64 Parishes
64 Parishes
64 Parishes
64 Parishes is a quarterly magazine published by the Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational opportunities to all Louisianans.

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Humanist of the Year: Dickie Landry
3 месяца назад
LCCF Grant Webinar 12 18 23
8 месяцев назад
After Ida
10 месяцев назад
Emergency Grant Information Session
10 месяцев назад
Iron Sharpens Iron
Год назад
Trailer: Iron Sharpens Iron
2 года назад
Remembering Frank de Caro
3 года назад
Carol Bebelle: Champion of Culture
3 года назад
@patrickgabriel242 13 дней назад
That’s a reparation case for damages
@patrickgabriel242 13 дней назад
Skull n bone symbol secret society groups
@patrickgabriel242 13 дней назад
If all is true which you speak this is all the evidence we need for Reparations so there’s no need to do anymore studies on slavery towards blacks
@patrickgabriel242 13 дней назад
Plenty of poor Cajuns was slaves in the Louisiana why are you giving history 1 sided
@patrickgabriel242 13 дней назад
We keep forgetting about white slavery also ,and they tried shipping free ppl of color thru the American colonization society
@patrickgabriel242 13 дней назад
Lincoln was a very dark skin person where’s the real image at..that’s due to reconstruction
@patrickgabriel242 13 дней назад
Reconstruction they rewrote history white wash ppl who was in office ,some black folks are the Aboriginals of America some are mixtures but still have American Indian blood which are aboriginal ppl
@jtinker47 14 дней назад
No matter what I hold Jim Garrison in high regard.
@TravelVloggingAmerica Месяц назад
THis panel was brought to you by the people who killed JFK
@billyb557 Месяц назад
10 people in my dad's house the only 2 to survive was he and his mother
@benw-king3380 Месяц назад
That was a very considered, thought provoking talk. Roger Hahn mentioned Elijah Wald's book, a wonderful treatise on Robert Johnson's music and the culture from which it evolved. I think it is true to say that Johnson's music - having grown in stature exponentially as a result of many white musicians from the 60s citing him as a major influence - has overshadowed many of his contemporaries, particularly those musicians that probably influenced him. That said, it was the influence that his music exerted on those 60s rock and blues artistes that created enormous and lasting interest in the Blues. Mr Hahn's appeal is righteous. I hope it's heard. It's a great shame that this period of music isn't better known, because it's incredibly vibrant - whether it is Cajun, Jazz, Delta Blues, Oldtime regional music or Piedmont - because it is all so incredibly varied; Saturday night music I'd call it; and contained therein lies the foundations of 'Americana.'
@BrendaBoykin-qz5dj 2 месяца назад
Thank you.⭐🌹😎🌹⭐
@stevenb0612 2 месяца назад
why don't we just put this case to bed and admit that the government was hi-jacked by LBJ, who, just like many times in history, killed the leader to become leader. All evidence shows this clear as day. LBJ, Hoover, Connally, a handful of the CIA and a few from the secret service and a few from the Dallas Police committed the worst form of treason on that day in November 1963, that now in order to cleanse America their treasonous rat names need to be erased from history. LBJ for killing JFK and for all his numerous other crimes should be posthumously ridiculed and banished, and his name should never be heard except maybe to scare children around the campfire.
@voiceofreason2674 3 месяца назад
@30:25 this man is COOKING
@valeriewaarkjar5891 3 месяца назад
Sounds very anti Garrison, to me. Disgusting
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
Yes, very disrespectful to the shyster who ruined an innocent man's life, who demonstrably lied many times, who was condemned by the ABA for his conduct, and who implicated among many others Ronald Reagan, Bobby Kennedy, Johnny Carson, and, of course, "the homosexuals..."
@dphinman6952 4 месяца назад
@aaronz7056 The truth does not require your participation in order to exist. Bullshit does.
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
You will of course now no doubt explain what I have said that is inaccurate, yes?
@dphinman6952 3 месяца назад
@@aaronz7056 "Garrison's demonstrable lies"???
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
@@dphinman6952 He lied about the parade route being changed, about the 3 tramps not being ID'd and cleared, about Oswald being in the Depository doorway, etc. Oh, and there's the minor detail of his crackpot "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined falling apart within minutes of reaching his hand picked jury and getting him soundly condemned by the ABA for his conduct...
@dphinman6952 3 месяца назад
@@aaronz7056 the parade route pictured on the 11/22/63 edition of the Dallas Morning News (just as Garrison described it.): mcrfb.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/JFK-Assassination-The-Dallas-Morning-News-Front-Page-November-22-1963-MCRFB-02-2023.jpg
@dphinman6952 3 месяца назад
@@aaronz705612. The motorcade route was changed at the last minute, because the Elm St. route was illegal by Secret Service protocols. It is a myth that the Trade Mart could not be reached by going on straight on Main. After the criminal failure of the Secret Service in fulfilling its mandate, Rowley was promoted by LBJ, no Secret Service agent was fired or even faced sanctions, despite agents being out late (some until 4am on 11/22/63) drinking alcohol at the Cellar in Fort Worth. Rowley was aware of the previous assassination plots in Tampa, Miami, and Chicago, yet made no adjustment to fortify the motorcade, and in fact, the motorcade formation was very sparce and vulnerable when compared with with past formations. NO ONE WAS FIRED. ROWLEY WAS PROMOTED. CONSPIRACY.
@dphinman6952 4 месяца назад
History looks kindly upon Jim Garrison, a true patriot. Garrison quite probably saved Shaw's life by indicting him.
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
"History looks kindly upon Jim Garrison..." a) Garrison's crackpot "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined hinged on a witness so unreliable Oliver Stone glosses over him in his lie-packed movie and fell apart within minutes of reaching his hand-picked jury. b) Garrison was soundly condemned by the ABA for his unprofessional and despicable conduct. c) Garrison demonstrably lied about the parade route being changed, about the 3 tramps, about Oswald being in the Depository doorway during the shooting, etc. d) Garrison summarily dismissed without explanation a mountain of evidence for Oswald's guilt and just let him off the hook. e) Garrison implicated as conspirators, among many, many others, ALL of the following: FBI CIA Dallas PD Secret Service Ronald Reagan Bobby Kennedy Johnny Carson Governor Tieman of Nebraska Governor Rhodes of Ohio lawyers defending people he suspected conspiracy authors critical of him (at behest of CIA) a man who'd made inflammatory comments about JFK and had been in El Paso the day of the assassination a Marine buddy of Oswald's Garrison decided was an Oswald "lookalike" oil industry aerospace industry Cuban guerrillas neo-Nazis White Russians Official Washington John Birch Society Earl Warren Lyndon Johnson entire WC staff 13 State Regional Democratic Organization the telephone company ("an extension of the US government") gays and masochists pulling off a homosexual thrill killing...
@jfleming8311 5 месяцев назад
Sad that a proper autopsy was not allowed to be performed.....had it happened with paths and number of bullets been determined, then no need of these particular people on stage being heard......
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
Autopsy clearly demonstrates the shots came from behind, what's with this crackpot paranoia?
@artsahobby123 5 месяцев назад
They did not investigate the murder of the President. A government that gets away with lying, gets away with murder. - Jim Garrison.
@Rich_ard 6 месяцев назад
They post the original recipe anywhere? (I haven't google'd yet)
@stevenbailey916 7 месяцев назад
Oh dear, so many things wrong with this presentation. New Orleans is a very "tolerant" city that had a pretty "liberal" d.a. in Garrison but he was trying to attack Shaw and Ferrie et'al cos they were gay??? It seems Garrisons critics are the ones making a thing of that as opposed to Garrison! And, for the record, I think Garrison got led down the wrong path quite early on in his investigation partly of his own making and partly of others. I don't know if Shaw was guilty or not but, of late, I tend to doubt it. But Garrison's investigation was well intentioned - it just, too quickly, ran away from him. This is an awful hit piece on the man with no real evidence to back up their allegations. Sad.
@TrequartistaFM 4 месяца назад
There were stories of garrison defending gay people and refusing to prosecute crimes against them when the police would book them - so many in accuracies
@idalawrence5912 7 месяцев назад
This is SO INTERESTING. I'm going to have to get that book. It will answer so many questions for me about what happened - how it was. Also interesting to hear about the descendants. Joshua - I am right in tune with you with regard to the topic of reparations. I'm a white person who has been a reparations advocate for 30 years. I'm going to find a way to drop you a note if your email or means of contact can be found. So glad I ran across this.
@buzzedalldrink9131 7 месяцев назад
audio is so bad it impossible to watch These people need a lesson on how to speak into a mic and whoever recorded it was a bozo
@vincentsanders-zp7nn 7 месяцев назад
Need to be ashamed of yourself for the lack of any kind of proof
@vincentsanders-zp7nn 7 месяцев назад
When are the people accept the fact lbj was behind it too
@vincentsanders-zp7nn 7 месяцев назад
Y doesn't
@vincentsanders-zp7nn 7 месяцев назад
Deep state operatives run your flaps
@peterflynn361 8 месяцев назад
The good ole American machine at it"s best.
@TRM_54 8 месяцев назад
@kimmiller6509 8 месяцев назад
Jim Garrison is and was A True American! All he wanted to do was find out the truth! This interview SUCKS
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
a) Garrison demonstrably lied about the parade route being changed, about Oswald being in the TSBD doorway, about the 3 tramps not being ID'd an cleared, etc. b) Garrison was soundly condemned by the ABA for his unprofessional and despicable conduct. c) Garrison's crackpot "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined fell apart within minutes of reaching his hand-picked jury. d) Garrison was on record implicating ALL of the following as being conspirators: FBI CIA Secret Service Dallas PD NBC CBS Newsweek Washington Post Los Angeles Times lawyers defending people he suspected Ronald Reagan Johnny Carson Bobby Kennedy Lyndon Johnson Earl Warren entire WC staff John Birch Society NASA 13 State Regional Democratic Organization conspiracy authors critical of him (at behest of CIA) neo-Nazis Cuban guerrillas White Russians Official Washington a man who had made inflammatory comments about JFK and been in El Paso during the assassination a Marine buddy of Oswald's Garrison decided was an Oswald "lookalike" [read all about this one in conspiracy author David Lifton's classic article "Is Jim Garrison Out of His Mind?"] Governor Rhodes of Ohio Governor Tieman of Nebraska the telephone company ("an extension of the US government!") gays and masochists pulling off a "homosexual thrill killing..."
@danielvernhettes 8 месяцев назад
Thanks you so much Richard for this estonishing information!
@robfrancis8690 8 месяцев назад
Within a social system informed and influenced most by the power of myth and easy-to-repudiate opinions, how do we know the assassination happened? I sense the entire event was a theatrical performance, scripted, staged, and acted, and why do I think this? Because they try so hard to confuse and distract us with thousands of theories, but the theory no one seems to suggest? No one killed the Kennedys. And they probably hid them in plain sight in the highest positions of power. Do you accept their exclusive clowncracy and believe everything their disinformation puppets say? People will say, "well, we watched him get shot in the head." Did you? Or did you see an exploding balloon prop triggered by the driver's air-powered remote control? As you're probably aware, The Kennedys were at war against the unions and Jimmy Hoffa, who struggled to get the working men and women in America a living wage. The Kennedys eventually got what they wanted and broke up the unions for the sake of the stakeholders of major corporations they represented through the institutionalization of NAFTA and GATT during the Clinton administration. If you remember, Jimmy Hoffa said something about breaking Kennedy's back during the so-called union corruption hearings. My theory is they were scared, and the Secret Service, along with elements of the CIA, staged their fake demise to get rid of the perceived threat. Maybe they learned these Hollywood antics from their father, who perhaps played the role of Harry Truman, knowing he wasn't going to be President as Joe Kennedy Sr. because he was known to be a NAZI sympathizer before, during, and after the war. Oswald and Ruby may have 'acted' (performed), but not alone. My theory continues. After the exploding balloon prop went off, they raced off to Parkland Memorial Hospital, a place that specializes in spinal surgery, and maybe JFK had surgery on his ailing spine in the room where Connally was supposed to be in to have the alleged bullet removed from his back. These may be odd theories to you, but they do make a lot of sense to me because after being trained by some of the best and brightest method acting teachers in the world while being taught to study details about people and thousands of scenes in real life, on stage, or film I've observed, I consider myself after 40 years of character and scene study analysis to be a leading expert in the world on facial recognition, theatrically staged productions, scene study, sense memory, gestures, and specific characteristics that give people away when they're not being genuine. In other words, I know when people are bullshitting us through poor acting, disinformation, misinformation, and mostly poorly scripted mass media propaganda dissemination. I know when average actors play the part of politicians as they attempt to fool us by being someone they're not. The Kennedys are not what they appear to be, though I think they're hilariously lovable clowns. But they can't fool me through their staged theater of the absurd.
@garyferguson1105 8 месяцев назад
Depressing that the JFK assassination gave birth to so many batshit crazy conspiracy theories. We’ve been reading about them for 60 years now. Can’t be just a coincidence that Qanon nutter butters went to Dealey Plaza to await JFK Jr.’s return from the dead. His resurrection to become Donald Trump’s running mate. Jesus H. Christ! 🙄
@idrather7953 8 месяцев назад
Incredible we have this information
@JFKMLKRFKGHWB 8 месяцев назад
see the movie "Italian Mossad CIA unground Station" by Michelle Metta fro backround truth on Shaws clay.... they're lying here
@ghostdance56 9 месяцев назад
These folks are full of woke vision. Shaw's long history as an intelligence operator is what brought attention to him. Garrison clearly demonstrates 'why' Shaw came under the radar and it had nothing to do with him being a sexual deviant.
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
Garrison's crackpot "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined without ever making a case for why he would want Kennedy murdered fell apart within minutes of reaching his hand-picked jury.
@bradf2349 9 месяцев назад
This is nothing more than a hit piece on Garrison. Clay Shaw was GAF and lied through his teeth on the stand.
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
Garrison's crackpot "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined fell apart within minutes of reaching his hand-picked jury and got him soundly condemned by the American Bar Association, whom I assume you will say were part of the conspiracy...
@ProudPrimate 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for all the comments. You saved me the trouble of watching this, for which I don't have time.
@YouTuber-ep5xx 9 месяцев назад
Never met Jim Garrison, but he strikes me as a great man.
@aaronz7056 9 месяцев назад
He repeatedly lied, his crackpot "case" against an innocent man whose life he ruined fell apart within minutes of reaching his hand-picked jury, he was soundly condemned by the ABA for his despicable and unprofessional conduct, and just some of those he implicated include Bobby Kennedy, Johnny Carson and Ronald Reagan.
@aaronz7056 3 месяца назад
He ruined an innocent man's life and was firmly condemned by the ABA for his conduct.
@edwardcairejr.3599 9 месяцев назад
👻👻👻👻 A spooktacular happenin'!!!
@jussssig 9 месяцев назад
Someone rips a fart at @7:54
@richardjohnson4373 9 месяцев назад
If The mighty big Jim Garrison was attacking Clay Shaw for being a sodimite, why did he not charge him with sodmie and not with conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. Then the hooks whips and chains would have been better evidence to support the charges.
@user-bt6eu8dm4g 9 месяцев назад
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@JerryThibeaut 9 месяцев назад
Garrison wouldn’t be silent and a smear campaign followed.
@Wolfshield777 10 месяцев назад
🎉When will Slow Burn interview Dr. Duke?
@minniesmomma6374 11 месяцев назад
Talk , talk, and more talk. They keep saying they are doing something but nothing ever gets done! Typical for government!
@dawngm0ntz78 11 месяцев назад
Brava, Alison - very well done. So proud of you!!!
@markmoretzfishing 11 месяцев назад
Wow!!!! Great video now I’m a Minnie fan for ever👍
@fshoaps 11 месяцев назад
A good Governor, and a good man.