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Declassified UK
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King Charles accepted award from Nazi veteran
3 месяца назад
@electrolytics 9 часов назад
This is great. The American Arsenal of Democracy Marches On!! Israel is our Ally!!
@scented-leafpelargonium3366 9 часов назад
Israel haters.
@sofinabegum6785 11 часов назад
Shame on the government
@Joeyjojoshabbadoo 11 часов назад
I gotta say, I am not sympathetic to these people. If anything they're worse than old Boris. They're the ones doing the actual day to day dirty work, why don't you quit if it's so terrible and you're so guilt-ridden. Oh that's right you gotta get that private school scholarship. The Americans apparently do the same thing, and there's something particularly grotesque, suborning some desperate, sell-out PMC type who craves a high-paying white collar job and just might be willing to do anything. And the hook is we'll get your kid into an elite college, and that's like, the offer they can't refuse. Because they're good parents. Sure you are.....
@mss4346 14 часов назад
Germany is on the same track as UK and US
@helenab7390 14 часов назад
Total bollox you can ban these component from going to Isra el!
@chalupa501 18 часов назад
Not many in senior government that are not bought and paid for. Amazing man Mr Duncan.
@marianlenehan9618 19 часов назад
@turgutnoyan2270 20 часов назад
UK Courts remind me Roman Inquisition .Astounding .
@craigwatson9320 20 часов назад
John Healy lying through his teeth about a global pool which the can’t determine which part will go into which plane, utter nonsense, they all have serial numbers and are traced incase of malfunction issues etc, so don’t give us that you muppet.
@marianlenehan9618 22 часа назад
@DebstonesBrazil 22 часа назад
THANKYOU!!! 💚❤️💙🇸🇩✊🏽✊🏽👏🏽
@ManyfiresWoman 22 часа назад
Well said, Sir! I'm glad you were cleared of a complaint of anti-semetic remarks. That charge is being used to keep people silent and, in some cases to lose their jobs, in the U.S. We need to remove the lobbying and nasty pressure by AIPAC. The ugliness that has surfaced because people of the world hold Israel accountable for their genocide against Palestinians, demonstrates an arrogance and a lack of true compassion. To all the countries who continue to send weapons to Israel to aid in their murder of thousands of Palestinians, I say....your complicity in this will stain your soul.
@tommylmyers2884 День назад
Can someone elaborate on what is meant by licensing and suspension of licence? If Israel already has an aircraft in its possession, how will suspension of licence prevent the use of the aircraft?
@CherubimandAngels День назад
The truth is Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi are lawless, murdering, terrorists. Obviously, they don't care if the Palestinians live or die.
@sds9781 День назад
The UK government is a law to their own and are puppets to U'$A and to 'is rot in hell'. Its clear to any human what the agenda is in Gaza and the Middle East.
@Crunt2167 День назад
@JoP444 День назад
Thanks Matt, Huda and Richard. You are all amazing 👏 ❤
@peteraston4753 День назад
Now how about stopping india from supplying arms to israel
@phillipjohnson1459 День назад
There is no country called palestin
@Michael-zu1we День назад
"A lot of British livelihoods depended on these arms contracts." Well, a lot of British livelihoods depend on selling hard drugs, but we put people in prison for that.
@DavidThomas-fb8bq День назад
Vince cable could have given the government of the day advice which he feels should be listened to. But like everything else, he was ignored. The government do not have to listen to anyone . Their minds are already made up . A one way course to disaster.
@eriasmara7739 День назад
Great work, thanks for spreading awareness!❤❤
@Somegirl51 День назад
Shut it down
@z-k7673 День назад
America economy is closest to collapse thry are already under trillions of dollars of debit and Israel already losing war at every end by genocides of Palestinian and lebnan , uk shouldn't board on sinking ships
@shomulder6854 День назад
@factuallyotherwise День назад
A legal document adopted by the League of Nations on 24 July 1922. laestblished United Kingdom as a Mandatory in control of Palestine, which had been officially under military government since the British occupied it from the Ottoman Empire during World War I. In early times, Palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites. According to tradition, Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, came from Ur to Canaan. Before 1948, Palestine was home to a diverse population of Arabs, Jews, and Christians, as all groups had religious ties to the area, especially the city of Jerusalem. Menachem Begin led the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization that was involved in the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. The Irgun was one of several Jewish independence groups that were involved in terrorist activity during this time, including: Lehi, also known as the "Stern Gang", this group was led by Yitzhak Shamir. Haganah This group's intelligence service, Sherut Hayediot, cooperated with Britain to suppress anti-British Zionist terrorism. 6:01 6:01 The term “terrorist” often gets used as a general-purpose epithet intended to consign a disliked state or group to perpetual isolation and punishment. Used in this way, the label of “terrorist” becomes a substitute for careful analysis of policy toward the state or group in question. Usually, the object of the labeling has indeed used terrorism - but so have many others who don’t get labeled the same way and may even be treated as friends and allies. If the operative notion is “once a terrorist, always a terrorist,” then there are many shady histories that warrant examination. Consider, for example, as Benjamin Netanyahu - who has flung the “terrorist” label at least as freely as anyone else - is finally being pushed out of the prime minister’s job in Israel, the histories of some of his predecessors. Menachem Begin, who held that job in the late 1970s and early 1980s - longer than anyone except Netanyahu, David Ben-Gurion, and Yitzhak Rabin - had an earlier career as a hard-core terrorist. As leader of the Irgun group during World War II, Begin conducted a campaign of attacks, focused principally on British government and police targets, intended to drive the British out of Palestine - while Britain was busy waging a war against the Nazis. Begin’s terrorist campaign continued after the war. His group’s most spectacular operation was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, killing 91 persons and injuring 46. The list of victims went far beyond the British administrators who were the purported targets and included people of multiple nationalities not only in the hotel but in adjacent buildings and the street. As the British exit neared, Begin’s group used more of its terrorist tactics against Palestinian Arabs, evidently aimed in part to terrorize Arabs into fleeing their homes and villages. An especially notorious operation was the massacre in the village of Deir Yassin, in which more than a hundred Arabs, including women and children, were killed. Begin emerged from the clandestine world after the creation of Israel as he established the right-wing Herut party in 1948. This did not erase his terrorist past - certainly not in the minds of the British, who barred him from making a visit to London in the 1950s. The British were not the only ones who took notice of what Begin represented. A trip by him to the United States in late 1948 elicited an open letter by Jewish dignitaries, including Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt, protesting the visit and describing Herut as “a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.” Herut later became the core of the Likud Party - the party of Netanyahu and the dominant party in most governing coalitions in Israel over the past four decades. Begin’s successor as prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir, had a similar history. He was co-leader of another Jewish terrorist group of the 1940s: Lehi, also known as the Stern Gang after its founder, which was considered even more extreme than the Irgun. Besides also participating in the Deir Yassin massacre, Shamir’s group specialized in assassinations, including the murder in Cairo in 1944 of the British minister of state responsible for the Middle East. In September 1948, the group assassinated the Swedish diplomat and United Nations mediator for Palestine, Folke Bernadotte, notwithstanding Bernadotte’s diplomatic work during World War II that had won the release of many prisoners incarcerated by the Nazis. The apparent motive for the killing was the expectation that Bernadotte, who was responsible for developing a more stable formula for Jewish-Arab peace in Palestine, would make proposals that would not give the Jewish side everything it wanted regarding Jerusalem. The legacy of Begin and Shamir has lived on with Israeli terrorist operations that, as with the bombing of the King David Hotel, have taken out innocent victims. For example, in 1979 (when Begin was prime minister), an attack aimed at a leader of the Palestinian Black September organization used a car bomb in a busy Beirut street that killed not only the intended target and his bodyguards but also four bystanders, including a British student and a German nun, and injured 18 others. (Six years earlier, Israeli agents had killed an innocent Moroccan waiter in Norway whom they had mistaken for their Palestinian target.) Later chapters in the story of Israeli assassinations have included the murder of Iranian scientists, with the most recent killing taking place last November. The Irgun's other notable actions include the Deir Yassin massacre, which killed over 100 Palestinian Arabs in 1948.
@factuallyotherwise День назад
A legal document adopted by the League of Nations on 24 July 1922. It established the United Kingdom as a Mandatory in control of Palestine, which had been officially under military government since the British occupied it from the Ottoman Empire during World War I. In early times, Palestine was inhabited by Semitic peoples, the earliest being the Canaanites. According to tradition, Abraham, the common ancestor of the Jews and the Arabs, came from Ur to Canaan. Before 1948, Palestine was home to a diverse population of Arabs, Jews, and Christians, as all groups had religious ties to the area, especially the city of Jerusalem. Menachem Begin led the Irgun, a Zionist paramilitary organization that was involved in the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946. The Irgun was one of several Jewish independence groups that were involved in terrorist activity during this time, including: Lehi, also known as the "Stern Gang", this group was led by Yitzhak Shamir. Haganah This group's intelligence service, Sherut Hayediot, cooperated with Britain to suppress anti-British Zionist terrorism. The term “terrorist” often gets used as a general-purpose epithet intended to consign a disliked state or group to perpetual isolation and punishment. Used in this way, the label of “terrorist” becomes a substitute for careful analysis of policy toward the state or group in question. Usually, the object of the labeling has indeed used terrorism - but so have many others who don’t get labeled the same way and may even be treated as friends and allies. If the operative notion is “once a terrorist, always a terrorist,” then there are many shady histories that warrant examination. Consider, for example, as Benjamin Netanyahu - who has flung the “terrorist” label at least as freely as anyone else - is finally being pushed out of the prime minister’s job in Israel, the histories of some of his predecessors. Menachem Begin, who held that job in the late 1970s and early 1980s - longer than anyone except Netanyahu, David Ben-Gurion, and Yitzhak Rabin - had an earlier career as a hard-core terrorist. As leader of the Irgun group during World War II, Begin conducted a campaign of attacks, focused principally on British government and police targets, intended to drive the British out of Palestine - while Britain was busy waging a war against the Nazis. Begin’s terrorist campaign continued after the war. His group’s most spectacular operation was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946, killing 91 persons and injuring 46. The list of victims went far beyond the British administrators who were the purported targets and included people of multiple nationalities not only in the hotel but in adjacent buildings and the street. As the British exit neared, Begin’s group used more of its terrorist tactics against Palestinian Arabs, evidently aimed in part to terrorize Arabs into fleeing their homes and villages. An especially notorious operation was the massacre in the village of Deir Yassin, in which more than a hundred Arabs, including women and children, were killed. Begin emerged from the clandestine world after the creation of Israel as he established the right-wing Herut party in 1948. This did not erase his terrorist past - certainly not in the minds of the British, who barred him from making a visit to London in the 1950s. The British were not the only ones who took notice of what Begin represented. A trip by him to the United States in late 1948 elicited an open letter by Jewish dignitaries, including Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt, protesting the visit and describing Herut as “a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.” Herut later became the core of the Likud Party - the party of Netanyahu and the dominant party in most governing coalitions in Israel over the past four decades. Begin’s successor as prime minister, Yitzhak Shamir, had a similar history. He was co-leader of another Jewish terrorist group of the 1940s: Lehi, also known as the Stern Gang after its founder, which was considered even more extreme than the Irgun. Besides also participating in the Deir Yassin massacre, Shamir’s group specialized in assassinations, including the murder in Cairo in 1944 of the British minister of state responsible for the Middle East. In September 1948, the group assassinated the Swedish diplomat and United Nations mediator for Palestine, Folke Bernadotte, notwithstanding Bernadotte’s diplomatic work during World War II that had won the release of many prisoners incarcerated by the Nazis. The apparent motive for the killing was the expectation that Bernadotte, who was responsible for developing a more stable formula for Jewish-Arab peace in Palestine, would make proposals that would not give the Jewish side everything it wanted regarding Jerusalem. The legacy of Begin and Shamir has lived on with Israeli terrorist operations that, as with the bombing of the King David Hotel, have taken out innocent victims. For example, in 1979 (when Begin was prime minister), an attack aimed at a leader of the Palestinian Black September organization used a car bomb in a busy Beirut street that killed not only the intended target and his bodyguards but also four bystanders, including a British student and a German nun, and injured 18 others. (Six years earlier, Israeli agents had killed an innocent Moroccan waiter in Norway whom they had mistaken for their Palestinian target.) Later chapters in the story of Israeli assassinations have included the murder of Iranian scientists, with the most recent killing taking place last November. The Irgun's other notable actions include the Deir Yassin massacre, which killed over 100 Palestinian Arabs in 1948.
@wuteva34 День назад
She talks like Elmer Fudd ! Hays beeeen choged wif tewawism. 😂
@carlajoseph5091 День назад
You’re absolutely correct
@fredrictengstrom9522 День назад
Thugs,not things! Ds
@fredrictengstrom9522 День назад
Maybe me ? Anyone with a common sense and the guts to tell the obvious.Well,well,well.They ve got the things.They ve got the guns. We ve got guts,senses,wits And the Numbahs Dr T 😊
@margaritagermanos1526 День назад
I stand with Palestine and all activists against genocide
@margaritagermanos1526 День назад
Brave souls! Thank you … what the UK become
@marianlenehan9618 День назад
@DormantIdeasNIQ День назад
wasted air
@allenmoses110 День назад
Sinwar is likely dead.
@Anonymus-qp2mb День назад
The public has to object to their tax money going to waste in these nonsense court cases. THE politician's SHOULD pay for these cases from their personnal assets & their personal funds bcos they are using these to show their muscle & powers. NOTHING to do with FACTS.
@Anonymus-qp2mb День назад
Those ugly red gowns THEY think they are GOOOOODs from the sky.
@WillD-ll7pm 2 дня назад
This makes a mockery of any pretence by the UK that it is still a 'democracy'. Censorship, intimidation and persecution have no place in a real democracy with freedom of expression.
@leyla2210 2 дня назад
And who is mr. Richard Hermer... a British Zionist Jew. They are EVERYWHERE, controlling EVERYTHING.
@shaunlynch1016 2 дня назад
wow what a joke 30 items out of 350 ain't the mental patients in power generous they are trying to destroy the world
@annread859 2 дня назад
Starmers Labour party nothing but a corrupt party. Everytime you look there is more info coming out about the Labour party is more damaging every day. Beginning to wonder when will it all end.
@SuzanaPfeifer-v8w 2 дня назад
@SuzanaPfeifer-v8w 2 дня назад
🌍🇧🇷🇵🇸🇱🇧🇷🇺🧡🧡🥰Love N keep going
@Kry-le3dq 2 дня назад
Leanne will win next time - dont give up Leanne you are an inspiration ❤🙏
@thornil2231 2 дня назад
Are they going to go after israeli actual terrorrism?
@ellenmurphy7998 2 дня назад
Well done to you sir for speaking out against Isreal lobby
@KingForever-zu5jl 2 дня назад
"There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not." -- Arab Princeton Professor, Philip Hitti, before the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry in Jerusalem in 1946. In 1937, Secretary of the Arab Higher Committee to the British Peel Commission, Awni Abd al-Hadi stated: “There is no such country as Palestine. ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented.” "We [Palestinians] were never an independent state in history, we were part of an Arab state and an Islamic state.” -- Palestinian Hamas Foreign Minister Mahmoud Zahhar (quoted in The Economist, February 2, 2008) "Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian people, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria." Syrian President Hafez al-Assad [Addressing the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization Yasser Arafat during a meeting with leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1976] Zahir Muhsein was a Palestinian leader of the pro-Syria As-Sa'iqa Ba'athist faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization between 1971 and 1979. In an interview with Trouw Magazine, 31. March 1977 he stated....."The Palestinian people do not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity.