@speranzediliberta7175 День назад
3:43 easy 😎
@MichiruPoster 11 дней назад
Holy moly so fast
@raymond9673 11 дней назад
You're a lifesaver. Is it the same on red side as well?
@ford950 9 дней назад
Pretty much. Some parts are harder or easier (Raptors/Krugs changes a bit for the spacing, Krugs is easier but Raptors is harder iirc), but the bottom quadrant is pretty much the same. In fact, you can even do a real double camp with Blue and Gromp, finishing at 2:54 or even 2:53, only on Red Side, but I wouldn't recommend going for it.
@BlinkyTheClown4 12 дней назад
Super helpful to have the edited and unedited versions posted :)
@deus1903 12 дней назад
@kingfidd 12 дней назад
@gameguy785 12 дней назад
Great video bro!
@ioprocessing5910 12 дней назад
Raw footage if you prefer unedited: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Uk8MvPi7I9E.html
@Athrel Месяц назад
I can do this consistently on red side, but blue side is a lot harder. I think sometimes I don't auto the big gromp, or the gromp starts to reset just before it ends. I started spamming w after right clicking the big gromp and that seemed to help a little. The scaling hp rune vs 65 hp one didn't seem to make a big difference for the blue side. Seems like positioning is a lot more important on blue side, to ensure you get vision of the small gromp sooner.
@technolp3879 Месяц назад
@ioprocessing5910 Месяц назад
It does.
@souer2312 Месяц назад
@@ioprocessing5910The jungle item matter ?
@mackelito228 Месяц назад
@@souer2312 no bro
@raynepanda Месяц назад
I have adaptive force but nothing seems to be working. the second the Krugs come out I'm not killing them fast enough. I even decided to ignore the little krug just to get an extra hit in and it doesn't work. I'm dying out here trying to figure this out. I watched multiple videos blue and green egg. Nothing works! Please! I genuinely don't understand what I'm doing wrong.
@boneless70 23 дня назад
i couldnt do it too but i figured a consistent way to do it for me at least, you first stand exactly on the spot where you w because were not speedrunning it ig so i dont care wasting a second on it and after i do the e smite w combo i immediately b-line to the small krug, auto it and then auto the big one and w, you know youre doing it good if you w just when the cooldowns up and the big krug has 299 hp. hope this helped a month in delay lol
@VileMagicks 2 месяца назад
Does the blue gromp double camp not work on the other side aswell or, am i just bad ?
@hippiedonut1 Месяц назад
ive been trying and it feels impossible on blue side at least (haven't tried red side yet)
@ioprocessing5910 Месяц назад
@@hippiedonut1It is technically possible on blue side but not consistently at all, seemingly luck based. That's why there are two separate videos for Blue Side vs Red Side.
@gerardo25918 2 месяца назад
this music is straight butt
@frombeyond272 2 месяца назад
For everyone looking at this.[14.8 right now] He has the +65HP not the scaling HP runes. That extra 2 damage from the pet is JUUUST enough to help with Raptors only needing 5 AAs, and Krugs not living on ~10hp.
@ioprocessing5910 Месяц назад
Yes, good point. I believe FHP is better since Fiddle is weakest in the early game and it helps marginally in the clear. I might record a detailed guide now that my semester is over with.
@benjamingisby 2 месяца назад
can't do it, I've only gotten the bottom golems 1 time out of 100 tries. always a sliver of blood left. now 14.8
@JohnDeleon1997 2 месяца назад
Been having my krugs reset before they die to W. Happens on either side. Anyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong?
@bio5612 2 месяца назад
This isn't a fix as much as a work around, but walking straight to the krugs after finishing w and autoing both of them makes it very easy.
@check9094 2 месяца назад
After practicing a lot I am able to get this consistently (after I warm up). One important tip that I don't see mentioned is that you can cancel your w animation like .25 seconds early just by walking out of it or autoing. This makes all the difference for the krug camp.
@FurriesAintGood 3 месяца назад
hamburger cheeseburger big mac whopper
@JosephJarbo 3 месяца назад
@ioprocessing5910 3 месяца назад
Shards: AD AD FHP Runes: Nothing that helps with clear speed. (No absolute focus or anything similar.)
@realvictorgoat 3 месяца назад
bro just did the real speed run lol
@dominik8409 3 месяца назад
This minion dematerializer for canons :D
@khaelkugler 3 месяца назад
Background song is cool but I know of a cooler piano song you could've used
@ford950 3 месяца назад
Which is harder [Season 14.6] Fiddlesticks Jungle Clear 2:54 Raptors Start Full Clear (Red Side) or At the Speed of Sound 648 words per minute
@ridddlewrong 3 месяца назад
whats the name?
@Coldz651 3 месяца назад
That’s super fast
@mauerchisp4814 3 месяца назад
Oh it seems like, the key is clicking the krug asap, then running away until you can w, at 00:26. I was messing up all the time on blue side, I was even sad to get that side
@jereeskola7117 3 месяца назад
Nice clear
@MistPhD 3 месяца назад
4 hours straight in practice tool and: -The golem part is impossible with the adaptive force rune. The extra micro-second of cdr on the W is needed to be able to cast it before they run away. *I also have been using an effigy to give vision, in order to aa them on their way over. But it doesn't seem needed- I think I just wasn't getting close enough to the wall for the W+smite after the E. -Kiting blue towards river on the first aa after W is important, at least for me; I kept moving just outside the aggro range and resetting it. Thanks for this video!
@ioprocessing5910 3 месяца назад
You can do it with adaptive force. If they run away it's because their health wasn't low enough, not be because the W wasn't fast enough. Make sure you immediately move over to auto attack the medium Krug and big Krug ASAP and immediately drain after the big Krug auto.
@garagavia 3 месяца назад
I did this clear one, a bit slower of course but with all the main points. The hard thing is doing it consistently and adapting
@Touhoku_jin 3 месяца назад
What are your tips for RED and GOLEM? I'm trying to imitate them, but it doesn't work.
@Dabertch 3 месяца назад
I succeed 1/4 with krugs. I tryied AA small krug before drain then AA big krug... same result. I don't know how you guys succeed at every try. :/
@biomechanicdentist8568 3 месяца назад
@evoluti0n09 3 месяца назад
Two things I think might help - smite the big krug as fast as possible, and cancel your auto on the big krug with drain as fast as you can. Also, I think the little step back he does after hitting the small krug might be key Even with that, I'm having trouble getting it consistently on 14.6. If all else fails, go absolute focus
@flynniganhag4638 3 месяца назад
Happened to me for a bit. Something I changed was to only auto the Red Buff once, so when you start attacking krugs your pet will get 3 hits instead of 2 on krugs.
@user-so5df4bn2k 4 месяца назад
i do the exact same thing, but i am always 2-3 seconds beind you, its so annoying.
@MultiBuurman 4 месяца назад
Thanks for the guide, just what I was looking for. How do you make sure your pet attacks the golems in this clear? In my games it's very inconsistent, sometimes the pet doesn't attack the big Golem and it gets to 8 hp before resetting, causing a huge time loss because even smite has been used.
@ioprocessing5910 4 месяца назад
To guarantee it you can use your effigy over the wall and auto attack the big Krug (time it with your E and Smite so it doesn't aggro early)
@vasu2005s 4 месяца назад
You autoattack small krug first.
@hds1480 4 месяца назад
@l.f5633 4 месяца назад
20th try and i still do shit
@tungz42 4 месяца назад
Blue + gromp is actually smart
@bluerum896 5 месяцев назад
okay no more auto after first smite. weird how the ticks are different now. really annoying
@bluerum896 5 месяцев назад
@bluerum896 5 месяцев назад
does it have to be domination primary runes?
@N3207H05 4 месяца назад
@@bluerum896 why would they?
@Myaneh 3 месяца назад
Well if you talk about the krugs surviving with 1 hp , now fiddlesticks has 55 AD , and he had 57 on 14.2 patchnote
@zacksthetics 5 месяцев назад
blue gromp double is crazy here
@bluerum896 9 месяцев назад
why no smite on any of the first two camps? won't you get a second smite before krugs anyways?
@ioprocessing5910 9 месяцев назад
You can save the second smite for the Scuttle this way, and if you get invaded you can choose to instantly smite the camp. For example, if you smite Blue to start, and you get invaded on your Red, then you have smite up to secure the Red
@exa4564 9 месяцев назад
I just can't seem to get vision on the krugs whenever I use E on them over the wall, I hit them, and they run over to me, but no matter how close I creep up to the wall I never get vision and thus can't smite the big Krug. I am only starting out with Fiddlesticks, what am I doing wrong?
@PennekSR 9 месяцев назад
Drain gives vision. E, W and then smite
@TheTucan 9 месяцев назад
little late comment but you can position your E to hit both gromp and blue at the end
@use294oddling 10 месяцев назад
ty for the clear videos man, hopefully you can do more in the future for fiddle
@kayu6959 10 месяцев назад
okul mokul yok cep full para
@khaelkugler 10 месяцев назад
@lucianoloto6661 10 месяцев назад
thank you for your work
@jBaO493 11 месяцев назад
Holy molly, and just 1 smite Gj dude
@ryanterpstra5285 11 месяцев назад
I find that on red side i can easily double clear gromp and blue without the camps resetting, but on blue side i cannot find a spot where they dont reset. Is this a me problem? or the reason your clear is 3 seconds slower on blue side. Seems broken.
@jok4385 11 месяцев назад
Nope, not you. Everyone just does it this way. True double camping gromp and blue buff on blue side is impossible.
@Thurek Год назад
Hi! The other clear with raptors+red at the same time should be droped? could you explain why did u not do it at the same time those camps? Gj and thx for your work bud!
@Witnesshell Год назад
Raptors would despawn now if you do it the ''old'' way.
@alakazoom87 10 месяцев назад
​@Witnesshell theres like 1 pixel you can stand on to do both at same time.. and only if raptors behave
@dip9995 Год назад
@MrPaperVader Год назад
skill issue bozo get good
@Witnesshell Год назад
Were you playing with your monitor upsidedown?
@dip9995 Год назад
@@Witnesshell Upload a video of you doing this and I'll send you $100 venmo
@vandinesgremaschi738 Год назад
they patched it but its not a scam cause it says its 13.11 not 13.13 like ur playing
@davidvanderwaals9141 Год назад
@@vandinesgremaschi738 its still possible, just did it
@031nathan Год назад
is it possible to do on blue side?
@yanomami2694 Год назад
The blue team cannot hunt blue sentinels and frogs together
@ludowic8187 Год назад
my coach guilaser has a way to do a full clear by 2:48 but he didn't want me to say how lmao
@ioprocessing5910 Год назад
If that's true, then it's just hurting other Fiddle players. Unless it uses two smites or something, which would just be a different clear.
@Confirmed105 10 месяцев назад
publish a video