (pronouncing TH, L) etc so I decided to research in Google "speech impediment RU-vid" and came across your video... When I looked at you my first thought was of how beautiful you are and how you have a pretty smile and voice. I still have problems saying things as an adult and coming across friends and am shy... I wanted to say thank you for making me smile tonight or this early morning at 4:19 AM and not feeling alone. Thanks so much! :)
@michael70455 11 лет назад
I too can relate to our video. Right up through junior high, I struggled with a speech impediment that made me the brunt of jokes. But, I have overcome this and now working as a disability advocate helping others to live a fuller life and not be bound by their struggles.
@elisebus1409 9 лет назад
Thank you for encouraging me to keep trying! I am going into 7th grade and have problems saying r's and have been bullied for a long time...I was told that I might never say the r correctly... but I am saying some right but not all, and this made me what to keep trying
@winterrose9703 7 лет назад
I use to have trouble having trouble pronouncing nay word with TH, CH and R. It took a long time and years of various teacher, but there was one highschool teacher ( at this point I've been in speech all of life) who was a amazing. It was cause of her encouragement/ kindness I pulled through and passed therapy! Now I can talk normal like any normal person. If you met me you would of never guessed I have one.
@TrentOhNo 10 лет назад
When I was younger I used to stutter a lot. I took a lot of speech classes, but I don't think any of them helped. It's just something I had to work through on my own. I used to stutter when I said D- and R- words. But now, I've learned to pace myself out and I do it VERY rarely. I used to be timid to speak in public, but now I love it.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
That's great! Progress is great. I also was very nervous about speaking in public, not that I would limit myself, but after practicing I started to develop confidence in my speech. Glad you did too! :)
@giphan94 12 лет назад
I was in speech therapy from birth - 11 years old. Until I was 11, no one, not even my own parents could understand me. When I was 11 they basically gave up on me, I can talk better now, but I still have a major speech impediment. Every one thought that I was actually speaking a different language, even my parents. Your's really isn't that bad, or ever was, I had to be taught to say every sound in the English alphabet, mine will never ever go away, it hinders my life so much. :(
@PreppyYankee 9 лет назад
I had a horrible speech impediment due to losing my hearing when I was 4. I am not deaf but losing a lt of my hearing during that time set up bad speech habits. I still struggle with enunciation and I am constantly aware of my speech and usually do some practicing before I go anywhere. Most people don't say anything. Keep practicing and doing exercises and it will improve more and more.
@ligo122 11 лет назад
I have a 5 year daughter and she is currently in speech therapy. I'm proud to mention she is doing great and I'm to see and hear she will be well one day. She is a little go getter too. This video was heart warming and encouraging as a mother. Thank you.
@gilcryst 10 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your story. You have shown the world that you can overcome innate difficulties if you put your heart and mind into it.
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Don't mistake this as lack of confidence. I'm actually pretty confident, I just know what I am and am not good at. I do have a past speech impediment but as you can tell, I have improved :) thanks for the compliment ^_^
@enpointeannie2225 10 лет назад
you are kind and brave to be so open and seem like a very sweet girl. I wish you the best in your journey through life!
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the positive vibes. :)
@bluberry4mota 10 лет назад
I'm a very quiet( not talkative) person to this day. Childhood imprint of not being understood when I speak is deep. I was a late talker as a child. And when I did start talking I spoke gibberish. Between ages 3-4 my mom could not understand what I was trying to say to her. And I got frustrated and would go into tantrums. Started going to the speech lady at that point. When my mom sought out help. Went to speech therapy until I was 11. I got fixed up pretty good. I still have words that come out wrong. But normally only when I'm drunk with friends. So they don't really notice. But I still have that fear of talking in large groups. When people ask me why I'm so quiet. I just shrug it off. I really don't want friends to know the complete truth. Since then they will more than likely notice when I do slip. And maybe call me out on it. Once in a great while someone will call me out on a word. But I'll just shrug it off. OK whatever. Since I don't really care. They still understood. What I was saying. I'm just glad I lived in a large district with a speech therapist. Otherwise who knows how bad my speech could still be to this day.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
One does have to appreciate their accessibility of speech therapy. If I hadn't been the guest of the day, I'm pretty sure I would have never had a speech therapist. I have noticed that when drinking, my speech impediments are more noticeable. It's a pretty immediate effect. To this day, most people don't know about my problem. I find comfort in that.
@AnnieYaYa 12 лет назад
I was picked on up until highschool. It was very tough. Kid can be ruthless. Having a speech impediment isn't something that just goes away. It takes time. Having kids who continue to make it harder, well that doesn't help. I know it's tough. Trust me, there were times when my mom would have to force me to go to school. School can be an ugly place. I sincerely hope things improve. I mean it:)
@steelrideproductions371 7 лет назад
I have a major speech impediment and am trying to start a RU-vid channel... My videos I feel aren't ever up to my standards because I will stutter and it ruins a video. I am trying but it sucks. I am 20 and went to speech therapy but the doctor said it couldn't be helped. Either I stutter or I dont. I want to get better but I can't. So I was inspired to maybe try and RU-vid to maybe show people that even though I am different, I am trying to stand out. I am not looking for handouts, I am trying to show people I can do what I've been told I'd never be able to do and be successful at.
@AnnieYaYa 7 лет назад
Steelride Productions I admire your determination. Don't give up. It is hard but you can do it. I suggest having a small script to guide you while you film. Also, practice helps. :)
@TheRosemontag 8 лет назад
I'm feeling stressed right now. I don't know what is, but I have the same feeling of how I react to stress ever since I was I kid. When I speak the words it doesn't come smoothy or constantly. I would say for example: " I lead to go to tha storne and pie some milk, and a cat on of eggs, I'll be back at two" instead of saying: "I need to go to the store and buy some milk, and a carton of eggs, I'll be back by two." I don't know why this happens to me, I don't drink or smoke. This is pissing me off because I fall into depression.
@jordanhalkier81 9 лет назад
I have a stammer and it can be hard work trying to get your words out but I have accepted the fact that I stammer and yes I am going to have good days and bad days but my stammer makes me different and so does yours, it makes us both unquie, I got bullied, put down about my stammer but I have a dream in becoming a singer, and to make stammering more of a issue in society because society nowadays does not accepted stammering, so we need to change that.
@Theswanana12 11 лет назад
i have those exact same ornaments in the background! it fills me with joy and happiness to see im not the only one. that people from anywhere on the planet may have common similarities. :D
@laysobad8340 9 лет назад
Omg ..this is all me.. well I'M living her situation right now.. all the words she said iI can't say... but itis true all threw middle school I was getting bullied because of my situation ...but I started standing up for my self in 7th but I was still Getting bullied kinda and now I'M in 9th more confidence but I'M scared of if anyone gonna peep my speech impediment so I don't talk as much and everyone still think how I talk is cute and I do have my fair.share of arguments because I felt I gotta defend my self no matter what..but what she said really inspired me... and I'M finally gonna talk like I'M suppose to I gotta new speech teacher and I cant Wait to start working with him cause he really seem like he got my back
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Try to see if your school has a speech therapist. That's how I got help. If not, practice, practice, practice. Throughout your day pay attention to certain words that give you trouble. When you're alone or near someone you trust, go over each word slowly. That's how I improved.
@sidwilliams1192 8 лет назад
Great video I am 25 I went to speech therapy as a kid I still have a really hard time pronouncing my R's and S's
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
I understand. Whenever my best friend points it out I get a little embarrassed. I've noticed that I only get that way when people I respect and love point it out. However I like to think that "those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ;)
@xTRiPx1 8 лет назад
I have a hard time talking, pronouncing words, getting my thoughts into words and it's really frustrating, I always thought it was because I'm bilingual but I'm not even good at speaking in Spanish either, I'm worse. But, completely random, hey you have the same 2 little wall decorations :D anywho, I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering with this disability.
@terminat1 9 лет назад
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one. I feel like those who can speak well (basically everyone) have easy lives, since they obviously don't have any other disability, either. It must be nice.
@terminat1 8 лет назад
Just remember that those who don't have obvious disabilities are quite clearly better than those people (like you and I) who do. It's sometimes a hard pill to swallow, but it's pretty obvious that I am inferior to individuals without disabilities. When I realize that they're superior, it helps me to not get down on myself as much because of my issue.
@ChicagoScorpion 9 лет назад
I have a slight lisp too but most people tend not to care or notice it.
@julianparker100 11 лет назад
I use to talk like that, I had to go to speech class in middle school, I'm talking fine now, speech class really helped a lot
@Elsewhere81 11 лет назад
I came here from a young woman who has shared a poem here on RU-vid. (It's an amazing poem, very powerful.) She has a speech impediment, which I do not know much about. Hearing you talk about your experience was very educating and informative. Thank you for sharing this!
@layzie45 10 лет назад
Your voice is really soothing. Makes for wonderful ASMR experience.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Aww thanks. :)
@bri5502 9 лет назад
i hate it. People often say something different from what im saying. They think im from Britain. They cant undertstand what im saying. i still have speech problems.
@TheRosemontag 11 лет назад
Hey I also had a speech impediment. I had it when I was 6 years old. I thought I wouldn't have to hear myself stuttering again, but its been happening to me all my life. Even my friend would notice and tells me. At the time I didn't believe him, until just recently for the best few months I've been talking with a stutter, I've start to notice it and it's embarrassing. I'm now 26 years old and it's still there. I'm glad I got this off my chest. By the way I find you cute.
@nessboy987 9 лет назад
I grew up in nj. I was born with a speech impediment. But the problem was that I couldn't talk for the first 6 years of my life. I suffered through severe bully from little kids back then. My mom once told me 5 kids were punching at me because I was mute or had a hard time speaking.
@sablexue6396 9 лет назад
Nestor cruz Speech impediment is in no ways inherent. The cause of the problem is psychological, it gets worse with the growth of self-esteem, it gets better when you doesn't give it a shit. While a child doesn't know what self-esteem means. The key of therapy is being indifferent on yourself. Of course, it is easier said than done. Not everyone is Buddha.
@nessboy987 9 лет назад
thanks :')
@RegularMoments 8 лет назад
Nice vid, right now I have a speech impediment and I got say R words right. I say here like you use to say it, and I cant AT ALL say world, word, four, and for (I know four and for are the same thing)
@Jwatchdizzledrip3003 11 лет назад
it doesn't feel so bad now because I'm a senior( don't askwhy) and I made a special connection to my friend who has has it worse than me so we get it
@rachelhofacker8447 11 лет назад
my speech impediment drastically improved by the time i was in the 6th grade but some people just recently pointed it out again (including my vocal teacher) so i guess it's still there. i'm very self conscious about it :/
@voteforalan 10 лет назад
This video was recently posted to reddit's asmr community, and the followers there really like it. You could make more videos like this and probably gain quite a few followers. Thank you for sharing your story.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Wowzerz. I would have never known. Thank you for sharing that with me.Thanks for watching!
@MultiCarlos3456 11 лет назад
@Annie Ya Ya I was born with a speech impediment too but from this learning other languages became very easy to me you should try it out I promise you it will help you ...
@vickielawson3114 7 лет назад
1:12 "I wouldn't say 'bath' I would say 'bath'..." WHAT, that's the same thing!
@boomersooner9888 7 лет назад
I have a major speech impediment mostly my R's people would pick on me saying I'm slow or that I'm retarded which piss me off I try not to respond but it's hard not to
@hskpc 7 лет назад
how do you say your R? :( Can I help you with that?
@toddmarten1364 5 лет назад
Me too! Came close to suicide a few times...I hate it
@AnnieYaYa 12 лет назад
It helps to have someone you trust help you. I have family. Lately it's been the "er" sound. My arc-nemesis.
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Yeah that happens sometimes. Kids can be ruthless.
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Thanks >_< I never expected all these comments.
@BeccaGrey1 13 лет назад
You really motivate me to talk online, I have never done this but been watching tons of vlogs and I really like to just go crazy with it :) people always made fun of me for repeating my self tell they get it, some reason my younger sister know what I was saying therefore she spoke up for me when I needed her, but once school was over and we grown apart from Each other im still not comfortable talking to others or on phones I hated talking on phones.
@LTURNERSR 11 лет назад
you are not alone,i also have a stammer!! keep up the good work! brave one
@Jwatchdizzledrip3003 11 лет назад
on keeping my head straight it seemed to always pull back down so they made fun of me!!!! I'm actually about to cry over telling you all this but it helps to vent out your feeling. I dont care about my neck anymore but I'm still self conchus about my speech since I'm 19.
@noncanadian 5 лет назад
1:18 T -T so adorable
@cohojantzen6676 11 лет назад
I am so sorry that you had to put up with those jerks and haters, you are so beautiful and you have a lovely speaking voice! Ha ha on them, you turned out to be an eloquent hottie. Having had that trouble in the past has probably given you a lot of character and sympathy for other people, I hope you can just forget all of those haters and remember that diamonds form under pressure and heat, the rest of the rocks around them just stay coal.
@AnnieYaYa 12 лет назад
Trust me. It being noticed had several pros and cons.
@Jwatchdizzledrip3003 11 лет назад
along with my speech and projection of my voice. nomatter how much I focused k
@angelvega4289 7 лет назад
i have had a truckload of problems as a child dyslexia speech inpediment stamer and ofcours the lisp the conbination of all those things makes it hard not only to talk sometimes but to even remember the words of what your triying to say my advice in all honesty live your life worriying more what you think about yourself rather then what others think cause baby girl you may please a 2000 peeople but you can please them all this has inspired to post a indept video about me talking about dyslexia witch i have a lot of storys to tell about growing up a child with both dyslexia and a speech inpediment mabey you like to check it out sometime...
@trentc1098 11 лет назад
I never knew it was called a speech impediment until recently, i just knew i had a speech problem, only happens sometimes tho with certain words. thank you for this video :)
@PeteS_1994 10 лет назад
What an inspirational video :D I really thank you for posting this.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Thank you for watching! :)
@gdixonfitness 11 лет назад
yea you are not alone!
@AnnieYaYa 13 лет назад
@BeccaGrey1 Do it. It will help. You'll probably be cautious at first but after you'll see, you'll like it. AND you might even get to monitor your improvement. Yeah my brother and some close friends would help me. Sometimes if people couldn't understand what I was saying they would let them know ^_^ Whenever I use to answer the phone people thought I was a five year old. That's changed now.
@i3urnerr 12 лет назад
Very inspirational!! I'm glad that you got rid of your speech impediment. This gives me hope that I can get rid of mine. I was so anti social and quiet when I was in grade school due to the fact that I was constantly moving. This made me not want to get to know anyone or make friends. Now, I'm in my 20s and I'm paying for it, for not practicing when I was younger. But I'm proactively trying to improve and get rid of my speech impediment. :)
@TheTarrMan 11 лет назад
I also suffer from a speech impediment. Speech class and all.
@kevinedge1132 11 лет назад
Me and my twin brother had a speech impediment.The doctors just said we had the worst case they have seen of twin talk . We went to speech thrapy from the till we was 3 till 16 . Now at 22 we are barbly affect by the speech impediment.
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Thanks. I can sometimes be adorable/cute. I remember when I was little I thought it was strange hearing myself. People would talk so different compared to me. I would get happy when I found someone that had a speech impediment because I wouldn't feel alone. Even know I get happy. I understand it's embarrassing but I do hope things get better. Good luck :)
@AnnieYaYa 13 лет назад
@BeccaGrey1 I use to do that all the time. I would change my sentences so I could avoid words I use to have trouble saying. Now when I have difficulties I keep saying the same word over and over again. People get frustrated sometimes but heck, if it helps me then too bad. jaja You can do it. Practice helps. Talk to someone you feel comfortable with and go over words you have trouble with. With me that was my brother and mother and it helped so much. :]
@Emostar118 11 лет назад
I was in speech but graduated from speech in 5th grade but I still have trouble saying sp words
@Jwatchdizzledrip3003 11 лет назад
I have a speech impediment.. probably cause I was prematrure or it might be I had a brain bleed it the back of my head as a result! 1 pound 14 ounces for me! I also have a pinched nerve in my neck so my head would pull to the side without me noticing. much better now but when I was in 7th grade people made fun of my involuntary head movement so now I'm self-concus
@xSTstSTx 11 лет назад
@Nonexistentify 11 лет назад
Sorry but I don't have a good speech therapist right now. Also, you sound really good. No one would guess that you were a speech kid. We usually have like our own little accent and you don't have that at all. Congrates on conquering the 'r'. I been told it is the hardest sound to make.
@ashlynmaree9211 6 лет назад
people picked on me to but I got braces that didn't help I wen't to speech class in high school that didn't help I moved in South Carolina 2 years ago I wen't to musc because I wanted to get surgery but they said I don't need it but they helped me speak instead I had trouble with S, Sh, Ch, X, and Z's sounds I am applying for jobs I know they won't hire me if I can't even say my own name but I can introduce myself now I practice the only problem I have is the Ch, and X's sounds now I would start a youtube channel but I"m not that comfortable yet I know how frustrating that it can be. Without musc I wouldn't gotten this far though. I never cared tell I knew how important it was for the future so I never cared either.
@Mohamedahmed331 12 лет назад
I have a speech disorder too. I stutter and i want it to go away i have been attending speech therapy for abut 2 months now.
@arldsongod 9 лет назад
It really brave what your doing in confronting your speech impediment though , I have the same problem when it comes with people or other sorts of explanations once talk with them, sometimes I hate it when I think of doing it properly and it hard once it already in yours memory then explain it Although It fairly disappointed when I stuttered in front of them, I've been practice it to get rid of it with books and pronouncing phrase between 3words or 4 words sentences, An example - and suddenly it all came rushing back and desperate to find a way out of that same calm darkness then tear it apart - and suddenly - it all came - rushing back - and desperate - to find - a way out - of that same - calm darkness
@cassandrarose1410 7 лет назад
I have a speech problem too ever scent i was little now am 25 in still got speech promble
@AnnieYaYa 12 лет назад
The first few months were hard for me. My patience was very small back then so I wouldn't be consist when it came to catching myself mess up. You can do it. Good luck. :]
@BeccaGrey1 13 лет назад
Okay so I am working on the video YAY :) I keep you updated on my video ..
@jeffreysbrother 12 лет назад
@annieyaya92 do you find that it is worse around certain people? This is the case for me.
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Actually, for the longest time people thought I had a Boston accent. For a while I just went along with it. >_
@princesstida1 11 лет назад
Me and my twin sister have trouble saying a few words with 'r'. We have trouble saying burger, purple, earth and world. We were in speech for third and fourth grade. People always made fun of us for not saying purple correctly. Thats why i avoid saying that word. I mean i can say the words that i listed now but i still have trouble sometimes saying it. By the way you're really pretty and i like you're voice:)
@Ylluria 10 лет назад
I think this was awesome, and hope you did eventually share it w/your friends & family on FB. :) That's a wonderful thing, that you found a way to help w/your speech! ^_^ May I ask, what techniques did you find most helpful..? I have a friend w/rhotacism who's still very self-conscious about their speech, and it would be a lovely thing to be able to pass on some techniques that you found especially helpful. :) Thanks so much, and again, congrats. Clearly you're just as lovely inside as you are out. :)
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Surprisingly, I have not shared it with my friend on Facebook but my close family members are aware of this video. I actually made a separate video going over a few tips I did in order to overcome my speech problem. Here is a quick summary:Don't be afraid to take your time. Slow down. Re-think. Try again. Practice. Find a place where you feel comfortable and practice the words that specifically give you trouble. You practice out loud or even in your head. Be comfortable with the fact that you will slip up. It's okay. Just learn from them.Thank you so much for your kind words. I wish you and your friend the best. :)
@Ylluria 10 лет назад
Thank you. I'll pass on your advice to my friend, and send him the links. You rock, and best of luck. ^_^
7 лет назад
Wow, I'm just shocked how much bullying gets children\teenagers in America, especially in schools! Anyway, anyhow stay strong!
@AnnieYaYa 13 лет назад
@boredtodeath987 Try finding out if you're high school has a speech therapist. They usually focus on students who are mentally disabled or cleft lips but if you talk to them they might help out. It's going to be very frustrating at times, chances are you've already dealt with that but you CAN do it. I did, so can you :) Good luck :)
@Jwatchdizzledrip3003 11 лет назад
it's kinda hard for to talk in general because of it. I used to never talk in middle school for fear I would be made fun of! I suppose every person has defects ( I call defects " flaws because the fact that I was suppose to be dead conidering I was born 1 pound 14 ounces mericle baby
@Nonexistentify 11 лет назад
So, I have been taking speech class for longer than I can remender. I had more speech teachers than I can name. Now, I wouldn't say that I have a speech impediment. Just a problem. But you said that you had a problem with ch's and th's. I have problems with the th's, sh's, and ch's. Do you remender any excerise that helped you?Also, I have problems with stuff like leaving out small words. Mostly "is' and 'are'. And leaving out 's' on pural and prossive nouns. Anyone got any ideas?
@jenalynmichaud2247 10 лет назад
You're beautiful first of all and second I understand, I have a hard time with saying words to, it's frustrating at times but I'm working on it.
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
Why thank you. :) It's always a work in progress. I'm always trying to improve my speech. It takes time and an abundant amount of patience. :)
@BeccaGrey1 13 лет назад
I have the same thing, like I see like Zoo, with Coo My R are super bad people pick on me as well for talking diffenct I become painfuly shy because of my speech, I didn't talk to people only to my younger sister, anyways I so know how you feel. Even my older sisters had made fun of me, I too have speech therapist for all the time I was in school, and now 27 and in college I learn to change the words That I can't say to the words that I can.
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Why thank you.
@nashfan123456 11 лет назад
I have a speech impediment i can say "r"s I can roll my "r"s but I can't just say them does anyone know why
@whoCrypt 10 лет назад
cute, kind and sweet
@AnnieYaYa 10 лет назад
ZetoxEdits Aww thanks!
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Thank you.
@AnnieYaYa 12 лет назад
That's great! It's frustrating and it takes time. I'm glad you're improving. :)
@naturalpro2003 9 лет назад
You are sssooo cuuute!!
@Yoshicomanche 11 лет назад
i have speech impediment as well. but it just sound like have an accent.
@AnnieYaYa 12 лет назад
Yes, it's lagging.This is what happens when you use your feeble webcam to record vids >_< Practice. Practice. Practice. Also, I find it easier to say the word slowly a couple of times and then speed it all up. That's how I started, even now I still do the same thing. Good luck! :)
@FortDix120 11 лет назад
someone has to know you frist to know your personality..all the same, but people dont really care about personality, its just something we want with a cute face and a OKAY body... ;>)
@morphene1k 11 лет назад
Thanks for educating about this and keep up the awesome stuff! : )
@ZkyZcrapers 11 лет назад
I still cant say things like 'curry' i say 'cuwwy' but its not too bad anymore
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
My "sh" problems have been coming back! It's so frustrating. I keep catching myself so that's good. Is there anything that helps you with "sp" words?
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
Why thank you!
@AnnieYaYa 11 лет назад
I appreciate the comment but to me just having a "cute" face isn't much. I for one value personality over looks and I would like to think my colleagues do as well. I hope I amount to more than just a pretty face.
@conquerorspie3935 11 лет назад
I can't pronounce most words with a " T " in it.
@clrkkdd12 11 лет назад
Thanks. Pple think we mentally slow or something. I've be the same since 2 yrs w no surpport system (Parents) . Pple respect me to my face but I think cause its fear but they still use (under the table tactics) to try to mess w me. But I know that there jeleous, angry, Ect so they wait til I leave.... then getting nervous on job interviews & the look on female faces sometimes .... its HARD out here & people sometimes say (SPIT IT OUT OR SAY IT!) LMAO It affect ur everydaylife.... NICE VID
@nefertitiholmes5639 7 лет назад
i stutter as well.
@amylmnop8812 8 лет назад
how'd you fix it??
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