ClassicMan D
ClassicMan D
ClassicMan D
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I create content surrounding all things geek culture,cartoons, tv shows, movies, comics, marvel. DC and anime. I base my content off bringing content that can inform and entertain while you watch. I hope you come to my channel and end up laughing while walking away with a new perspective.
ClassicMan D’s Ultimate Slander Compilation
5 месяцев назад
Dark Comic Stories: As Told By Deviant
10 месяцев назад
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Cartoon Downgrades Ep 11-20
2 года назад
Cartoon Downgrades Ep 1-10
2 года назад
Top Tier Scum in Dead by Daylight
2 года назад
Understanding Garou from OPM
2 года назад
@BlackAssBilly 21 секунду назад
Goku can take em
@Franktheart 23 секунды назад
Or what if dr strange want iron man to die so he won’t be a bigger threat in the future Tony could be superior iron man because he has a Time Machine and multiverse like the way kangg did
@slackerofhell 39 секунд назад
Any anime that refuses to let and characters die is instantly suspect. I'm sorry, but Frieza is the KISS of anime. Bro has a comeback tour every couple years.
@demonlord6786 44 секунды назад
could you react to The acolyte episode 4 from Disney
@aridontou7544 Минуту назад
Bears and sharks got NOTHING on a snake. There are stories from Fiction to video games, to manga/anime, even biblical ones about snakes. Even Lego isn't safe from them, what makes you think you're safe?!
@hugogutierrez5161 Минуту назад
Personally I like near
@naolidecomisso4108 Минуту назад
Makima and toji makes no damn sense, they are too much out of batmans leavue for him to deal without thw justice league. Batman vilains are in general much weaker then other
@chefdatboird3617 Минуту назад
Can’t wait to see Dragonball fans cope their way through this one
@estebanrosa8635 2 минуты назад
Just wait once the Culling Games are adapted to Anime..
@undeadpiggy 2 минуты назад
people still say goku is stronger
@buddy_132 3 минуты назад
Powerscaling debates are for nerds.
@charltonjohnson7412 3 минуты назад
He parried and took a bit of chip damage
@animegod4840 4 минуты назад
So…this or almighty?
@mansgotjokes 5 минут назад
You could hear the fustration in his voice at the end 😂😂😂
@gas467 7 минут назад
That's why I stay saying part one of naruto was the best
@shanepermenter831 7 минут назад
Lmao alot of people hate snakes and its funny cuz i think they are cute (in a weird alien like sorta way) but heres a fact about snakes the constrictors dont choke you to death they squeeze you so tight it cuts off all blood flow to your major organs so they stop your heart and brain quicker than they can suffocate you
@jesusdenazareth3505 7 минут назад
Yes yes my theory is correct. Gege is just bullshitting his way through the end of jjk tryna buy time with all these “breaks”
@user-ve8yz1em5y 7 минут назад
Goku still stronger
@alialluaibi3008 9 минут назад
Guy hates Drake as much as Gege hated Gojo !
@ElderSkorp 11 минут назад
And here come the dbz powerscalers 😂
@DetectiveDorian 11 минут назад
The one time that comes to mind where the bad guy doesn't shoot the messenger is Hopper from A Bug's Life, where a couple of guys try to get Hopper's brother to convince him not to go back to terrorize the ants. Hopper's brother rats them out, and Hopper... doesn't attack the brother; He puts the guys who sent him in their place.
@user-ut7qt4he2n 11 минут назад
Bird are just built different
@danielframe4713 11 минут назад
Omg he mentioned blue eye samurai! FYI, it's just cottage cheese, not actually spoiled milk
@kwameoliver2455 11 минут назад
I cried as a kid, just for him to come back.
@YourMomsNewHusband 12 минут назад
*MANGA SPOILER ALERT* Thankfully this series didn’t go the usual anime/manga route and make everyone hate him for being “one of the enemy”. Everyone in 3rd Division still stands with Kafka and tries to help secure his release. If anything his relationships with his squad get better after this
@ampocalypsew3883 13 минут назад
Aww hell I already heat the dbs fans sweating bullets this beef will nvr end lol
@albertgongora6944 13 минут назад
All right I'm sorry to see it but I have to disagree Peter is a way worser father compared to stand from American Dad because here's the thing I know that the only one time you can justify really say that Stan tried sleeping with his kids in general was basically when it came down him using the Avatar of a teenage girl to try to seduce Steve and of course make Haley have a weird thing for him by allowing her to have a relationship with his double but at least those are the only two times that's ever happened there are endless times Peter has done so many terrible things to his family especially to the point of committing so much incest to the point where his kids think it's okay to have relationships with each other so yeah I understand Stan is not the best dad but I think he's a far more better parent compared to Lois and Peter that could be better people that could come together with their kids on being a better family at least Stan has done that with his family to the point where they even started up their own traveling musical thing I forgot what it was but it's where you play with instruments or something like that are everyday house items I forgot what it's called but yeah but there's more episodes of the Smith family coming together as a family then the Griffins but I will admit Stan is still a terrible person and parent at the same time I just feel like he does a better job at trying to be a parent at certain episodes and even husband on like Peter like I'm sorry there's just too much that shows that the Griffins are far more worse than dysfunctional than the Smiths
@animer7672 13 минут назад
I'm fucking terrified of snakes
@williamyeah 13 минут назад
Bro got so angry he turned Jamaican for two seconds
@curtisjoelcarboo-se2gi 13 минут назад
They should have made a Ben 10 k series hopefully about the one from Ben 10 classic he’s my favorite
@jordantovar2945 14 минут назад
Its crocodile for me
@kwameoliver2455 14 минут назад
Domain expansion - 6 19 Hateful verses.
@jman667755 14 минут назад
Wait are these from the re-make of the void fight? Because didn't the series go on hiatus so the author could re-do the entire fight like with the phoenix man fight?
@majinvampire 15 минут назад
Yall better put some respect on Cole for not wanting the smoke!!!! COLE KNEW THIS WAS PERSONAL AND LEFT IT ALONE!!!!
@Jigowatt.Hourglass 15 минут назад
Bro is this worse than luffy spitting the water in the air and the mathematics were PERFECTlY ALIGNED and LAWS OF PHYSICS BROKEN KEEPING THAT WATER TOGETHER to land on him?
@AdamAddictL 15 минут назад
Naaaah fam I nominate my boy Light/Kira…..like I can totally see him and Batman having a battle of wits to find oit each other’s identity
@andycervantes1586 16 минут назад
3x American is 5x Asian ✌️
@lovelybran 16 минут назад
Drake: y’all killing me with this shit man 😤😠😡🤬😭
@hyperlance8732 16 минут назад
Yeah the ability seems amazing which it is but the damage output doesnt really seem that high. I feel like even if he is just playing around and demonstrating the ability him just attacking like that should be doing way more damage to the planet than just slashing that small piece of land. I guess the damage doesnt need to be high when you can hit ur opponent from any direction while they wouldnt ever be able to hit u
@alexcrow3834 17 минут назад
Fucking. Reiner. Him and his goddamm plot armor titan
@d.kryptic.j_9962 18 минут назад
This was spoilers for me but tbh IDC I just want them to animate this banger of a character. I'll wait as long as I can
@kylesorrell8401 18 минут назад
Leave pell and his slightly higher than island level durability alone😂😂
@Raging-Lion 18 минут назад
An absolute fucking legend. I cannot believe we lost him. Dude gave me all the best comic info and I didn't even need to buy a single issue to understand cus he always gave the best recaps. RIP and Blessings to the family and friends of The Great Comicstorian 💕🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏
@kokugatsumoon 18 минут назад
It was so beautiful. Beginning to end just absolute wonder!!!
@Louse1021 18 минут назад
Ngl batman would have dexter narrowed down to a csi department, or ex csi employee by the second murder lol
@NiggaPicker_123 18 минут назад
Finally saitama beats goku
@AngryBiscuit09 19 минут назад
What's the point? Saitama is limitless, NO LIMIT he can surpass everyone's power, just saying
@legendfafnir45 19 минут назад
I love the prep time bit but bat's is not doing anything to Toji
@itsyaboiChubbs 19 минут назад
Where are yall reading these? Cause im only on chapter 137
@azrael8823 19 минут назад
ONE really cooking with both mob psycho 100 and OPM