I make videos. Unfortunately that takes a lot of time and effort
@JerzyImajewski 14 часов назад
When i watched this in theaters as a child i genuinely thought Eleanor's crown was what kept her mentally human because of magic or smth
@skulmask9647 День назад
FELLAS, IS IT GAY TO ENJOY THE COMPANY OF YOUR FRIENDS? I MEAN YOU LITREALLY WANT TO BE NEAR A MAN. edit: i just wanted to add this after watching the film, it was pretty good. (didn't watch all of the youtube video tho)
@rachelpinho5715 3 дня назад
14:03 hey, can someone please tell me where I can find this music?
@Belkerlos 4 дня назад
I thibk this guy was just looking too deep into the movie. It's a straight bromance
@sytmor 5 дней назад
I miss you bro pls come back
@lychee3002 5 дней назад
24:58 didn't expect to see our weakass nepali passport while watching this video 🥲 kind of caught me off guard that i forgot the topic of the video for a moment. but on the topic tho, being a nepali citizen and living my whole life here and hearing about people going through lengths (sometimes even illegal) to apply to go abroad for studying or just visiting someone let alone moving to said country, i just thought it was the norm until i saw just how easy it is for people in first world countries to travel. and to add to that, just how easy for foreigners to enter nepal.
@LocalPizzaTowerAddict 8 дней назад
It's kinda a d*ck move to have the sound the machine makes when it scans somebody that is not on an ofrenda 20 times louder than those who are on an ofrenda
@minus751 9 дней назад
Nah brave was the best movie ever
@Gfriend_Buddy99 10 дней назад
Straight people are fuming over a video essay ... Aiya... You has millennium of straight media to watch for... Let's the gays be delulu and interpret whatever they want... Dont like their opinions? Just don't watch this video....
@mybirthstoneisemerald5814 11 дней назад
@andidepresanti День назад
omg what fic
@Sootielove 12 дней назад
This video genuinely awakened me to appreciating the ideas in brave. All I remembered as a child was the silly beat plot but I forgot about the genuinely fascinating relationship between Merida and her mum
@elliottwood5423 13 дней назад
I still think about your vids from time to time. Hope you are doing well!
@kxw_e 14 дней назад
woman le bad
@y5iax2010 15 дней назад
I love how you can just look at the brave movie poster and trick your brain into thinking it’s an actual masterpiece
@NagaTheOctopus 15 дней назад
Nitpick on the Ralph stuff : He got controlled specifically because he was breaking the rules, this isn't a "villain check" its an "overvolt check" He's being controlled because he brings items from other games into the main hub then back into his own which is forbidden because of the risk of it being seen as a bug and risking unplugging the game
@KirbyHops 15 дней назад
As a woman stop being a wokie all i heard in the first half was almost good and then the second half of the video is " OpPreSsED " stop it nobody's oppresed including me 🙄💅 and woman that women this
@sytmor 5 дней назад
How old are you? Too old to be this oblivious I’m sure💀
@KirbyHops 5 дней назад
@@sytmor attacking my age doesn't make you any better like your just proving my arguments more valid in the fact you couldn't come up with an actual rebuttal and an insult just that I'm " to old to be this oblivious " sure buddy keep telling yourself that if it allows you to sleep at night.
@sarahburkhardt2037 18 дней назад
This got my brain working for an assignment I am currently doing in graduate school. Thnks so much for sharing your thoughts and well-done making this enjoyable essay!
@elizabethopoussm 18 дней назад
> Makes 3 amazing video essays > never makes another video again Based
@eazy2klean 22 дня назад
Hate it if you want but my opinion is brave is absolutely trash. Horrible movie id give it like an honest 1.7/10
@WujoFefer 22 дня назад
It is one of my favorite animations of all time.
@GoddessofRuneterra 26 дней назад
bunch of cry babies bro i hate people.
@AppleOfThineEye 26 дней назад
"Everything is political" type energy 😬
@Serraphina 27 дней назад
Did you watch your name engraved herein ? I think it kinda ressemble Ocean wave in so many ways. It’s a taiwanese movie about two bestfriend : For the first Time, an only boy school welcomes girls. One of the two friends will then be interested in one of this girls, leaving the other friend perplexed. The major difference is that it’s a boy love despite the whole story being the search for one's identity. I recommend !!!
@lauren1779 27 дней назад
I have to change my feet
@awayiis65 28 дней назад
Blue Gate Crossing was taken out of the catalogue... Where can I watch it??
@Problem- 29 дней назад
Stop right there. They are just very good friends. Why make it about sex and shit instantly? Why can't men be good friends? Get your head out of the gutter!
@NicoleColenico 3 дня назад
Is a matter of comparison, they have 10x more chemistry than any character in the movie.
@ccalaguian9801 29 дней назад
U can tell it was the filmmakers overcompensating when the cheerful music gets progressively louder as taku’s “happy” memories of rikako flash by 💀
@Atricks861 Месяц назад
Do you not think that friends can love each other?
@bupcorn4136 Месяц назад
39:25 so a man swooped in on a woman's vision and "removed gender" from it, but only after establishing gender as something to be tackled in the first half of the film. why? it's like he discounted the value of exploration of gender & went on to rub that move in everyone's faces. it's giving "i resent women but i'm not really introspective enough to realize it, yet i'm impulsive enough to dunk on women regardless".
@billjacobs521 Месяц назад
Alright, so the thesis seems to be "If the world depicted in a fairy tale has problems, and those problems are not resolved throughout the course of the story, that's 'insidious'." This is a silly worldview. It's an all-or-nothing mentality. Imagine telling a story about some people escaping the concentration camps, only for someone to say "Well yeah, but millions of others died, so it's irrelevant" or even worse "Fascists still exist so who cares?" Like, I'm all for stories about changing the world, but it's also fine to have a story about some individuals living within that world and all of it's problems. This is especially strange because, hey, EVERY WORLD HAS PROBLEMS; if we had to wait for utopia before we were allowed to be happy or celebrate good things, life would be miserable and we'd all drink ourselves to death tomorrow. So there's nothing with media about adapting to the world, with it's harsh realities, in order to have the best (after)life that you can, and celebrating those small victoies. Sorry man, trying to engage with you fairly here, but this comes across as some undergraduate socio-political claptrap.
@MorganKing95 16 дней назад
You’re really oversimplifying things, almost to the point of strawmanning him His main point is that “Coco” neither attempts to change the oppressive system in its universe, nor acknowledge it as an oppressive system. Instead, it comes off as just unfortunate to those who suffer the negative consequences (i.e., “I’m glad I’m not in their shoes and that I have my privileges”). It then gets a triumphant ending as if everything is solved just because Hector’s situation got changed, despite the system still being the exact same and Hector otherwise being as discriminated as he was before. But since he now has some special privileges, he’s let off the hook, and it comes off as him abusing the system to his advantage. Unlike “Wreck-It-Ralph” where the system got drastically changed despite Ralph remaining the same, and “Zarafa” where the ending is bittersweet and slavery remains as horrible as it was, but where the main character is able to make somewhat the best out of the bad situation in the end. To use your concentration camp example, if “Schindler’s List” was put in the same direction as “Coco”, it would have presented Holocaust as just sad and horrifying to those who suffer from it, but triumphant and desirable to the Germans celebrating at parties or to those who are not in concentration camps. It then would have had a happy and triumphant ending just because Amon Göth got hanged and Schindler saved 1200 jews, and furthermore highlighted Schindler’s actions to justify that the Nazis weren’t so bad after all.
@qwerty3O Месяц назад
video essay so good I forgot what it was originally about
@crashercrasher9696 Месяц назад
It should be titled the BRAT , because shes the reason her mother turned into a bear 😂
@Januaryof28 Месяц назад
EVen when u have a spouse the application process can be hard if your older and seen as a dependent youll have work visa
@Januaryof28 Месяц назад
every disnye movie has this
@Januaryof28 Месяц назад
USSHould make it easier for developing countries to come
@Januaryof28 Месяц назад
and gain citizenship
@ermass89 Месяц назад
Now I wonder what passport do you have… Afghanistan‽
@DragonKingMadaraUchiha Месяц назад
Nope. Miguel's realization about family isn't hollow. You see Miguel constantly feeling abandoned by his family for understandable reasons and pushing away his family members. You see the realization of Miguel seeing everything that Hector lost and how Hector walking away from his family cost him. As well Miguel realizing how greed & fame corrupted Ernesto De La Cruz and led to him making cruel decisions that ruined other people's lives. Miguel didn't simply make a choice out of pragmatism. If that was the case, Miguel could have just gotten Imelda to give him her blessing instead of trying to help Hector fix his relationship with his wife & descendants. You are purposefully leaving out information, events & explanations shown in the film to try to make your "arguments" look better. But anyone who has watched the film knows that you are being deceitful & underhanded. If you don't like the movie. Fine. Not everyone is going to like every movie. But you are literally taking the events of the movie out of context in your video and skipping important moments to make the movie look worse. To answer your questions. The Film is pretty clear that the living people have to remember you or hear your stories from those who knew you in life to prevent from being forgotten. Its made quite clear multiple times that you need someone living to have a photograph and / or ofrenda of you for you to visit the living world. You are blatantly nitpicking at this point honestly. As for whether the same photo rule back in ancient history or how it works in other religions. Let's be honest if you apply that logic to most fictional series, not just Coco. Then yes you would have "plot holes" in most other fictional series as well. That is pretty blatant nitpicking of the movie. The rule in and of itself makes sense and doesn't contradict itself. You are blatantly nitpicking and looking for any minor problems to attack the movie. Its clear that you didn't like the movie and you just wanted to look for any possible problems you could find to complain about. Another Problem with your video. You are literally taking the "famous" thing out of context. The Movie isn't trying to send the message that being famous is a good thing. Literally the opposite. The Movie clearly portrays the message that shouldn't let the allure of greed & fame go to your head and corrupt you. The One majorly famous character is blatantly evil and for all intents & purposes whether you are famous or not, you are still dead. Honestly there isn't a single fictional series that talks about how their supernatural aspects affect every country / religion / time period in all of mankind. You are just nitpicking there. Just be honest with yourself. You wanted to find problems to complain about.
@KawaiiMuski Месяц назад
i watched this when it came out and 4 years later i'm watching it again after talking about this movie with friends. this video seriously discusses all of my feelings about brave and it's such a masterpiece. thank you :)
@yongzhiyuee6523 Месяц назад
The fact that this guy's videos comment sections are still pretty relevant after 3 years should be a testament at how good his vids are. I hope wherever he is, he is doing well.
@AppleOfThineEye 26 дней назад
Popularity is not a marker of quality.
@Dr.jerk1357 21 день назад
​@@AppleOfThineEyeThat doesn't mean it's not good
@dreamfletcher779 Месяц назад
I wonder if the very FACT that they overlaid the Mexican culture drove them into the cowardice not to criticize the systems they establish. I wonder if they got confused between what part of this was Mexican culture to be respected vs what part was just wrong and needed to be criticized, or if they feared the audience wouldn't be able to delineate this. It makes your decision to strip the Mexican lens from your analysis all the more respectable. I felt questioning and very slightly off-put at first, but your reasoning was sound and put me at ease; but now I appreciate it more. I think Disney may have been too afraid of looking like they were attacking Mexican culture, when the actual things that would/should be attacked here are not even part of Mexican culture-- a delineation they could have made for themselves if they did better research and understood that the oppressive system they created was IMPOSED UPON how actual Mexican culture/belief works, a white thing outfitted in Dia de los Muertos get-up and garb.
@duck1590 Месяц назад
Just wanted to say your videos were amazing, I would love if you started posting again. It sounds weird, but I am also curious as to what you're doing now - I'm guessing life goes on and one has less time for making extremely good video essays on RU-vid, but I would love to know that you're doing good.
@JuanLopez-eq3om Месяц назад
I always come back to this video ❤
@rebeccathegachatuber3040 Месяц назад
I don’t remember exactly what it was, but my mom is white and was moving to the US or getting citizenship. She said that the person interviewing her said that she was a ‘desirable’ immigrant? I might ask her about it idk
@69cheesyfries Месяц назад
yeah i really didnt like this film. the suggestion towards the two male MC's being into each other is far more interesting than anything happening when Rikako's is mentioned. she really contributes nothing to the story. shes simply and completely infuriating whenever she appears on screen. its impossible to feel any sympathy given how much of an arrogant prick she is. and yet, for some reason, these two perfectly decent men end up falling for her. probably the worst thing about the whole story was how they tried SO hard to hype up Rikako as a character who has flaws and all that but she ends up being so irrelevant to the viewers.
@ShiningFinger005 Месяц назад
Watching your review made me realise that the film had lot of potential. I really wish we could see some kind its spin off, in which things happened otherwise. (Though Yutaka was clearly straight and nothing could have worked out between them but anyway)
@euphoriasings385 Месяц назад
the way i was clapping my hands and whooping through the whole border control rant
@swaghettimemeballs4420 Месяц назад
This is a good take, the movie left a horrible aftertaste in my mouth by trying to casually gloss over the fact that the happy ending literally just applies to the MC's. Nothing significant really happened in the world building, so what point did the movie serve? What was the moral of the story? Be remembered or be curbstomped? Without setting a precedent for improval within the worldbuilding, why bother applying all of that moralizing? To tell the audience that there is no hope and you're _boned?_ ...sorry.