The Town and Country Planning Association
The Town and Country Planning Association
The Town and Country Planning Association
The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) campaigns for the reform of the UK's planning system to promote sustainable development and social justice.
Developing Well conference - Session three
16 часов назад
Developing Well conference - Session two
16 часов назад
Developing Well conference - Session one
16 часов назад
Climate Change Allowances Tutorial
2 месяца назад
Healthy ageing in place webinar (Feb 2024)
2 месяца назад
Healthy Homes Pledge
2 месяца назад
Flood risk assessments for planning applications
9 месяцев назад
Introducing the Healthy Homes Campaign
9 месяцев назад
Planning for flood risk in England
2 года назад
Why join the TCPA?
2 года назад
What is the Tomorrow 125 Project?
2 года назад
@reachingpeople5534 2 месяца назад
If this was for the public's benefit, wouldn't there be infrastructure built that would enable less travel. If it was for control, then cameras and restrictions would be created. It is obviously the latter.
@svenroeder 5 месяцев назад
26 mins in,good idea but breckland council will f off with the money and use it on the councillors own villages.
@svenroeder 5 месяцев назад
glyn, you come across as a good chap. the plan is a pretty picture abeit from a helicopter. the residents of thetford have time and time again been screwed over by breckland council and flagship. i would urge caution if you are trying to build your reputation and are banking on these guys to deliver. it could well cause you reputationable damage.
@svenroeder 5 месяцев назад
14 minutes people dump things there as breckland council thought it would be a good idea to charge people to use the local dump. then they can't work out why it costs more to to clear up the flytipping.
@svenroeder 5 месяцев назад
11 minutes in promoting sport and leisure. the local tennis club closed years ago, a charity owns the land all it needed was maintenance. thetford town hockey club is about to close. breckland council is selling it down the river.
@svenroeder 5 месяцев назад
9 minutes in. this is laughable, you can't get to the forest as there is a main dual carriageway there. the bloke has never walked around there 😂😂😂
@svenroeder 5 месяцев назад
6 minutes in. peoples lives shouldn't be decided by you winning a competition glyn. peoples lives are not trophies. they are human beings. you don't live in thetford, there is nothing for you to lose, it doesn't effect you or your family but everything to gain for yourself.
@CaptainCommodore 5 месяцев назад
The guy talking about the abbey estate is an utter moron, clearly clueless and clearly doesn't live on the abbey , have spent 4 decades here he clearly is wrong on just about every level, The community will be destroyed when you displace and add 50% to it !!!! We don't want the shitty *links* We drive because we need too, this rediculous plan has negatives and losses to many *many* people this is being inflicted on , we don't want this, we keep saying it and it's being done DESPITE NOT WITH the residents... ...
@DrRobSaunders 8 месяцев назад
Hi Hugh and team I'm a consultant flood risk assessor and would like to say that these slides are just what are needed so as to allow all LPA's to achieve consistency in their approach to FRA reports across England - thanks. I have some comments: The first comment I'd like to make is in relation to the suggested Condition at 38:43 on the video. You are indeed wholly correct in respect to the six tests under NPPF:56 (which many LPA officers are not as it happens) however points 3 and 5 (flood proofing and emergency planning) while I agree are 100% required these items, I'd suggest, are not currently enforceable (being one of the six tests) under the T&CP Act. Flood proofing measures: There is no possible way for a LPA to "in practice, detect a contravention" and furthermore, the only information of such measures is currently no more than the Government's "General Advice" as per the widely cited "Improving the flood performance of new buildings" and Ciria guidance. It don't believe it to be possible to enforce "general advice" or "guidance". This is however controlled under the Building Act 1984, as amended by Section 40 FWM Act 2010, making it not "Relevant to Planning". Hence, I'd suggest Point 3 actually fails the NPPF:56 tests and could not be lawfully applied. Emergency planning (flood plans and text services etc): Again, I fully agree with the rationale here and always recommend such measures however, as with the last point, such measure cannot be enforced under the T&CP Act hence Point 5 would also fail the six tests. A LPA could not, in practice, detect a contravention. I'm not wholly convinced that Point 4 could be enforced under the T&CP Act either. There is no contravention possible when part of that which is sought ("Precisely") is "identification" and also there is no lawful definition of "safe haven" in respect to the T&CP Act. I have found very subjective definitions as to what qualifies as "safe" haven - and there lies the problem, all too subjective. Points 3, 4 & 5 should be only an informative on any Approval in my opinion. And a point regarding LLFA's: My understanding is that these currently have no "Authority" whatsoever on Minor or Non-major development. They are empowered only as Statute consultees in respect to the T&CP Act on Major development with surface water drainage implications (as of 15th March 2015) so as to provide "technical advice" - but have no powers in respect to fluvial flood risk for such applications. Any comments currently made by a LLFA to a LPA in respect to flood related matters where they have no lawful Authority can be nothing more than requests rather than Requirements. All to often I see comments where a LLFA "Requires that...." on Minor or Non-major development. On such developments the LLFA officers are no more than the FRM team or similar offering guidance only. Finally, on the last point of freeboard. +600mm is without question where single storey sleeping accommodation is required. However, the issue arises with variations to this in many a SFRA, with some SFRA very out of date. These do however form part of the Evidence Base for an application to be assessed against and it's therefore a very hard win to get a developer to raise more than the +300mm typically cited in the SFRA reports. Personally, I think such reference to freeboard should be removed from all future SFRA reports and placed wholly within PPG, for consistency sake if nothing more. Hope of use Dr Robin D Saunders CEng, C BuildE, BEng, PhD.
@deanobeany 9 месяцев назад
Very interesting. Fiance and I bought in 2021 near the stow. I wasnt too familiar with Harlow being an Enfield native, but its fascinating to the such history around our new home.
@stananders474 10 месяцев назад
Henry Moores 'The Family' - now in the Civic Centre was placed there because vandel youths kept lnocking off the heads. However, though its now safe from vandelism its not being seen from the way Moore wanted it to be seen. Yes, it looks great close up but Moore wanted it to be seen from 100 / 200 yards away. Sadly this isnt possible due to the barbarian vandels in the town.
@gharrop1 10 месяцев назад
Very interesting little film…My parents relocated to Harlow in 1960 when I was 10 years old….I went to Latton bush school and left home in 1968 with 10 O levels and 2 A levels to make my own way in the world……I have nothing but admiration and fond memories for the planners a creators of Harlow New Town. Almost all my friends lived in Council housing which for its time was excellent…. The schools ,environment, shopping and public amenities were very good indeed. It was such a tradgedy that this excellent social model was un picked in the 80’s during the massive sell off of “council housing” …if some of that early ethos has survived and is now being nurtured that is excellent news!
@Ilovekudaliniyoga 10 месяцев назад
You lot talk a load of gobbkedy gook!! Hoping to bore everyone into dis interest. You have meetings about meetings and use a liad if unnecessary words. You don't actually explain anything ot say what is important - so what about cars? Driving? Are you going to close roads and restrict driving? We don't want 15 minute neighbourhoods!! We want freedom to come abd go as we please! We don't want yo stick to our lical area for all our need. You lot need sacking
@Ilovekudaliniyoga 10 месяцев назад
We will not comply. We will never ever let you imprison us like this. You know where you can shove your 15 mimite city
@kevinwilliams9363 11 месяцев назад
Shocking, that this agenda is even pushed....no thanks i do not consent 👊🏾
@stevenchandler3694 Год назад
It's part of the world economic forum's great reset plan, the ultimate plan of claus himmler mengler schwarbs and bill gates is to deplete the world's population to 1 billion consisting of Chinese and Japanese people as they are used to being controlled this is going to be done by introducing viruses proxy wars and restrictions on utilities and this comes from a page of claus himmler mengler schwarbs industrial revolution great reset plan
@stevenchandler3694 Год назад
I hope you consult people, because the implications of this agenda it's part of claus himmler mengler schwarbs 4th industrial revolution world economic forum's great reset plan for total population control and enslavement alough it sounds good what is next is central bank digital currency which will be used to control what you do say and what you do and spend on and will be stopped if you say or do anything they dislike carbon credits social credit score and meat made from insects and vegetable protein
@sandrablickem6893 Год назад
2:09 So you're anticipating more lockdowns! Speechless.
@oscargoldman85 Год назад
If you want to constrain people to a zone, provide the functionality inside the zone, so they don't want to leave. As the zone gradually improves, people will tend to use it. Don't just block it off FFS... If you need to block off anything, you have failed already. Even if the council planners are right (they are very wrong), and their plans are carried out perfectly (this is impossible except in a powerpoint presentation), the zones will be full of problems, and anomalies. These can be addressed, and if their theory is sound, then gradually a 15min zone may develop(maybe). Yes that would be nice, but the fact that these planners cannot see that, and the only way they can think of to get it to slightly work it to lock people in demonstrates the whole concept is a failure. Just blocking everything off from day one will engender mistrust, pushback and ultimately failure. This has been a half baked series of dubious ideas from the beginning.
@robertgrant07 Год назад
We don’t want it. We are not at all interested. You’re going to burn on Hell for your involvement.
@johncole3393 Год назад
What a joke. They engage with 750 people across the Borough every year and think that gives them a representation of the residents views of the Council. What a deluded bunch of 💩💩💩💩
@johncole3393 Год назад
We seem to have a bunch of eco nutjobs running our Council. Their ideas and data is complete BS. This is about control and taking away our freedom to travel, not environment improvement. If the UK sank into the sea tomorrow it would have negligible impact on climate change. These people pushing their ideas in the Town Hall are totally out of touch with the Boroughs residents.
@user-jh1vi1sd3w Год назад
Will you be stopping movement?
@user-jh1vi1sd3w Год назад
Why is this the first I have heard of this
@carlov3709 Год назад
It underpins the removal of the right to freedom of movement. In a single word: Control. Ordinary people give up their rights while the oligarchy fly their private jets. Funny that the proposed solutions never effect the elite, no?
@gmw11 Год назад
They are trying to isolate you and take your freedoms a little bit at a time. Read the book 1984. It’ll all make sense.
@compoundchasers1918 Год назад
Nobody is excited about these proposals. There will be a revolution.
@acrchy Год назад
you all need to start warning these councilors they work for us ,, vote them out at the next elections ,,,,,,,,,,,
@acrchy Год назад
you keep saying "we " do you speak for all the residents or just those enforcing the restrictions on us all ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
@gerrywillmott6484 Год назад
Garden cities were an apparent success, in their time. However, society has changed very significantly over the intervening years, and what was relevant and workable around a century ago is not appropriate today without very fundamental changes to every bodies lifestyles. Much as many of us would love to wind the clock back it is a pipe dream. To attempt to retrospectively apply these principles to current well established communities is lunacy.
@daz1225 Год назад
COP? You mean that meeting where 1000's of the worlds richest people all fly their private jets and limousines to tell us we have to reduce Carbon or we will all die? Hmmm... what's that smell? Oh right, it's bullshit
@1must723 Год назад
Have they gone insane every person in uk will be against this
@awesomusmaximus3766 Год назад
Hell no I will not live in Nazi Germany
@XyZCwP Год назад
These the kind of people that will help you till it kills you
@sjb9272 Год назад
Sounds like a Dystopian nightmare to me!!! You’ll enjoy yourselves and live heathy lives …..in exactly the way we till you too. Does No one else see the madness of these climate change zealots?
@heatherclark1796 Год назад
Where is webinar forest and do the townsfolk know what you are doing?
@heatherclark1796 Год назад
Why are you people doing this? No one believes in it or wants it. You must be very thick skinned.
@laravelisbullschitt3281 Год назад
I presume you have first consulted this area and got a feel for whether this what the people of this area want?
@madness8556 Год назад
How generous that we'll be getting 20 minute neighbourhoods instead of 15 minute cities in the communist people's Republic of Victoria! A concentration camp without barbed wire fences where the barbed wire is actually in the cameras that watch your every move! Satan is working overtime at the moment!
@OldScientist Год назад
There is no climate crisis. Getting to Net Zero by 2050 would cost $9.2 trillion a year globally (McKinsey). That's not going to be good value for money. That's nearly one-tenth of global GDP. That money would be better spent on a myriad of things including educating the fifth of humanity who are illiterate and represent a 7% annual loss to the world's economy. Any country that attempts it will be indebted or impoverished. Example: For the UK to reach net zero by electrification of its transport fleet and heating system, it will require a tripling (as a minimum) of its current electrical generation capacity among other things. This will essentially require the UK consuming all of the current global supply of copper and other rare metals for the next 25 years. The cost will be unaffordable and the skilled manpower levels unattainable. And that is just to eliminate the 1% of the global CO2 emissions that the UK is responsible for. So times that by 100 for the Earth. Imagine the damage done from all that resource extraction! And for what? Maddeningly, there is no climate crisis. The Earth was warmer in the recent and distant past.
@whatever-ql5ns Год назад
Places are not interested, it’s the WEF who are telling you lot what to do.
@whatever-ql5ns Год назад
I will not comply. Never
@tinaaroha8205 Год назад
You 4 panelists are out of your fricking minds, I for one don't fall for anything you all are saying, you 4 have hidden Agendas and are not telling the whole truth are Yous? I hear something more sinister is hidden behind the nice talk, and who the hell are yous to even dictate what people can do, where they can go, and how far, and you, Iain White, I will request an interview with you to discuss this matter. I live in Hamilton New Zealand, born and breed here, I disagree with your decision.
@Jacqueline_S Год назад
And no survey was done, and we didn’t know any funding from us the tax payers was put to this, nor were we told about the 3 suburbs and their trial.
@ashman167 Год назад
Banyule, Darebin, Maroondah, Moonee Valley and Whittlesea City Councils are testing draft guidance to support activity centre network planning based on their local needs and priorities.
@Jacqueline_S Год назад
@@ashman167meaning what exactly? That you think surveys went out like the video states? I’m in one of the above listed councils and no surveys went out and no pre emoted knowledge was told to us.
@whatever-ql5ns Год назад
@@Jacqueline_S no one in the area of Whitehorse was consulted that I know of. I found out the areas by googling them. It’s not in the media. Andrews is hiding this rubbish. Not that it would matter who was in charge as they are all cut from the same cloth. I’m so tired of Government running my life, on my taxes.
@Jacqueline_S Год назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tF5spyudTYA.html This video explains why we don’t want it and perhaps why the world doesn’t and maybe even a better solution to the “climate change” issue… 1 quick win could be all the leaders of the world, the UN and every other person and organization claiming to care - STOP USING YOUR PRIVATE JETS! They’re actually the number one issue preventing the environment to start stabilizing.
@JackyPlaysOfficialW Год назад
This is not what the people of Victoria want
@kathyr1516 Год назад
Hear! Hear! We are in the Wyndham area of Melbourne and just today received a brochure in our letterboxes about the “Wyndham Plan” - the 20 Minute Neighbourhood”. This is just about more control, courtesy of the corrupt WEF. The Melbourne Lord Mayor has bowed down to Klaus Shwab and his evil plans. They make it sound so,innocent. Beware. We know how we were treated during the lockdowns in Melbourne.
@ernestohorn247 Год назад
@debbielane-stott3922 2 года назад
Just a great shame that developers are building high rise dense tower blocks in Welwyn Garden City ruining the town, the ethos and our beautiful garden city
@roberta8743 2 года назад
Thank you for this Graham 👍🙏🙏
@jummaiakale2182 2 года назад