Taylor J. Williams
Taylor J. Williams
Taylor J. Williams
Not a person but an amalgamation of takes
How Civil War Shifts the Goalposts
2 месяца назад
Night Country: Who Killed True Detective?
3 месяца назад
The Masochistic Filmmaking of The Curse
5 месяцев назад
Yorgos Lanthimos Is Not a Surrealist
5 месяцев назад
Wes Anderson’s Elaborate Audiobooks
8 месяцев назад
10 месяцев назад
The Barbenheimer Dichotomy
10 месяцев назад
Sam Levinson Can't Keep Getting Away With This
11 месяцев назад
How to Blow Up a Pipeline Bangs
Год назад
Infinity Pool and the Cronenbergs
Год назад
I Hate The Menu
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100k Q&A
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Fiber Optics
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Blonde is a Fundamental Failure
Год назад
Funny Pages: A24 Tells On Itself
Год назад
The Movies We Like When We’re 14
2 года назад
Oh, Euphoria...
2 года назад
@SethLarry 17 часов назад
We love love this move ,,,📽📸,,,,,
@Jestivald23 20 часов назад
11:19 elden ring refrence??
@Angel_Auraa 22 часа назад
My stance is that Benjamin is young and directionless, and Elaine isn't a magic fix to that. He's still figuring out what he wants.
@johncramer9564 День назад
"Pretty good movie" lol really? Just "pretty good"? why not just say "it's okay"? Come on, this film is extraordinary!
@WARSeries 2 дня назад
Been a hot minute since I’ve seen some RU-vid short films but this one’s actually well made and stylized to fit unlike many I’ve seen before. Kudos, Mr. Williams.🫡
@bobalmighty37 2 дня назад
Nice baby hahaha
@yellowcactustvz4929 3 дня назад
obscenities get you immediately kicked in football lol
@niteshanthony2324 3 дня назад
hey we dont know each other but i hope ur doing well and I wanna say that GOD still loves u and wants u to be with him all u must do is trust in Jesus and repent of ur sins. GOD loves u more than u can imagine. ☺️☺️☺️❤🎉❤❤❤❤
@sorcellerie 4 дня назад
I came for tennis and eroticism and I stayed for pickleball slander
@alfredopampanga9356 4 дня назад
It’s as if the director gave some material for artsy reviewers to explain and show their understanding of metaphors vide the fish tank. Nonetheless, the film makes perfect sense without these “ insider” revelations like the big cat pattern of Mrs Robinson’s outfits. Ben is a universal stage in many men’s lives. ❤
@GuineaPigEveryday 6 дней назад
We’re gonna see a hell of a lot more of the Justin Kuritzkes and Celine Song taking over Hollywood and I’m here for it, they’re such a breath of fresh air, they make good art and shockingly it also has mainstream appeal and popularity, those two things hardly go together nowadays.
@andrewrunners111 6 дней назад
I think this movie is about purpose. Purpose and goals define us. Achieving these goals bring us satisfaction. Throughout life we may come to see our purpose differently, but without achievement, we are lost. The end of the movie is the personification of this thesis. Ben never really defined in his own mind a purpose. Sitting on that bus with Elaine he remains as confused and lost as ever The outcome of the relationship is irrelevant. Ben remains adrift, alienated from life.
@ethanppsh 6 дней назад
what about WLM?
@comradeScallion 7 дней назад
good fuckin thumbnail
@Garrett1240 7 дней назад
Tennis is great precisely because of its aversion to individualism.
@Bleilock1 7 дней назад
You mean celebration of individualism?
@GuineaPigEveryday 6 дней назад
? Its the opposite of a team sport, which is why i’d kinda love to see it more in film, it is precisely about individualism, about personal rivalries/duels played out across a sport, about 1v1, i’m sick of all the constant team-sports films, of only a select few sports, we’ve seen for years and years.
@StephaniedeBritoLeal 8 дней назад
The entire Mike is the heart thing was so not earned. He was so mean to Will in S3 bc girls over friends apparently, and he keeps insisting on that. El is absolutely unbearable this season, it's more interesting to see her flashback than anything. Nancy.... Nancy served me one purpose: get Robert Englund face a Nancy that would be trapped in a nightmare-like scenario again. And only it. I guess i would rather she had moved with Jonathan to college and they could both disappear from the show altogether.
@StephaniedeBritoLeal 8 дней назад
I guess the airtight cast is sorely missed: the bigger the cast got, the messier things went. The deaths seemed cheap in season 3. Nothing seemed earned (by the narrative), so it wasn't at all satisfying when they happened.
@jessewonderclark 10 дней назад
I don’t know the filmmaker’s intentions but taken on its own the film is an indictment of American journalism. It’s all in the last shot. The last shot is a journalist smiling happily arm-in-arm with soldiers who have just murdered a man in cold blood, a man who was pleading “please don’t let them kill me.” The message of the final shot is clear: to pretend to be impartial is to enable monsters.
@PeterZeeke 10 дней назад
I think the iPhone footage references the fact that although they are running away to a fantasy land, like you said reality is still hot on their heels. Despite Disneyland being this magical world of wonder... The iPhone footage shows it for what it is, janky, ordinary, shes not safe. Its a fantastic depiction of a dissociative mental disorder, its like a dream sequence where we can see the limits of that dream...reality encroaching on the dream
@michellesassouni2863 10 дней назад
You’re the first person I feel gave an accurate review of the show. Thank you
@stricklandpropane86 11 дней назад
literally watched this, Brooklyn Prince a main standout. Magic is the main thing I associate with lol, tbf I've never visited The States. Hi from England, nice review.
@CEWIII9873 11 дней назад
One of the very few films I say multiple times in the theater...
@ZachBobBob 12 дней назад
Good job with the thumbnail 😂 But yeah this movie was absolutely incredible
@6la6ni6 12 дней назад
nah pickleball is dope lol
@thedrunkenelf 13 дней назад
I’m an English teacher, we taught this film to a year 10 class in a comparative study with Rime of the ancient Mariner. It was a fantastic program.
@CEWIII9873 11 дней назад
do you have an OF?
@shoobamocha 14 дней назад
This movie was funny at times but the message is insufferable, like someone saying haha am I the only one who would rather go to McDonalds than a fancy restaurant. Like wow she's eating a cheesburger that's so me!! Rich people are so weird and literally evil! It so blatantly caters to that kind of audience it's disappointing how one note it was. And then the cliche humble sex worker of the people lol
@davidslee1085 14 дней назад
Don't say THE HMS Surprise - it is simply HMS Surprise.
@Hanklerfishies 14 дней назад
the scene in hereditary where mom is clinging to the wall over Peter's bed made me laugh so much i had to keep replaying the cut. but i couldnt even finish beau is afraid and i tried twice!
@anitrawles6004 15 дней назад
This review was fucking excellent.
@ThunderChunky101 15 дней назад
Post vaccination? Doesn't that rub in 2024?
@riverthecrybaby9448 15 дней назад
37:41 it took me this long to remember that hannah ever had anything to do with this story
@jdsartre9520 16 дней назад
because govt isn't parasitic riiiiiiiiight
@EnteringMyFlopEra 16 дней назад
The movie tries so hard to be apolitical when it’s a movie about a fucking civil war in the U.S
@jamesshepard3 16 дней назад
Challengers is just a shonen battle anime final arc.
@Stellamarie_7 16 дней назад
Unpopular opinion: Mike is my favorite character.
@springfieldbearpatrol2937 17 дней назад
I enjoyed the movie and loved the camera work and symbolism. I did think that some of the motivations and behaviors were unrealistic and in fact silly by the end. I think the affair itself is the one part I can buy, and they do a great job setting up the situation and exploring the character arcs for Ben and Mrs. Robinson. I do think they key to understanding the movie is the conversation they have at the hotel - exploring the whole “art” thing and Ben assuming that she thinks her daughter is too good for Ben. I think that Mrs Robinson wanted Ben for herself and was jealous of her daughter being young and having opportunities in a new era.
@Sev3617 17 дней назад
Personally, I’ve enjoyed every subsequent season more than the last. I had only watched everything one time previously, although sometime after season four I decided to rewatch the entire show with my critic brain firmly turned on. Season two definitely feels like a retread of season one, and when I first watched it I already realized that anyways, but I had actually enjoyed season two more than season one. Even with that bizarre 8th episode. And season 3 ended with that incredibly hard hitting emotional gut punch that actually got me to sob, I pretty much instantly realized hopper wasn’t dead, it didn’t make the letter any less emotionally resonant because his words are incredibly powerful to anyone that has struggled with mental health, and feeling purposeless “Remember the Hurt, the Hurt… is good, it means you’re out of that cave” will resonate with me until the day I die. Each season has consistently kept me on the edge of my seat eagerly awaiting to see what happens next. Despite the fact that they were obviously formulaic I never once felt like they “lost the magic“ because everything is so confidently shot, executed and edited. And then S4 comes around and it’s another entertaining thrill ride just like the rest of them with even more emotional resonance than ever before with max’s running up that hill scene, another bit that resonated incredibly strongly with me, along with the rest of the season just constantly in full swing with stranger things usual strong cinematography, thoughtful composition and editing and storytelling that I just always love more and more than the last time. I’m not someone who gets really angry at criticism or people voicing opinions I don’t agree with, infact I love this type of stuff. I love analyzing media and picking apart what it does well and what it doesn’t do well. Each season of the show has its strengths and weaknesses, season four doesn’t focus on the core cast and instead focuses on other characters, and I’ve seen a lot of people bringing that up as an issue with it but I don’t really see why? The main cast was developed plenty over the course of the first three seasons, sometimes the character is feeling a bit static but I don’t necessarily think that hurts the story overall. I would agree that Mike and Will are weak points of season four, but even then some of Wills scenes strike an emotional chord with me. I don’t relate to his immediate struggle, but I know what it’s like to feel unseen, and how much that can hurt. I just, I don’t really understand why each time a new season of the show comes out there’s a wealth of video essays coming out and pointing out criticisms I would agree with for the most part- but I just don’t feel the same sense of “this show has lost its touch” sentiment that most people seem to want to spread. The storytelling always just feels so incredibly immersive to me and it’s something they seem to be able to consistently pull off which I find to be highly impressive. If the show isn’t hitting the same for you, that’s totally fair and I wouldn’t tell you that you’re wrong for feeling that way. But I honestly just don’t agree. I think it’s consistently solid and hits the mark far more than it misses despite some of its misteps, like hoppers erratic character arc in S3, and Will and Mike feeling highly under utilized and stagnant in S4, and S2 being a retread of S1 (which, I personally still found to be really good but that might just be me)
@aldutroix3944 17 дней назад
My main problem with the series is that The Duffer Brothers are too afraid to kill anyone in the main cast and that takes away almost all the tension from the series. They rely too much on their fans for their writing. There's too many characters and I'd rather have seen Steve die than Eddie. Eddie would have been a great replacement for Steve, who could try his best to follow in Steve's footsteps and learn to be a real man. Instead the Duffer brothers chicken out and kill him off to cater to Steve's popularity as a character and now they're pushing him in to be with Nancy while turning Jonathan into a drug addict for zero apparent reason.
@lex_rodriguez 20 дней назад
I watched this film ONLY knowing about Jessie Plemons having a show stopping scene (no context or anything) - along with the fact that it wouldn't touch on the politics, because my friend was very upset about that fact. Didn't see the trailer or watch any reviews... With all that being said, I was so fucking dissapointed with how much was squandered with its story, opting to settle for a forced and redundant "character journey." What a fucking waste. Plemons wasn't even meant to be in the damn film and he's the best part and touches on something I wish the rest of the film would have explained.
@veronicahair7427 20 дней назад
this movie was dumb and pointless. there I said it
@confused_reader 7 дней назад
please expound, I'm genuinely curious
@veronicahair7427 7 дней назад
@@confused_reader I thought there were many issues with it. On a surface level yes it was entertaining at times, because I always felt like I was waiting for something to happen - for the real plot or movie to begin, which never happened. I didn’t think any of the lead characters had real chemistry with eachother. The two men felt almost as if they were foils but it wasn’t quite the case because their motivations for the most part felt vague. They weren’t similar or dissimilar in ways that added to the mounting suspense that was being built or to some kind of felt poetic or enigmatic purpose. For example, We were told by other characters Artie wanted to quit but we were never explained why or actually much about his background or the kind of person he was at all. Everything about him we were told as true by the other characters but it actually wasn’t reflected in the acting, cinematography etc which should have done the leg work for that. Same issue with Tasha and patrick. The flashbacks sucked out progression to the story where we could actually feel like something is happening. The camera work was overdone. The pan back and forth between people is so clearly reflective of a tennis ball flying through the air, I got that quickly so by the 15th time it happens I’m feeling just annoyed. You don’t need to spell it out for your audience. I felt like it actually wasn’t erotic enough - there should have been pay off for the suspense, the fact that theirs not feels accidental, not purposeful as some sort of meditation on eroticism? I don’t get why patrick clearly likes Artie, and Artie doesn’t feel the same, that wasn’t really explored? Actually many scenes I thought were pretty boring, and the best 3 scenes I would say were the 3 way scene, the Tasha and patrick hooking up scene towards the end and the ending was good, however a bit anti climactic. They hug at the end - feels like a poor attempt to wrap the story up to a thesis? Again, the camera work I thought was really not well composed compositionally and spatially speaking it didn’t make sense with what was happening in the story, or the story should have leaned more into the setting the camera work provides..: thanks for asking lol
@_Devil 21 день назад
Its hard to paint both sides as bad when both sides want so desperately for you to prove that their side is the just side, and the other one is wrong. The good from that is that it ends up alienating the radicals from both sides. The Common Man went to go see this movie, not the Boogaloo Boys or the Portland Maoists. They rejected it as Communist and Fascist propaganda respectively because it didnt paint their views as the correct ones.
@thatstonerr7738 22 дня назад
I’m sorry Eddie is trash and is no role model he was a coward plain and simple he sat by and watched folks die till he finally mustered up the nutsack to be a man and do what he needed to like Jesus people champion cowards now n days
@aldutroix3944 17 дней назад
watched what folks die?
@thatstonerr7738 17 дней назад
@@aldutroix3944 I think he saw two people die at the hand of vecna before he found some balls and decided hey maybe I should save Dustin lol dude is trash
@aldutroix3944 17 дней назад
@thatstonerr7738 he couldn't do anything to save either of those people though....they literally floated to the ceiling out of his reach. What he hated was that he ran away out of fear in those situations, but that's not even cowardly. Wouldn't you run away when there's nothing you can do but watch someone die in a cruel way for unexplained supernatural reasons you don't understand? When he could do something, he did act to save Dustin.
@thatstonerr7738 17 дней назад
@@aldutroix3944 the only reason he saved Dustin was due to the fact he felt helpless for not attempting to save the other kids yes I get the argument that he couldn’t technically stop what vecna was doing but instead of trying to grab there arm and atleast attempt to pull them down nah he just ran and ran and sat here like a small boy confused about what just happened idk I find to many people idolize his character when he really wasn’t a good dude the only redemption arc he had was saving Dustin and even that took him some time to manifest the nuts to do that even when he considered him a best friend at that
@michael.471 22 дня назад
To play defence for Banshees as an Irish person, the story depicts the arbitrary lines during the Irish Civil war pretty dead on.
@michael.471 22 дня назад
That idea of photographers not having an opinion annoys me a lot. I study journalism and the first and most important thing I was taught is that journalists cannot be neutral. That what you focus on and decide is of importance is inherently political.
@unvergebeneid 22 дня назад
2:55 there was a pedophile dad? I think I have to rewatch the movie, this fact was erased entirely from my mind.
@therealtijuanaman 22 дня назад
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Worse then The Room
@2lahesse 22 дня назад
i laughed at a couple punchlines love it, thank you!
@roastbeefy0weefy 23 дня назад
So, I loved it, but I can see why people are chafing about it since it was marketed as a big topical blockbuster. In reality, it's just Nightcrawler for conflict photography. I liked it because I love conflict photography. I don't think it has much to say, but it's beautifully shot, has delicious sound design, and critiques spectacle while showing us spectacle. I'm grateful that Alex Garland sticks to his visions.
@S.R.B.G. 23 дня назад
Just saw this movie yesterday and thought it was a letdown myself, and I went in with zero expectations. Really well made though.
@HunterMagunter 25 дней назад
Terrible show