Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance is an unsung hero of the RTS genre. This channel is dedicated to laughing at myself (and those who choose to join me), getting better at the game, and experimenting with different build orders/unit compositions/etc to find the ideal fit. Welcome!
Beyond All Reason Cast #12
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Beyond All Reason Cast #11
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@sladow5975 2 часа назад
My two cents as a fellow Restorer-enjoyer: General things: What makes Restos so great is that you - as the airplayer - invest into something which also benefits your landplayers. Even some Restos are enough to buy time or even hold the front for your landplayer and force the other one to invest into land as well. You'll have less "air" (dps/hp) than your opponent, so make sure to ask for only a few Sams. What makes Restos bad is their speed. Strats are a pain to deal with so going for Restos only is really only a thing on smaller or gappier maps. Also dunno which pros you asked, the majority of the ones I'm talking to agree on the 1:2 ratio and it's also the ratio we mentioned in the trainer team. Micro: You want to micro Restos into a single ball so the ASF can only shoot once instead of multiple times, meaning you shift+g them constantly. Watch out for AoE (Sams) though as a single SAM will completely fuck your Restos. Against ASF you can either try and do very tight circles, or if your opponent micros with the shift+g, fly completely through and only turn around once the Resto projectiles are done. iirc they were much slower than the ASF. About the cast: Gorthaur targetting the ASF first was the correct move imo. If you compare the dps against ASF, enemy ASF are a bigger threat than the gunships so if you aim to win air (which I suppose he did), go for the ASF first. If you have to buy time or the gunships are the biggest threat, only then target the Gunships as they have the function of being a meatshield. (If you're interested, my recent video was as Aeon airplayer where Restos played a role.)
@Fluffy-jm9mi 5 часов назад
There are two things one should take into account. Restorers anti ground weapon slows down when attacking air. Its technically a bug that wont get fixed. The 2 other t3 gunships actually win in gunship vs gunship battles if the restorers dont kite. No idea what the result would be if equal asf and gunships from cybran or uef fight aeon air.
@therasco400 3 часа назад
That is a interesting point but I think the far more important thing is that restorers force air fights. ASF's will go in to try to kill them opening up miss judging strength.
@GEdluge 6 часов назад
i hope you are having a great day. I enjoy your videos
@skoub3466 6 часов назад
Didn't we test that whit the value of the ASF?
@skoub3466 6 часов назад
Don't forget that tight turn make them vulnerable to t2 aa
@daniele8278 6 часов назад
Good stuff, and makes sense in line with other Aeon tech; average or sub-par by itself, but strong as a combo.
@antonyaiken 23 часа назад
It's on steam. And I still LOVE the sound track.
@rabidlenny7221 День назад
Tbh, you guys definitely lost the game because of poor early play. What drives me insane though is being an 800-900 and not being able to play Mapgens as much as I would like because I’m not 1.2k or 1.4k+
@rabidlenny7221 День назад
Yeah, in my experience mavor seems to nearly always beat salvation. I’ve also seen it beat paragon into salvation spam as well. Mavor to me is that hands down unquestioned winner, unlike my opinions about most units in the game regarding different factions, which is very situational (i play Cybran like 95% of the time) Mavor just seems so legit tho
@aeternis9440 3 дня назад
Hey duelist, have you looked into sins of a solar empire 2? I feel like there’s a good amount of cool science videos you could do for that.
@TheDuelist 2 дня назад
Quite extensively actually. Did a whole video on the early access release for the game and have played quite a bit since release. I would love to get into casting it, but the replay system is a little weird. Might be a good science topic branch out though. Thanks for the recommendation!
@anonymousmcanonymous3055 3 дня назад
Wait, this isn't Forged Alliance but Forged Alliance Forever, right? Isn't it vastly different from the real game? I remember reading stuff about master factories and slaves factories and other weird stuff. And also T2 Cybrans turrets and tanks being ruined.
@TheDuelist 2 дня назад
Correct this is Forged Alliance Forever.
@anonymousmcanonymous3055 День назад
​@@TheDuelist So nothing of this applies to my copy of the game...
@twistedpixel756 4 дня назад
i once went to take a smoke break and discovered that it was raining. the problem was that this door had no awning or cover of any kind. I wasn't about to get soaked, so instead i closed the door and made my way to the other door, which did have a awning. Turns out i'd never needed cover to begin with, because as i opened the door i was greeted with a dry and sunny afternoon. I had to go back to that original door, just to make sure i wasn't going crazy. sure enough it was pouring down raining. these doors were 20 feet apart. here's a video of a similar incident, M0oBvEfkiBc , just pop that into the youtube search bar and enjoy. But wait, i've got one better. there's this weird phenomena called ultra-localized rain. the story i gave earlier about my smoke break was localized rain, but ultra-localized rain will baffle you beyond words. i'm talking about rain falling with a diameter of 4 feet, you can literally jump the entire storm. some look identical to waterfalls, except there is no cliff, no mountain, no river. just a tower of water that reaches all the way into the heavens. put 'ultra localized rain' in your favorite search engine and check it out for yourself
@furbles268 5 дней назад
Are you going to name your child after one of the FAF units like Gyle's "Baby Klinkhammer"?
@TheDuelist 2 дня назад
Baby Rhino actually :D
@CGDW2 7 дней назад
Pickling a cabbage? Are you making kimchi, or is that some euphemism I'm not familiar with? I think cybran t2 land is the worst in a direct confrontation against other t2... in an even fight. But since the Rino is faster than all other t2 tanks aside from the Blaze (which it has a good matchup against) you do get to pick your engagements. And Hoplytes are probably the best counter to t1 spam. But yeah, I also think Cybran shouldn't stay on t2 for too long. I am sure asf easily beat Restorers mass for mass, but I have no idea what ratio one would need to get an even trade, so I'm eagerly awaiting your science video.
@therasco400 7 дней назад
See I sort of agree, I do think Cybran has very good tier 2 units just not on par with the other factions. It has the second best missile launcher, combine this with the mobile stealth and half the time you can take out units before they even get to you. The Hoplyte has massive range so can often shoot out of line of sight and again combined with stealth can hurt the enemy. Flak is Flak.
@beefyfindog7208 6 дней назад
Just need to include a couple of stealth units in the mix, unbeatable t2 then
@TheDuelist 6 дней назад
Nope no euphemism. I believe kimchi has a particular spice blend that makes it kimchi. I just pickled it in a mostly vinegar brine with a little salt and pepper. Very similar pickling liquid you would use for dill pickles. Makes a great addition to tacos or just putting some on top of brisket and other meats.
@CGDW2 6 дней назад
@@TheDuelist That does sound nice
@sillytrooper 7 дней назад
another ttribute for the algorithm
@skoub3466 7 дней назад
the science vid is about the uef billy? I can help if you want :)
@skoub3466 7 дней назад
cybran t2 have the best siege whit the stealth and the best mml if you're just talking about the units
@patriciusvunkempen102 7 дней назад
when i play uef i instictively started to turle from the tart
@daniele8278 8 дней назад
A story recap would be cool (especially the bit about Aeon worshiping the dead Seraphim and being low-key responsible for their return).
@TheKingdomIsComing 8 дней назад
@aeternis9440 9 дней назад
I would love to see some 1v1 ladder matches, either replays or the live gameplays your used to do.
@TheKingdomIsComing 9 дней назад
Is it cheaper to have Navy Subs build nuclear weapons
@CGDW2 9 дней назад
It depends. Nuke sub is (about 35%) cheaper in mass than nuke launcher building, but the missile is the same base cost. Despite that, submarine nuke has much lower damage (22k vs 70k), as well as limited range. T3 navy is also the most expensive t3 to get. Additionally, the regular nuke launcher can benefit from adjacency, while the submarine can't. But I suppose that if you already have t3 navy and don't account for adjacency then a submarine nuke is cheaper.
@therasco400 9 дней назад
I know this is a old vid but I would love to see how effective the sky slammer is.
@OmariusHLD 9 дней назад
u should try pizza in Europe... best in Italy... then u know whats wrong with Domino..^^
@Anox_Skell 10 дней назад
I'm down for watching a lore video
@sillytrooper 8 дней назад
thinks theres like 10 min of lore, not sure its even explained if u technically die when ur acu explodes
@IanDresarie 10 дней назад
dang, poor Ninrai too distracted by his front to realize he could ahve just t3 gunshipped his team to victory
@GEdluge 10 дней назад
i love the nukes, but the giant robots which you could have bought are so much cooler
@sillytrooper 11 дней назад
doesnt drop a link zz
@TheDuelist 11 дней назад
RU-vid converted links to icons a while back. Check again.
@sillytrooper 12 дней назад
sweet vid, condensed, ty!
@edisontrent618 12 дней назад
I saw an Aeon Volcano TMD attract a YOLO's missile and divert it off course from where it was going to land. That feels like something that would be fun to mess with and see the limits of what you can do with it.
@OmariusHLD 13 дней назад
with the nuke on the island he make only pop cap free
@a6of7 13 дней назад
Idea for a science video: how to shield against arty. Do you need to assist shields? What are the cost? Do you mix T2/T3 shields, or only T3 shields? How many shields do you need to blink on/off that they blink on in time for the next arty projectile to hit. In short, how to defend against T3 arti.
@ZLO_FAF 13 дней назад
In older versions (for example steam version) you could block 70k nuke damage but not 500 dmg in order to block you obviously need to have thing explode outside of your shield what was weird and i only realise it now that static shields could die from 500 dmg and not do any blocking while mobile shields would die from 500 dmg but still do blocking so you could tank a nuke using stacked t2 mobile shields t3 sera shields can tank nuke damage well cause they are not getting killed by 500 dmg like 4 sera shields could block all nuke damage heavy shielded sera bases could have t3 pgens survive if player had many shields on the outer sides of the base and stuff like that
@therasco400 13 дней назад
In order for a single missile launcher to fire in 3:40 min you would need 1473 build points in total. This means with the launcher providing 1080 you would need to assist the launcher with 79 tier 1 engineers. 27 tier 3 engineers or 20 rover drones (10 hives). This would boos the cost of a nuke to 54.55 mass per second.
@CGDW2 14 дней назад
Since they recently changed shields to block damage from the billy nuke explosion (and also other AoE damage was already blocked before that change), dunno why they didn't do it for regular nuke damage too. Also, I came here to learn about FaF, but learning how to block the energies radiated by toxic people is a great bonus!
@SebastijanSekol-jt7nx 13 дней назад
@captainjaeger6778 14 дней назад
You wouldn't necessarily have to spawn thousands of projectiles to handle the shield case for nuke damage. You could use an iterative approach with sphere/circle intersection. Detect all generators within the explosion radius, pull the unit data for their shield radius, vector math for the closest point on each shield radius to the explosion's center, sort nearest for iterative order, subdivide the explosion area into the shielded and unshielded section based on the boolean union of the sphere/circles, apply the difference in explosion damage/shield health to that new region, iterate to the next shield in the sorted list, run it against all prior subdivided sections instead of jus the original circle. Apply final damage to units based on what subdivision they occupy and what it's damage value is in a hitscan manner. There's probably an edge case I'm missing here, but overall this isn't too computationally expensive nor is it too complex to implement. I'm guessing they just had higher priorities or *intentionally* wanted nukes to hard counter shield stacking.
@TheDuelist 13 дней назад
That's actually a really good point and showing that I know enough about programming to be dangerous, but not useful :D.
@lMrJackl 14 дней назад
Something I've wondered is about support commanders, specifically ones upgraded for combat. How good are each factions support commanders for fighting against the others or tech 3 and 4 units? It it better or more efficient to build lots of combat sacu's or tech 3 units?
@Flanktank2 14 дней назад
From my extensive experience on this, mass for mass t3 bots always beat exps and Rambo sacu's but take more built time to achieve mass/mass parity. The only sacu I would consider would be rambo seraphim with shield, Regen and overcharge (~10k mass). It can beat any exp mass/mass (assuming you have enough energy to auto OC). Take for example: 1 mega vs 3 Rambo sera sacu, vs 25 bricks. 25 bricks cost 32k mass but take 120k build time but win against everything. 1 mega cost 37k mass and take 60k build time but lose vs the others. Rambo sacu are in the middle.
@TheDuelist 13 дней назад
I did do a video on this a while back, but didn't look at all the combat SACU presets. Be a good one to revisit since it's been a few years.
@edisontrent618 12 дней назад
@@TheDuelist I would love that, because the RamboComs just don't see a lot of play outside of high level players building them, and even then they usually stick to larger numbers of T3 units to cover more area or T4 units. Also, please show the Seraphim and Aeon faction SACUs with being supported by their faction's ACUs with support upgrades against T3 armies/T4 units. I know the Regen Aura and Chrono Dampener upgrades would have pretty decent effects on their combat effectivenes for sure. I guess the Billy Nuke and Cloaked Laser would also be helpful, but those are more "turn the com into a T4 unit" than "support your army" upgrades.
@billbob9674 14 дней назад
Oh my goodness faf science on my lunch break
@aronjaeger 14 дней назад
the "ahem" at the start got me xD
@therasco400 17 дней назад
Something to add is build time is never effected with a cost reduction. Only by adding additional workers assisting does it decrease build time but those engineers will not benefit from the adj bonus of the power gens.
@Vendrius 17 дней назад
Sneaky Monkey reked everything
@rafallukasik3462 17 дней назад
Him , Her or Them , what a retaded supersticion is that. XXI century and you belive bunch of politically controlled clinnicaly insane people over SCIENCE ?
@sillytrooper 17 дней назад
@daniele8278 17 дней назад
Good stuff. When your opponents are holding the line and one guy has been quiet for 20 minutes, you'd best get to scouting.
@Darth_Sand3822 18 дней назад
I ctrl k, I was so far behind on eco and tech I just didn’t want to continue playing this game. If I had enough e storage and power generation to OC the bricks I would have kept going, but I didn’t. So I just called it and gave my eco off to someone else.
@IanDresarie 17 дней назад
you could have at least went down fighting and not ACU-nuke the limited defenses you had up front :/
@Darth_Sand3822 17 дней назад
@@IanDresarie that didn’t really matter, he had more than enough bricks to just walk through everything I had. I didn’t even have T3 land at that point so I couldn’t counter with sniper bot, and I only had a handful of obsidian’s to stop that and didn’t have to eco to spam T2 PD.
@GamingWithHunterMain 18 дней назад
Did you remember to fill the blinker fluid? It could be why one wont flip up.
@sanoman6870 18 дней назад
Glad to hear you’re working on the ol’ project car!
@rockcrusher7000 18 дней назад
glad your back to casting faf !!
@therasco400 20 дней назад
It gets even better in the Mass fab farm when you start to include the adjancy. A single mass fab surrounded by 4 factors will save you 80% on a build cost of the units (20 per factory) 5 mass fabs to 4 factories means you end up with 60 mass from the fabricators but are only consuming about 8 mass per build point in each factory so only using 32 mass. It gets even better if you control K the units and then scoop the reclaim with a ras unit to build expermentals. If all 4 sides of a factory have a mass fabricator on it then when you control K the units each factory was making 10 mas per secound if building bricks.
@furbles268 22 дня назад
@1:00:03 cut the cheese or cut the mustard? :))
@TheDuelist 22 дня назад
Was wondering if anyone would pick up on that :)
@lesliegrayson1722 22 дня назад
lol based on these bad learning ideas Setons is a bad map because of the choke point. I SAY - all maps have good and bad points and weaknesses for good and easy strats. A bad is a map that cant be played at all. People think thermopolae is bad coz it has no air mostly and has a huge choke., but if you play with Werf and Superintendent its awesome. Reality is thermo choke type war is similar to the map Canis 4v4 in that everyone has their own lane within your team game.... Reality is also that these choke maps teach Eco and that you need INTEL.
@lesliegrayson1722 22 дня назад
lol extra mass at the start and still Willo didnt have a plane out in support.. ok aaaahhh getting (a) head.