Peter Attia MD
Peter Attia MD
Peter Attia MD
Peter Attia, MD, is the founder of Early Medical, a medical practice that applies the principles of Medicine 3.0 to patients with the goal of lengthening their lifespan and simultaneously improving their healthspan. He is also the host of The Drive podcast.

Dr. Attia received his medical degree from the Stanford University School of Medicine and trained for five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in general surgery. He also spent two years at the National Institutes of Health as a surgical oncology fellow at the National Cancer Institute.

Website: peterattiamd.com
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Peter Attia’s health dashboard
22 часа назад
@immanuelkuhrt8508 15 часов назад
I work with the elderly. I will expand on this and make it more concrete. Not being able to get up if you fall is the sad reality to many people who did not keep in shape. Not being able to get off the toilet and to wipe themselves is the sad reality to many people who did not keep in shape. Not being able to locate ones own apartment in the elderly home is the sad reality to many people who did not keep in shape. Not being able to get out of bed on their own is the sad reality to many people who did not keep in shape. Not being able to eat on their own is the sad reality to many people who did not keep in shape. In other words being totally dependent on other people is the sad reality to many people who did not keep in shape. It also happens to some who did keep in shape, but their odds at living an autonomous life is a lot higher. While you are young or middle aged, you have no idea how hard it is to catch up, if you wait too long. It is very easy to slowly fall into dependence because the changes are so gradual. The first signs of aging are annoying to many people. But then they get used to it. It's not that bad, and life goes on. You get so used to it that you start to bother less about the third, fourth and fifth sign of aging. It goes so smoothly to most people. And just as smoothly they give up fixing what feels inevitable ... if they still have the mental capacity to realise what is actually happening to them. Invest while you can, while you still have the drive to do it. Because that drive to actually make a change might very well be what you lack if you wait for the need to arrive. You can't spend the same time putting money in the bank as you can putting VO2 in the bank. Choose consciously how you split your investments.
@davidbuckland5976 16 часов назад
This is incorrect. The type of calories DO matter.
@RamosCarlos-dv5bc 16 часов назад
No world about the pelvic floor
@ParisLondonRoma 16 часов назад
Being fast is nice, having endurance is nice, having athletic talent is nice - being strong is a blessing all life long. Power is the last to go and the benefits are endless.
@bricklawson9745 16 часов назад
Started riding my bike an hour a day on a nice flat bike trail for zone 2. That's in addition to my regular strength training. Thanks Doc!
@denicegray9738 17 часов назад
I’m on estrogen and progesterone but I can’t stop bleed-through….been trying for a year to halt it even by periodically initiating a period, but it’s not working. Any suggestions? Do you do viral appointments? I am a high risk for hysterectomy because of c-section scar tissue. I’m between rock and a hard place. I had PMDD symptoms my whole life. Currently we’re trying using the ring to initiate a period…,which is good until 2 weeks in when the strong pms symptoms comes back and the period is intense to say the least. HELP
@cle_roknn3742 17 часов назад
Hunting is not cheap. First you have to take a hunters safety course, then buy the license, then the large game tags. If your from out of state the price triples. Then get a firearm appropriate to the animal you need to hunt and the appropriate ammunition. Once that's taken care of you'll need range time to get proficient because you want to kill the animal not wound or miss it entirely. Then comes the fun of finding a place to hunt with a sufficient amount of game and without overwhelming pressure from other hunters. Private property is the easiest, most expensive way to do it, so a hunting lease which can run from several hundred to thousands of dollars a day or year. If you cheap out and try public land your now competing with just about every hunter in the area for the same animals and sometimes the locals can be highly territorial, which is a serious risk. On average a hunters in the US spend $2,000-$3,000 per year. If you kill one decent sized cow elk that's about 350 pounds of meat. That comes out to be about $7.14/pound and I'm assuming your going to butcher it yourself. Grass fed 93/7 ground beef is currently running 7.34/pound and all you have do was pick the package up from the store. Plus your going to have to store it so freeze it or salt preservation. The salt route is cheap, but definitely not healthy. The freezer is going to cost you more in electricity. I hunted for 2 decades, it was neighter cheap nor easy.
@gtrecc5454 17 часов назад
There was a Kansas state professor who did a “7/11 diet” where he ate nothing but twinkies, candy, and other junk food but maintained a slight calorie deficit. The result was he lost some weight and all of his health biomarkers improved. He also talked about how unsatiating the diet was and that it wasn’t a diet that could be sustained easily
@Ummonchinable 17 часов назад
Tommy Wood survived a bite from a Fer de Lance snake while in Costa Rica.
@75jackrabbit 17 часов назад
In fact it is an overreaction of the auto-immune system.
@valerie4912 18 часов назад
What about birth control for perimenopause symptoms? Mental and physical.
@chiefhiggins6471 18 часов назад
It works for me. I have chronic fatigue, so albiet thats a different category than "otherwise healthy", most doctors dont really view this as an illness, and theres not really a treatment.
@lesariedel4916 18 часов назад
😊 American
@jayswavely6371 18 часов назад
Genetics seem to be huge?
@dianabailey9757 19 часов назад
Getting to the point is so hard for academics. Be consistent. An hour 4days a week and strength training a few times per week does the job! Done.
@silviadamen8847 19 часов назад
Why not try Berberine to lower cholesterol? I was able to reduce my cholesterol by 30% using Berberine for a few months. And I lost a few pounds without trying! I got off for 9 months and my cholesterol went back up and I gained back the weight. I’m going to cycle back on the Berberine for sure! Statins haven’t been proven to work on preventing heart attacks in women. I believe most of the studies have been on men 😮.
@dianabailey9757 19 часов назад
Peter Attia lives interviewing himself. My God he's terrible at allowing anyone who knows more than he does to speak so I can learn it from a better source. 💯
@edwinmondragon3762 19 часов назад
My volume ramps in the winter and the part i love is that you are always used to pushing yourself in the current weather.
@took_ya_handle 19 часов назад
It’s valuable - keep doing it!!
@moontrack4625 19 часов назад
Until you get sick and you can’t exercise. The exercise pill stops working very quickly when you can do it .
@rulesforth33 19 часов назад
Can you guess what significantly reduces your chances of getting sick?
@moontrack4625 18 часов назад
@@rulesforth33 - there are instant mechanisms of injury that stop the ability to exercise. When they happen, your entire life of excellent physical fitness can mean zippy. Wait…hope it never happens to you or loved one. The exercise prescription for prevention isn’t without limits.
@rulesforth33 18 часов назад
@@moontrack4625 Can you guess what significantly reduces your chances of injury?
@moontrack4625 18 часов назад
@@rulesforth33 are you familiar with Trauma? MVC? stab? GSW? Assault? You’re missing my point arguing that exercise is the best way to maintain health. That’s clear, but when that pill is removed , then what? Expand the thought processes .
@rulesforth33 17 часов назад
@@moontrack4625 Not sure what your point is exactly. You would have to essentially be completely paralyzed to not be able to do any exercise at all. What percentage of the population is that? "Vitamin D is beneficial for preventing illness" ""Well, what if you're stuck in a cave with no access to sunlight, supplements, or food containing vitamin D, what then??!!!""
@jeffportnoy3863 19 часов назад
Man I use that VO2 and my hair is silky and lush. I'm 405 lbs 😂
@paulelverstone8677 20 часов назад
When I hear people talking of programs or diets and regimes, they always sound like a tag for something temporary - as if it has a finite shelf-life. Whereas when you accept physical training to be part of your 'lifestyle', I personally find it easier to do on a daily/weekly basis. It's not quite as simple as brushing my teeth but it's accepted into my day-to-day life as such. Just imho...
@User-54631 19 часов назад
You program to measure results. If you just go do random things, it’s hard to track progress. To each their own though. Just moving is important
@billye.delgado7222 20 часов назад
Great content!
@yay-cat 20 часов назад
yeah estrogen (i think estradiol) is linked to dopamine so all my adhd girlies get extra brain fog and low motivation in the week before 🩸
@jaketrat3725 20 часов назад
It creates stress, stress ages the body
@cain6981 19 часов назад
@BeefyMcHugecock 19 часов назад
There’s no way you look at the world this simplistically… Stress also activates adaptations and healing in the body. Look up hormesis.
@filipcza 18 часов назад
Correction: Too much stress is bad. Little stress is very good for you. Try staying in bed for the rest of your life and see what happens. It will be very low stress, but it will not produce long and healthy life. In a week your fitness level will plummet if you do that. In a month you will be a wreck.
@BadMannerKorea 18 часов назад
I think you're on the wrong channel. Maybe some pseudoscientific channels would be better suited for you?
@albrackets8446 20 часов назад
No it sounds like Dr Attia is saying it doesn't matter if the food is a twinke, a hard boiled egg, or the healthiest salad with olive oil, that total calories trump all other considerations. Sorry, if that is not what Dr. Attia is intending to say, he needs to fix his language. Maybe he should take a course in remedial English. I think this is one Dr Attia's trigger points, where you can tell he is annoyed with people like Dr. Lustig, and the resulting dopamine spike precipitates "circle the wagons" language like this. BE BETTER, DR ATTIA, BE BETTER. ( and get yourself a continuous Cortisol monitor.)
@zentzu4003 20 часов назад
just eat donuts guys
@KarenConnellyCourage 20 часов назад
Interesting . . . Many women who've had very few or no "side effects" or negative symptoms with menopause are not commenting. I have had 0 negative side effects from menopause. . . . Women in other non-western cultures do not experience so many negative side effects in menopause either (esp eastern cultures that eat foods higher in phytoestrogens, like tofu) . . . It would be fasci ating to hear more about that as well . . . What is different? Attitudes to aging? Power? This is such an important topic!
@Truthseeker552 20 часов назад
The huge problem in todays’s discussions about meat and cancer risk is that everybody bundles fresh red meat and processed meats like pepperoni and hot dogs into the same category. Does anybody not see the problem here. Why is nobody singling out the actual cancer risk of fresh red meat and cancer.
@nickwestendorf1448 20 часов назад
its not the muscle mass that prevents old people from falling dummy, its the Proprioception and FAST TWITCH muscle fibers developed in old people, which they lose, and is why they are not able to move fast enough to catch their footing. I know because I trained old people and one actually almost fell and they attributed their not falling to the training. Muscle Mass has shit to do with it.
@user-bj9zs5iu6u 21 час назад
You will be bursting of health if you eat your daily 2000kcal limit through gummi worms
@gtrecc5454 17 часов назад
There was a Kansas state professor who did a “7/11 diet” where he ate nothing but twinkies, candy, and other junk food but maintained a slight calorie deficit. The result was he lost some weight and all of his health biomarkers improved. He also talked about how unsatiating the diet was and that it wasn’t a diet that could be sustained easily
@gtrecc5454 16 часов назад
So although your comment was meant to point how asinine an all junk food diet sounds, someone actually did it and improved their health 😂
@Bronco541 21 час назад
So for all those demanding this was supernatural; what about the millions of people who had this happen but died, without any signs or anything? What about children, innocent kind people tortured and brutally killed? Guess god picks and chooses who to save. Maybe cause Junger is famous god gave him privilege.. seems fair.
@BidenTrumpRthesame 22 часа назад
Ignorant people talking about what they don't know. This 100%works if you're levels are low.
@nickwestendorf1448 22 часа назад
this numbskull talks about "BMR" and shit as if its the same and doesnt change daily, hourly, etc. Stupidity being pushed as "expert" advice
@alanstolarczyk5442 22 часа назад
Aren't we all experimenting? Can't listen to everyone..LOL
@nickwestendorf1448 23 часа назад
sad that people think this paper "expert" is an authority on nutrition, he is nothing but a lifting "bro" pushing the same old false broscience
@kathysandvoss5043 23 часа назад
Why doesn't Dr Attia mention the very important link between estrogen and brain health and how much a loss in estrogen is linked to demtia in women? Thus Hormone therapy is helpful in preventing dementia among other things.
@victorcs_ 23 часа назад
If you don't sleep well with consistency, doesn't matter the amount of protein ingested, you're going to gain almost nothing in muscle mass.
@mechez774 День назад
Ok this is good advice ,,, except I'm not a great conversationalist. I would need a special meter to monitor the conversation
@sapperstang День назад
Scary what they said about anyone under 50 having a speck of calcium. I had a scare last year and eventually at follow up a year later the cardiologist told me I didn’t need to make any more appointments. So over the last year I’ve made massive changes and improved my numbers and lost weight. My lipids were always very low hdl and high(ish) ldl. Apob was of course never checked until recently at my request and it came back 85. Despite my doctor saying I had no need for more cardio workups I requested a cac score anyways. It came back at 138. All but five of that in the LAD. A huge surprise to say the least. I was told to keep doing what I am doing regarding diet and exercise and prescribed a statin which I am hesitant to take. I have a second opinion appointment coming up soon. I am a 46 year old male, non-diabetic and my last lipids were hdl 56 (a year ago was 20), ldl 126, apob 85, and Lp(a) 15, triglycerides 50. Scary and frustrating to say the least.
@lukewalker1051 День назад
Learned something. Smart woman. I thought the microbiome was specific to the gut, but no, its in all tissue. We are shared hosts as Peter suggested. Interesting way of considering the latter.
@2Mirt День назад
Correction from the cardiologist- QRS Complex is the depolarization, not peak contraction! Contraction happens afterwards - somewhere during T Wave or before T Wave (T Wave is already repolarization).
@jshbbrt День назад
Interesting discussion. Makes me think about the mattresses we sleep on, could a soft mattress be causing harm to our backs.
@tracyC7414 День назад
I’m glad I heard the part about being on 10mg of statin-which I am n that same kind he talked about-cuz my dr suggested going to 20mg. (Family history heart disease) I said NO. My ldl is 82 (was 110 n that’s when Dr bumped me to 10gms from 5 grams)n since then I have really cut out carbs,especially ultra processed foods. Trying to eat what grows and what eat the stuff that grows. Aka-fruits veggies meat.
@eliteboxfitness День назад
Good point
@mkrig День назад
Completely the inverse. Calories matter but type of food matters most
@laza6141 17 часов назад
That is not true if you are trying to lose weight.
@AdamLangey День назад
Great video! Especially about Creatine!
@neilcollins5930 День назад
I don’t care what anyone says I’ve run over hills and mountains with a large pack on my back so have all my colleagues. At average age 60 we all have something in common . Our knees are wrecked .
@mr_green33 День назад
this entire comment section must have not heard the part of the video where he said, "the type of calories you consume DO matter." he never said, "the type of calories you consume don't matter." he said, "the type of calories you consume matter, but they dont really matter AS MUCH AS the TOTAL number of calories." he never said the type of calories you eat don't matter. he literally said they do matter.
@Sandy-of6gq День назад
People can have a hard time with nuance lol
@albrackets8446 20 часов назад
no, I heard the whole video. The comments are completely warranted. If they misrepresent what Dr. Attia true positions are, maybe the fault was with Dr. Attia's presentation. Dr. Attia shouldn't let the bug in his butt do the thinking.
@laza6141 17 часов назад
@@albrackets8446 Yes , blame the expert , not the random bots on the internet who can't even listen carefully to a 20 second video.
@albrackets8446 16 часов назад
@@laza6141 Yes, so tell me, is there a difference between eating & burning 2000 calories and eating & burning 3000 calories, and for that matter, eating 3000 calories and burning 2000? You won't find that out from Dr Attia's presentation. Yes, if anyone is lacking nuance, it is Dr. Attia. He made a sloppy presentation.
@laza6141 16 часов назад
@@albrackets8446 He mentioned that calories are more important than the source of calories for weight loss , which is a fact , but he also said that the source of calories matters , which is also a fact.
@kelseymj1975 День назад
So if I’m eating 2000 calories a day of cupcakes vs 2000 calories a day of salads it doesn’t really matter much as long as I’m burning 2005 calories a day?
@labanatersand День назад
Yes, if your only goal is to lose body weight.
@v1dal День назад
Dumbest comment of the year
@labanatersand День назад
@@v1dal There is a lot of confusion around this subject.
@kelseymj1975 22 часа назад
@@v1dal maybe you’re not familiar with the term “hyperbole”, it’s exaggeration to make a point. In other words not meant to be taken word for word seriously.
@jj900 21 час назад
He said the type of calories do matter, but not as much as the amount