Live Well Be Well with Sarah Ann Macklin
Live Well Be Well with Sarah Ann Macklin
Live Well Be Well with Sarah Ann Macklin
Discover the most exclusive health conversations of our time. Each week, hear from leading scientists at the top of their game to guide you through the maze of wellbeing and nutrition advice. Underpinned by my 7 Pillars of Health, this is your ultimate guide to living and being well - physically, mentally and emotionally.

Host Sarah Ann Macklin began her career as a fashion model, representing brands such as Burberry and Ralph Lauren. Yet a relentless shooting schedule led to severe burnout that landed her in hospital. It was time to make changes. Sarah pursued an education in Human Nutrition. She’s now a regular contributing nutrition editor for Women’s Health U.K., Esquire, and The Rake.

For more information, please visit
www.sarahannmacklin.com | @sarahannmacklin
www.bewellcollective.co.uk follow |@be_well_collective
Avoid Belly Fat: Dr. William Li's Sugar Guide
2 месяца назад
@user-wj3er7mv2q 3 часа назад
Omega 3 helps inflammation x3 1000 mg,no sugar,no flour and keto, tumeric,no stress! Yoga!
@lynkeenan4265 4 часа назад
Can you please share anything best worst practices for H pylori
@BarryAnderson 5 часов назад
"THE RELENTLESS HI- JACKING OF YOUR BODY MIND AND LIFE " caused by the chronic consumption of UPFs Ultra -Processed -Foods for which Holistic Chef Barry Anderson has personal years of experience as follows. For a solid 10 years throughout the late 80s and early 90s, Barry Anderson suffered from Metabolic syndrome IBS with a host of many other ailments and diseases that forced the then-professional Cartoon Animator working for many different Hollywood Studios at the time to be Hospitalized in confinement to his ICU Room with round the clock nursing care trying to rid Barrys Body of undiagnosed Parasites, Antigens, Bacteria that was contaminating his blood supply with SEPSIS so deadly if not addressed in time. Yes, you guessed right. I was on my way out being so SICK FAT & nearly DEAD that without question was a contribution and cause of years of consumption of the SAD Ultra Processed Food Crap for sure. Soon Barry will share his recovery biography with his friends of X ."
@firesticker 6 часов назад
Just a suggestion. The content was good. However, hearing a host make affirmative grunts or murmurs, such as Mmhmm, Uh-huh, etc, over-and-over, really makes it difficult to listen to. I really enjoy Mark Hyman, MD's RU-vid content as well, but he's another example of this annoyance. Sadly, I can only listen for a short while because of this. Yes, perhaps I'm a bit hyper- sensitive, but I thought I'd just throw it out there.
@christinacd 7 часов назад
Don’t buy processed foods!
@Simon-pl2zi 8 часов назад
Good interview. A person living in a western country with type 2 diabetes, has made a lifestyle choice - they are not a victim. Yes the food industry lies and is corrupt, but that is not an excuse for eating junk. There is an avalanche of information available (like this video) exposing the dangers of eating refined foods containing added sugar. I was a massive sugar addict and I quit cold turkey. That decision to quit junk and starting to eat a strict whole food diet, cured my sleep apnea that was literally destroying my life. It also fixed my skin issues - tinea and skin blemishes that plagued me for years.
@Theqpom 4 часа назад
Just remember that health and food is a process of discovery. None of us just switched to healthy magically. We somehow had something introduced to us and then we opened up a whole new world of knowledge. No one could possibly know how bad or corrupt it is. Just because the knowledge is out there doesn’t mean we all rapidly discover it. It took me 50 years and I’m a scientist. But when you see something, you don’t forget it.
@kbmblizz1940 12 часов назад
SAD diet indeed. I used to think thin crust papa Murphy's pizzas were ok - No. I was a single dad, with a demanding job. Preparing a healthy wholesome meal after 14 hours work-commute was just too much to ask for. I suffered the consequences.
@stevelanghorn1407 13 часов назад
What are your thoughts on radical low-carb diets such as “Ketogenic” and “Carnivore”? Some apparently highly qualified experts like Drs Unwin, Westham, Mason & Chaffee seem to be advocating these …with very positive results…in terms of reversing Diabetes, auto-immune diseases…arthiritis, rheumatism & related inflammatory conditions such as (various) bowel diseases etc. Some even claim they are highly beneficial in terms of treating mental health conditions. But they all seem to face one big barrier…CHOLESTEROL.
@KsoPlans 16 часов назад
2 and a half months ago I started on this journey of reading his book and learning about my food. I’ve now eliminated even more (through trial and error) and I’m eating a carnivore diet. I still have a few sauces with a few nasties (try to avoid where possible) but mostly eat meat and dairy. I’m feeling so much healthier, I have better energy and digestion. So grateful for his book and interviews as it helped me stabilise my weight for the first time in many years and get off Ozempic. I wish I’d known how UPF’s affected me years ago.
@patriciamorris3364 17 часов назад
if you cant take tumeric because your on blood thinner what else can you take
@davidlewis1787 18 часов назад
I reversed my diabetes with one rule. I buy ingredients only, not products. If you follow this simple process it is transformative and miraculous.
@rachelcoleman4693 17 часов назад
Are you on any medications? What does a day of eating look like for you?
@davidlewis1787 14 часов назад
@@rachelcoleman4693 lots of vegetables, some low gi fruit, fish meat or chicken, chia seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts, cheese, salads, pulses, Greek yogurt no sugar, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, no pre made or ultra processed foods just home cooked foods. Low carbs though to be transparent, but some wild rice, barley, black rice, new potatoes in moderation. No bread unfortunately! My blood sugar is normal hbaic down to a third of diabetes level in 6 months, off all meds.
@proudchristian77 18 часов назад
U know what, a vegetarian diet & coffee ☕️ & a bicycle can get you smaller, but u can't sneak around & pig out somewhere ! & it will work , 🚴‍♀️
@sarahsnowe 18 часов назад
It is SO EASY to avoid all these health disasters. You just do what your parents or grandparents did and cook real food from scratch. Real food isn't more expensive if you know how to shop and cook (think beans, pulses, root vegetables, and whatever's in season) and you'll have time to cook if you stop scrolling through social media. The alternative is increasingly bad health. No-brainer. If you don't know how to cook, learn. There are a gazillion videos online to help, or ask someone to teach you.
@freckles2437 20 часов назад
Dr Chris Van Tulleken should receive a knighthood for his work, bringing truth to the public ❤
@meikahidenori 22 часа назад
I wish Dr. Chris looks more at fruits, grains and veggies as well as seed oils, not just hyper processed foods. I'm a T2 diabetic and was told those three thing where what I should eat.... and my blood sugars went through the boody roof! I wasn't eating any junk food either! The only way to get them stable was to do high meat based Keto. I lost some weight in the process too. If I stuck with the recommended Diabetic diet here in Australia I'd have been dead in few more years from Hyperglycaemia. Why is no one looking into this? Why do us Diabetics who see our own blood sugars every 2 hours every damn day need to be the ones to have to take the proactive because doctors can't be bothered to SEE what the Glucose Meter shows them? I DARE doctors to wear a continuous one and eat the 'recommended diet' for 2 weeks and find out how BAD the suger intake we're recommended is first hand. Might learn something. I used myself as my own test subject because I could see it with my own eyes everything I was being told to eat I was hyper sensitive to. 13.5 after eating 5 strawberries is a warning sign you can't egnore. Plus side I feel and look better than anyone I know who had the gut surgery & those around me who went vegetarian & vegan. I don't have any pain, no more bloating or feeling I want to vomit water at the time of the month. I have have retained all my muscle I had when I used to bake in my mid 20s and I'm alot more active than those others too, all within weeks of giving up the fruit and high carb grains and root veggies.
@loisbo3950 22 часа назад
Its absolutely absolutely disgusting engineering of our natural naturopathy
@petercotterill5105 23 часа назад
These so-called food companies are indistinguishable from drug-pushers
@nickseccombe1357 23 часа назад
I agree with everything you say, except willpower; you'll lose credibility if you insist it isn't relevant at all.
@meikahidenori 21 час назад
If you eat a good diet an include fats, more meat protein and drop the pasta, bread & grains you'll find you will be fuller longer and willpower no longer becomes a issue. The wheat and grain will always make you hungry a few hours after consuming as they are converted to sugar from carbs and if you only eat veg you need to eat twice the amount in order to remain full without all day grazing. If you can prevent the desire to graze, you'll find the will power will come naturally.
@CL-he4jz 20 часов назад
as a former carby addict and now via primal and keto, a carnivore I find I don't need any willpower at all. I eat all the meat and fat I want, its not very much really. before... forget it. yo yoed all my life.
@nickseccombe1357 17 часов назад
I agree, I am whole food plant based, mainly to reduce animal suffering, but also for health, and I too can eat anything and everything and maintain a BMI of 21. I was really thinking that you can have a group of people who eat UPFs, with a huge range of weights due to their will power...whether they eat the whole pack of biscuits or just one or two?
@TofuAssassin День назад
Ahh yes emulsifiers what horror, lets not forget about flavourings, extracts and "insert word that encompasses a broad array of additives which tells us nothing on their effects on health but might sound scary to someone who isn't familiar with the topic" Muppet!
@Louis_123 19 часов назад
Do you kill tofu or are you an assassin made of tofu?
@TofuAssassin 19 часов назад
I'm not spilling the beans on that one
@nigelwatson2750 День назад
This Van Tulleken guy has regularly appeared on the BBC. The BBC have been pushing an unhealthy high carb / high sugar / low fat diet. Whatever the BBC and the NHS say, do the opposite. The BBC is a criminal organisation. Brick wall background is a Masonic symbol.
@DawnZimmermann День назад
I do natural healing but Iv had crazy health issues.. I understand gut health but not lack of health and that is why I didn't heal. Auto immune was the result but videos like this give us info that no other Drs THAT WE PAY, will or can give us this info. 🙏🙏🙏
@Angelicnorth День назад
Are you connected with diary of a ceo
@musicmonsterman8395 День назад
What about the physicians committee who speak of studies that prostate cancer rose with those who supplemented with DHA/EPA?
@lululove6175 День назад
Would love an interview with Dr.B and Sally Norton the supposed expert on oxalates. She says to eliminate most of the things you promote. Totally lost with a crappy gut (no pun intended) but have no idea what to eat anymore. This Sally scares the heck out of me saying that you dump oxalates first years.
@lydiacarels7912 День назад
Interesting! I have bought the book and have yet to read it. I think the name of the island you're looking for is Samoa!
@brendafarris7350 День назад
so informative
@audreysuter4315 День назад
Carnivore lifestyle is what brings me optimal well being❤
@dennisward43 День назад
I cured my chronic gut health after 40 years by cutting out most fibre and ultra processed food including all 'vegetable' oils.
@danielkristensen8582 День назад
No you did not cure it, you only reduced your symptoms. Curing the gut issues would mean you Can eat EVERYTHING now, and it seems like, judging by your comment, that you cannot. So nothing is cured.
@tracey-louiserobson8995 3 часа назад
Interested . What is your regular diet is is more carnivore ?
@lillefrance7406 День назад
Manufactured products are not a food group. They are unecessary. Just eat plants and watch the good health begin.
@jeannie920 19 часов назад
I can’t eat plants they make me bloated. High fat carnivore diet is the diet that suits me best.
@Karen-ff4os 18 часов назад
These ultra-processed food are made from plants. Plants also have a lot of anti-nutruents that cause inflammation in a lot of people. Prioritize high quality animal-based proteins and fats first and experience your health improve!😊
@alicejwho 2 дня назад
It's VAGUS nerve!
@alicejwho 2 дня назад
Chris, you say you have no time to exercise, due to being busy with your family. Try exercise snacks (look at the studies showing how effective short bursts of exercise are if you do them several times a day). If i can't do my usual cycling or resistance training, i run up and down the stairs 10 times, several times across the day. It's entirely possible.
@alicejwho 2 дня назад
This guest is so much better in his anger and indignation! I used not to bother with listening to him as i found him a bit flimflam and watered down (like the mainstream TV doc he is. BBC...worse than a waste of time IMO). This is a fantastically heartfelt presentation from him in which he shows his own vulnerability whist giving very pertinent information. It's quite unbelievable what is being presented to us as food. Our young are so at risk but they arent aware of it! Thank you (ive been reading about this travesty of UPFs since 1995).
@livewellbewellsarah 2 дня назад
So pleased you loved this conversation! Agree Chris showed so much passion and venerability in this episode 🙏
@jimjoelliejack 2 дня назад
People need to wake up and open their eyes to all of this evil crap that these huge companies are feeding them, it’s poison. I was pre diabetic with hypertension and asthma, I have been eating a proper human diet since January 24, I’ve gone from over 15 stones down to 11 .11 stones in 5 months, my bp is back to normal range, my basal metabolic pulse is now down as low as 49 bpm. I’m off all medications. My aerobic fitness has gone through the roof, so has my strength, I’m 61 and I feel fitter than I did in my 30s. No more snoring, sleep like a dormouse, no aches and pains, teeth are always clean as is my tongue. Cut out sugar,carbohydrate and fibre (polysaccharides)you do not need them! You only need protein and fats, your body will produce its own glucose and ketone. Thank you for talking about this people need to educate themselves, they want you to be sick it’s all about money.
@kevinhodge2614 2 дня назад
No sigmoid colon...cancer I was a carnivoire until people I trusted convinced me to vary my diet. 10 years later aggressive cancer. Now any little bit of fibre shuts my gut down. I am type O blood. Research shows me I should be straight carnivoire. Too late for me. Read the book "eat right for your blood type"
@richardstravelingchannel2397 2 дня назад
WFPB4LIFE it is by far the best choice in my life
@lindyvandenbosch9539 2 дня назад
You say umm mmm every few seconds. Very very annoting
@jodonn2285 2 дня назад
Just a question, the ad about bedding, the person highlights going to there showroom, nothing about where it came from, I'd rather see somebody at the start, not laying on a bed
@livewellbewellsarah 2 дня назад
They are all handcrafted in Devon :)
@jodonn2285 2 дня назад
I work in a supermarket and after watching a few of chris podcast, I'm scared, I got obsessed looking at ingredients, its not just bad, its scary bad cause you can escape it
@livewellbewellsarah 2 дня назад
Good to recognise it!
@robertmorgan000 17 часов назад
When i read that guys book i started to see supermarkets in a different way. I started to notice the overwhelming amount of UPF products on the shelves. It made me angry to see how food companies made health claims or manipulated the traffic-light system to make their "stuff" look healthier than it actually was (e.g. green or orange lights for a 1/4 portion... but who eats a 1/4 portion??) His book opened my eyes and changed my shopping habits. It takes more effort to hunt around for real food, but I would prefer that to chronic illnesses as I age
@lemontree9019 2 дня назад
What drives me crazy is while upf get us sick and fat all of this years, companies with the help of doctors put the blame on butter, on carbohydrates... on sugar... they point their finger on every else, in order to continue to make money.
@paulveg8524 2 дня назад
Click bait with no answer.
@user-cz8vp2kk2i 2 дня назад
Irritating interviewer!
@11235Aodh 2 дня назад
Absolutely right, after going vegan in 2018 and later adopting mcDougall's starch based diet, i pretty much go through a supermarket that has a whole bunch of "non food" items for me, they might just aswell be colored packaging only. Not eating it and seeing them for what they are makes it SO easy to not be tempted. I say tempted, but i'm at the point where they have to pay me good money to even eat that stuff again.
@livewellbewellsarah 2 дня назад
@Petunia-fl9lu 2 дня назад
raise kids on real food they don't get a taste for the addictive CRAP that the junk food companies want you to create. we were raised from our mother's plate of real food not junk kids foods. pureed chicken, beef, and eggs and veggies... what's wrong with that? it's real food. the rubbish kids take to school now it is DISGUSTING. in my year 6 kids, a while back, they actually have a group that swaps junk food bars and snacks... they are all fat.
@Petunia-fl9lu 2 дня назад
as I always say it's not a case of be vegan to be healthy but just cut the junk out. your body need micronutrients, you don't get them from processed refined foods and if they're are any vitamins they are manufactured and minerals and are cheap. The iron they fortify cardboard mono crop cereals with for kids is cheap and poorly absorbed. Meat is better that coco pops with added 'vitamins and minerals' that's not natural.
@x-stormblade 2 дня назад
The food industry should be locked up in prison for life, they sell food that poisons us, for profit and get's away with it. They should be accountable for the heath issues caused. Putting money before people's health just tells me that the biggest disease going on in humanity is not cancer. diabetes, heart disease e.t.c. it's humans themselves.
@donnahill758 2 дня назад
Please Dr. Look at the polyphenols in BLACK TEA. It is my understanding is that they are essentially identical. This information was presented at The Annual Meeting at the Academy of Dietetics several years ago. I hold a masters from Tufts University and was a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist in MA. (Now retired) Please review the polyphenols in black tea.
@jpassen5980 2 дня назад
As a second comment if I may, after a year on a keto diet and now on carnivore and having covered every diet I’ve heard of in 70 years, I remember hearing this; everything I love is either illegal, immoral or fattening! Never a truer word….🤭