Left at the Station [INACTIVE]
Left at the Station [INACTIVE]
Left at the Station [INACTIVE]
Videos about PlayStation history - the games, hardware, and studios.
@SCHMALLZZZ 2 дня назад
@beyman123 9 дней назад
@FlavourFool Месяц назад
The comparisons you make to where Xbox and Nintendo are (and I'd add Quest 3), are what Playstation need - a kick up the arse.
@FlavourFool Месяц назад
Good video, I'll be watching more. Good luck with the channel.
@AndyDosMil Месяц назад
You should have way more subscribers. Videos are very well thought out, researched and written. Just earned a new subscriber 👍🏼
@hughjass311 Месяц назад
We gotta acknowledge how hard the sountrack goes tho
@rakanelafrangi161 Месяц назад
I miss this franchise to death
@ShatteredAce Месяц назад
The most shocking thing for me is that Ubisoft actually did something good. And useful. However, this is me speaking as a 34 year old who knows what they become. Time is weird on corporations like that. I actually think Ape Escape will be dusted off eventually. Nothing nowadays stays dead forever. And Sony has a big backlog of IP's to draw from should they need to rotate their stock. If this happens, I'll be excited, but terrified if they don't assign someone to it that understands why AE 1-3 worked. Regardless, even if I'm wrong. Emulators exist for a reason. So I can play the games to my heart's content.
@AaronVillalobos Месяц назад
insane year in gaming man. boy do i miss it.
@GLRYB2GD 2 месяца назад
Exactly. We need more small-scale games, not this AAA woke crap. PS2 had so many unique IPs... Where'd they go??!!!?!!!
@daxternator649 2 месяца назад
I was the biggest ps fan until the middle of ps4 era when they killed japan studios and move over to california. I dont like the new playstation and they dont like me either. But At least Nintendo is still great (Zelda, Metroid, Mario, no woke stuff) and playstation can still make some good games from time to time like god of war ragnarok or Ratchet and clank rift appart, but they are few and far between. I still think playstation can recover but it will need at least two generations of console cycles.
@LuftmanPlay 2 месяца назад
Would love a history of psygnosis video!
@LeftattheStation 2 месяца назад
Massive layouts hit PlayStation's studios in February, including the closing of London Studio. Reports indicate that Media Molecule was also almost closed. PlayStation is in a terrible place right now which is ridiculous considering how well the PS5 is selling. I've said this before in a previous video, but I'll say it again - I think that's largely to do with Jim Ryan and his big AAA, liveservice strategy, and I think closing smaller studios like London and Media Molecule only makes the problem worse. I don't know if PlayStation will ever be what it once was.
@PoggieGMD 3 месяца назад
This is my favorite video game hands down. Every game is amazing.
@floatingkites2420 3 месяца назад
Man i was really excited to listen to this video until you got an easy fact wrong. Ubisoft published Ape Escspe 2 in America while Sony published it in Europe. Ubisoft redubbed the entire game with American accents before they released it here. Good video and editing style but please do a little more research before finishing the video.
@The90sDoggo 3 месяца назад
Great video dude! I agreed with you on many things!
@daxternator649 3 месяца назад
The first sly game is good but is more like a crash bandiccot clone, linear stages in a path, the lucky charm are like aku aku, just give you extra hit points. At least for me sly is a better crash game than the wrath of cortex (first ps2 crash game) Its in sly 2 when the cooper gang gain its own identity that separate from others platformers. And sly 4 is underrated, its not perfect but its not lost frontier and was created with heart and passion.
@Echo-titan 3 месяца назад
Hay sir your bias is showing
@mikeh5633 3 месяца назад
So ape escape was basically a new hardware testing games series I can live with that.
@slycooperrocks5826 3 месяца назад
Sly Cooper is easily my favorite series. Sure it doesn't have as much action as something like Sonic but The Cooper Gang (Carmelita included) are my favorite characters ever. I would definitely love to see it return some day. Also I think Sly 4 had the best voice for Carmelita.
@LeftattheStation 3 месяца назад
Yeah, what really makes Sly Cooper so special are these characters. I can't think of another platformer series that has such incredible depth of characters and plot.
@slycooperrocks5826 3 месяца назад
@@LeftattheStation Also a fun fact, while PlayStation Move Heroes is a terrible game, I'm thankful for it's existence because that was actually my introduction to Sly Cooper.
@Simoss13 3 месяца назад
I am currently playing Sly 3 for the first time and it is amazing. Sly 2 and 3 would of been the pinnacle of gaming when they released on the PS2. I did hear about Sly 4 ending on a cliff hanger and goddam, I would be so rock hard if Sly 5 comes on PS5
@LeftattheStation 3 месяца назад
I'd love Sly 5 too, but I'd settle for a remake or even a remaster now, anything.
@DIASTCartoons 4 месяца назад
I was introduced to Toro through him being 1 of the 5 PS3/ Vita exclusive guest characters for the short-lived Street Fighter x Tekken game. He was implemented as a tiny version of Ryu from Street Fighter. Then, PS All Stars Battle Royale announced him as a play able character in that game. That was all the times I've heard of the character.
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
He's an interesting character, it's a shame he never got a proper debut on the west.
@Fubwub 4 месяца назад
I LOVE Sly Cooper! Amazing games! I hope they make more and a movie someday!!
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
Me too. I think Sly work great as a movie or TV show in the right hands.
@TheLastFazbear 4 месяца назад
Anyone remember PaRappa the Rapper
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
I miss PaRappa because it represents such a better, simpler time in gaming. Games like that never get made anymore, not in AAA anyway.
@maxcooks2963 4 месяца назад
The Sly games are not only my favorite video games, but some of my favorite entertainment media of all time. Sly and the gang mean so much to me, and I’m glad there’s others out there who still cherish this series. Still holding on to hope for Sly 5, maybe one day…
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
Yeah, Sly Cooper is what got me into platformers as a kid and to this day I'm still comparing other games in the genre to it.
@morrisdennison8039 4 месяца назад
The second and third game couldn’t stand up to sly 1 I recently played through the trilogy once again but it honesty it’s just a slow decline from the first one. The quality and fun was really high so from going from 100 to an 70 isn’t terrible in my opinion That’s my opinion on the games
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
While I do love the first game, 2 is my favorite. I love the bigger world and more diverse gameplay. But I do agree 3 and 4 aren't as good as the first two, and that contributed to the series being abandoned.
@paulf631 4 месяца назад
I always find it fascinating when sly starts out as a platformer but Evolves into A stealth beat him up and puzzle Solver platformer it Truly is one of a kind and we'll probably never get it again Its probably for the best I wouldn't want this game to get Ratchet and Clank Rift apart treatment
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
Sly Cooper is my favorite 3D platformer series of all time, and one of my favorites in general. I loved this games as a kid and going back and playing them for this video was a blast. What about you? Are you a fan of Sly Cooper, and if so, which is your favorite game in the series?
@pedrocortes3978 4 месяца назад
Come on, Playstation, make a new ape escape game, tell asobi Studios to make a new one people will love it
@noiJadisCailleach 4 месяца назад
Trap Gunner. It still boggles me how that game didn't take off. It's like a mix of a better bomberman and some overhead shooter arena, but a fighting game. It never gets old. Always fun to play with others every time i come back and play it.
@iheartbigfatboobies 4 месяца назад
i love this video man! i absolutely love toro inoue with all my heart but it sucks theres not a lot of content about him on yt and other websites 😭your video was fun to watch! stay safe
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
Thank you, iheartbigfatboobies, that means a lot coming from you!
@tc-tm1my 4 месяца назад
Sony is too reliant on console sales. If only a fraction of console users are buying your games, console sales mean nothing. Xbox figured this out last gen. 2 million ratchet and clank sales vs a 50 million install base is embarrassing.
@anthonyayre2910 4 месяца назад
sony lost 2024
@starrims 4 месяца назад
I wish Bend release Days Gone 2 after Jim is gone!
@umaryusha5792 4 месяца назад
Also their pc ports have been sellin worst and worst. Rift Apart only sold in the 200k range and failed to reach the 800k sales they were expecting. Tlou1 returnal miles morales sackboy uncharted all flopped as well
@umaryusha5792 4 месяца назад
Also they wont be putting their games in ps plus after 6 months or a year. They have data that shows that putting Hfw in ps plus after a year hurt its second year retail sales.
@umaryusha5792 4 месяца назад
Gamepass hasnt continued to grow. its been stuck at 25 million for years now
@motherbrainisthename 4 месяца назад
Discovered your channel recently, really enjoy your video concepts and your delivery.
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the videos.
@paulf631 4 месяца назад
For me it was Jak 3 MGS3 and Rise to honor that was my game of the year that day
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
I've always wanted to give Rise to Honor a try. I should make a video on it one of these days.
@paulf631 4 месяца назад
@@LeftattheStation I highly recommend it in fact it was sleeping dogs before sleeping dogs was a thing
@olddogmaster6643 4 месяца назад
Is my top 3 games from that year Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal, Jak 3, and RE4.
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
I need to go back and replay Up Your Arsenal. I haven't played it since it came out.
@LeftattheStation 4 месяца назад
I'm interested to hear what your favorite game from 2004 was. There are a lot of great games to choose from. I'd say mine might be Sly 2.
@corwinroberts4756 4 месяца назад
I've invested in essentials,, God of war, spiderman doesn't cut it for sony
@corwinroberts4756 4 месяца назад
Don't forget they remastered spiderman 2018,😮
@ICZERZERO3000 4 месяца назад
The truth is the truth and you have spoken the truth… Plain and simple, and this is coming from a guy (me) who enjoys the best of both worlds (XBOX & PlayStation). Happy Gaming Everyone 😎.
@jawsgreatwhite9966 4 месяца назад
I’m not too concerned about new games because I just bought my first PS 5 and I have many great games I bought on sale that everyone else has already played. I’m good for about two years so I’ll be ready for GTA 6. Oh yea!
@TerrorOfTalos 4 месяца назад
"Game Pass continues to grow" so just like what you said about PS+ numbers why haven't Microsoft updated Game pass numbers? Oh yeah because of stagnation just drop offs like the Xbox console. Btw Microsoft will start putting games like HFR and sea of thieves relatively soon.
@edgarwhite9439 4 месяца назад
So Playstation is closing studios while Xbox is buying studios.. That doesn’t seem like thats going to end well for Sony. No?
@TerrorOfTalos 4 месяца назад
Tell me when Xbox has games that match PlayStation first party reception, sales, presentation, tech, characters and then we'll talk.
@DyeHard79 4 месяца назад
Great video learned alot from it No Offense but i looked up most of your points to see if they're accurate and unfortunately for us PS fans your right i dont think i realized so much of the Sony Budget was spent on Live service MP games
@ThisguyQuake 4 месяца назад
Jim Ryan put PlayStation in a stun lock, but they have so much momentum it may not matter. But it’s gonna be a rough next couple of years for players first party games.