Royal Rollin
Royal Rollin
Royal Rollin
Impossible is just an idea, not a fact
@artofroy84 17 дней назад
This is what I'm looking for but this is too big lol
@eindon1 21 день назад
Sorry, but this is not a How To build and design. More like a This is what I did.
@fredpryde8555 Месяц назад
thank you for these tutorials
@nobodydoesanything381 Месяц назад
Pc master race. Cant wait to get one
@fredpryde8555 Месяц назад
i was wondering what the modules do
@fredpryde8555 Месяц назад
that really helped me learn about hangers thank you
@kahwigulum Месяц назад
The sorter coming off the O2H2 will disallow gas and oxygen coming through the output, so while you may be able to around that by filling bottles, you won't be able to fill ships H2 tanks.
@Giofear 5 дней назад
Liquids come through sorters without any problems for me
@lokoli6756 2 месяца назад
Judging by the low fps, it must be perfect
@user-vh7lw2zq8q 3 месяца назад
how can i get this blueprint? i like it
@royalrollin8372 3 месяца назад
Hi, now on steam workshop: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3233850568
@user-fl8oc9ji3y 4 месяца назад
Hallo..schade das du keine videos mehr machst…ich bin relativ neu bei space engineers..finde deine Basis super und nehme sie gerne als Anregung für meine zukünftigen😀..Grüsse
@royalrollin8372 4 месяца назад
Ich hab grade noch mal geguckt, ich habe die Basis ja gar nicht auf Steam hochgeladen! Ich werde die Tage das noch nachholen, mit einem Show Case Video, jetzt hab ich wieder richtig Lust auf Space Engineers. Falls du noch eine Tutorial Idee hast sag bescheid!
@Balragh 8 месяцев назад
A quick question, on the sorter for « other » don’t you need to add ice to the blacklist ?
@scottsadler4215 5 месяцев назад
Ice is covered by "ores", that why he did each individual ore in the Ore sorter.
@TutmanTutman 9 месяцев назад
I have 600hrs on this game on pc, 6k+ on console i will say that if you build massive stations like me for 12+ players and you have hundreds of refineries and hundreds of cargos for ore it takes time to unload the ore into the cargo, to make sure the refineries are fed enough to keep it at max production rates. I have 180 sorters on my largest production section on the station, that is just to get the ore out of our large minners which can hold 10s of millions of a single ore. We have 86cargos for strg and 42 for ingots and 64 for comp storage, we also have an ice system, over all around 1k+ sorters or so. I will say copy and paste a single sorter in creative with the settings you want helps a lot.. it is still a pain, but very much worth it if you are to go through the pain because you can make such a flawless system. Also you need conveyor junctions at every cargo container so the sorters do not smash all the ore into one cargo, because the cargo when full will not empty into other cargos so to stop jams and clamps in the system make conveyor junctions onto more than a few ore cargo containers.. just a tip. This is only for the committed lol
@ChevyTech68 11 месяцев назад
This is amazing!! I’ve been trying to think of a way to build a gantry crane system. This just answered all the questions I’ve been thinking about. Thank you!!!
@digby_dooright Год назад
Cool! I just got this game for my birthday. I built a small space station but I don't know anything about airlocks or oxygen yet. 😂
@RobbieForReal Год назад
You know the tutorial is good when you can hear that laptop fan going full blast in the background
@cyberstar251 Год назад
Is there one that also goes side to side as well as front to back? also how do you keep the cables from bending the wrong way?
@OneAndOnlyEfie Год назад
Praise Lord Clang
@Sorinoir Год назад
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Hello, I hope I got soon time to make new videos
@Sorinoir Год назад
@daverose8082 Год назад
@Royal Rollin Any chance you could provide this as a blueprint? Great tutorial but I'm afraid your camera work makes me dizzy.😵‍💫🤢
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Yes, a different version (from a newer video): steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2937820631
@daverose8082 Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 Thank you for your speedy response - much appreciated. I am looking forward to playing with your interesting looking setup
@liongoat7703 Год назад
Is the rover on steam workshop?
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Not yet, but soon!
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Here is the workshop link: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2985043560
@cabbageplays6710 Год назад
So you have 4 sorters that go from ore storage to the refineries, but the pipes are all linked after the sorters, so no point to them being there. If each sorter was going to a single refinery, i would understand the point of them, but then in the pipes after, it all gets mixed up again, so just a waste of power there. You could have just added the bottles to the ice sorter at the start, and that would have done the same thing.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Only one of the 4 sorters is on at the same time, thats to switch ore types. Bottles don´t came from the ore inlet, so a extra sorter make sense and I don´t want bottles in my ice storage.
@swordbreaker9721 Год назад
Bruh that IS sick! Its too complicated make These rails ?
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Well, it needed a a few tries..
@MsAct4 Год назад
I appreciate the tutorial, though the background noise is decently annoying :<
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Yes, I hope I will find a soulution, I´m useing a notebook..
@Dreadfish_1 Год назад
HOLY CRAP! This is some next level building/engineering! How long did this take you?
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
The first prototyp was a bit older, now I´m going step by step, forward. The Train is on steam workshop, with and without railstation.
@therealbahamut Год назад
In my experience, the power efficiency module is really just a placeholder until you get your power system up to snuff for your needs. At that point you probably just generally want yield modules so you get the most out of your ore. It's especially true for cobalt since you need it for basically everything useful. Speed modules can be okay to quickly grind stone but higher yields mean you don't need to mine as much for the ingots. You can get speed easily enough by just building more refineries but you can't get higher yield from ore any other way. These notions may change if you're playing on unusual servers that do different things with ore generation but in vanilla, I'd usually just go speed for stone just to get it out of the system quickly and yield for everything else. I wish we had a greater variety of modules that change the functionality of things or help specialize our machinery in some way.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
My build is just one exemple, what I saw from others, the most players use only the speed moduls, like fast=best... With 8 refierys plus speed moduls only, it´s over 17 MW while runing, with only solar power (space or moon), that would be a lot panals, I don´t want to use my uranium / hydrogen primary..... with wind works better....
@therealbahamut Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 I agree; a nice tall wind turbine tower or three is usually best planetside. Solar panels have historically been a bit disappointing and hydro engines are mostly for the desperate or those who just love the engine noise. With the new automation/event controllers though, solar panels might just make a bit of a comeback since they can more easily be told to follow the sun...
@Anvilshock 3 месяца назад
"I'd usually just go speed for stone just to get it out of the system" - If you just want to get rid of it, why bring it in the first place? From a non-yield refinery you get exactly 3 % by weight in iron ingots from what you put in in stone, 6 % at full yield. Yes, it's that little. Meaning, you're either desperate for ingots if you bother to bring home stone, and if you're desperate you'd try to get as much iron as possible, or you're not desperate at all and should care so little about stone that you wouldn't bring it in the first place, let alone dedicate a refinery to stone. There is literally no valid reason to ever consider anything else than yield for stone (because if you do, you might as well just eject it), and as such might as well use your regular yielded-up refineries. Don't worry, you'll churn through it fast enough even without speed upgrades. Remember that stone, as cheap and ubiquitous as it is, still costs a valuable resource to mine, and that's your personal play time, and setting up an AFK drill only helps so much. Might as well make the most from it even if you're not iron-starved. If you need more speed … build more refineries, not make your refineries faster but more wasteful.
@therealbahamut 3 месяца назад
@@Anvilshock Not that iron is the only thing you get from stone but whatever. At this point I barely play anymore anyway, let alone vanilla, so there's always some factor changing the value of things from the baseline assumption.
@Anvilshock 3 месяца назад
@@therealbahamut That'd make sense as an argument if the other elements (or "elements") were suddenly that much more abundant or valuable, but they're not, especially if you still want to be arguing in favour of anything _but_ yield. Gravel: 1.40 % Iron: 3.00 % Nickel: 0.24 % Silicon: 0.40 % … for a total yield of 5.04 % by weight. You were saying?
@liongoat7703 Год назад
That with the LCD Display switching is cool! I am not sure, but the speed modul decrease the ingot output i think
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thanks, I will make some tests with the speed moduls.
@Anvilshock 3 месяца назад
They don't. Hint. Whenever you feel the need to add "I think" to what you're saying, stop talking or typing, go back to research, and only continue talking or typing when you have enough information to back up your claims that you don't look like a fool who pulls unsubstantiated factoids out of a certain dark place.
@adamn2993 Год назад
wait you guys dont just throw ore where it even it defaults to?
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
That´s the sorters job, a easy way to keep a good overview of the inventory and set priority´s for the refinery´s
@driftkingtate Год назад
The base is amazing I wish I could build like that I was looking at your other bases on workshop
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thanks! Maybe, replace effective with useful, while starting a build, thats makes it easyer to get a complex design.
@driftkingtate Год назад
Could you upload this to the steam workshop
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
I builded a new version, that will be uploaded. New Video and Workshop release tomorrow, hopefully (it´s ready for record). Or would you prefer this version?
@driftkingtate Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 any version would be fine
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Here is the Blueprint: steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2937820631
@bastiane215 10 месяцев назад
Thank you!@@royalrollin8372
@Bondubras Год назад
In one of my own builds, I made an ore processing station using a similar system as this, except separating cargo by ore, ingot, component and ammunition. Ice and h2/O2 are in their own dedicated system as well. My system is designed such that there's a dedicated refinery for each ore type, with speed or yield modules used as needed, such as speed on the two iron refineries and yield on the uranium refinery. The processed ores will then merge conveyor lines with the initial ingot line, and be put into a storage container that acts as a buffer for the 6 assemblers in the facility, though the assemblers aren't set up for filtering specific items for obvious reasons. All the assemblers have full speed modules, of course. After the components are made, they're put into the last storage container, where they also share space with the initial component and ammunition lines. A sorter with a filter to whitelist Gatling ammo helps feed the 4 defensive turrets on top of the building. The input/output is handled in an enclosed garage designed specifically for low-slung small block rovers, with the input and output connectors being inline on the floor and ceiling, respectively, to interface with my standard rover cargo transfer design of a collector block in the roof attached to a large conveyor block that also has a connector attached coming from the bottom of the rover. When the in-floor connector is docked, everything lines up such that anything dropped from the station's roof connector will roll down a small ramp into the collector on the rover.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Sounds instersting, is the base on steam workshop? I like for uranium platinum gold and magnesium ore a 4x yield refinery, couse they are low combined (from my new video). I´m working on a concept, to make all ores cycle, but without script, the lowest amount is 2.7k (couse 1000L sorter inventory volume). To set the exact cycle time with speed modules is not easy....
@Bondubras Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 I don't have the base on the workshop, no. I've been working on a different project lately. I'll look into putting it up later. I will warn you, though, the base does require at least the industrial dlc, since I'm using the refinery and assembler from that dlc to try to help the walkability of the base. There might be a couple other dlc used, but I can't remember them off the top of my head. I also have isy's automatic lcd script in a program block, but I haven't yet gotten it set up, since I don't know entirely how it works.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
@@Bondubras My all workshop objects need almost all DLC´s, (got them all), I always use scripts (I love a good setup), only for this tutorial, I made a extra soulution
@Bondubras Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 gotcha. I mainly use the warfare, sci-fi and industrial dlc's, though I also have all of them. Admittedly, for the first two, I'm using them more for the better looking thrusters and reactors. The sci-fi atmospheric engines are awesome, and the warfare ion engines look pretty as well. But it is generally a thing that when I do a build, I make one such that if a person doesn't have the dlc's, they could still make use of my blueprints by simply placing the vanilla block equivalents. The sole exception so far is with the industrial assemblers in my materials handling facility, since those are such a massive change from the vanilla assemblers. I also make heavy use of the reinforced conveyor tube blocks. Having the ability to transfer cargo yet still maintain the ability to attach blocks is too useful. I've basically stopped using the standard conveyor blocks. I'm fairly well aware that this approach is somewhat resorce-intensive, but I basically play exclusively in creative mode. Ever since buying the game back in late 2011, I've basically only done maybe 5-10 minutes of survival mode. My first workshop submission was a chess set way back in early February 2012. I still remember when rotors didn't exist and subgrids weren't a thing. I also remember the old beta texture for what would become a wheel, which was basically a flat gray cylinder with a white line coming in from one edge to show it was turning. Conveyors and cargo containers also weren't a thing back then...
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
I use survival mode only for testing my builds... I waypast the "volume control" wheels.... I started at 2015. Can you send me a link to your workshop?
@tuchevery4185 Год назад
Good video! I would love a tutorial for TMC much like the series you did for SDS-OS. Thanks.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
OK Thanks, there will be 1-2 more videos with SDS-OS, then i can start with TMC tutorial
@waffletronmk7 Год назад
Even with 2300+ hrs I barely used sorters because I wasn't sure if they were necessary. There is always more to learn.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thank you! Sorters are very underestimated, I didn´t use them much. I preferred script soulutions before, for ore, but "TIM" is old, and other scripts do not ore management like I want.
@Drefar Год назад
your microphone scratches just so you know there is a simple solution for that use Nvidia Broadcast it eliminates even clapping while talking like the youtube videos on it show. Still a great video.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
I will check the Nvidia Broadcast App, thanks for telling!
@LosGinosM Год назад
How did you display your cargo, as seen in the top right corner? I really liked that and would like to use that myself.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thats Fancy Status Display V2 (Top middle) for Cargo fill state, the left Top screen is IQueue Production manager for component inventory.
@ColinTimmins Год назад
I just picked up this game just over a week ago. I probably should have dabbled in it before now, it's quite fun. Thank you for the hints and design ideas. =]
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
If you got an idea for a tutorial, please let me know.
@StarWarsExpert_ 4 месяца назад
There have been major updates. You should check out the game again.
@Gamer12666 2 месяца назад
There's remote controls now, and AI added since you started. Automation is so much easier now.
@ziggythomas1123 Год назад
This was quite helpful. And BTW, the refinery complex looks great. I need to start painting things more.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thanks, the refinery complex is for my next video cycle all ores without script
@lordflashheart3680 Год назад
That is some beautiful work! Very, very nice indeed.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thanks! I´m happy to see that so many people like it!
@helfexer9019 Год назад
People make stuff like this and here I am struggling building a ship that doesn't look like a box
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
My very first build looked like a box too
@mikeallison493 Год назад
I love the build style, looks super industrial! Great way to sort your items without scripts.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thanks, my focus was not on "design", but a open industrial area is a real eye catcher.
@6105boe Год назад
I wonder, could you use a bunch of hinges for smooth curves?
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Well, that´s also an option, but when high mass drving over the hinge, they are going to be an unstable grid. The test track needs to be as "one blueprint" for copy/paste. Also my most play time was before hinge update.... so I forget sometimes the hinge...
@6105boe Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 I mentioned it because I remember seeing a different SE train video that used hinges like that. Perhaps you could have 1 hing, then 1 rail stuck into the ground, then repeat. Not sure if that will be stable and blueprintable, I came back to the game a little while ago and am only playing survival for now. What we really need is several 2x3 curved blast door blocks or a SE transport DLC but I guess that’s a bit much to ask for :p
@umbrellacorporation8932 Год назад
I like this but for whats u can use it?
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Everything what's controlled how multiple timers, plus more settings and options. You can make more sub-programs with complexes events, like: open gate ; piston up ; hinge + rotor turn; connector connect; and then all back, with different light and sound settings.
@liongoat7703 Год назад
The light color changes are a cool feature, what i didn´t know, that i could use buttonsn and sensors!
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Yes, I looked for tutorial whats all possible, I didn't use it for my bases until now...
@roxstein Год назад
I quite like your system man, I've made some trains before in SE and this is inspiring me to make the double monorail e.g. Solo. I like how you tackled the pitch of the trucks in your later iterations
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thanks! I wanted too much at the first time four large cargo´s, that was way to much....
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Part 2: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-wG7WRLy0UxY.html
@SparkPlays101 Год назад
would of been nice if u showed how u did most things.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Ok can you specify what a bit, like a script, or example : "0:00 how to set this?"
@SparkPlays101 Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 e.g the cock pit lcd, if its a different take on than the button panel. You also got a menu of some sorts
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
@@SparkPlays101 The cockpit LCD is SDS-OS Script and the button panel is Fancy Status Display Script. I could make a extra video for it, with a new small base, I think that would be better to show
@SparkPlays101 Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 and brings alot of views as many ppl search for such
@GodKitty677 Год назад
This would be very useful if it could create new track and lay conveyors. This could then connect two bases. Both at two ice sources. I guess you can use a script to get the train to go back and forth unloading ice or Hydrogen.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Yes that will be the next step. To connect to bases is the plan, like ore, O2 and H2, but first I will test with ore, couse I need to see how it with different weights work.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
New Video: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dDVGR9IHCNE.html
@outzymes3636 Год назад
Woah those doors look different. Are they a mod or dlc or just something else i don't know about?
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
The blastdoors are from "Warfare 2 DLC", there are 3 new typs of blastdoor block.
@zaflowgalactic Год назад
Very cool base! :)
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
@flyingace2817 Год назад
I usually build vanilla without scripts, using Sensors/Timer blocks OR Remote waypoints/Timer Blocks. These are my methods, customize to suit your requirement. Sensors and Timer blocks 1. Set up a Timer block instructions to apply brakes until it stops and Reduce Suspension Wheel Max Speed setting such that the train will travel below 8m/s (3-4m/s works best i feel) when moving off again. Because at speeds below 8m/s, colliding with blocks do not cause damage. Once it stops you need to release the brakes by activating a Delayed Timer Block such that the train will move off at that Low speed (see no.2) 2. Set up and another Timer Block with On/Off brake instruction with a delay long enough that you know the train will be at a standstill. Put this block to be activated by Timer 1. above 3. Now you need a Sensor to trigger Timer Block no.1 when it approaches the Station or at your specific braking point. From your design it may be possible to get the Sensor to trigger upon detecting your STATION. Be sure to set the Sensor to trigger only as such. Also do note that sensors have a max range of 50m. 4. After that you can place Connectors, Merge Blocks on the Train and Station inline with each other and they will collide safely. 5. Moving off from the station, is just the reverse... Disengage from connector, Invert the Propulsion (if you are using Override Propulsion to automate), and increase Max Speed setting to your desired speed. Remote and Timer Blocks 1. Setup station approach waypoints on your Rail. In each approach waypoint, do the same as above. Setup the waypoint in the REMOTE Controller to slow/stop the train and then move off again to let it collide slowly with the station Connector. Use CIRCLE mode in the Remote to do a To and Fro station to station setup. Advantage of using Remote is that you can put any number of points of trigger to give instructions to the train. Also each setup waypoint on the REMOTE can trigger 9 actions, and reduce the need for Timers in some cases. Important Note: The GPS Waypoints Must be taken when in Control of the REMOTE, for better trigger reliability. At desired trigger waypoints, take control of REMOTE, then take the GPS coords from it. Not from Player/Char. Note: If Braking the train breaks the rails (due to weight), unclick the Allow Brake checkbox on some wheels (alternate wheels is good). One more thing, REDUCE Max Speed Setting if done early enough can slow your trains gradually instead of using braking. Or let it be slow enough that braking wont break rails. Yes full braking under very heavy weights barrelling at 104m/s CAN break rails. I usually build elevators, and certain designs can be used horizontally as well. The setups above has worked well, but does take some time to set them up correctly at first... Hope it works for you.
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
Thanks, I saw your video, so it works well! I don´t like to make it with timers, becouse I made bad experiences with it, not couse of the game, more like, after a few weeks I don´t remember how the setup works... With a huge timer Airlock witch a once builded, I don´t figured out how I made it... But I will keep your soulution in mind, if I don´t find a script soulution. At the monemt I´m still thying with DAS, I think I got a way, hopefully.
@flyingace2817 Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 Hey no problem. Hope you find a script that works for you. Will watch out for your next video to see your working automated Train! Your builds by the way look really good!👍
@royalrollin8372 Год назад
@@flyingace2817 Thanks, I found are soulution! New video is online: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-dDVGR9IHCNE.html
@flyingace2817 Год назад
@@royalrollin8372 Watched it. Cool solution👍