Creative Autistic
Creative Autistic
Creative Autistic
Hi there! I'm Lizzie and I'm a middle-aged late-diagnosed Autistic based in the UK, also living with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and POTS. This is a space where I share my thoughts and experiences in coming to terms with my diagnosis, and to hear from others in the amazing autistic community here on RU-vid. 🧡

New videos every Friday around 3pm UK time.

I want this space to be welcoming to all so respectful conversation only please. Self-diagnosis/self-identification is valid. ✌

Please note that I am not a therapist, nor do I have any therapeutic training. 🧡

@veeek8 2 дня назад
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, it's super helpful for me
@CreativeAutistic 2 дня назад
You're very welcome, glad it was helpful 🧡
@veeek8 2 дня назад
Last to be picked in PE 😂 that resonates, I hated team sports
@CreativeAutistic 2 дня назад
Me too! 😬
@veeek8 2 дня назад
I had a year of grammar school and I loved it and I had actual friends. When I went to a comp afterwards my academic achievements and mental health took a huge dive.
@CreativeAutistic 2 дня назад
Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry to hear this 🧡
@CatToaster 3 дня назад
Thank you for sharing! I stumbled over "some autism-video" on RU-vid on Thursday (Orion!), having like "Ding-Ding-Ding-Bingo-Moments" every minute. Being 46. I "won" every test provided on "embrace-autism" after that by now "comfortably". I felt in a way relieved on Friday that I haven't experienced for decades (maybe in my entire life) as if I've just found out what "42" actually means as an answer to everything. Everything suddenly makes sense. And then there are so many questions now, reviewing an entire life, asking yourself who you are after masking for decades, knowing that it can`t be cured and the not so helpful information that our health-system is next to useless (it would take three years or more for getting an appointmend to get officially evaluated/diagnosed in Germany, and what would do that anyway?), regarding the risk of being unemployed (or to get employed in the first place for many others) and even darker topics with very high rates compared to neurotypical people. However, I know now why I struggle so much at work with things like the "Emotion Wheel", "Sugarcoating", "Dishonesty", Business Trips, getting angry being constantly interrupted in my work, neighbours closing there doors and windows like there's no tomorrow (like loud!), people walking on their heels (noise!), why I'm so utterly exhausted from work that I need the entire weekend to recharge, why the last "Offsite" (a weekend company "event") basically caused an autistic burnout on Monday (couldn't do anything!). That there are words and descriptions for all these things and most importantly, that I'm not alone feeling like an alien on this planet! This is a really a lot to process, so thank you again sharing your experiences!
@CreativeAutistic 2 дня назад
Thank you for sharing and I can relate to a lot here! (and Orion's videos are such an amazing resource!) 🧡
@jbr84tx 3 дня назад
I couldn't go thru life without my masks. Imagine being totally authentic, telling everyone with whom you come in contact your true thoughts and feelings. It'd be disastrous. Masking is a necessity. I reveal different parts of myself to different people -- that's completely natural. It does feel good, though, to be able to open up and let someone see the real 'you'. It's a rare person I can do that with.
@CreativeAutistic 2 дня назад
I've really relied on masking but I know that some autistics say that they've managed to unmask successfully and feel much better for it, so I think it depends on the individual. For me, it's going to be a much more gradual process.
@jbr84tx 3 дня назад
I am uncertain about being autistic. Some scores on online tests indicate a high probability of having ASD, others are either neutral or slightly positive. I, like you, have noticed autistic traits in myself MORE now, such as being self-conscious about how much eye contact I am making, or noticing how I have trouble keeping conversations going.
@kathybird1477 3 дня назад
I am currently on job number 30 and I am 57 . I will be getting assessed in a couple weeks.
@kathybird1477 3 дня назад
I am 57 and have an appointment in two weeks.
@CreativeAutistic 3 дня назад
Good luck with your assessment. It's very nerve-racking but ultimately so worth it 🧡
@paulthompson7358 4 дня назад
Thanks for sharing, I'm 64 and have just received my NHS diagnosis, a little over a week ago, after 2.5 years on the waiting list. I know it's late but it's been a relief to finally know why it's all been so hard. Because I did well in school there was no chance of ever being offered any kind of help in the 1960's. Despite my internal turmoil and constant battle with anxiety, I've always been physically imposing and have used this to camouflage rather than mask which has helped get me through most of it. Like you I met my wife later, I was 34, but she has been my saving grace. Great channel, hope you continue to do well, you deserve it.
@CreativeAutistic 3 дня назад
Congrats on your diagnosis, Paul. I hope it helps you to slowly reframe things - I'm sure it will (and thank you for your lovely feedback - very much appreciated)
@Hebrew-Lumos 4 дня назад
I relate so hard to this list. Hierarchical structures are a no no for me but i love following the rules.😊 I have a special interest in creating societal constructs that remove hierarchical structures. I write academic essays on it for fun.
@CreativeAutistic 3 дня назад
That sounds amazing! If only they could come true 😆