Dark Shinobi
Dark Shinobi
Dark Shinobi
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XDefiant Thoughts & Impressions Rant
Месяц назад
Is Evil West Finally Worth Playing In 2024?
3 месяца назад
Thank You (Story Time)
4 месяца назад
Epic Glitch Sent Me Flying 🕊️
5 месяцев назад
Helldivers 2 Launching The ICBM (Nuke)
5 месяцев назад
@nelsonsanchez6650 День назад
5 hours in and it feels boring. Sekiro bloodborne and souls 3 were way better 10 min in
@kfmscience День назад
almost bought this yesterday andsaw this on back of the box so bought Remnant II instead.
@CentauriTT 2 дня назад
Even on Midnight the hardest difficulty you can take out the most basic enemies with stealth. You can even do some good damage to boss enemies if you can actually catch em off guard. But Midnight is still Midnight. You will lose every now and then if you’re not locked in. And tbh it’s why I like Midnight. Feel like I actually gotta learn. Dawn was basically baby mode imo. Most people should start on Dusk and then work their way to Twilight in order to prepare for Midnight difficulty. Those red rarity items you get from it just hit different. I would prefer though for the next Rise Of The Ronin if they ever make one to go scrap the Diablo style loot system. It can take AWHILE to get at the very least a decent build together for Midnight with the loot system.
@pandorasnow 4 дня назад
if they patch it let us know, i really want to try it
@BrandonRalstonUSA 4 дня назад
After checking out this review I realized the 10 buck asking price is laughable.
@Zeromus5555 4 дня назад
Pathetic the devs walked away from the game then try to make more from it on new consoles.
@hectorjarachairez1168 6 дней назад
Lvl 89 alr (had to do some cheating with the dragon bug due to how actually hard it is to farm runes and how enemies get boosted with way more dmg and health the more you get away from the start.) I've already killed two main bosses, explored a good part of the world, some dungeons, and I can tell it's a good game, for sure and certain, but far from being the perfect experience a lot of people say it is. It isn't perfect, it's just a souls with an open world. (Geez they even did recycle animations/sounds/enemies/weapon arts from dark souls 3) The story is.. well, it is there, tbh I can't give more fuck about it. I still finding the story in DS2 the best, followed by sekiro's and first dark souls. (Didn't play Bloodborne due being a PC player) Combat is OK. I hate how parry doesnMt works properly. The parry window it's ok but damn I hate that there is a pre-window for it to start, I swear that parry in Dark souls 3/Elden ring doesn't work the way it should. I mastered parry in DS, in Sekiro, in DS2, somehow did it good at DS3 but in this game is nonsense and not even worth it, it's just inconsistent af, sometimes it'll work sometimes won't even if you timed it the same. Anyway, overrated? Hell yeah. A good game? That's for certain.
@CasIsReal 6 дней назад
God of war ragnarok should've won
@kindlingking 6 дней назад
Trade one mid game for the other?
@alexandriacollins7119 7 дней назад
I like it, too. Okay, I'm not blind to it having the short-comings. The storyline could stand to be expanded-upon (but I get that there's only so-much room on a PS5 disk). And I have some ideas to expand upon what Frey could do...
@MrDecom002 9 дней назад
The worst thing about this game is that it lacks a good map system and pause menu and a shitty state system.
@michael_m38 11 дней назад
finally someone who doesn't worship fromsoftware
@melonreaver1047 12 дней назад
I feel like at minimum Loadouts will be coming to HD2, that's really all I want from this list.
@anongeneralpublic 12 дней назад
I didnt enjoy this game either. I've tried. This is the worst souls game from FROMsoft for me. Open world has nothing interesting to do and pad the game to the point I do not want to replay it due to the ammount of time it now takes to get a build together. gather equipment, materials, spells. Speaking of spells magic has been nerfed to the ground again playing as mage feels bad. Poise does not exist again and wearing the heaviest armor lightest attack is going to stagger. Why? I dont care for pvp I want to have options when I play an rpg so I can play as a sorcerer or knight with shield and heavy armor or something. Here there is only one way to play whatever weapon and dodge all the attacks. Coop in the game is terrible without mod. All the copy pasted stuff that is in the game is boring it also takes way too long from start to finish. all previous game took <40 hours on 1st play through while this game is 100+ and does not have the content for it. Is it a terrible game - no, but its not good either which makes it really meh aka usual AAA slop. PS: another negative is that it requires a walk thorough to finish.
@R0GU3ST4TU5 12 дней назад
Before anything, im mostly frustrated that there are only 2 male voices
@vermillionpt21 12 дней назад
@finncampbell4662 13 дней назад
Honestly I’m glad they’re stepping on the breaks content wise to focus on getting the code cleaned up and dev pipeline smoothed out. I swear the Illuminate release will be like helldivers 2 2.0 whenever it comes. After that release new content and warbonds are gonna come more much frequently mark my words. AH is just getting everything sorted (and going on vacation) so the Illuminate invasion goes off without a hitch. Have faith in high command Helldiver they’ll get us through
@zaberordeal 13 дней назад
The tank destroyer TD-110 Bastion is what I have been waiting for since we got the Patriot. But honestly I like the fact that the samples work differently. BUT WHY CANT WE SPEND COMMON SAMPLES ON BAYONETS??? it'd be sick
@jonathanbenoza8136 14 дней назад
elden ring is pretentiously artsy, very pathetic it won an award
@Baso-sama 14 дней назад
Patrician take. Refreshing to hear these kinds of thoughts in the oppressive atmosphere of endless praise that in my opinion it doesn't deserve. :)
@sergio24m 14 дней назад
As a veteran of the first game i completely agree. Its missing a lot of things and details that made it so much fun.. In helldivers 1 you can bring whatever stratagem you want and repeat it. This means you can get a full loadout of EATS or mechs.
@A_realMC 14 дней назад
Hmmmmmm I have never heard of the sequel of Helldivers called 2 lol
@mewillson 15 дней назад
First of all, I would like to thank you for taking the time to provide a balanced review of this game called Forspoken. I believe that one of the hard things for many to relate to is that this is a story about a person who grew up on the streets. If you've had any type of normal life growing up your cultural bias will kick in and you'll miss the subtle but often poignant affect this has on Frey's view of the world around her. Too often in the reviews I've watched for this game, the people reviewing it appear to be critical over a game it becomes apparent they have had little experience playing. I bought this during the Steam Summer Sale, I now have 128 hours in on the game. Of course there are several things that contribute to it. One, I relate to the character having grown up part of my life as a street urchin. Two, I recently celebrated seventy one candles so I am from a generation whose view of the world around them is quite different from many who play this or have reviewed it. I would like to end by providing some additional perspective below on the story and an offer to many that life is often not a black or white decision. More often then not, there are colors of a different sort that influence a story, a person's choices, and the outcomes the experience. Forspoken - The Story “Forspoken: First, the word choice itself says a lot concerning what the story is about. Forspoken means to predict, foresee, to arrange or speak of in advance. It also meant to attract and fascinate; enchant or cast a spell over. Its origins are an old Scottish archaic meaning to bewitch.” “What is Forspoken about, it is a story about a girl, born as an orphan raised in foster care in New York City. It’s about choice and how she found her own journey to the streets after being abused by those who were supposed to care and raise her by the courts of New York City. It is about a smart street girl who is compassionate but also angry about what fate has given her. It’s about a young lady who has the capacity to show kindness to those in need, human or animal, but as often as street life can do, it leads her to petty crimes. Those petty crimes find her in front of a judge who must determine her fate. It was almost Christmas day and right before Fray turned twenty-one, the judge showed her kindness and mercy by allowing her off with just a sentence of community service. By doing so, the judge inadvertently sets Fray on a course with her destiny. The story is surprising at times, it is full of touching moments. It has all the things that make the hero’s quest worth taking the journey for. What is the hero’s quest? In story writing or telling, it is also known as the hero’s journey or the monomyth. In simple terms, it is a story about a person that through a series of adventures, becomes victorious in a crisis, and comes home changed or transformed. Story telling: “This is a story about hope, although the story about people growing up on the streets of any big city are common enough, I would challenge the person who plays this game or watches this play through to consider what it would be like if it were you who was homeless. Consider the perspective through that person’s eyes. A world that has abandoned her since birth on the streets, nowhere to go, not knowing what they would do for food that day, how do they stay warm in the winter or cool in the summer?” “This is a story about a person overcoming a hard start in life, about someone despite having the worst that life can throw at you, still having a heart that cares a great deal about people and animals. This is about overcoming personal conflict rising from a somewhat tainted experience of what life is, verses what it was meant to be. It is in fact, the hero’s quest, where one person can not only change themselves but change the lives of everyone else to a place of hope, not failure and loss.” Final Take Away: “The path to understanding requires a person to shed the illusions of sight, listen with empathy, and unlearn their cultural biases. Through servitude to kindness, compassion, and non-judgmental knowledge, we can begin to embrace the value of the journey, to break free from the limitations of identity. “
@SUNRAKU23 16 дней назад
This game is absolute dogshit, very repetitive combat I felt like every fight is the same and as you said the main story line was so confusing.
@rendover4300 17 дней назад
I think it's just preference for everyone. Some people call it boring, repetitive and lackluster but others strongly praise it for its design, story, and combat. Kind of how I find highly rated games like witcher, baldurs gate not particularly enjoyable as other titles, it is based from my preferences or playstyle Elden Ring personally is my most played game, but I still do admit it has a lot of flaws.
@samuelfoster8615 18 дней назад
Yeah I'm not a fan of modern games. People use Elden Ring as an example of a great modern game, proof that modern games are still good. It's annoying, Elden Ring is redundant, we already have 3 Dark Souls games. Also Elden Ring is worse than Dark Souls. They keep ruining good games by making them open world, Halo Infinite and Zelda BOTW. Gaming companies stopped caring about core gameplay, art style, and writing. Finally someone says what I've been thinking. The praise for this game bothers me more than any other game. People act like Elden Ring is a masterpiece.
@donquixote2072 19 дней назад
The hardest thing about Elden Ring is finding a reason to give a sh!t. Seriously though, I don't necessarily think the game is bad, it's simply as they say "not for me". I just don't get the cult like worship this game is getting from some people. You'd think it was Jesus Christ committed to digital format from the way people gush over it.
@ctgooni 19 дней назад
It's a 6/10 game and people act like it commited murder 😂😂
@slabon6091 20 дней назад
Every single Elden Ring hate video I try to find is the same recycled garbage that fails to understand, other people like other things. I despise every COD, NBA or soccer game etc, hate em, doesn’t mean they’re bad, I just do not like them. Elden Ring sold 12 million copies in 3 weeks and won game of the year, so the bottom line is that MANY people love it and think it’s great. You are allowed to dislike it, but your singular opinion is a drop in the bucket, we do not care.
@Dark-Shinobi 19 дней назад
If you don't care why are you searching for hate videos and leaving comments? If it's a singular opinion why are there MULTIPLE videos and why are there HUNDREDS of comments agreeing with what I said on this same video? You contradicted yourself multiple times with this "garbage" comment and if you were mature enough to accept differing opinions you wouldn't even be here whining at everyone that doesn't blindly praise this game. Next time keep this recycled fanboy garbage to yourself if you don't care don't comment.
@iSauddd 14 дней назад
yeah but you know that people who loved souls games and played and enjoyed every souls game can criticize elden ring? i played demon souls , ds1 , ds3 , bloodborne , sekiro and i loved every single one of them but ER was really disappointing for me
@dirk1998 20 дней назад
Give a couple years when people stop sucking off Fromschlong, and we'll be seeing videos on how "Elden Ring was never good."
@daltonwilks3374 20 дней назад
You have to kill him super fast to get the ancient dragon smithing stone. Like literally run up, buff, buff, bonk, and reward.
@WebSlingerKid 20 дней назад
@gamingtree10 21 день назад
So if I buy dreams do i need ps plus to make creations
@Dark-Shinobi 21 день назад
Nope you don't need plus and it's on sale on psn currently. Be sure to check out my other dreams videos if you decide to get it I made a playlist.
@gamingtree10 21 день назад
@@Dark-Shinobi yeah I was going to get it physically bc it’s only £4 (also I don’t have ps plus)
@gamingtree10 20 дней назад
@@Dark-Shinobi another question do I need ps plus to dream surf
@Dark-Shinobi 19 дней назад
Nope everything works without PlayStation plus because your not playing with other players.
@gamingtree10 19 дней назад
@@Dark-Shinobi oh cool I don’t think I’m going to play other people’s creations just wanted to know
@spinosauruskin 22 дня назад
This has happened to me a couple times. The camera seems to break sometimes I think it might be lag or explosion related. Only way to solve it I’ve found is being killed and respawning
@ellagage1256 24 дня назад
Hearing people oraise this game makes me feel like I'm going crazy. It felt so empty and repetitive before I even set foot inside the Capital... what a disappointing game
@samuelfoster8615 18 дней назад
Yeah the praise for this game bothers me more than any other game
@meliamucksabout 24 дня назад
The game isn't perfect, but it got a lot more hate than it deserved. Your review is one of the most balanced explanations of good and bad that I've seen, so thank you! One of the game mechanics I enjoyed was how the spell challenges encouraged you to try out all the magic and figure out what worked best for your play style (like Prime my beloved murder rock). But at it's heart, the game is also telling a story. It's about Frey, and so you have to understand who Frey is for the story beats to make sense. It's not a self-insertion or make your own avatar type game, and I think some of the disappointment comes from folks expecting one and getting the other.
@kiss4luna 27 дней назад
I agree. This game is rated 10/10 everywhere, this is so ridiculous.
@MommyORdaddy 28 дней назад
This game is utter garbage, n i love all souls games
@LucidExplorers 28 дней назад
It's nice to see in depth reviews a couple months after a game has been out with updates and stuff
@hashishisthecure 28 дней назад
Thank you for this!
@didyoubot 28 дней назад
Nah. I got to admit, I hate the protagonist.
@BitZapple Месяц назад
its not even an rpg, it lacks an actual story with characters, interesting quests, towns, a convincing main story arc, etc just a barren grindfest with silly finnicky bosses >OH WOOW LOOK IT SLASHED MY HP BAR BY SOP MUCH IM PLAYING SUCH A HAAAARD GAME RIGHT NOW overrated trash
@donquixote2072 19 дней назад
What's your problem? You actually like role playing in your role playing games?!?!
@NathAnarchy45 Месяц назад
1 year later: Dev studio: lol get scammed
@kurobeard9467 Месяц назад
Just wanted to say THANK YOU! I really appreciate this game and it was really fun. The combat in this game is the coolest out of any game I've played including 10/10 games like GOW and Spiderman. The traversal is incredible, especially on water. The character, Frey, was annoying at some points but I can't blame her since I would also want to escape a world if it had break storms lmfao. Her character was realistic and that made it a fresh experience. It wasn't a 10/10 game maybe more like an 8 but I feel that a potential sequel could be a 10. This world has so much potential it would be sad if it gets shelved forever.
@Dark-Shinobi Месяц назад
Thanks man I'm glad you liked the video and enjoyed the game, I'm still hoping this gets a sequel also.
@kurobeard9467 Месяц назад
@@Dark-Shinobi Keep doing what you're doing. You're channel is really underrated and I hope it expIodes in popularity soon.
@Throwup413 Месяц назад
If bethesda released a game like this, it'd get crucified😂😂
@plaernotree Месяц назад
Game is fire, on a gamers game level of one who loves team ninja games! Needs more fleshing out to purposeless mechanics Combat has enough nuance to keep wandering around findings fights! Story was actually getting in the way for me ...i just didn't care. I just want to be the baddest MF around😊 I want more 😩 but they really need to sew up what doesn't work or lackluster fillers.
@caloroq Месяц назад
ER's open world is completely carried by the fact that it's a souls game. If this had the ubisoft name on it, everyone AND I MEAN EVERYONE would be calling out how dry the open world actually is beacuse of the severe lack of activities that aren't just killing bosses, finding items, leveling up and then finding a new area to do the same thing.
@ChaseWindu Месяц назад
I think you made this video before really putting some time into it....because you most definitely can choose a specific game mode by literally clicking on that specific one, OR you have the option of making your own custom playlist. And 2 game modes? lol TDM, Hot Shot, Occupy, Domination, Escort, and zone control....but sure dude
@Dark-Shinobi Месяц назад
Your probably right because I only played Ranked(where you can't choose specific game modes) but I literally said I made the video before the addition of TDM and I said "I Think" this is just a rant.
@thekingofnioh Месяц назад
"good to know" 💀
@takethesquid Месяц назад
Haven't played this one, but based on reviews seems like I would enjoy the gameplay but might not be able to stomach the story and characters