Wes Davies 衛斯理
Wes Davies 衛斯理
Wes Davies 衛斯理
I live in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and make videos about travel, food and adventure. Welcome to my channel!

For business inquiries, please send an email (listed below) or contact my management team on Line.

創作者經紀人 Maggie
email: wes@ruredi.co
Line ID: @redi
@aokidaiwa8351 4 часа назад
@suedavies5728 11 часов назад
Very useful information! Thanks for sharing.
@sinapinvicky4415 18 часов назад
Not far away from my home . Haha
@nia00000 2 дня назад
@hsiu-huachan9666 2 дня назад
@daidsingszutu5728 3 дня назад
😊😊😊😊 恭喜衛斯理 🤠🤠🤠🤠
@Wandering_BI 3 дня назад
Really nice video! Thanks for putting in the effort! Abai is super delicious and I wonder why top restaurants in the world do not make it! I learned that most places that sell it use imported xiaomi (mostly from China). If you find locals making it for you there is a chance you can get it from locally produced xiaomi. Local xiaomi is incredibly expansive because it is grown in mountain areas where machine harvesting cannot be used.
@TL243 5 дней назад
Wish you were making more vids. Even if you make best of vids or revisited old b roll to tell stories.
@Wufei22 6 дней назад
Wes Davies will happily smoke your weed , drink your drinks and gawk at your hot gf in person but when it comes to his precious RU-vid channel will act like it never happened. My gf and I gave him so much shots and weed on Halloween 2022. Nothing in return. Typical Taiwan RU-vid nerds
@daisien 7 дней назад
These are available to grow in certain parts of the united states. Florida and California are probably the biggest growers. A lot of us have it in our backyard. I have suagr apples, atemoyas and cherimoyas in California zone 10b
@user-ux5no7ei1o 8 дней назад
@blo0dyc0rpse 9 дней назад
can you work for beer compane i am from belguim i love making beer but never work big braery
@798081aa 10 дней назад
Wes❤❤ I love your Canadian accent, it reminds me of my professors in University of Graph Humber , Ontario ;) hopefully we can watch a video about the feature of your Ontario dialect !! It’s amazing
@WesDaviestravel 8 дней назад
Hmm well I grew up in southern Ontario, Owen Sound, which isn’t far from Guelph! I always thought my accent was quite neutral but seems you can tell it apart!
@chihlin7070 11 дней назад
If don’t find a place in center of city,it’s would be easy to find a good quality place for living
@piyopiyo4453 12 дней назад
@wine3737 12 дней назад
@WesDaviestravel 12 дней назад
Great idea!
@kathymikechu 12 дней назад
Back in the day… circa 2003, there were ‘agents’ that would ‘help’ foreigners find a place to live. It was just as hard back then as it is now. But we did end up renting a place we loved near the Ruefong night market. Our landlords were school teachers and super great. I think we paid around 13,000/mo.
@insist99 12 дней назад
因為租給外國人沒保障啊 欠租跑掉回自己國家 台灣法律無法保障
@sianhao4864 13 дней назад
@user-qe7xb9mo9r 13 дней назад
簡單說 台灣的房東 既愛錢! 又怕死! 全世界 典型的勢利眼代表 就是台灣的包租公 包租婆
@outdoor75 13 дней назад
Didn't get a good look at your apartment but I think if 2 bedroom around 16k to 18k a month. Incl the body corporate fee.
@YangSHI-bl7de 13 дней назад
@nia00000 13 дней назад
@user-ns4oh1kr6z 14 дней назад
我們新竹的外國人 都喜歡租竹北的房子,竹北房子較新 ,也較高級 ,租金也貴,但生活機能沒竹市好(現在有比較好了)!所以我認為 外國指很多國家 ,要看是哪一個國 家的人,來台做長期工作 ,還是短期!還是來結婚的!肯定跟土生土長的台灣人買房租房的條件不一樣!
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
Good points!
@peter6314 14 дней назад
@mirrodustchen9836 14 дней назад
越鄉下的地方、房東年紀越大的人,心態越封閉,外語能力也越差,就越不容易接受外國租客。而且台灣大部分的租屋市場都是被默認的黑市,房東多半不守法,不太負責,台灣租客多半較為弱勢,都默默忍受。也許台灣房東不認為外國租客可以忍受這些。全台灣大概只有台北這個都市較為國際化,有較高品質的房子可以租給外國租客,但是價格也更高。 政府真的應該讓租屋市場正常化法制化,不然對台灣人口組成國際化會成為一種阻礙。
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
I didn’t realize the rental market was still so unregulated! Hmmm 🤔
@kellychien6585 14 дней назад
I love Emma bed
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
Same here!!
@tomessu2002 14 дней назад
I am so sorry you guys need to experience such. Hope other than that, you do enjoy Taiwan.
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
Luckily with some patience we are usually able to find something we can live with :)
@tomessu2002 13 дней назад
@@WesDaviestravel I grew up in Kaohsiung and now live in Canada (which is the opposite of you). I love watching your videos and listening to your comments about my beloved hometown from your point of view.
@user-cq9ri6ps2z 14 дней назад
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
@farleylai1102 14 дней назад
Proof of income and/or employment is not uncommon even in the US, not to mention checking the credit scores. By contrast, the rental market lacks regulations in Taiwan. So good luck before enjoying the low living expenses.
@shareall7649 14 дней назад
@kikyochan66 15 дней назад
Wow I wish I could work just 30 hours a week
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
Haha well that’s just teaching hours in the classroom in front of kids. That’s all we get paid for, the rest is usually unpaid work like grading homework, lesson planning, meetings etc
@crist504 15 дней назад
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
Well, I would say we really treat weekends like WEEKENDS. The noise might increase slightly on Saturdays 🤣
@crist504 13 дней назад
@@WesDaviestravel 哈哈哈,那是時間的問題,例如20:00過後鄉下就認為是噪音,城市可能是22:00過後,假日可以忍受往後延一個小時,事實上台灣人熱鬧起來也不輸給外國人,就是喧嘩跟party 台灣人定義不同🤣🤣
@stuart924 15 дней назад
@kdavid2773 15 дней назад
Based on the real experience of my retired American friends. There are indeed problems with lease housing in Taiwan ! Expat would rather live in Thailand because it is friendlier there.
@goodtony314 15 дней назад
Nice vidoe as always. I really like the video showing the actual rental market in Taiwan instead of being another pure praising Taiwan video.
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
Trying to be as honest as possible!
@sherryispeaking 15 дней назад
Interesting stories. Thanks for sharing. I had a three-bed-room, two-bath apartment in New Taipei city available for rent earlier this year. Good location, pet friendly. I was hoping to rent it to foreigners with family but it didn't happen. A Taiwanese family is renting it now. Next time I'll try to list it in English on 591.
@WesDaviestravel 15 дней назад
Cheers! It would be nice if 591 had an English version as well
@nia00000 15 дней назад
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
Admirably we can get lucky here with rentals if we spend a lot of time looking around and find a nice landlord
@WeWei-cj3wt 15 дней назад
Adorable Doggy 😚
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
@AllenRReid 15 дней назад
Very informative...thanks for sharing.
@WesDaviestravel 15 дней назад
Glad it was helpful!
@okfamily21 15 дней назад
@LukasInTaiwan 15 дней назад
Love Emma! And Wes :)
@WesDaviestravel 15 дней назад
Thanks pal!
@linlinda6837 15 дней назад
@WesDaviestravel 13 дней назад
@ShowShowHea 15 дней назад
中華民族的"解藥"了:中華民族有56個民族,請問你是那一民族人?俄羅斯族嗎?連俄羅斯族都是中華民族囉。一隻公雞裡面竟然有56隻公雞喔! 「只要你不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人」的最高境界🤔 [ 中華人民共和國官方承認的56個民族 ],包括漢族、『蒙古族』、回族、藏族、維吾爾族、苗族、彝族、壯族、布依族、『朝鮮族』、滿族、侗族、瑤族、白族、土家族、哈尼族、哈薩克族、傣族、黎族、傈僳族、佤族、畬族、高山族、拉祜族、水族、東鄉​​族、納西族、景頗族、柯爾克孜族、土族、達斡爾族、仫佬族、羌族、布朗族、撒拉族、毛南族、仡佬族、 錫伯族、阿昌族、普米族、塔吉克族、怒族、烏孜別克族、『俄羅斯族』、鄂溫克族、德昂族、保安族、裕固族、京族、塔塔爾族、獨龍族、鄂倫春族、赫哲族、門巴族、珞巴族、基諾族。 解開這條"中華民族"的內心枷鎖?其實"沒有"這個民族。是虛無的,因為[ 實中有虛﹑虛中有實的道理 ] 請以"把心歸零"的觀點判斷對錯,這點很重要。☺ 「中華民族」這4個字是梁啟超在1902年首次發表(發明創造)的,然後再由孫文的三民主義發揚光大。→所以「中華民族」誕生了,但年齡只有2024-1902=歷史122年。其實中華民族是梁啟超創造的,所以梁啟超照理來說應該是中華民族之父囉。[因為孫文叫國父,梁啟超是不是應該叫族父?] 難道要把梁啟超1902年說的話當"聖旨"嗎?那要拜梁啟超,「尊稱」梁啟超為中華民族"族父"吧,因為是梁啟超開的"金口"啊。也沒拜啊、也沒「尊稱」梁啟超為中華民族"族父"! 梁啟超的發明創造一個名詞"中華民族",卻被當作有這東東,就是頭腦被洗一洗了。 梁啟超1902年說的「中華民族包含五個民族(漢滿蒙回藏)」一顆雞蛋裡包含5顆雞蛋一樣的謬論。 但現在中共國膨脹到包含56個民族。一個中華民族包含56個民族,這就跟一顆雞蛋裡包含56顆雞蛋一樣的謬論。兩手一攤,根本就沒這東東! 目的是怕被各民族獨立而已,目的是怕被各民族獨立、怕被各民族獨立、怕被各個民族獨立。這個原因很重要。 以此推論→[●我把美國不管紅橙黃綠藍靛紫的膚色,都發明創造叫做「阿美民族」~可惜沒人幫我發揚光大~●]←這句話很重要。☺ ↑話是「人」編出來的~有其當時的時光背景?為什麼? →因為「中華民族」這4字當時梁啟超「希望」要把「被」種族歧視管理的漢人用集氣法希望去讓大清帝國由衰轉盛,以對抗外患列強,或者不要"每個民族"獨立等原因 (這只是時光背景的推理)。 →進一步再想想:當初還沒推翻大清帝國時,孫文的「驅逐韃靼 恢復中華」去推翻大清帝國"漢族要把滿清族趕回去"。(朱元璋也曾用過這招牌推翻蒙古帝國,把蒙古族趕回去。) →但推翻大清帝國之後,再來用「中華民族」一詞來倡導凝聚國力。全部下鍋變成一道菜嗎?(推理:是不要各個民族"獨立"等原因)。 >>要想的是「為什麼」孫文的招牌打著:本來滿清的「不是同一民族」,然後剛中華民國建國卻要趕快變成「是同一民族」。 >>但要以「局外人」客觀的角度去看~不要只陷入一個點。 而現在的中華人民共和國標榜著中華民族有56個民族,一個民族裡竟然還有56個民族(56族裡面還包括"俄羅斯族"喔,所以俄羅斯是中國的一部份嗎?不是),這就跟一顆雞蛋裡包含著56顆雞蛋,一顆石頭裡包含著56顆石頭,是不是一樣的謬論? 更何況「四大文明古國」是梁啟超加強宣導的。想想梁啟超當時候的背景就知道了。再說一次「希望」要把「被」種族歧視管理的奴隸漢人用集氣法,希望去讓大清帝國由衰轉盛,以對抗外患的列強。讓民族主義產生,可是現在的中華民族包含有56個民族,是不是一顆雞蛋裡包含著56顆雞蛋的謬論啊? 如果梁啟超說"阿美民族",就有阿美民族嗎?沒有啊!那只是喜惱玩的遊戲,這要以此連續劇的背景故事為考量點。 孫文也是在這連續劇故事的背景裡面,所以孫文最後也給了「世界大同」的解藥。其實根本就沒有民族問題,這只是由"統治者"創造出來玩的遊戲罷了。 孫文在《民族主義》第二講中說過:「中國幾千年以來,受到政治上的壓迫以至於完全亡國,已有了兩次,一次是元朝,一次是清朝。」 →蒙古人(蒙古帝國)是中國人,但為何中國人不是蒙古人?被種族歧視階級管理的「奴隸」叫主子也變成中國人?👉是不是中國人應該變成蒙古人,不然西藏新疆怎麼變成中國人?是啊。 →滿清人(大清帝國)是中國人,但為何中國人不是滿清人?被種族歧視階級管理的奴隸叫「主子」也變成中國人?👉是不是中國人應該變成滿清人,不然西藏新疆怎麼變成中國人?是啊。 以此類推→"如果", if ,當年日本侵華若「成功了」,那日本會不會「也」變成中國人?👉推理的答案「是」。 中國憲法說你們有56個民族s(複數要加s),這還是合法被承認的民族。都一個「中華民族」了,怎還會有56個民族,56個是合法被承認的而已。沒被合法承認的有幾百個以上,不然14億人口?但是,but,~~中國最早幾千年前是:中原的「洛陽盆地」而已喔~侵犯吃了其他地方叫中國,「被」侵犯吃了卻還是叫中國??? 孫悟空看出了真相,三打白骨精,卻被唐三藏唸緊箍咒的定心真言,這冤不冤??🤔 畢竟孫悟空看出了那是白骨精的真相,所以三打白骨精。但是的but,唐三藏不知道那是白骨精,所以唸緊箍咒的定心真言,這樣孫悟空冤不冤呢? 畢竟孫悟空戴著緊箍咒,還是會怕被唐僧念咒語啊。😮‍💨 所以把"中國歷史"這個緊箍咒拿掉,就不會被控制了。這就是"從小的教育"教科書給我們的影響。那「驅逐韃靼 恢復中華」是民族問題嗎?☺ 難道真的有中華民族嗎?為什麼有中華民族,原因就是「怕被各民族獨立」,所以全部混合變成一個民族。 事實上,並沒有這個民族。有什麼行為,就有什麼目的「怕被各民族獨立」。 所以我才說:那我也來把美國的各種民族變成一個民族叫「阿美民族」,但沒人會承認。 這就是中外思想的差別。你要戴著這個緊箍咒嗎?😮‍💨 問題靠發現,答案靠補腦。中國有56個民族,請問你是那一族人?俄羅斯族嗎?🤔 [ 中華人民共和國官方承認的56個民族 ],包括漢族、『蒙古族』、回族、藏族、維吾爾族、苗族、彝族、壯族、布依族、『朝鮮族』、滿族、侗族、瑤族、白族、土家族、哈尼族、哈薩克族、傣族、黎族、傈僳族、佤族、畬族、高山族、拉祜族、水族、東鄉​​族、納西族、景頗族、柯爾克孜族、土族、達斡爾族、仫佬族、羌族、布朗族、撒拉族、毛南族、仡佬族、 錫伯族、阿昌族、普米族、塔吉克族、怒族、烏孜別克族、『俄羅斯族』、鄂溫克族、德昂族、保安族、裕固族、京族、塔塔爾族、獨龍族、鄂倫春族、赫哲族、門巴族、珞巴族、基諾族。 大家都起碼有大學畢業的基礎,請自行"判斷"我說的對不對,大家一起討論一下
@user-cs1oc7ke1h 15 дней назад
@michaelwang6125 15 дней назад
Wes: So why did you decide to leave your last apartment? (the floor above me) Friend: It wasn't in the nicest of area (with neighbor who only bring me gift after I move out) The problem with foreign renters (not limited to Taiwan) is that there had been many cases were tentant causes a lot of trouble/damage to the building they were renting and the repair fee cost way more than the 1-2 X month down payment. The legal part of trying to sue someone who left the country is as good as "Zero" and while the ratio may be below 1 out of 100 but its cases like those that sticks in people's mind. What the agent should have say in Wes's case is "He is a foreign +// youtuber with more than 100k+ subscribers" XD to the landlord instead. IMO
@daphnew7314 15 дней назад
single foreigner, a small family, any situation with pet... I would choose single foreigner, if it's the same rental or even less.😊
@WesDaviestravel 15 дней назад
Thanks for that!
@melissachou8856 15 дней назад
The problem Is language.
@user-lq6qj8jh9i 15 дней назад
台灣人在國外找房子就很容易嗎?台灣人算很友善了 外國人算友善嗎?😅
@cooliipie 15 дней назад
Well, we don't call people "foreigners" abroad
@TL243 15 дней назад